In Enhancing Students Speaking Skill
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Chapter II Implementation of Think-Pair-Share in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill
This chapter presents literature that is relevant to this study. It serves as a foundation of the study in order to keep discussion on track based on the objectives formulated in the previous chapter. It consists of discussion about speaking, the types of classroom speaking performance, the principles of teaching speaking technique, assessment in teaching speaking, Cooperative Learning
Method, definition of technique, Think-Pair-Share technique, the advantages of
Think-Pair-Share technique, related studies, and how they are mutually connected.
II.1 Speaking
II.1.1 Definition of Speaking
Speaking is process of changing ideas to be information which is submitted by speaker to the interlocutor. It is in line with Brown statement cited in
Atom (2011) that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.
Another definition of speaking proposed by Cooper and Morreale, cited in
Fisher and Frey (2007), refers to uniquely human act or process of sharing and exchanging information, ideas, and emotion using oral language. It means that in
1 speaking process the speakers are required to organize coherent messages, deliver them clearly, and adapt them to their interlocutors.
In other words Lado (1971) states that speaking is produce language; language is the chief means by which the human personality expresses itself and fulfills its basic need for social interaction with other persons. Establishment of good social interaction depends on the form of communication. Therefore, speaking as a form of communication with language as its means is important in establishing social interaction.
Based on those explanations it can be concluded that speaking is process of conveying ideas, opinions, emotion, and information by speakers to the interlocutor through language as its means.
II.1.2 the Types of Classroom Speaking Performance
According to Brown (2001) there are six types of speaking performance in classroom. Those are:
1. Imitative
Imitative speaking is a process of learning with mimic a model such as the
teacher or speaker from an audio involving the sense of hearing as a recipient
of stimuli to be imitated later.
2 2. Intensive
Intensive speaking is one step of learning phonological and grammatical
aspects of language through giving assignment in order to the students
practice a lot.
3. Responsive
Responsive speaking is learning process by providing a brief reply to the
teacher or students through questions or comments.
4. Transactional (dialogue)
Transactional speaking is a learning which is carried out for the purpose of
conveying or exchanging specific information. It is an extended form of
responsive speaking.
5. Interpersonal (dialogue)
Interpersonal speaking is a form of dialogue which emphasizes the social
relationship between the speakers and interlocutor rather than conveying facts
and information. It can involve some or all of the following factors, those are:
A casual register
Colloquial language
Emotional charge language
3 Slang
A cover “agenda”
6. Extensive (monologue)
Extensive speaking also called extended monologues. It can be formed an
oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches.
II.1.3 Principles of Teaching Speaking Techniques
Brown (2001) states that there are seven principles of designing teaching
speaking techniques in the classroom. The seventh principles are briefly
described as follow:
The first principle is use techniques that cover the learners’ needs. It
means that teaching technique has to fix the illnesses of the students. For example
in teaching speaking, the students’ problems in speaking are: pronunciation,
spelling, fluency, use of vocabularies, use of grammar, and so on. The
appropriate technique is the technique which can solve those students; problems.
The second principle is the technique must provide intrinsically
motivating. It means technique in teaching speaking has to motivate the students
to be braver in speaking. A good teaching speaking technique has to raise
students’ self confident in speaking.
4 The third principle is the technique must encourage the use of authentic
language in meaningful contexts. It means the teaching speaking technique
enable to be grammar exercises for the students to practice authentic language
and meaningful interaction.
The fourth principle is the technique must provide appropriate feedback
and correction. It means the teaching speaking technique enable to create more
interactions between the teacher and the students in order to facilitate feedback
and corrections from the teacher.
The fifth principle is the technique must capitalize on the natural link
between speaking and listening. It means the teaching speaking technique enable
to encourage speaking and listening activities for the students.
The sixth principle is the technique must give students opportunities to
initiate oral communication. It means activities in the teaching speaking enable to
the students have been conditioned to speak initiatively. Activities in the teaching
speaking have to enhance students’ communication competence.
The seventh principle is the technique must encourage the development of
speaking strategies. The teaching speaking technique has enable to the students
become aware of, and have a chance to practice speaking strategies.
II.1.4 Assessment in Teaching Speaking
5 Generally, assessment divided into summative assessment and formative
assessment. Summative assessment is the kind of measurement that takes place to
round things off or make a one-off measurement (Harmer, 2007). Summative
assessment usually conducts at the end of academic year or semester.
Whereas a formative assessment is the kind of feedback teachers give
students as a course is progressing and which, as a result, may help them to
improve their performance (Harmer, 2007). Formative assessment also means
that teachers as well as students may have to change and develop (Leung and
Lewkowicz in Harmer, 2007). Formative assessment conducts at a micro-level,
for example in every chapter or at the end of lesson material.
In this research the writer asks the teacher to conduct formative assessment
to measure students’ improvement in every material. The teacher assessed the
students at the end of teaching material, in this case in every cycle. There are tree
cycles with three different materials, namely: biography text, descriptive text, and
According to Harmer (2007) there are five aspects in speaking assessment.
There are pronunciation, fluency, use of vocabulary, use of grammar, and
II.2 Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning is part of a group of teaching/learning techniques when student interact with each other to acquire and practice the elements of a
6 subject matter and to meet common learning goals. It is much more than putting students into groups and hoping for the best (Macpherson, 2007).
In the same line Slavin, 2008 argues Cooperative Learning place students of different races or ethnicities in learning groups where each group member is given an equal role in helping the group to achieve its goals. It has meant that
Cooperative Learning is not only about students’ group activities. Moreover, in
Cooperative Learning students learn to cooperate with other students. Students share their ideas and discuss the materials that can’t be solved by themselves.
In Cooperative Learning, students also learn social skills, such as leadership skill, teamwork skill, listening, validating others, respecting point of view different from their own and conflict resolution skill (Kagan & Kagan,
2009). Besides, work in a group needs for team building in order for groups to get to know each other and develop the trust and skills to work together (Dornyei, in
Harmer 2002).
Cooperative learning is different with Collaborative learning. According to
Oxford, in Brown (2001) the different between Cooperative and Collaborative
Learning are as follows:
Cooperative Learning is more structured, more prescriptive, to teachers about classroom techniques, more directive to students about how to work together in groups [than Collaborative learning]. In cooperative learning models, a group learning activity is dependent on the socially structured exchange of information between learners. In Collaborative learning, the learners engages with more capable others (teaching, advanced, peers, etc.), who provide assistance and guidance.
7 There are four basic principles of Cooperative Learning which makes
Cooperative Learning method different with the others methods are also stated by
Kagan & Kagan (2009), those principles are symbolized with the acronym PIES:
1. Positive Interdependence
Positive interdependence means positive correlations between the students with each other. The students realize that they are mutually dependent on each other in their group. When the students realize that thing, they are motivated to encourage and help each other.
2. Individual Accountability
Individual accountable means in Cooperative Learning students work in the group to learn do not for hide behind their members group. Even though they work in the group, but every student has accountability to give contributions for their group.
3. Equal Participation
Equal participation means the participation is not voluntary. Every student in the group must participate about equally. Therefore they will learn and get benefit equally. Cooperative Learning is different with traditional learning which creates competition to gain achievement in classroom. Because in Cooperative
Learning the students learn about equally, so when equal participation is put in place, Cooperative Learning will close the achievement gap.
4. Simultaneous Interaction
8 Simultaneous interaction means create interaction frequently between members of group. So the students not only learn how to speak or propose their ideas, but also learn how to listen their members’ ideas. Besides, interaction frequently also gives the chance to the students to know closer with their members group.
In other words Macpherson (2007) states that Cooperative Learning is a very formal way of structuring activities in a learning environment that includes specific elements intended to increase the potential for rich and deep learning by the participants. Cooperative Learning models include the following basic principles:
Group tasks are designed to be suitable for group work.
Positive interdependence is built in-cooperation is necessary for students
to succeed.
Attention and class time are given to interpersonal/cooperative building.
Participants learn together in small (2-5 members) groups.
Students are individually countable for learning and participation.
Cooperative Learning is not only beneficial for the students, but also for the teachers. Cooperative learning is an efficient method because students learn in the groups. Learning activities do not spend as much time as individual learning.
In efficient time, the teachers can teach the materials accordance with the goals which has been planned.
9 In addition, the writer concludes that cooperative learning is a set of technique that helpful to make the learners active in classroom by using cooperation principle.
II.3 Definition of Technique
According to Brown (2001), Technique is any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, used in the classroom. In a specific way Anthony in
Kimtafsirah (2011) said that Techniques are the specific activities manifested in a selected approach.
Based on explanation above Technique is teacher’s way to transfer the materials in classroom activities. Refer to that statements, the teacher must have appropriate technique for guiding learners in classroom activities.
II.4 Think-Pair-Share Technique
Think-Pair-Share is one of techniques which is designed by Cooperative
Learning. It integrates wait-time, verbal rehearsal, discussion and learning using cooperation principle. Think-Pair-Share was developed by Frank Lyman in 1981.
This simple technique gets its name from three steps of students’ action that emphasis on what they do at each of those stages. The stages are as follows:
The first step is Think
The students take a few moments to think about the question
presented by the teacher and write their individual answers depending of
the complexity on the question.
10 The second step is Pair
The students pair up to discuss about the answer each came up
with. They compare their ideas and identify the answers that they think are
the best, most convincing, or most unique.
The third step is Share
The pair shares their ideas with another pair, or with whole class. It
is important that students need to be able to share their ideas with their
own words. So that the teacher will be able to differentiate between who
understand about the topics and who does not.
II.4.1 Advantages of Thing-Pair-Share Technique
Students need many opportunities to talk in a linguistically rich environment. Researchers have found that students' learning is enhanced when they have many opportunities to elaborate on ideas through talk (Pressley, in
Teacher Vision blog: 2000). Think-Pair-Share strategy increases the kinds of personal communications that are necessary for students to internally process, organize, and retain ideas (Pimm, in Teacher Vision blog : 2000). There are the advantages by using Think-Pair-Share technique as follows:
1. When student have appropriate “think time”, the quality of their responses
11 2. Students are actively engaged in the thinking.
3. Thinking becomes more focused when it is discussed with a partner.
4. More of critical thinking is retained after the lesson if students have an
opportunity to discuss and reflect on the topic.
5. Many students find it safer or easier to enter into a discussion with another
classmate, rather than with a large group.
6. No specific materials are needed for the strategy, so it can easily be
incorporated into lessons.
7. Building the ideas of other is an important skill for students to learn.
Lie (2008) also states about the advantages and weaknesses of pair activities. The advantages of pair activities are:
1. Improve students participation in learning activities
2. Suitable for simple assignment
3. Give more the chance to the partner for giving contribution
4. Interactions between students are easier
5. Pair the students are faster and easier
Whereas the weaknesses are:
1. There are many pairs who will report, so the teacher needs to
monitor whole of pairs.
12 2. There is less of ideas
3. There is no mediator if the pair has conflict.
But all of weaknesses can be minimize by the teacher’s coordination and attention. Additional advantages from the writer, Think-Pair-Share technique taught the students to cooperate with the other students. The students will be learned how to make a good team with organize their egoism when propose their ideas, to find the best idea. It can be useful for their social life beside in classroom activities.
II.5 Related Studies
There were related studies about the implementation of Think-Pair-Share technique for teaching English comprehensions. In this section the writer presents some related studies which are discussed briefly to give clear foundation and support this research.
The first study was conducted by Adly Syah Putra Nasution (2012). He did classroom action research entitled “Improvement Students’ Achievement in
Writing Descriptive Text by Using Think-Pair-Share Technique”. His research applied toward eighth grade students of Junior High School Bilang Hulu, Rantau
Parapat. He wrote that there were improvements toward students’ achievement from 66.4375 of mean score in the first evaluation, to 78.125 in the second evaluation, and 87.5625 in the third evaluation. From his classroom action
13 research, can be concluded that Think-Pair-Share technique could improve students’ writing skill in eighth grade students of Junior High School Bilang Hulu,
Rantau Parapat.
The second study was conducted by Nikmatul Jannah (2013) from Islamic
University of Malang who wrote a paper entitled “The Effectiveness of Think-
Pair-Share Technique in Teaching Reading”. She applied Think-Pair-Share technique in seventh grade of Junior High School Almas’udiyah Pramian Sreseh
Sampang with using quantitative approach. The results of her study were the mean score of pre-test of the experimental group was 16.14 and the control group was
15.71. While the mean score in post-test of the experimental group was 17.90 and the control group was 16.80. Although there is a less of improvement, but Think-
Pair-Share technique was felt effective in teaching reading in seventh grade of
Junior High School Almas’udiyah Pramian Sreseh Sampang. She also realized that the implementation of Think-Pair-Share technique was not optimal. So there were weaknesses which have to minimize for the further researchers.
Think-Pair-Share technique not only improves students’ English comprehensons. But also in others subject. As example, the researches which were conducted by Khuzaiyyatun (2011) and Giyastutik (2009). They applied
Think-Pair-Share technique in teaching Biology. Khuzziatun Niswah was a student of Bandung Islamic State University who wrote a paper entitled
“Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Biologi Antara Siswa yang Menggunakan
Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Think-Pair-Share dan Teknik Think-Pair-
14 Square”. The result of her research, both the implementation of Think-Pair-Share technique and Think-Pair-Square technique influenced toward tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah An-Nida in Bekasi. Both of them improve students’ critical analysis, especially in the implementation of Think-Pair-Share technique.
Generally, the mean score of students by using Think-Pair-Share technique were higher than the mean score of students by using Think-Pair-Share technique.
Although, both of them improved students’ learning achievement at tenth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah An-Nida in Bekasi.
The last related study is the study was conducted by Giyastutik from
Sebelas Maret University. Her paper entitled “Penerapan pembelajaran
Kooperative Think-Pair-Share untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Biologi
Terhadap Siswa Kelas VII A SMP Negeri 3 Karanganyar”. Based on her paper there were improvements of the students after teaching Biology by using Think-
Pair-Share technique. Those improvements were shown by the mean score in pre- test about 58.75, in cycle 1 was 72.19, and in cycle 2 was 80.46. It means that the students’ score improved significantly after the implementation of Think-Pair-
Share technique in teaching Biology.
As the conclusion, Think-Pair-Share technique is an appropriate teaching technique for improving students’ skill in every subject and every grade.