Minutes of Neighbourhood Plan Torquay

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Minutes of Neighbourhood Plan Torquay



MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN TORQUAY Riviera International Conference Centre, Grace Murrell Room Public meeting 16th December 2013 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Board Members: Susie Colley (SC) Chair person Julie Brandon (JB) Vice Chair Andy Baker (AB) Treasurer

Present: Additional Item No Minute/Action Agreed Note/Action Carried Forward 1. Welcome, Housekeeping and Apologies

SC welcomed everybody, identified the fire exits, requested that everybody sign the attendance record sheet and that all turn their mobile phones off. SC made everyone aware that the meeting was going to be taped and asked if there were any objections. There were no objections.

Apologies: Alison Hernandez, Lee Kerslake, Antony Morton, Barry Dunnage, Steph Nickels, Cllr Robert Excell (arriving later), Barry Cole, Margaret Forbes Hamilton, Cllr Steve Darling, Cllr Jenny Faulkner,Kevin Mowatt

2. Nicholas James Group/MDL/David Jobbins/Nick Roach - Update on their scheme/Discuss their latest Proposals Q’s & A’s David Jobbins originally a Town Planner and now working for the Nicholas James group gave a presentation on their proposals for the Pavilion Scheme. (See appendix 1) Questions, answers and discussion from the floor included: What is the height of the tallest part of the hotel? 6 floors of residential above restaurant, 7 stories high. The top of the penthouse is very similar in height to Harbour Point.

75 Teignmouth Road, Torquay, TQ1 4ES Tel: 01803 314600 Email; [email protected] 2

How many bedrooms will the hotel have? – It is a 65 bed hotel (standard for 4*) plus 45 apartments and the ground floor will be commercial and retailers.

What about the view looking at the Pavilion with the structure behind it? One of the key design features was to consider the visual impact of the building when viewed in the gardens and beyond and to be careful in positioning the height of the building.

Why use Cary Green? Why can’t it be left as it is? Cary Green is required as a regeneration package to make the whole proposal work. It is essential that car parking is provided. There is a requirement for spaces for the Marina berth holders and 1 parking space per apartment/hotel. Taking that into account a valet system is already being looked at being used. Cary Green has been looked at by landscape architects and will be a well designed and managed car park.

The most recent documents from the TNP say that Cary Green must be protected. Why can’t the public multi-storey car park be used? Operationally it would not work. The viability of the Scheme overall needs to be looked at including the other benefits offered in terms of the restoration of the Pavilion,. the inner harbour, the Public realm and the hotel. English Heritage have seen the proposals and have accepted the principles. The proposal still needs planning consent and listed building consent. When the application goes in in January have a look at it then as it will be supported with a lot more information.

‘Cary Green has covenants and is protected by English Heritage’. English Heritage has no restrictions in terms of the proposal. The covenant on the land is a separate issue and needs to be negotiated.

Concern that the Ziggurat and the walkway would be removed as part of this proposal - can we have assurances that this isn’t the case? There is no proposal to touch it.

Why can’t we build a car park underneath the green? There are lots of constraints – cost, digging underneath a registered park and garden, access and culverts.

The Pavilion needs an economically viable use with annual maintenance. This proposal will provide 160 indirect, full time permanent jobs in an all year round facility. Time scales – Planning application will be submitted in January and if successful work could start next Autumn.

There will be an opportunity when the plans come out for you to have your say. 3. AOB

4. Minutes 2nd September 2013 These were accepted as a true record. Proposer: Paul Raybould Seconder: Cllr Mark Kingscote

5. Treasurers Report

75 Teignmouth Road, Torquay, TQ1 4ES Tel: 01803 314600 Email; [email protected] 3

Invoices Received

TTCCP’s Viability Report Money in the Bank £346.55 West Country Health Care £3410.63 £1487.32 Lee Bray £2500.00 Money due from council£700.00 Total money owed £4333.87

Insufficient funds by £923.24

AG pointed out that the Council was holding PGL frontrunner funding of £11,000 to help with the TNP some of which can be drawn down to pay the invoices. SC to work with AG Next SG meeting – items on the Agenda will include tightening up the constitution, ways in which the SG can work together, identifying and AB prior to costs in a more detailed form than in the past. meeting – giving us a clear idea of funds that SC has list of Companies that may wish to sponsor the TNP. SC asked for a volunteer to draft a letter. There were no takers. we have. Concerns were raised at the idea of sponsorship and vested interests. A suggestion was that it could be sponsorship in kind. – eg solicitors donating their time. The TNF needs to think carefully about the image shown. Item to be discussed at next SG meeting. Cllr RE suggested approaching the Mayors Fund, which is for Neighbourhood projects, and the BID. Cllr RE to contact the MH requested a breakdown of the invoices. Mayor and the BID re funding. 6. Update of work/schedule of housing sites and employment sites – Lee Bray

Lee Bray gave a presentation on work done and housing and employment sites. (See appendix 2 )

AG explained that the Employment land review (which can be found online) looks across all sectors and predicts where the growth sectors are. The Employment Land Review in terms of big growth sectors takes what is the ambition of the Local Plan and the TDA in terms of where they’re looking to grow jobs. This is in high class office space and where the majority of the growth and need is coming from. The ELR makes an assumption of how much net employment space is needed. The Council and NFs job is to look at the supply of employment land.

75 Teignmouth Road, Torquay, TQ1 4ES Tel: 01803 314600 Email; [email protected] 4

Time frame - publication of local plan – February 24th – 6 weeks for public to see it and make comments on it. Goes to the Secretary of State in the Summer and then proceeds to public enquiry in autumn.

SHLAA has assessed all potential housing sites – mix of brownfield and greenfield.

Questions to be answered at next Steering group. Put onto agenda.

7. Master plans – Andrew Gunther

AG stated that there had been a Neighbourhood Planning Reference Group where chairs/vice Chairs of all the NPs met. The Masterplans are focused around the key areas of growth and change – Torquay Town Centre, The Gateway, Paignton Town Centre and Western Corridor. Purpose is to support the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan, provide valuable detail, test deliverability of ideas put forward and how we can instigate and deliver some of the high level vision stuff. Procurement process –Consultant working on those masterplans will be announced in the new year. Great emphasis on engagement with the Consultants going out and speaking to the public. Two Questions to be Want to set up a sounding board – particularly from the business sector including the Heart of Torquay group. answered at next SG Specific sites suggested by AGr to be on next Agenda. meeting 8. Workshops; CP’s to confirm Email to be sent to all CP’s for workshop confirmation of those that wish to take part. 9. Urgent AOB Environment Agency Public meeting on Tuesday 14th January at the Riviera International Conference Centre at 7pm to discuss a Community Flood Plan for Torquay. There is money available to help form a Flood Plan for the Bay.

Dates of next meetings handed out and will be put on website. It is proposed to alternate the meetings with Public Meetings/Steering Group meetings. In

One amendment on list of dates – the 7th July needs to be changed to 14th July.

Meeting closed at 8:45pm Next meeting is on 6th January 2013 @ the Grace Murrell Room RICC @ 6:30pm Public Meeting on 3rd February @ the Grace Murrell Room RICC @ 6:30pm Signed 3rd March 2014

75 Teignmouth Road, Torquay, TQ1 4ES Tel: 01803 314600 Email; [email protected]

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