BIOLOGY I (A/B) Syllabus 2017-18

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BIOLOGY I (A/B) Syllabus 2017-18

BIOLOGY I (A/B) Syllabus 2017-18

Teacher: Mary Anne Carpenter [email protected] 615-597-4094 (DCHS) Planning period: 1st block (7:45-8:50 am) Text: Prentice Hall Biology (Miller and Levine), 2010 Google email: [email protected] default pw: tigers123 your pw: ______Google classroom class code: oo23bn (CarpenterBiology201718)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology I is a laboratory science course that investigates the relationship between structure and function from molecules to organisms and systems, the interdependence and interactions of biotic and abiotic components of the environment, and mechanisms that maintain continuity and lead to changes in populations over time.

COURSE COMPONENTS: The Biology I course will cover all topics included in the Tennessee State Curriculum Standards which can be found at: Embedded standards for INQUIRY, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING, and MATHEMATICS are taught within the content standards for CELLS, INTERDEPENDENCE, FLOW OF MATTER AND ENERGY, HEREDITY, BIODIVERSITY and CHANGE. Students are provided with a hard copy of the Biology standards.

END OF COURSE (EOC) EXAMINATION: Students are required to take the Tennessee Biology EOC test at the end of this course. This test will count as the final exam and will be 15% of the final grade. Practice and sampler items will be provided throughout the semester.

EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT: o Daily class work, homework and Science notebook, writing assignments o Labs and Lab Reports and/or Analyses o Projects – individual and group; topics may include: biomes, genetic disorders and biotechnology issues, famous scientists, current events o Tests and Quizzes – Students will be assessed during each unit of study using various methods; these formative assessments may or may not be graded and are meant to show the student and me what has been mastered and where extra practice is needed. I distribute a study guide at the start of each unit so that students can better focus on the concepts and objectives that will be assessed. Additionally, they will complete the Biology EOC exam as previously described.

CLASS REQUIREMENTS: Textbook, blue/black pen, pencil, highlighter, binder with loose-leaf paper, bound composition book, post-it notes and student handbook/planner are to be brought to class daily. A laboratory fee of $10 is requested to purchase lab supplies and equipment.

GRADING: All grades are assigned on a points scale. Tests typically range from 30 – 45 points, quizzes 10 – 20 points, homework 0 – 10 points, labs 20 – 30 points, projects 50 points. Current progress (grades and attendance, missing work, etc.) can be monitored through the Skyward Program. Progress reports are provided to the students at approximately three week intervals; these are to be returned with parent signature.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM: I maintain a Google classroom site for my classes; access info. and class codes are included in the header of this page. Assignments, classwork, links to videos and other resources are posted daily. This is especially helpful when you miss class so that you stay current with the instruction and learning. I also STRONGLY recommend using the Google classroom as part of your review process.

RESOURCES: The DeKalb County Schools web page has links to many informative sites, including the TN Department of Education, TN Electronic Library among others. Description of Grading and Quality Work for Biology I

1 Grade Description of Work A Consistently demonstrates an advanced level of quality. Thorough, extensive, and complete. Consistently on time. Exceeds stated expectations. Masters appropriate 93-100 skills. Demonstrates independent work skills. Consistently scores advanced on assessments. B Consistently demonstrates a proficient level of quality. Characterized by analysis and application of course principles. Consistently on time. Occasionally exceeds 85-92 stated expectations. Masters appropriate skills. Usually demonstrates independent work skills. Consistently scores proficient on assessments. C Demonstrates a basic level of quality. Shows a recognition and comprehension of course principles. Usually on time. Meets stated expectations. Masters most 75-84 appropriate skills. Works independently with some guidance. Consistently scores average on assessments. D Work is below basic with limited understanding or comprehension of course principles. Some components are of poor quality or incomplete. Rarely on time or 70-74 completed. Meets minimum stated expectations. Masters some appropriate skills. Rarely demonstrates independent work skills. Consistently scores below average on assessments. F Work is below basic with little understanding or comprehension of course principles. Work is of poor quality or incomplete. Rarely on time or completed. Below 70 Stated expectations not yet met. Appropriate skills not yet mastered. Independent work skills not yet exhibited. Consistently fails or scores below average on assessments.

STANDARDS MASTERY/RE-DO POLICY: The main goal of my Biology instruction is student mastery of the Biology standards/curriculum. Students will receive a copy of these to keep in their notebooks. Any time a student is not proficient in a standard, he/she will be required to get extra help/practice until he/she becomes proficient. This will primarily occur during after-school sessions. All students have the opportunity to retake a major test or re-do a major project if they are not satisfied with their grade. Re-do is mandatory for grades less than C. This must be completed within one week of receipt of the test/project grade, outside of class time, and accompanied by a completed re-do agreement. The student then keeps the higher of the two grades. Alternate forms of tests will be used.

CLASSROOM/BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: I expect that all students will complete all assigned work, will be attentive and engaged in class and will participate in all learning activities. 1. Be in your seat with all materials and on task when the bell rings. 2. Respect the rights and property of the teacher, yourself and others. 3. Follow directions when they are given. If you do not understand, ask. 4. No food or drink in the classroom (except water). 5. No electronic devices other than Chromebooks will be used unless teacher states otherwise. Excessive device (cell phone) usage will interfere with internet connectivity.

CLASSROOM CONSEQUENCES include: warning, teacher-assigned logical consequence, referral to administration and parent contact, after school detention.

ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: Class attendance is critical for success. Attendance is taken promptly at the start of class. It is the student’s responsibility to see that any missed assignments/ tests are made up. Weekly assignments are posted on the board and in the Google classroom. All make-up testing takes place outside of regular class time. Please refer to the DCHS Student Handbook for the school policy with regard to absences and tardies. Also, please note the scheduled Fall, Christmas and Spring Breaks and plan with these in mind.

CHEATING/PLAGIARISM: Not tolerated and earn no credit.

2 Proposed Course Schedule : *refer to page 1 Course Components for link to Biology standards Week Standard Chapter(s) Topic(s)/Objective(s) 1 Inquiry 1 Intro, textbook, pretests, what is life? 2 & 3 Inq., Tech & Eng. Scientific Inquiry, Technology and Engineering 4 & 5 Cells 2 Chemistry of Life 6 & 7 “ 7 Cell types and organelles, cell transport 8 & 9 “ 10 Cell growth & division/ Benchmark #1 10 Flow of Matter & Energy 3 Ecology Fall Break October 16-20 11 & 12 Flow of Matter & Energy 3 & 4 Energy Flow, Biogeochemical Cycles 13 & 14 Flow of M & E 8 Photosynthesis 14 & 15 “ 9 Respiration 16 & 17 All of above As above Review for semester exam 17 & 18 “ “ Semester exams/ Benchmark #2 Christmas Break December 21 - Jan. 3 19 & 20 Heredity 12 DNA, replication, RNA, transcription & translation 21 & 22 “ 11 Mendel and genetics 23 “ 14 Human genetics 24 “ 13 Genetic engineering, biotechnology 25 & 26 Interdependence 4 & 5 Ecosystems and Populations 27 “ 6 Human effects on environments 28 Biodiversity & Change 15 Darwin, natural selection and theory of evolution 29 - 35“ 16 - 17 Evol. of pops, changing earth/Benchmark #3 30 Biodiversity & Change 18 Classification Spring Break March 26 - 30 31 - 33 All 1 - 18 Review for EOC exam 34 All 1 - 18 EOC exams 36 -38 All Dissection

“Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Ryun

Please return the section below as an indication that you have received & read the Biology I course syllabus.

Student signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/guardian signature: ______Date: ______

Parent email: ______Comments/questions:


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