River Clyde, Glasgow Green

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River Clyde, Glasgow Green

Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club CORPORATE SPRINT REGATTA


Your company is invited to assemble a crew (or crews) of four to compete in the inaugural Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club Corporate Sprint Regatta on the River Clyde.

Over the summer they will be provided with the necessary equipment, hopefully a few laughs and all of the training required to compete in a day of racing against other beginners.

The emphasis of the event is very much on building team skills of cooperation and coordination: every year we see those who listen best, work together, adapt to a new environment and respond to the strengths and weaknesses of their colleagues performing better and enjoying the experience more than the biggest and the fittest.

Training begins with an introductory session at the Scottish Rowing Centre – a state of the art indoor facility located at Strathclyde Country Park. Here, coaches will have the opportunity to safely communicate to you the basics of rowing in preparation for your on-the-water training at our club on Glasgow Green.

In the following weeks, our experienced coaches and coxswains will help you to develop the technique and team work necessary to operate as a coordinated crew in preparation for a day of head-to-head racing with many other Corporate crews.

Prizes on the day will include commemorative etched glasses for those reaching the final, with those winning the event being awarded the British Steel Trophy.

In addition to the main racing events, regatta day will also see a variety of sprint race events, a youth skills test and our ‘Ergo Challenge’ – a relay event to see which crew can set the fastest time for 2,000m on one of our Concept II rowing machines. The rules are simple:  Each company will put forward a crew (or crews) of four people with no previous club rowing experience.  Entries are limited to 20 crews.  The cost of entry is £400 per crew.  Training will comprise one indoor session at the Scottish Rowing Centre (week commencing 12th June ) and six on-the-water sessions on the River Clyde with their appointed coach (between week commencing 19th June to 31st July).

The format for racing shall be as follows:  The course shall be over 250m downstream on the River Clyde at Glasgow Green.  Each race shall be between two crews.  Races shall be handicapped to compensate for the ratio of male to female members to allow for fair racing.  Each crew will compete in up to four group stage races with the top two teams from each group going forward to knock-out events.  Health and safety will be key to both regatta day and the training sessions with first aid provision and safety launches in place.

Entries will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis, so get in quick!

Entries close Wednesday 31st May 2017

For more information visit www.clydesdalearc.org.uk or email [email protected]

Clydesdale ARC Corporate Regatta 2017 Entry Form

Crew Details:

Company Name: ……………………………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………….



Main Contact Name: ……………………………………………………………………….

Contact Telephone: ……………………………………………………………………….

Contact Email Address:………………………………………………………………………..

Coach (if known): ………………………………………………………………………..

Crew Names: 1……………………………………………………………………...




Entry Information:

Please read the following information carefully to help with your crew registration:

 A regatta programme will be prepared for race day and nearer the time we will ask for a crew name and a crew profile for inclusion. Is event sponsorship or a programme advertisement of interest to your company? Yes / No (please circle)  Entries are limited to 20 crews.

 Deadline for entries is Wednesday 31st May 2017

 Entries are only valid with full payment of £400 per crew of four people. Cheques made payable to Clydesdale ARC.

 Each crew member must complete a Corporate Regatta Disclaimer Form. Forms must be printed double-sided to be valid. Crews will not be allowed to start their on- the-water training until this form has been completed.

 In order to complete your crew registration you need to ensure that you return the following:

o Entry form

o Cheque payment for £400 per crew of four people

o Four completed Corporate Regatta Disclaimer forms (one per crew member)

Please send the above forms and payment to: Stella Hawthorne Flat 4 / 1, 16 Springhill gardens, Glasgow G41 2EX

visit www.clydesdalearc.org.uk or email [email protected] Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club Corporate Regatta Disclaimer Form

DISCLAIMER: CLYDESDALE AMATEUR ROWING CLUB IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY (OR LOSS OF PROPERTY) TO ANY PERSON SUFFERED WHILE WATCHING OR PARTICIPATING IN ACTIVITIES AT WITH OR UNDER THE AUSPICES OF CLYDESDALE AMATEUR ROWING CLUB FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE CLYDESDALE AMATEUR ROWING CLUB INSTRUCTOR/COACH, MEMBER, VOLUNTEER, OR AGENT OF CLYDESDALE AMATEUR ROWING CLUB OR ANY OTHER ROWER, VISITOR OR PERSON PRESENT AT OR PARTICIPATING IN ACTIVITIES SUPPORTED BY CLYDESDALE AMATEUR ROWING CLUB. In consideration of my participation I hereby accept the foregoing disclaimer and in voluntarily participating in such activity and sport acknowledge the risks and dangers inherent and associated with the sport of rowing and ancillary activities and accordingly undertake and bind myself my family and executors not to hold Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club and such others as hereinbefore mentioned for any injury loss or death suffered by me as a result of my participating in the foregoing activities. By accepting this document, I acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in physical exercise. By accepting this document, I acknowledge being informed of the strenuous nature of the activity and the potential for unusual but possible physiological results including but not limited to abnormal blood pressure, fainting, heart attack or even death. I also understand that I may stop any training session at anytime. By accepting this document, I assume all risk for my health and well being and any result injury or mishap that may affect my well being or health in any way and relieve of any responsibility, the instructor, facility or persons involved with the program and testing procedures. I understand and accept this document.



Postcode: Email:

Telephone no.: Mobile no.: Emergency Name of contact no.: contact:

Date of birth: Gender: *

Ethnic origin: * Disability: * * The Scottish Amateur Rowing Association requires that all affiliated rowing clubs provide this information for statistical purposes only. Any information given here will not affect your application to take part in the Corporate Regatta or any subsequent membership application to Clydesdale ARC. Please note only club office bearers will have access to personal information for administration purposes. I wish to take part in the Corporate Regatta and agree to abide by the rules and bylaws of the Club. I understand and accept the disclaimer and club safety guidelines overleaf. I am able to swim at least 100 metres wearing light clothing. Signed: Date:

Applicants under 18:This application has my approval. I understand and accept the disclaimer above and I confirm that the applicant can swim at least 100 metres, wearing light clothing. Please tick the box if you do not want rowing photographs of your child appearing on our website or advertisement material.

Signature of parent or legal guardian: Date: Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club Safety Guidelines

 Make sure you are fully acquainted with, and at all times obey, the local rules of navigation specific to the Clyde above the weir, namely.

1. Boats should be launched and returned to the steps facing upstream 2. Boats should head upstream on the north bank (i.e. the side of the boathouse) and downstream on the south bank. 3. Boats going upstream should use the north arch of each bridge with the exception of Dalmarnock and Rutherglen bridges where the north arch should be used unless impractical. 4. Boats going downstream should give way to faster crews going downstream. 5. Boats going upstream should give way to crews going downstream. 6. Boats must start to turn prior to the steps located on either side of the river at the boathouse 7. Rowing is not allowed without the presence of an authorised member. 8. The most senior committee member present has the sole responsibility as to whether it is safe for boats to take to the water.

 Beginners should not use equipment without prior and adequate instruction and not boat unsupervised. It is also important that they do not go above the 500 metre straight on which the boathouse is situated – i.e. out of sight. All rowers and scullers must be able to swim 100 metres in light clothing. All should be prepared to demonstrate this on request by the Safety Advisor. Beginners should also make themselves aware of obstacles on the river. See map on the boathouse door.

 Do not attempt to turn your boat around on a bend, or under a bridge.

 No rowers are allowed beyond the corner at the top of the 5km Belvedere straight.

 All equipment should be in good working order and in a safe condition before use. If you discover this not to be the case please report the damages and do not use the equipment until it has been repaired. If damaged, a note must be left on the boat to warn other club members of the boat condition.

 All coxswains must wear a lifejacket when on the water. Coxswains in “front-loader” positions must wear lifejackets, which allow them easy escape from their position – i.e. not the foam filled type. There are also lifejackets available for beginners going out in aquajogs and sculls.

 All coxswains must learn and use simple commands for boat control on and off the water: use them correctly, clearly and instinctively: and understand the basic commands and signals of other river users.

 All persons steering a boat are responsible for the crew/sculler in his/her charge. The coach shall ensure that every member of the crews in which he/she has charge is aware of the appropriate safety procedures at all times.

 All coaches on the bank should carry a rescue line/throw-bag with them up the bank.

 In cases of emergency George Parsonage should be contacted at the top of the 500 metre straight. Please see notice on the boathouse door for contacts in case of emergency.

 Finally, you must be constantly aware of the right of others to the free use of the water and extend to them at all times the courtesy you would similarly wish to receive.

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