WTEC Workshop On
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WTEC Workshop on
August 21, 1997 St. Petersburg, Russia
Organizing Committee:
I.A. Ovid’ko (Russia) M.C. Roco (USA) Institute of Machine Science Problems Directorate for Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences U.S. National Science Foundation Bolshoi 61, Vas.Ostrov Arlington, VA 22230, USA St. Petersburg 199178, Russia fax: (703) 306-0319 fax: (812) 217 8614 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]
WTEC Editor Geoffrey Holdridge, WTEC Director Loyola College, 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21210 USA fax: 410-617-5123 e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 1-883712-55-6 December 1999. This document was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Department of Commerce, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Department of Energy of the United States government under NSF Cooperative Agreements ENG-9416970 and ENG- 9707092 and ONR Grant N00014-97-1-0531, awarded to the International Technology Research Institute at Loyola College in Maryland. The government has certain rights in this material. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States government, the authors’ parent institutions, or Loyola College. ABSTRACT
This report is a collection of the papers presented at the joint World Technology Evaluation (WTEC), National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Institute of Machine Science Problems (IMSP) workshop on Nanoparticles and Nanostructures in St. Petersburg on August 21, 1997. The workshop was devoted to nanostructure research in Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union (FSU). The papers included here represent an overview of nanotechnology in Russia and the FSU. While availability and accessibility of equipment is limited in Russia and the FSU, scientists continue to make important contributions to nanostructure research. Similarly, scientists in Russia and other FSU countries are important contributors to key ideas stimulating research in functional nanostructures. The workshop also made clear the importance of strong collaborations between Russia and other European countries. Several of these collaborations are discussed in the proceedings. Topics discussed in these papers include (1) synthesis of nanophase materials, (2) nucleation of nanophased material by shock impact, (3) hydrogen-induced transformations of metals, (4) chemical synthesis with nanostructured templates, (5) assemblies of nanostructured materials through the assembly of so-called superatoms. Applications for nanostructured materials, including superior strength and medical materials, additives to reduce friction, water filters, and novel superconducting and semiconducting devices, were also discussed.
International Technology Research Institute (ITRI) R.D. Shelton, Principal Investigator, ITRI Director George Mackiw, Deputy ITRI Director George Gamota, ITRI Associate Director J. Brad Mooney, TTEC Division Director Robert Margenthaler, BD Division Director
World Technology (WTEC) Division Staff Involved in this Study Geoffrey M. Holdridge, WTEC Division Director and ITRI Series Editor Bobby A. Williams, Financial Officer Catrina M. Foley, Administrative Assistant Christopher McClintick, Head of Publications Roan E. Horning, Head of Information Technologies Michael Stone, LINUX Systems Administrator Rob Capellini, Student Assistant Rob Tamburello, Student Assistant Xinye Zhang, Student Assistant
Judith M. Dobler, Editor
December 1999. Copyrights reserved by individual authors as noted hereinreproduced by permission. The U.S. government retains a nonexclusive and nontransferable license to exercise all exclusive rights provided by copyright. The ISBN number for this report is 1-883712-55-6. This WTEC report is distributed by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce as NTIS report # PB99-150518. A list of available JTEC/WTEC reports and information on ordering them from NTIS is included on the inside back cover of this report. i
The Workshop on Nanoparticles and Nanostructures held in St. Petersburg on August 21, 1997, was sponsored jointly by the World Technology (WTEC) Division of the International Technology Research Institute at Loyola College in Maryland, USA, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Institute of Machine Science Problems (IMSP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This was part of a two-year, worldwide WTEC study of research and development activities in nanoparticles, nanostructured materials and nanodevices, nanostructure science and technology. The main objectives of the study were to evaluate the scientific and technological trends and to create opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaboration. At the St. Petersburg workshop, fourteen experts from Russia presented overviews or special research achievements in the area of nanotechnology in Russia. Two presentations from U.S. representatives provided the goals and framework of the WTEC study. The presentations included some results from the U.S. evaluation workshop (May 8-9, 1997) and a discussion of support for nanotechnology at NSF. In addition, a technical presentation on functional nanostructures was presented before the beginning of the effective review, as an illustration of the major research opportunities in the field of nanotechnology.
The one-day workshop focused on several themes: particle synthesis, sintering, nanocrystalline metals, characterization, and functional nanostructures, as well as the channeling of funding for research. Mechanisms of international collaboration were also addressed.
We would like to thank all participants for their assistance in the preparation of these proceedings.
Organizing Committee
I.A. Ovid’ko M.C. Roco IMSP, Russian Academy of Sciences National Science Foundation, U.S.A. ii iii
Foreword...... i Contents...... iii List of Figures...... v List of Tables...... vii List of Participants...... ix
I. Summary: Functional Nanostructure Research in Russia Evelyn L. Hu, Richard W. Siegel, and M.C. Roco
1. Overview of the WTEC Workshop in St. Petersburg on August 21, 1997 (E.L. Hu)...... xi
2. Notes on the Russian Scientists’ Presentations And Discussion (R.W. Siegel)...... xii
3. Funding of Nanotechnology in Russia (M.C. Roco)...... xvi
II. Papers Presented August 21, 1997
1. NSF Research Programs and Support for Nanotechnology (M.C. Roco, NSF) ...... 1
2. Comments on the WTEC Study and on Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Research in the United States (R.W. Siegel, RPI)...... 7
3. Some Aspects of Nanoparticle Technology in Russia (E.F. Sheka, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University)...... 13
4. The Synthesis of Structurized Nanoglobules, Precision Quantum Devices and Quantum Materials (V.B. Aleskovskii & V.I. Gubaidulin, St. Petersburg State University)...... 19
5. Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Nanostructured Materials (Theoretical Modeling) (I.A. Ovid’ko, Institute of Machine Science Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 25
6. Ultrathin Wires with Near Atomic Diameters (Yu.A. Kumzerov, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 33
7. R&D in the Field of Nanostructured Materials in Russia (R.A. Andrievski, Institute of New Chemical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 39
8. Nanophase Alloys (N.I. Noskova, Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 45
9. Nanostructure Formation in Dynamically Loaded Solids (Yu.I. Mescheryakov, Institute of Machine Science Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 53
10. Properties of Defects in Nanostructured Materials (A.E. Romanov, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences)...... 59
11. Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Metals Prepared by Severe Plastic Deformation (R.Z. Valiev, Institute of Physics of Advanced Materials)...... 67
12. Structure and Magnetic Properties of RFe2 Hx Nanohydrides Obtained by Hydrogen-Induced iv
...... Amorphization (A.Y. Yermakov, Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences) ...... 71
13. Nanolithography on Surfaces of SiWx and ITO films by STM (I.A. Ryjikov, Delta Research Institute)...... 81
14. Some Aspects of Nanoelectronics Development in Russia (I.A. Obukhov, Delta Research Institute)...... 85
15. History and Some Programs of Ultradispersed Materials Development in Russia (V.F. Petrunin, Ministry of Atomic Energy)...... 93
16. Invited Technical Paper: Designing Nanostructures for New Functional Materials (B.B. Rath, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)...... 99 v
I. Summary: Functional Nanostructure Research in Russia
1. Optical absorption band edge vs. CdS shell thickness on SiO2 clusters...... xii
II. Papers Presented August 21, 1997 1.1 The research process at NSF...... 3 1.2 NSF’s core strategies...... 4
2.1 Nanostructured materials of various modular dimensions...... 8 2.2 The field of nanostructure science and technology and the structure of the WTEC study...... 9
4.1 Structured quantum dots...... 20 4.2 Liquid phase synthesis of quantum structures...... 21 4.3 Synthesis of structured nanoglobules (SNG)...... 22 4.4 Complementary structural units of SNG...... 22
5.1 Quasiperiodic interface with misfit dislocations in the film-substrate system...... 27 5.2 Quasiperiodic tilt boundary consisting of structural units of type A and B...... 27
6.1 Structure of chrysotile asbestos...... 33 6.2 Electron microscope photograph showing various materials in asbestos filaments...... 34 6.3 Relative resistance vs. temperature for mercury wires with different diameters...... 35 6.4 The effect of “weak” localization on mercury wires...... 36 6.5 Relative resistance vs. temperature for mercury wires with different diameters in the region of the superconducting transition...... 36 6.6 Critical temperature of superconductivity vs. diameter for Sn, In, and Hg wires...... 37 6.7 Melting temperature for mercury wires vs. diameter. Insertion and suppression of melting transition vs. diameter...... 37
8.1 Various ways of transformation from amorphous state to nanophase state of Fe-and Pd-based alloys...... 46 8.2 Electron micrographs taken after crystallization from amorphous state during in situ heating of the Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9...... 47 8.3 Electron micrographs of electron microdiffraction patterns of the Pd81Cu7Si12 alloy after several treatments...... 49 8.4 The structure of the nanocrystaline Cu before and after UW treatment...... 52
9.1 Phase x-t diagram...... 54 9.2 Distribution function...... 56 9.3 SEM micrographs of copper and steel...... 57 9.4 Fine structure of RSB in copper and electron diffraction pattern of RSB in copper...... 58
10.1 Defects and scale levels...... 61 10.2 Structure of interfaces: coherent, semicoherent, incoherent...... 62 10.3 Dislocation stability in nanocrystallites...... 63 10.4 Hierarchy of stability scales for defects in nanocrystallites...... 64 10.5 Structure of small particles. High resolution micrograph...... 65
11.1 True stress-strain curves of tensile tests for nanocrystalline Ni3Al, Cr doped B...... 67 11.2 Principle of equal-channel angular pressing and principle of torsion straining...... 68 vi List of Figures
11.3 High strain rate superplasticity in Al alloys...... 69
12.1 Differential thermal analysis-curve of TbFe2H42 sample in hydrogen atmosphere at the heating rate of 20 K min-1...... 72 12.2 X-ray diffraction patterns of HoFe2Hx compounds obtained at various treatment regimes...... 73 12.3 X-ray diffraction patterns of crystalline TbFe2 compounds...... 74 12.4 Magnetization curve of amorphous RFe2Hx samples...... 75 12.5 Mossbauer spectra...... 76 12.6 Hyperfine field distribution functions of parent GdFe hydrogenated at 240C and hydrogenated at 300C...... 77 12.7 Temperature dependence of Gd magnetic moment...... 78 12.8 X-ray diffraction patterns of parent GdFe hydrogenated at 240C and 300C...... 78
14.1 Potential RTS...... 86 14.2 Electron transmission coefficient...... 86 14.3 I-V characteristics of RTD...... 86 14.4 RTS on n+-substrate...... 86 14.5 RTS on semi-insulating substrate...... 87 14.6 I-V characteristics of RTD on n+-substrate...... 87 14.7 I-V characteristics of RTD on n+-substrate...... 87 14.8 I-V characteristics of RTD on semi-insulating substrate...... 87 14.9 Distribution of normal current density to boundary between RTS and n+-substrate...... 88 14.10 Potential relief for electron on junction between 2 InSb QW with width 70 nm and 10 nm...... 88 14.11 Quantum field effect transistor...... 89 14.12 I-V characteristics of GaAs QFET...... 89 14.13 Relaxation quantum diode...... 90 14.14 I-V characteristics of InSb RQD...... 90 14.15 Relaxation quantum transistor...... 91 14.16 I-V characteristics of InSb RQT in circuit with common base...... 91 14.17 I-V characteristics of InSb RQT in circuit with common emitter...... 92
15.1 Neutron diffraction patterns of ultradispersed powders, NbN, prepared at different temperatures...... 94 15.2 Atomic density in various material structures...... 95
16.1 Trade-offs in computational materials physics...... 100 vii
II. Papers Presented, August 21, 1997 3.1 Nanoparticle Formation Technologies in Russia...... 14 3.2 Chemical Composition of Final Nanoparticle Products...... 14
8.1 The Structure and Properties of Nanocrystalline Polyphase Alloys...... 48 8.2 Properties of Pd81Cu7Si12 and Pd77.5Cu6Si16.5 after Crystallization under Creep Conditions...... 51
10.1 History of the Development of Defects in the Soviet Union and Russia...... 60 10.2 Dislocation Stability in Various Nanocrystallites...... 64
12.1 Hydrogen-Induced Amorphization Regimes of Obtained RFe2Hx Hydrides...... 71 12.2 Magnetic Properties of Crystalline and Amorphous Hydrides...... 75
12.3 The Intersublattice Exchange Coupling Constant GdFe and NdyFe Obtained from R(T) ...... 77
14.1 Physical Parameters Important for Quantum Wires of Various Materials...... 89 viii