Coach Wilson & Coach Gardner OUR Mission Develop skills, confidence, and teamwork in a competitive environment through structured practice sessions, hard work, and striving to meet our full potential EVERY day. Soccer Class:  Athletes must have a current physical and paperwork on file by Friday August 26, 2016 or will be removed from the class.  Every day bring workout clothes, tennis shoes, cleats, AND shin guards.  Grading: o 5 points off every day you do not work out or do not participate. o 2 points off every day you do not have the proper equipment. o You will be removed from the class after 3 times of not participating.  MUST have a doctor’s note if you are sick/injured and do not participate.  All returning athletes are required to be in class both semesters, unless participating in another sport. Season:  Tryouts: o November 28th – 30th o You are expected to be at tryouts EVERY day o Teams will be posted on a list in the field house after tryouts on November 30th. o If you make a soccer team you are expected to get in soccer class as soon as possible.  Practice: o Monday – Friday during class and after school until 5:30. o We WILL practice during winter break; Dec. 28th & 29th 9AM-11AM; o Scrimmage Dec. 30th. Plan accordingly. o Varisty WILL practice during spring break if in playoff contention. o You are expected to be at ALL practices–plan winter break, spring break, work, tutorials, doctor’s appointments & vacations accordingly. o Missing practice = sit out ½ a game; missing multiple practices can result in dismissal from program o Must let your Coach know before practice if you will not be there. o Dentist and Doctor’s appointments are not excused absences, please schedule check-ups at a time other than practice time.  Games: o Tournaments are Thursday – Saturday January 5th – 7th and January 12th – 14th. o District games are Tuesday and Friday evenings. o You are expected to be at ALL games–plan vacations accordingly. o Missing a game = sit out a full game upon return o Missing 2 or more games = dismissal from program Grades:  If an athlete fails on the 6 Weeks report card during season, she will be unable to participate or travel with the team. If an athlete fails a 2nd time she will be dismissed from the program.  You are expected to keep your grades up and attend tutorials as needed  During season you will need to attend morning or lunch tutorials Behavior:  Misbehavior and misconduct throughout the school, via social networking sites or in the program will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action, suspension, and possibly removal from the program. Fundraisers:  All Lady Rough Riders will be expected to participate in ALL fundraisers. Parents:  Will be expected to be involved and help with fundraisers and concessions.  Parents are also expected to demonstrate sportsmanship in the stands and refrain from yelling at referees, other parents or players. Please encourage Saginaw athletes, but do not coach them from the stands Remind 101:  7th Period:Text @7thsoccer to 81010  8th Period: Text @sagsoccer8 to 81010 Saginaw High School Women’s Soccer @saginawhssoccer

We are big thinking risk takers. We do not insult each other or the program with little thinking.

We are LEADERS – NOT FOLLOWERS. We must disconnect from the “popular culture” and do what no one else does.

It’s not about us, it’s about the program. We can do infinitely more together than we can apart.

We are contributors, not consumers. The program does not exist for us— we are the program.

We give up things we love for things we love more.

We will laugh hard, loud, and often. Nothing is more fun than competing with people you love.

We will be known for what we are for, not what we are against. There is enough negativity in the world already.

We will always bring our best – EXCELLENCE inspires people.

We don’t compete merely to be better players, but better people. Better players change a game; better people can change the world.

The only constant is change. We must always strive to be better than the day before. Please be sure that all of your contact information has been updated in the sports participation packet that was completed online. I will send an email out during the 2nd week of school. If you do not receive the email please email me at [email protected].

I will keep in contact with you through email, Remind 101, Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to join any or all of these. 

I have read the general information and for the Lady Rough Rider Soccer Program and I agree to abide by these guidelines.

Please print athlete’s name

Date: ______Athlete’s signature

Date: ______Parent’s signature