President Knake Called the Meeting to Order at 7:01 Pm
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Minutes of the Regular Park Board Meeting Board of Park Commissioners Western Springs Park District Village Hall- 740 Hillgrove Ave May 10, 2016 – 7:00 pm
President Knake called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Knake led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance
III. ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS Commissioners Present President Knake, Vice-President Dallavo, Treasurer Velliotis, Commissioner Burton, Commissioner Chen, Commissioner Krull, Commissioner Zeitler STAFF PRESENT John Robinson, Executive Director OTHERS PRESENT Tracy Alden, Director of Recreation; Rob Ekroth, Park District Attorney; Keven Graham, Planning Resources; Allison Zak, Resident.
IV. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 12, 2016 were presented. Comr. Dallavo moved, seconded by Comr. Zeitler to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 12, 2016. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
V. Annual Meeting
A. Election of Officers A motion was made by Comr. Chen, with a second by Comr. Burton to nominate Christopher Dallavo as the President of the Board of Commissioners for the Western Springs Park District for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 6-0. A motion was made by President Dallavo, with a second by Comr. Velliotis to nominate Norma Zeitler as the Vice-President of the Board of Commissioners for the Western Springs Park District for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 6-0.
A motion was made by Vice-President Zeitler, with a second by Comr. Burton to nominate Angelo Velliotis as the Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners for the Western Springs Park District for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 6-0.
B. Appointment of Officers A motion was made by Comr. Knake, with a second by Vice-President Zeitler to appoint John Robinson, Executive Director, to be appointed to the office of Executive Director and Secretary for the Western Springs Park District for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0. A motion was made by Comr. Knake, with a second by Comr. Chen to appointment John Robinson, Executive Director as Representative to the Park District Risk Management Agency (PDRMA) for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0. A motion was made by Vice-President Zeitler, with a second by Comr. Velliotis to appoint Rob Ekroth, with the Law firm Robert R. Ekroth Law Office be appointed to the Office of Attorney for the Western Springs Park District for the year of 2016/17. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
VI. Citizens to be Heard Allison Zak inquired about the size of the fertilizing signs. A suggestion of posting a large scale sign at both the Park District and Village Hall was made. Mrs. Zak also requested that when the east side of Spring Rock Park is being pumped after a rain that staff won’t dump the water into the catch basin as it has silt in it and will clog the catch basin. Mrs. Zak also requested that a calendar with field usage be part of the new website. Executive Director Robinson reported to the Board that there will be a Calendar on the new website which should be launched in July. The Calendar will include programs and events that are organized by the Western Springs Park District.
VII. Park Use Applications None
VIII. Correspondence A. Village Trustee – Tracy Alden Tracy Alden reported that the Village Board of Trustees meeting was May 9. WSBA had a presentation of scholarship awards to youth. Citizen Commonwealth area renovation report and Committee reports were given.
B. Recreation Department - Tracy Alden Director Tracy Alden reported that the Recreation Commission had their meeting last week. The Recreation Department had a fee increase and has begun discussing a program increase possibility. Tri State Construction has asked for permission to use Hillgrove Ave and Burlington Ave along the tracks to the toll way. Tower Trot is May 28, Tennis program is underway, and concerts are ready to go. Lacrosse is up and running and Camp Registration is open with Camps starting June 6 through 13. Director Alden thanked the Western Springs Park District for the invitation to the Grand Reopening of the new sports fields at Spring Rock Park.
C. Treasurer/Budget - Angelo Velliotis Treasurer Velliotis reported the Park District’s End of Month Balance is $1,889,892.00. Comr. Burton moved, seconded by Comr. Knake to approve the Park Districts Monthly Budget. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0.
IX. Unfinished Business Keven Graham from Planning Resources went over the finalized Capital Improvement booklet with Board Members. Discussion was held, Keven answered questions from Board Members. He also stated that there will be an electronic version of the booklet given to Executive Director Robinson.
X. New Business None
XI. Legal None
XII. Approval of Purchases None
XIII. Matters from Executive Director Executive Director Robinson said the Grand Reopening of the Spring Rock Park Sports fields is Friday, May 13 at 6:00. Ribbon cutting will take place at 6:15 pm. Spring Rock Park New Field repair piping is taking place this week. Executive Director Robinson informed the Board Members of the National Parks and Recreation Conference taking place from October 5 – 8 in St. Louis. Also, a request was made to move the August 9, 2016 Board Meeting to August 2, 2016. Forest Hills Project is complete and the fence is to be taken down on May 11. Ribbon cutting is scheduled for May 16, 2016.
XIV. Matters from Commissioners It was brought up that the 2020 Tollway Expansion will actually start its staging process in 2018. Ideas were discussed on how Spring Rock Park will be affected.
XV. ADJOURNMENT Vice-President Zeitler moved, seconded by Comr. Velliotis to adjourn the regular board meeting session at 8:13 pm. On voice vote the motion was approved 7-0. Respectfully submitted, Barb Kartzmark, Park Board Secretary