Course Objective

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Course Objective

Genetics Syllabus

Mr. Lindeman

Room 1.16 [email protected] Course Objective

This course, Genetics, is an “Honors” level class designed to educate students about developments in the field of Genetics, and to prepare them for college. Inheritance patterns, birth defects, cellular biology, and biotechnology will be major areas of attention. This course should be of particular interest to college bound students with ambitions toward medical or health-related careers.

Content Outline

Unit 1 Chapter 1 – Applications of Genetics (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) Chapter 2 – Cells and Mitosis (2.1, 2.3, 2.5) Chapter 3 – Meiosis, Teen Pregnancy, Birth Defects (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)

Activities & Labs 1. The Cell Cycle (Stage Identification & Timing) 2. What Happens To A Gene During Mitosis And Meiosis? (Drawing Cell Stages)

Unit 2 Chapter 4 – Single Gene Inheritance, Mendel’s Laws, Dominant & Recessive Genes, Punnett Square and Pedigree Analysis, Probability (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) Chapter 5 – Extensions and Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws, Multiple Alleles, Incomplete Dominance, M-linked Genes, Co-dominance, etc. (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Activities & Labs 1. Punnett Squares (5 types) 2. Pedigree Construction (Blue People of Troublesome Creek, Your Family) 3. Pedigree Analysis (9 types) 4. Chi-Square, Product Rule, and Sum Rule

Unit 3 Chapter 6 – Sexual Development, Sex-linked Inheritance, X-inactivation, Genomic Imprinting (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5) Chapter 7 – Multifactorial Traits, Polygenic Traits (7.1, 7.2)

Activities & Labs 1. Punnett Squares (X-linked Recessive and X-linked Dominant) 2. Mosaic Cats 3. Fingerprint Analysis

Unit 4 Chapter 9 – DNA Structure & Function, Replication (9.1, 9.2, 9.3) Chapter 10 – Transcription, Translation, RNA Structure & Function, Gene Structure (10.1, 10.2, 10.3) Chapter 11 – Encoding Two Genes in One, Non-coding DNA/RNA (11.3, 11.4) Activities & Labs 1. DNA Extraction 2. Genes In A Bottle 3. Protein Synthesis

Unit 5 Chapter 12 – Gene Mutations and DNA Repair (12.4, 12.6) Chapter 13 – Chromosomes, Karyotyping, Defective and Abnormal Chromosomes, Uniparental Disomy, Aneuploidy, Polyploidy (13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5)

Activities & Labs 1. Types of Mutations and Effect On Proteins 2. Karyotype – Correlation Coefficient 3. Karyotype – Defect Analysis

Unit 6 Chapter 14 – Constant Allele Frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (14.2 – 14.4) Chapter 15 – Changing Allele Frequencies – Non-random Mating, Migration, Genetic Drift, Natural Selection, Balanced Polymorphisms (15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5, 15.7) Chapter 19 – Technology & Modifying DNA, Recombinant DNA Technology (19.3)

Activities & Labs 1. Lactose Tolerance 2. Population Genetics & Hardy-Weinberg 3. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 4. RPLP’s 5. Genetic Transformation


Notebooks are kept to retain all coursework done in this class, develop organizational skills, and as a back-up for grade discrepancies. They will be collected at the end of the trimester for a grade. Each notebook should be divided into the following five sections: 1. Syllabus 2. Notes 3. Vocabulary 4. Chapter Reviews 5. Worksheets & Labs Classroom Information

Calendar You are expected to keep a weekly calendar of events and due dates so that you will be prepared daily for class.

Classroom Notes You are expected to take notes that are given on the SmartBoard, overhead, whiteboard, and from videos that are shown. This material will be used to outline the chapters, introduce and clarify chapter concepts, and supplement the educational materials that you will be using. Topics that are covered may not be referred to in your text, and this will serve as your resource. Information present in your notes will be used on the tests.

Laboratory Exercises You are expected to participate in all laboratory exercises, and to practice lab safety at all times. Food and drink are not allowed in the lab room, and no horseplay will be tolerated. Laboratory exercises are designed to give you a hands-on model to help clarify various topics, or to demonstrate procedures. Knowledge gained from these activities will be tested on the unit tests.

Worksheets Most worksheets are started in class, and if not completed by the end of the period, they will be due at the beginning of class on the next school day. This material will be used on tests.

Unit Vocabulary Studying science is like learning a new language, and comprehending the vocabulary is necessary to understand various topics. You will be given a vocabulary list for each unit, and are expected to know the meaning of these terms. You will have at least one quiz over this vocabulary each unit, and it will also appear in the unit tests. There are no retaking quizzes.

Reading You are expected to read! You will be given reading assignments from your textbook each unit, and will have other occasional readings throughout the unit. Material found in your reading will appear on the unit tests.

Participation Points You will earn daily points for actively participating, and following classroom procedure. Deductions from these points will be made for those individuals who become distracted from the task at hand. Points that have not been earned due to any absence, tardies, etc., can be earned through bonus points awarded on specific assignments.

Attendance See student handbook. A tardy in this class will be defined as any student not in the classroom at the BEGINNING of the bell. Every two tardies counts as an absence. Make-up Work You are responsible for all work that you miss due to absence, and have a limited time to do this. Refer to the student handbook. Lab work must be completed within one week of the lab due to the degradation of the materials used. All make-up work should be completed during Success Period, or other arrangements can be made.

Late Work Late work will be accepted up to one school day late, but will be assessed a 50% deduction. Assignments that will not be accepted late are those that have long completion periods such as projects that are assigned weeks to months earlier.

Test Retakes The tests given in this course are thorough and comprehensive, but are not impossible. They are designed to give students a taste of college, and to prepare them for these evaluations. Due to the amount of material covered in a unit, each test may be retaken once to erase an unsatisfactory grade. Students should realize that they will not get a second chance in college, and nothing substitutes for studying! Students must correct the original test during Success Period, and then will be given another form of the test to take. Students will be given the average of the two test scores. Test retakes must be completed before the next unit test is given.

Extra Credit Students may earn extra credit by turning in one Genetic news article each Thursday. A copy of the article, along with a summary, will be collected at the beginning of the period. Summaries should include why the article is newsworthy, and how it relates to genetics. Articles turned in later will be used for the next week. Other extra credit will include improvement on non-graded tests and quizzes, and various lab activities and outcomes. There will be no other extra credit.

Passes Passes are not given during the first ten minutes of class except to the nurse.

Grades Grades will be posted each Friday by a four-digit code number given by the student. This will keep the student updated on their progress in this class. Students should check for missing assignments in case of one not being entered in the computer. The grading scale is as follows: A = 90 - 100% B = 80 – 89.99% C = 70 – 79.99% D = 60 – 69.99%

Electronics Electronics such as IPODs and cell phones are not allowed in class. Please don’t bring them, so that I do not have to confiscate them. Calculators may be brought to class, and used at any time.

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