Undy Welsh Language Self- Supported Review Report November 27 2014

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Undy Welsh Language Self- Supported Review Report November 27 2014

Undy Welsh Language self- supported review report November 27 2014

Evidence: Data, Welsh lesson observations (Nursery, Reception) & Welsh used in Mathematics (Year 5) / Listening to learners - Oracy and Reading skills (A selection of learners from years 2, 4 and 6) / Book scrutiny (whole school) / Learning walk (displays & use of Welsh inside and outside the classroom) / Criw Cymraeg interview School name Undy Primary School

EAS representatives Petra Llewelyn (Senior Welsh Education Officer) & Sioned Harold (Welsh Education Officer)

Date of activity November 27 2014

Focus for the activity . Estyn 2009 Inspection Recommendation: R1 promote learners’ bilingual skills via (F) increased access to bilingual teaching . Impact of schools’ commitment to Welsh Government’s Sabbatical scheme (2 teachers (Nursery & Year 5 teacher) & 1 Support Staff (Year 2 Foundation phase) and effect on the Standards of Teaching and Learning Analysis (A) . All the learners questioned, have very positive attitudes to learning Welsh and think it important to learn the language. They show enthusiasm for learning and are very eager to develop their Welsh language skills . Many learners at the end of Key Stage 2 make expected progress (2014 Level 4+ =81.8 %). It is above the average performance for Wales (73.1%) and above the Local Authority (80.6 %). A minority make better than expected progress (Level 5= 21%). Over the last three years, the percentage of pupils attaining level 4 and above ( +25.6% /-19.2%) and level 5 ( +/- 4%) has fluctuated . The school staff have met to standardise learners’ Oracy skills and plans are in place to meet to standardise and moderate learners’ Oracy, Reading and Writing skills in the spring term to ensure all teachers have an agreed understanding of level characteristics in Welsh and best-fit judgements of learners’ work. The year 6 teachers and co- ordinator regularly attend cluster meetings to standardise and moderate learners’ work. The cluster’s 2012 level 4 & 5 learner profiles were noted as examples of good practice following WJEC external verification. There is a portfolio of level 4 & 5 learner profiles in place. The cluster has also produced challenging resources based on the fair for effective transition from the primary to the secondary sector . All staff observed have good pronunciation and have sufficient language skills to use the language they are introducing. In lessons observed and during the Learning Walk, extensive use is made of target and everyday language e.g. during registration, dismissing classes and in enhanced activity Gwrandewch yn ofalus, Ble mae..? Pa liw? Ga i..? Yn Gymraeg, Beth sy’ ar goll? Wyt ti’n siwr? Ysgrifennwch ar y bwrdd gwyn. Brysiwch! Dangoswch, Dwed wrth partner, Pa siâp? Pwy sy’ yma? Beth wyt ti eisiau? Sut wyt ti?, Bendigedig, Sefwch yn dawel, amser darllen, Bant â ni! . Oracy skills: Learners are given opportunities to develop their Oracy skills daily during registration time, using fans and placemats to introduce and reinforce new questions, drilling techniques, singing Welsh songs, games, play situations, outside play, Forrest school and assemblies. Teachers and Support staff actively reinforce patterns learnt throughout the day in enhanced and continuous provision e.g. colours in painting area in the Foundation phase and in other areas of learning/ subject areas, specifically in their Mathematical development / Click Maths. Learners’ use their Welsh language skills at every possible opportunity encouraged by the classroom Helpwr yr Wythnos and the Criw Cymraeg who have initiated the phrase of the week , a reward system, playground and board games and extensive visual use of Welsh around the school. By the end of the Foundation phase learners questioned are able to ask and answer an increasing number of questions with confidence e.g. Pwy wyt ti? Sut wyt ti heddiw? Beth sy’n bod? Ble rwyt ti’n byw? P aliw? Sawl un? and numbers, Pa siâp? Ble mae..? Beth wyt ti eisiau? Beth wyt ti’n hoffi , Faint ydy d’oed di? Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? Beth ydy dy hoff ffilm? On the yard they ask Faint o’r gloch ydy hi Mistar Blaidd ? and one or two ask visitors questions on the yard e.g. Beth wyt ti eisiau am y Nadolig? Sut wyt ti heddiw? The learners questioned are starting to extend sentences e.g. Mae’n oer ac mae hi’n gymylog tipyn bach. Using the question fans regularly and in pairs will further challenge learners to ask and respond to an increasing number of questions confidently. Learners’ Number skills develop well to be able to add (adio), take away (tynnu) and multiply (lluosi) e.g. in year 5 the learners are able to add in 5s and multiply by 8 confidently in Welsh. Key stage 2 and learners develop to being able to ask an increasingly number of questions with increased confidence and fluency. They extend responses using adjectives (hir, syth, byr, mawr) , connectives (ac, ond gyda, achos, hefyd), varying ways of expressing opinions (hoffi / dwlu ar / mwynhau) and giving various reasons e.g. Fy hoff lyfr ydy … achos mae’n ddiddorol, Dw i’n gallu chwarae pêl –rwyd yn dda iawn ond dw i ddim yn gallu chwarae pêl-droed o gwbl . They on occasion create effects by adding phrases such as gwaetha’r modd (worst luck), diolch byth (thank goodness) Mawredd mawr (goodness gracious). They are able to speak in different tenses e.g. Hoffwn i gael brecwast Saesneg, Es i ,Gwelais i, Ces i, Beth fwytaist ti? Beth brynais ti? Roedd hi’n….. Year 6 learners are able to discuss orally a familiar book (Papa Pop) in a group e.g. Pwy sy’ yn y stori? Ble mae’r stori? Pwy wyt ti’n hoffi yn y stori? Disgrifiwch. Beth ydy’r plot? Wyt ti’n hoffi’r stori? Pam? Helpwr yr wythnos in year 6 asks different questions confidently and fluently to learners as they enter the class after lunchtime on a daily basis. This encourages confidence and fluency in asking and responding to questions learnt in class. By the end of Key Stage 2 they are beginning to be able to discuss and converse. Using the three star Matiau Iaith would further challenge learners to develop extended conversations with each other and staff . Reading skills: All learners have opportunities to read words, phrases and sentences, paragraphs in their environment written by the learners. The Foundation phase learners are given opportunities to read a variety of Welsh books e.g. Fflic a Fflac books, Tri Mochyn bach and Sinderela (EAS Welsh Language Support Team’s adapted book). They develop from following a book being read e.g. Rhestr Siopa Fflic a Fflac in the Reception class to reading simple familiar book clearly e.g. Stori Sinderela. They are able to show understanding by responding to questions based on the text e.g. Beth ydy’r teitl? Pwy sy’ yn y stori? Ble mae Sinderela? Beth mae Sinderela eisiau? Sawl... sy’ yn y llun? Beth ydy hwn? Pwy wyt ti’n hoffi? Wyt ti’n hoffi’r llyfr? They are able to express opinions of text simply e.g. Wyt ti’n hoffi’r stori? Ydw. Key Stage 2 read a variety of text e.g. story books such as Stori Dewi, Teulu Ben, Bore da Urdd magazine, poetry such as Fy Nheulu i a fi and a few in Year 6 are challenged to play Sgrabble in Welsh using Welsh dictionaries to help them look for words. The Criw Cymraeg are developing games to help with reading e.g. snakes and ladder and Jenga game with questions to read. Lower Key Stage 2 learners develop to reading books such as Babs a Benja Y Blwch Hud clearly with some expression. They show understanding of significant detail in the text when responding orally to a number of questions on text. Upper Key stage 2 are able to discuss the plot of the book Papa Pop, describe the characters and explain why they like the book with reasons e.g. Dw i’n hoffi’r stori achos mae’n ddoniol . They show understanding of the poem by responding to questions based on the text orally and in writing. They are able to express opinions of the poem e.g. Dw i’n hoffi’r gerdd achos mae’n ddoniol. Writing evidence of understanding of text is differentiated by task given. Learners have opportunities to self and peer assess their reading aloud skills . Writing skills: Foundation phase learners have opportunities to have a go at writing in their challenge book and a topic book which includes Welsh writing. Welsh class books of learners writing are created for them to read e.g. Pwy wyt ti? in year 1. They develop from writing words, phrases and sentences to simple dialogues and and paragraphs at the end of the Foundation phase. Key Stage 2 learners have a spelling journal Geiriau i ddysgu, where they have opportunities to practise spelling key words and phrases to fluency, a VCOP Cymraeg book for short burst writing such as up levelling sentences, adding connectives and a more focussed writing book Llyfr Cymraeg for extended writing tasks such as personal portrayals, recounts of a recent school trip to the Hindu temple, writing instructions for others, a simple poem, factual information of animals following a visit to the forest, responding to texts, describing others such as the family and Ann Frank , planning book reviews and scripts. Learners also have opportunities to self and peer assess their written work. Marking informs learners of what they need to do to improve and learners are given opportunities to practise this improvement Recommendations . Share good practice observed e.g. learners initiating conversation with visitors by for the school asking the phrase of the week question, Helpwr Heddiw in year 6 quizzing learners as they come into class, use of QR codes to develop Oracy skills, Clic Maths in year 5, What to ‘DO’ (D) learners discussing text , TA support in teaching shapes & colours to a group of learners . Further develop the role of Helpwr yr Wythnos . Ensure sufficient opportunities for Reading, especially factual text . Further develop the language skills of the support staff . Further challenge learners to develop conversations and discussion in year 6 e.g. use 3 star Matiau Iaith / role play scenarios Recommendations . WEO to give support with above recommendations and review progress for the EAS . Welsh Language Support Team to support Welsh cluster moderation meetings Evaluation (E) Estyn Recommendation (2009) : R1 promote learners’ bilingual skills via increased access to bilingual teaching has been largely addressed by developing teacher and support staff confidence via Sabbatical courses, the teaching of Number skills in Welsh (Click Maths) and the use of everyday Welsh throughout the day in all subject areas and outside the classroom. Learners’ use their Welsh language skills at every possible opportunity encouraged by the classroom Helpwr yr Wythnos and the Criw Cymraeg who have initiated the phrase of the week , a reward system and extensive visual use of Welsh around the school, playground and board games. Standards are good. The school has made excellent progress since the last inspection. The school is a flagship school in this area which shares its good practice with others

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