SPHE (Social Personal Health Education)

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SPHE (Social Personal Health Education)

Colaiste Muire

Subject Department Plan

SPHE (Social Personal Health Education)

1 st , 2 nd ,3 rd Year Index

 Mission statement  Programmes and Levels  Subject Aims  Subject objectives  Subject Co-ordinator and Subject teachers  Grouping of Pupils Mixed Ability, Streaming  Student Access to Subject  Class Organisation  Programme outline and outcomes  Textbooks and Course Materials  Planning for Pupils with Special Needs  Cross-Curricular Planning  Subject Planning for a Culturally Diverse Society  Effective Teaching Methodologies  Range and \Variety of Resources  Provision for Health and Safety Requirements  Curriculum Content Year 1 Year 2 Year 3  Homework Procedures  Assessment Procedures  Record-Keeping Procedures  Reporting Procedures  Teacher In-Career Development  DES Subject Department Inspection  Draft substance Abuse policy  RSE policy  Anti- Bullying policy SPHE Mission Statement:

Our vision is to equip students with the skills necessary to cope with and adapt to changes that they are confronted with during adolescence and into young adulthood. It is our hope that we help them to feel confident in the life choices that they make regarding relationships, friendships, health issues (physical, emotional and social).

The SPHE programme addresses contemporary topics which are dealt with at a level appropriate to the age of the students and within a moral framework in keeping with the ethos of the school.

Relationship to Colaiste Muire’ Mission Statement The Trustees of Coláiste Muire are the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust. Four core elements guide us:  A genuine and tangible spirit of respect and caring for each member of the school community  A comprehensive and holistic education  A vibrant experience of community and partnership  A deep commitment to gospel values as lived in the Edmund Rice tradition

Subject Aims:

-To promote social and personal development of students and provide health education for them -To promote self-esteem and self confidence -To promote physical, mental and emotional health and well-being

Subject Objectives: To deal with a range of issues which are dealt with over 10 modules over a period of 3 years Issues 1. Belonging and Integration 2. Self management – a sense of purpose 3. Communication skills 4. Physical health 5. Friendships 6. Relationships and sexuality 7. Emotional health 8. Influences and decisions 9. Substance abuse / use 10. Personal safety

Subject Co-ordinator Catriona O’Dea Subject Teachers Mairead Murtagh Louise Lenihan Carmel Bilginer Elaine Troy Aine Finn Joan Cahill Ross Horgan Kate Davis Dominic Finn

Grouping of Pupils (Mixed ability):

Mixed ability classes

Student Access to Subject / Level:

-Compulsory subject for all first, second and third year students. All do one class period a week

Class Organisation:

-Loose arrangement within a formal class setting. During class discussion and group work students are encouraged to sit in circles or groups of 4 furniture is moved back to facilitate group work where possible 3 Year Programme outline and outcomes

Module Year One Year Two Year Three Learning Outcomes Belonging Coping with Looking Goal Setting As a result of and Change Back, for Third participating Integrating Joining a new Looking Year in this module group Forward Work over the three Appreciating Group work Contract years students Difference Family ties should have Bullying is reflected on everyone’s their current business stage of Coping with developmeny, Loss developed their group work and communicatio n skills, have clear goals for the year, have drawn up a personal contract of work for the year. Self Organising What Organising As a result of Management Myself motivates my time participating Organising me? Planning for in this modle my work at Study Skills effective over the three home and at study years students school Coping with should be able Balance in examinations to organise my life their school work effectively, have reviewed effective study skills, have developed strategies leading to an improved exam performance Communicati Express Assertive Learning to At the end of on yourself communicati communicate the three year Skills Learning to on Communicati cycle students listen on in should have Passive, situations of practised the Assertive and conflict skills of aggressive listening, be communicati aware of on different types of communicatio n, looked at constructive criticism and be aware of conflict in their lives and have enhanced skills for dealing with conflict. Physical Body Care Body Care Physical As a result of Health Healthy and Body exercise participating Eating Image Relaxation in the Exercise Diet programme for the three years students should have knowledge of personal hygiene and appreciate the importance of hygiene, understand what is meant by the term balanced diet, appreciate the importance of physical exercise, have drawn up a plan for physical exercise in their own lives, appreciate the need for relaxation, examine the cosequences of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Friendship Making New The changing Boyfriends At the end of Friends nature of and the three year A Good friendship Girlfriends cycle student Friend should have a heightened awareness of the changing nature of friendship, have examined the characteristics of a good friend, should be able to identify characteristics of bullying behaviour, developed skills to deal with bullying behaviour, recognise the value of both sexes, and have an enhanced appreciationof the impactof sex roles on friendships. Relationships Me as Unique From Body Image At the end of and Sexuality and Different conception to Where am I the three year Friendship birth now? cycle students Changes at Recognising Relationships should have Adolescence and - what’s an The expressing important appreciationof Reproductive feelings and The three Rs: their personal System emotions respect, rights talents, Images of Peer pressure and explored Male and and other responsibilitie aspects of sex Female influences s stereotyping, Respecting Managing Conflict have myself and Relationships knowledge of others Making the physical, responsible emotional, decisions and Health and psychological Personal changes safety related to adolesence, have a clear understanding of the reproductive systems, be sensitive to the needs for ones own sexuality and the sexuality of others, have a knowledge of the developmenta l stages from conception to birth, have a heightened awareness of the emotional aspects of a range of relationships, have developed skills for communicatin g in relatiionships, developed their decision making skills, have a basic knowledge of stis, and help agencies and their role, be aware of rights, responsibilitie s and respect, be aware of conflict in relationships, be prepared to deal with such conflict. Emotional Recognising Self Stress At the end of Health Feelings Confidence Feelings and the three year Respecting Body Image Moods cycle students My Feelings should an and the awareness of Feelings of emotions and Others how to express them,have enhanced their skills for promoting their own self esteem and the self esteem of others, have an understanding and acceptance of body shapes, appreciate the place of stress in their lives, understand the effects of stress on themselves and others, have identified stress reducing factors, have an awreness of feelings and moods associated with adolesence, have further developed skills for expressing feelings Influences My Heroes Positive and Making a At the end of and Decisions negative good decision a 3 year cycle influences students Making should have a decisions heightened awareness of who influences them and why, students should have respect for the individuality and uniqueness of each person, students should have evaluated some of the strongest influences on attitudes and behaviour, be aware of their own role in influencing the behaviour and attitudes of others, develop their decision making skills and evaluated these skills, students should be aware of the importance of thinking ahead in making good decisions Substance Use Why use The effects of Ecstasy: the At the end of drugs? drugs realities the three year Alcohol: the Alcohol and Heroin: the cycle students facts its effects realities should have Smoking and Alcohol: examined the its effects why, why place of Smoking: not? medicines and why, why Cannabis and drugs in not? its effects human life, be Cannabis: aware of how why, why medicines and not? drugs could be misused, have an understanding of the implications of alcohol use for personal health and social interaction, have explores some of the reasons why people begin to smoke, have examined the effects of smoking and ways of avoiding smoking, be aware of the implications of using cannabis, have an awareness of the dangers associated with ecstasy and heroin Personal Looking after Accidents at Recognising At the end of Safety myself home unsafe a three year Feeling situations cycle students threatened Violence / should have Cyber safety Help agencies examined Cyber safety ways of keeping safe, have practical knowledge of fire safety and fire evacuation procedure, be aware of their responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, have an awareness of what causes accidents and how to avoid accidents, be aware of cyber-safety, have developed skills for handling violent situations, and have knowledge of help agencies and how to contact them.

Textbooks and Course Materials:

Year Textbooks Course Materials 1st Healthy Living Resources (HSE publication) -Busy Body Video -Food Pyramid Grow Up -Poster/Healthy Eating (Stephanie Mangan) -Smoking/Drink dvd Chapters 1-14

Sphe 1 (Anne Potts/ Nodloig O Grady) 2nd Healthy Times - Dove You tube clip (HSE Publication) -Body Image Poster -Criticism/Compliments Grow Up Role Play (Stephanie Mangan) -Alcohol Debate- Walking Chapters 15-28 -Busy Bodies DVD to lead into Pregnancy and Birth Healthy Lifestyle (1,2,3,) -B4U Decide Book SPHE 2 ( Anne potts/ Nodloig O Grady) 3rd Healthy Choices -Class discussion on conflict, (HSE Publications) relationships and communication Grow Up -Body Image Poster Media, (Stephanie Mangan) Celebrity, Magazines etc Chapters 29-40 -Dealing with Stress Chapters 41-42 on Child -Mediation abuse and Eating -B4 U decide book Disorders if appropriate and if time allows

SPHE 3 (Anne Potts/ Nodlaig O Grady) Planning for Students with Special Needs:

-One to one help available during class to further explain specific concepts - Students help each other; explaining what they have done -SPHE teachers are careful not to put vulnerable students under the spotlight – singled out to read, asked to speak out in front of class -Special needs register available to SPHE teachers to promote affective and successful inclusion of special needs students in class -Close communication between SEN Dept and SPHE teachers Cross-Curricular Planning:

-Health Education – also covered in Home Economics -Sex Education – covered in Home Economics and Science -Drugs/Alcohol- in Home Economics and Religion -Social Studies – covered in Home Economics and Religion -Nutrition – covered in Home Economics and Science -Self-esteem, Self confidence covered in Home Economics and Religion Liaise with Guidance and Counselling Department

Subject Planning for a Culturally Diverse Society:

-Respect and self-esteem -Recognising differences and respecting cultural diversity within the classroom by enquiring about individual students cultural backgrounds - Where do you come from? - Celebrate international festivals -Encourage and support events-Seachtain na Gaeilge, Chinese New Year

Effective Teaching Methodologies

 Groupwork

 Discussion

 Lecture format – chalk and talk

 Video / DVD

 Role-play

 Debate

 Designing posters to highlight topics – smoking, anti-bullying, road safety, body image etc

 Brainstorming

 Nominated theme- e.g 2011-Healthy eating week, 2012- Mental Wellbeing week Variety of Resources

 Video / DVD

 Handouts

 Books

 Textbook


Availability / Use of ICT facilities

 Overhead projector

 TV / DVD

 Data Projector

 Computer Room is open to all classes and must be booked via booking form

Provision for Health and Safety Requirements

 Health and Safety policy drawn up by school management

 Fire drill notices in all rooms

 Fire blanket and extinguisher in kitchens

 SPHE course covers a Fire Drill and what to do in event of a fire

 Personal safety also covered

Homework procedures

 No homework given in SPHE however, occasionally students are asked to collect newspaper/magazine cuttings relating to SPHE topics  Keep a diary for a week on diet, exercise, sleep etc- physical health module

 Reflective sheet to be filled out at the end of class- What I learned, What I enjoyed, What I want to learn more about

Assessment / Examination procedures

 No formal assessment in SPHE, however students must bring their textbook to class, must complete each exercise given during class and participate in class activities , groupwork, discussion etc

 Students receive feedback from teachers and fellow students

 Parent / Teacher meetings annually

 Students can pick 3 topics/ projects/evaluation sheets from their folder at the end of the year and present them to the teacher for afl.

 Folder is to be kept by students for the 3 year cycle. Record Keeping Procedures

 Attendance record taken at every class

 SPHE department meetings held at the beginning of academic year and as required thereafter

 Minutes of every meeting recorded

 Students work is recorded in their folders, posters are displayed on classroom walls

Reporting Procedures

 Main Departmental meeting at the beginning of each academic year  Evaluation meetings as and when required

 SPHE and RSE Policy meetings held recently to discuss draft proposals, make amendments and changes to proposals

 SPHE meetings held in conjunction with Principal

Teacher In-Career Development

Name Date Topic CO’Dea Intro to SPHE, Alcohol and drugs, RSE, Mind out training, Friend for life training A Finn Intro to SPHE, RSE M Murtagh Intro to SPHE, RSE D Finn Intro to SPHE, RSE, Senior RSE J Cahill Intro to SPHE, RSE R Horgan Intro to SPHE, RSE K Davis Intro to SPHE, RSE L Lenihan Intro to SPHE, alcohol and drugs E. Troy Intro to sphe C.Bilginer Intro to SPHE, Senior RSE

Draft Substance Abuse Policy ( April/May 2012)

Coláiste Muire, Cobh

SCOPE OF POLICY: This policy applies to the misuse of substances in the school buildings, school grounds and on school trips and outings.

RATIONALE : The welfare, care and protection of students, staff and visitiors in compliance with the code of behaviour, the Department of Education & Skills guidelines and policies and the relevant legislation.

RELATIONSHIP TO MISSION: The Trustees of Coláiste Muire are the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust.

Four core elements guide us:  A genuine and tangible spirit of respect and caring for each member of the school community  A comprehensive and holistic education  A vibrant experience of community and partnership  A deep commitment to gospel values as lived in the Edmund Rice tradition

GOALS:  The provision of education to young people in the area of substance use and abuse  The welfare, care and protection of young people and of staff and visitors  The encouragement of self respect, self esteem and good decision making.

DEFINITION OF A DRUG OR SUBSTANCE: A drug is any chemical which alters how the body works or how the person behaves or feels. This includes tobacco, alcohol, legal and illegal substances.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. Substance abuse occurs where the user consumes a substance in amounts or with methods not condoned by medical professionals, where such abuse leads to long term personal and social issues.

EDUCATION: Colaiste Muire highlights awareness of alcohol, tobacco and drug use and misuse to our students both formally and informally. Students access education in this field through the appropiate curriculum areas. All Junior Cycle students gain access to drug education through the S.P.H.E curriculum. There is a module on the topic in each of the three years. The aims of the module are to enable students to make healthy informed choices, explore their own attitudes, resist peer group pressure and develop ideas to help friends and family who may need help with drug related issues. Through the different modules students are provided with accurate information about substances and we also aim to enable students to identify sources of appropiate support. The different areas covered throughout the 3 years through S.P.H.E are as follows: First Year:  Why use drugs?  Alcohol and smoking  Difference between legal and illegal drugs  Solvents Second Year

 The effect of drugs  Alcohol and its’ effects  Canabis and its’ effects  Drugs – Why? Why not?

Third Year:  Ectasy, cocaine, heroine- the realities  Consequences of drug and alcohol abuse

The topic of alcohol and drug education also comes up in other subject areas in the Junior Cycle. In HomeEconomics it comes up in Healthy living including lifestyle choices and Health Hazards including alcohol, drugs and smoking. In C.S.P.E it comes up in the section on Law.

Senior Cycle students also explore the issue. On the whole, within senior cycle it will be the teachers who will teach drug education, but, where appropiate, outside visitors may make a contribution. Such visitors will be used in a planned way and their contributions will be evaluated.

In Transition Year the topic of alcohol and drug education is often covered in the Personal Development Module. In this module students look at - Drugs and alcohol awareness - Drug awareness workshop/talk

Fifth and Sixth Year  Religion - Exploring addiction and living with addiction - Visit from guest speaker e.g. AA , JLO or AWARE It may be also be covered in the following subject areas- English- through poetry, Home Economics- it may be examined through looking at social problems attached to drug addiction. In P.E taking care of your body and healthy living is emphasised.

Colaiste Muire also plays a proactive role when it comes to the area of drug education. At various stages throughout the school year Colaiste Muire facilitates talks from organisations such as Humour Fit, AA, Health Promotion Unit and the J.L.O. If there is enough interest Colaiste Muire may also facilitate a family communication course with a view to preventing drug and alcohol use. This course is run in conjunction with SHEP and the Parents Council.

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