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Department of Computer Science College of Engineering and Computer Science California State University, Fullerton
Proposal for Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSE) February 17, 2004
2 Table of Contents
III.A. General Elements for All Substantive Change Proposals: A.1. Overview and Abstract…………………………………………………..… 4 A.2. Institutional Summary Data……………………………………………..…. 5 A.3. Descriptive Background, History and Context………………………..…… 5 California State University, Fullerton……………………………………………..……. 5 College of Engineering and Computer Science ……………………………………..… 5 Department of Computer Science ……………..………………………….……………. 5 A.4. Institutional Accrediting History Relevant to Substantive Change……..…. 6 A.5. Program Need and Planning/Approval Process……………………….…… 6 Relation to CSUF Mission and Goals………………………………………………..…. 6 CSUF Mission and Goals…………………………………………….……...…..….. 6 Mission of College of ECS……………………………………………….…...….… 6 Department of Computer Science Mission……………………………..….………. 7 CSU Chancellor’s Office Cornerstone’s Report………………………….………..… 7 Market Demand for the Program…………………………………………….……….… 8 Planning/Approval Process for New Degree…………………………….…………..…. 8 A.6. Program Description……………………………………………………..… 9 MSE Program Design and Description…………………………………….……….…… 9 Student Learning Objectives………………………………………….……………..…. 9 MSE Curriculum and Timeframe………………………………………………..……. 10 Online Course Format, Structure and Interaction……………………………………… 11 On-Campus Orientation and Meeting………………………………………………….. 12 Virtual Orientation……………………………………………………………….…. 12 Mid-Point Virtual Symposium………………………………………………………..12 Distance Learning Fees and Associated Costs for On-Campus Meetings………………12 Admission and Program Continuation Requirements………………………………….. 12 Minimum State Requirements………………………………………………………. 13 Additional Requirements for MSE Admissions……………………………………. 13 Program Continuation and Completion Requirements……………………………… 13 Examinations, Evaluations, and Academic Integrity….…………………………………13 Good Academic Standing, Probation, and Appeals Process……………………………. 14 Transfer and Prior Learning Credits……………………………………………………..14 Disabled Students………………………………………………………………………. 14 Information Provided to Students………………………………………………………..14 Administrative Program Governance…………………………………………………... 15 Impact on Institutional Resources……………………………………………………… 15 A.7. Faculty……………………………………………………………………… 15 Faculty Participants…………………………………………………………………….. 15 Balance of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty…………………………………………... 18 Faculty Development Support Services…………………………………………………18 A.8. Student Support Services…………………………………………………... 18 Registration……………………………………………………………………………...18 Student Academic Advising……………………………………………………………. 19 3 Financial Aid…………………………………………………………………………….19 Faculty-Student Interaction…………………………………………………………….. 20 A. 9. Technology………………………………………………………………… 20 A.10. Library and Information Resources………………………………………... 20 A.11. Physical Resources………………………………………………………….20 A.12. Financial Resources………………………………………………………... 20 A.13. Plan for Evaluating Educational Effectiveness……………………………..21 A.14. Plan for Teach-Out Provision……………………………………………… 21
III.B. Specific Elements for Program-Related Change Proposals:………………………... 22
B.1. Computer Support…………………………………………………………. 22 Campus Technology Infrastructure…………………………………………………….. 22 Intellectual Property Issues…………………………………………………….………. 23 Campus Policies Governing Online Distance Learning………………………………... 23 B.2. Plan for Evaluation and Assessment………………………………………..23 Assessment of Student Learning……………………………………………………….. 23 MSE Program Evaluation……………………………………………………………... 24 B.3 Appendices………………………………………………………………….25
4 California State University, Fullerton Department of Computer Science, College of College of Engineering & Computer Science Proposal for an Online Master of Science Software Engineering
A.1. Overview/Abstract of the Program California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is proposing a new, online Master’s degree in Software Engineering (MSE) to be housed in the Department of Computer Science (CS) within the College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS). This new MSE program represents the second fully web-based online degree program for CSUF.
“Software Engineering is an application of a systematic and disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software” (IEEE). With the recent advances in software development, there has been increasing demand for knowledgeable professionals skilled in leading and managing software design, implementation, operation and maintenance. Thus, the objective of the proposed program is to prepare individuals for careers as software engineers and software process managers in industry and government agencies. The program emphasizes a comprehensive and thorough process-oriented approach to software development, and the program curriculum is fundamentally grounded in software engineering research, theory, principles, and practice. The emphasis on process-oriented methodologies makes this program unique among professional master’s degrees.
The program is designed for professionals working in the field of computer science who wish to further their skills and pursue graduate-level education in Software Engineering. The program will be offered in the cohort format, and the students will be expected to take two courses each semester. The program incorporates the following strands of assessment/evaluation: critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration/team work, research, software process implementation, software process assessment/appraisal, software standard comprehension, literacy in legal and ethical issues, and communication. The culminating activity of this master’s program will be a practicum project where each student applies his/her knowledge and skills to a large or medium scale software project. Students will design, develop, and test the product. Students completing this master’s program will have a well- rounded understanding of the theory, research, implementation, and evaluation of the software process as it applies to a variety of applications.
MSE is planned to be an on-going, 30-unit, online degree program to be completed by each 25-student cohort in 22-months beginning fall 2004. The course schedule will be based on the 16 week semester in the fall and spring, and one eight week summer session. In addition, students will be required to attend and complete a mandatory Virtual Orientation prior to beginning the program and a Virtual Mid-Point Symposium for review of their progress toward completing the final project and for continued authentication of their work. Currently, CSUF offers one on-line program leading to the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT). The IDT program was started in fall 2004.
5 A. 2. Institutional Summary Data Form Please refer to Appendix 1 for the Institutional Summary Data Form.
A. 3. Descriptive Background, History and Context California State University, Fullerton: California State University, Fullerton is one of twenty-three campuses in the California State University system. Established in 1957, CSUF now enrolls more than 30,000 students. The campus offers 55 bachelor's level and 47 graduate academic programs in the traditional liberal arts and sciences as well as in several professional areas with 18 degree programs accredited by their respective professional accrediting agencies. CSUF has 7 colleges: Arts; Business and Economics; Communications; Human Development and Community Service, Humanities and Social Sciences; Engineering and Computer Science; and Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Courses and certificates are also offered through University Extended Education. The University is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
College of Engineering and Computer Science The College of Engineering and Computer Science consists of a Division of Engineering and a Department of Computer Science. The Division has the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Engineering and Computer Science also houses two entities, MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement) and MEP (Minority Engineering Program). MESA has a focus on recruiting students while MEP primarily focuses on students enrolled at CSUF.
The mission of the College of Engineering and Computer Science is congruent with those of the individual programs. At one level, being a state university, its mission is the creation of an educated and competitive workforce for the State of California. At another level, its mission is to educate engineers and computer scientists who will have state-of-the-art knowledge at the time of graduation, and will be well-equipped to seek and secure higher education as necessary.
The full titles of all degrees in engineering and computer science granted by California State University, Fullerton are as follows: B.S. in Civil Engineering, B.S. in Electrical Engineering B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, B.S. in Engineering with an Option in Engineering Science, B.S. in Computer Science, M.S. in Civil Engineering, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. in Electrical Engineering with an Option in Systems Engineering, M.S. in Engineering with an Option in Engineering Science, M.S. in Computer Science. All undergraduate programs in ECS are accredited by the professional accreditation body: Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
Department of Computer Science The Department of Computer Science, which has over 4000 graduates, was established in 1976. The Computer Science program at CSUF teaches fundamental concepts mixed with practical usage. The curriculum keeps a good balance between the theory and practice, by teaching current technology and providing fundamental concepts required for understanding the technology of tomorrow. The Master’s 6 program that prepares individuals for research, teaching and further graduate study, has currently 344 students enrolled. The Department has 12 tenure track faculty members, four full time lecturers and 34 part-time faculty members. All tenure track faculty members have a PhD in Computer Science or related field. Three full time faculty members specialize, and have strong research and teaching background, or work experience in Software Engineering. The Computer Science bachelor’s degree program is fully accredited by ABET.
The proposed MSE program is not offered on campus or at any other off-campus sites.
A. 4. Institutional Accrediting History Relevant to Substantive Change CSUF has earned WASC accreditation for three off-campus and/or distance learning programs. The programs and the dates of WASC approval are as follows: (1) Master of Arts in Communication in Hong Kong and Shanghai (April 2002), (2) Master of Business Administration in Peru (July 2000), (3) Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Wescott (August 1995) and Kaiser Permanente Hospitals (September 2000). (4) Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology (May 2002)
A. 5. Program Need and Planning/Approval Process Relation to CSUF Mission and Goals: Among other goals, the University’s Mission Statement expressly notes “To ensure the preeminence of learning, we will integrate advances in information technologies into learning environments.” (see Appendix 2, section I.G.). To this end, the President’s Technology Plan was developed and implemented beginning 1991-1996; the campus faculty and staff workstation rollout plan began in 1998; and the Faculty Development Center was established in 1997 with a central charge to support faculty in the use of instructional technology. Below are the mission, goals, and philosophy of the university, college, CS, and CSU as it relates to graduate education, technology and student access.
CSUF Mission and Goals (see Appendix 2) The proposed online master’s program in Software Engineering addresses CSUF’s Mission and Goals as follows: Commitment to providing high quality educational programs that meet the evolving needs of our students, community, and region (Goal II) is evidenced by the primary target audience of professionals working in a variety of technological settings within our community. This innovative program responds to the enormous changes and growth in technology and its applications and integrates advances in information technology and distance education into a variety of learning environments (Goal I). This on-line program increases the opportunity for students to access higher education (“creating an opportunity where all students have the opportunity to succeed” (Goal V).
Mission of the College of ECS The proposed MSE curriculum incorporates the most recent research and industry practices in software engineering. Thus, it is consistent with the mission of the College of Engineering and 7 Computer Science whose primary goal is creation of an educated and competitive workforce for the State of California. At the same time, ECS mission is to educate engineers and computer scientists who will have state-of-the-art knowledge at the time of graduation, and who will be well-equipped to seek and secure higher education as necessary. The mission can further be described as graduating engineers with the following attributes: A good understanding of engineering and computer science fundamentals. A good understanding of design, manufacturing and/or implementation processes. A multi-disciplinary, systems perspective. A basic understanding of the context in which engineering and computer science is practiced. Good communication skills. High ethical standards. An ability to think both critically and creatively—independently and cooperatively. Flexibility, including the ability and self-confidence to adapt to rapid or major change. Curiosity and a desire to learn for life. A profound understanding of the importance of teamwork.
Mission of the Department of Computer Science The MSE program provides comprehensive, graduate education in the emerging and yet essential discipline of Software Engineering. This is in accordance with the Computer Science Department Mission Statement stating that “the mission of the Computer Science Department is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students for productive careers in industry or academia, by providing a stimulating learning environment in both the core and emerging areas of the discipline. The Department places high priority on establishing and maintaining creative research and professional development by the faculty and the students.” ( Computer Science Accreditation Report, Fall 2002, vol. 1)
CSU Chancellor’s Office Cornerstones Report The proposed on-line MSE program meets Principle 6 of the CSU System Cornerstones Report:
PRINCIPLE 6: Graduate education and continuing education are essential components of the mission of the California State University. The recommendations in support of this principle are: 6a. The CSU will provide increased access to graduate education and continuing education especially in those programs central to the lifelong opportunity of our students, and to the continued health of California's communities and economy. 6b. The expansion of opportunities in these areas will require a significant integration of programs in both the state-supported and fee-supported modes; the specifics of a more integrated program need to be developed, including the proper institutional and financial relationships. 6c. The expansion of CSU post-baccalaureate programs will require a new system of financing those programs. 6d. The expansion of opportunity in these areas will require new partnerships with community and business institutions to make education available beyond the campus, and to increase the immediacy of education that is applied and professional.
8 CSUF Strategic Plan – “The Master Plan” Master of Science in Software Engineering was included in the Master Plan for California State University, Fullerton that was approved by the Board of Trustees in March 1993.
Projected Market Demand for the Program and the process used to establish this need With the recent advances in software development, there has been increasing demand for professionals skilled in managing large and medium scale software projects. The MSE faculty workgroup in partnership with CSUF University Extended Education developed the questionnaire (see Appendix 3) to assess market demand for the program. The UEE conducted an MSE program market demand survey between January 28 and February 28, 2003. The survey was administrated on-line and respondents included CSU Fullerton Computer Science alumni, the advisory board for this proposed MSE program, and a UEE record of “People with Interest” in IT. Some 1885 survey emails were sent; 358 were returned due to an invalid e-mail address, yielding a total of 1527 valid emails sent. A request to fill out the on-line survey was emailed to the audience specified above. There were 135 responses. Approximately 95% of respondents felt that there is a moderate to very high demand for someone with the MSE degree. Approximately 93% of respondents said that they were very or somewhat interested in hiring someone with this type of degree. There is a wide range of positions that apply to the degree focus (question 3). Approximately 67% of respondents believed that the annual salary for graduates from this program will be above $65,000. Please see Appendix 3 for the survey questions and results.
Additionally, Appendix 4 shows enrollment growth for five universities offering distance learning software engineering courses.
Planning/Approval Process for New Degree Programs: The curricular approval process is governed by both overall CSU and campus policies. CSUF’s Office of Academic Programs and University Policy Statement “Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the Addition of New Degree Programs to the University Master Plan,” UPS 430.000 provide the overall outline for new Master’s degree proposals (see Appendix 5). The formal review process for new proposals includes proposal review by the following bodies: 1. Computer Science Faculty and Chair ( Approved, spring 2003) 2. College of ECS Curriculum Committee (Approved, spring 2003) 3. Dean, College of ECS (Approved, spring 2003) 4. University Graduate Education Committee (Approved, spring 2003) 5. University Planning, Resource and Budget Committee (Approved, spring 2003) 6. CSUF Academic Senate (Approved, spring 2003) 7. CSUF President (Approved, spring 2003) 8. CSU Chancellor (Approved , February 3, 2004) 9. Western Association of Schools and Colleges (pending)
In summer 2002, the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) initiated conversations with the Chair of CS and a CS faculty member to encourage development of an online M.S. program in Software Engineering. Over the fall 2002, additional interested CS faculty were recruited to form a five member MSE committee to develop all aspects of an MSE program proposal. The faculty committee 9 met weekly and was supported for their work by the VPAA (@ 3 WTUs of assigned time per faculty). The MSE proposal began its approval process in spring 2003 and has now successfully completed the campus and chancellor’s approval process.
A. 6. Program Description MSE Program Conceptual Design and Description: The Master of Science in Software Engineering consists of 30-unit coursework (10 courses) to be completed over a 22-month-long, year-round program with students taking two courses per semester. Students will be grouped in cohorts that follow the same class schedule throughout the program. Because of the intensive nature of online learning, students will be expected to spend 6-10 hours on homework per week for each class. This is in addition to participation in the on-line lectures, discussions, chats and regular course readings. Thus, the total amount of time for course related learning would range from 12 to 16 hours per week.
The courses are paired both theoretically and sequentially with learning goals and assessments integrated throughout the entire program. The culminating experience of the practicum and project will be linked together to provide a practical application setting with a supporting theoretical and research framework.
In addition to the course requirements, students will be required to complete a virtual orientation seminar prior to the beginning of the program. Students will also participate in a virtual midpoint symposium to authenticate and assess their progress in the program.
Student Learning Objectives: The student learning objectives are incorporated into eight overarching program goals: implementation of software process; process assessment and appraisal; software process standards; collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving; media literacy; research; and written communication. Each learning goal strand or theme is described below.
Process Assessment/Appraisal - the ability to analyze and estimate software process costs. Software Standard Comprehension – the ability to identify, analyze and apply software standards in software engineering practice. Professional, Legal and Ethical Issues – the ability to analyze, assess and interpret professional codes of ethics and regulatory documents pertaining to software engineering. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – the ability to analyze, evaluate and synthesize information as well as generate and apply appropriate solutions to solve problems based on reasoned rationale. Collaboration and team work – the ability to work productively in team or collaborative settings to achieve common goals or purposes. Research – the ability to conduct, evaluate and synthesize research and apply theoretical ideas to practical settings.
10 Communication – the ability to effectively present ideas in a logical framework in a variety of forms with proper language structure and mechanics.
Please see the detailed Assessment and Outcomes Matrix in Appendix 6. Each course contains a multi- modal assessment methodology to document learning via projects, on-line demonstrations, discussion, and exams. Each learning goal is linked to specific course assignments and learning outcomes. The most common assessments are the individual and team-designed class projects, various prototype projects, online discussions, prototype demos, midterm and final exams.
The culminating experience includes research and a practicum grounded in the theoretical foundations defined in all study plan coursework. An electronic portfolio of culminating experience and preparatory coursework will be created by each student enrolled in the program. The portfolio will be reviewed at the midpoint symposium and evaluated by the Program Coordinator at the end of the program. The portfolio provides the evidence for the most comprehensive assessment of the program. Finally, the inclusion of the virtual orientation seminar and the virtual midpoint seminar ensures the authentication of student work and progress in the program linked to the eight learning goal strands.
MSE Curriculum and Timeframe: Please see sample syllabi for MSE courses in Appendix 7.
STUDY PLAN REQUIREMENTS Attendance at the initial virtual orientation. Attendance at the virtual midpoint symposium.
Core courses ( 12 units total) CPSC 541 - Systems and Software Standards and Requirements (3) CPSC 544 - Software Process Definition (3) CPSC 543 - Software Maintenance (3) CPSC 545 - Software Design and Architecture (3)
Advanced Software Process Evaluation Courses (6 units total) CPSC 542 - Software Verification and Validation (3) CPSC 547 - Software Measurement (3)
Advanced Software Engineering Management Courses (6 units total) CPSC-546 - Software Project Management (3) CPSC 548 – Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues for Software Engineers (3)
Capstone Experience (6 units) CPSC 597* - Graduate Project in Computer Science (6) (CPSC 597 will be offered in two 3-unit segments)
The program requires the development of only two new courses: CPSC 547, “Software Measurement”, and CPSC 548, “Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues for Software Engineers.” The other study plan 11 courses CPSC 541 through CPSC 546, and CPSC 597 will undergo routine curricular revisions, and will be adapted for on-line delivery.
PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF COURSES August 2004: Virtual Orientation Seminar September - December 2004: CPSC 541; CPSC 544 January - May 2004: CPSC 542; CPSC 545
June – August 2004: CPSC 543; CPSC 547 August 2005: Virtual Midpoint Seminar September-December 2005: CPSC 546; CPSC 597 (3 units) January-May 2006: CPSC 548; CPSC 597 (3 units)
Online Course Format, Structure and Interaction: The MSE program will be taught using the campus Blackboard courseware licensed by the Faculty Development Center. Each course will be conducted in a primarily asynchronous mode, broken into discrete one-week blocks of time. For example on average, each week the instructor will post the week’s “lecture” (e.g., PowerPoint lecture presentations, additional instructor lecture notes, short audio/visual streaming lecture by instructor) as well as additional readings or web resources by Friday at 5 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time). Students will be required to complete the readings and view the “lecture” materials by that next Monday evening and will be told to complete a response or assignment and send it electronically to the instructor by Wednesday evening. Next, students will be asked to respond to and work with their team or with other students in class by Friday 1:00 p.m (either via synchronous, scheduled chat rooms or asynchronous bulletin boards).
Examples of some of the materials and interactions that students might experience each week might include the following: required readings from an electronic text, electronic library reserve material, instructor’s “lecture” and related lecture notes, a lecture written by an expert in the field, interactive exercises to further enhance understanding of the subject matter, assignments and response papers sent via e-mail, electronic discussions with the professor, other students and the entire class. Depending on the topic, lecture material may be presented to students in the form of a PowerPoint presentation complete with videoclips, screen shots, various interactive exercises, charts, graphs, figures that will "pop up" when clicked, or short actual segments of the instructor lecturing using audio/video streaming technologies.
Each week’s assignments generally will require students to synthesize and integrate the week’s material both on their own and in cooperative learning situations. Throughout the course, students are expected to keep pace with assignments and deliver assignments on schedule to the instructor for review and evaluation. Students also will be told that it will be necessary for them to check their course e-mail and bulletin boards at least every other day for messages and updates from professors and fellow classmates.
Each student is required to participate meaningfully in synchronous and asynchronous on-line discussions, which occur in weekly cyber chat classrooms. These cyber classrooms are places for students to discuss the readings, lecture and assignments and to engage the professor and fellow 12 students in discussions of specific course-related issues. To keep conversations focused and manageable, cyber classrooms may sometimes be structured so as to involve only half of the class at a time. Within each cyber structured classroom, students will find a set of prompting questions meant to highlight issues that are important in stimulating discussion. The cyber classrooms will be created so that all responses will remain accessible to participants during the entire course (i.e., students will be able to read all of what has been contributed).
In sum, students in this program will have ample opportunity to work regularly with the instructor one- on-one, as well as with fellow classmates individually and in groups. On average, students in the program can expect to be in contact with the instructor and/or classmates an average of 3 times per week through a variety of means (e.g., Blackboard courseware announcements, bulletin boards, chat rooms, email, and telephone).
Virtual Orientation and Midpoint Seminar: In addition to the course requirements, students will be required to complete a Virtual Orientation prior to the beginning of the program. Students will also participate in a Midpoint Symposium to authenticate and assess their progress in the program. As opposed to regular program activities which will be asynchronous, both the virtual orientation and the virtual midpoint seminar will be conducted in a real-time synchronous mode. Real-time teleconferencing and video-streaming will be used to carry out these meetings. The students will be able to use Webcams, or any other video cameras whose output is available for viewing via the Internet. The students will meet faculty, classmates, and program advisors during the virtual orientation. They will participate in the real-time on-line conference during the mid-point symposium. While we encourage real-time teleconferencing and video-streaming as means of these meetings, we will also, where appropriate, provide an opportunity for faculty members to meet and to visually authenticate students.
All in all, these on-line one-on-one meetings with faculty members and classmates will personalize student learning experiences.
Distance Learning Fees and Associated Costs for On-Campus Meetings: A distance fee of $75 per course for MSE program has been approved by the campus (see Appendix 8 for the MSE Online Distance Fee Proposal). This distance fee covers the cost of auxiliary software and hardware, and materials associated with the Virtual Orientation and Mid-point Symposium.
Admission & Program Continuation Requirements: Students will be admitted to the proposed program in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in the “Graduate Application Procedures” section of the University Catalogue. (
This program intentionally seeks high-performing, qualified computer science professional students In addition to submitting standard GPA and test scores, students will be required to submit written essays, a resume, and participate in a phone interview assessing their prior work experience and the equivalence of CPSC 461 (Software Engineering ). The Admissions Committee will be composed of 13 the MSE Program Coordinator and a subset of faculty teaching in the program and from the MSE Program Council (see Appendix 9 for the “MSE Student Admission Interview” questions.)
Minimum state requirements for admission for conditional classified standing include:
1. Hold a baccalaureate from an accredited institution of higher education. 2. Have earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 in the last 60 semester units attempted as documented by two official copies of transcripts from all higher education institutions attended. 3. Good standing at the last college attended.
In addition, students must meet the following program requirements: 4. For international students from countries where English is not the language of instruction, a TOEFL score of 550. 5. Prior IT- related work experience. 6. Curriculum vitae supplemented as needed by a telephone interview to determine whether the student possesses work experience in the area of software development sufficient to satisfy program prerequisites (i.e. the equivalent of CPSC 461). 7. Submission of student admission questionnaire (Please see Attachment 1). 8. Technology requirements as follows: Operating System: LINUX RedHat 6.x / SuSE / Macintosh OS 8.6 or higher / NetBSD 1.5.2 or above / Sun OS 4. x or above / SCO Unix / UWIN 3.1 or higher /Windows 98 or higher /or any other OS that supports the needed applications Processor: minimum of 450 MHz (faster processor preferred); Memory: minimum of 512 MB of RAM (larger RAM preferred); Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or above / Mozilla 1.3 or above / Netscape 4.7 or above/ or any other Browser that supports plug-in and needed applications Sound Card and video card Modem: 56 Kbps or faster (DSL, cable, etc.); Monitor: 15” monitor with a minimum 800 x 600 resolution capability; Printer: Graphics-capable (inkjet or laser) printer; Software: C++ compiler (VC++ , gnu, or any ANSII compliant, Java source-code to byte code compiler (Espresso, gnu, sun, etc); Word Processor capable of saving documents in MS Word format, PDF format, or PS format; Electronic Presentation Software; CD-R/CD-RW: 12x (24x preferred); E-mail account and dependable Internet connection
Continuation and completion of the program requires: 9. Registration, attendance, and successful completion of the virtual orientation and midpoint seminars. 10. If circumstances force a student to fall out of the original cohort schedule, the student will normally be permitted to continue in the program, but will default to the next cohort cycle provided the student remains in good academic standing.
Examinations, Evaluations and Academic Integrity :
14 In order to ensure the integrity of the examination process, students in the MSE program will be required to complete all course final exams either on campus, or under the supervision of a qualified proctor. If the student cannot come to campus for examinations, then prior to the 6th week of class, the instructor will make available a list of acceptable proctor sites within a 100-mile radius of each student. Proctor sites may include any of the following: private learning centers such as the Sylvan Center and the Caliber Learning network; CSU sister campus’ testing centers with internet computer labs if needed; or other universities with cooperative agreements with the CSUF to proctor.
Academic integrity of student work is supported by tracking student work via the electronic portfolio throughout the duration of the program.
Good Academic Standing, Probation, and Appeals Process: Continuous enrollment in the program is required. There is a six-year completion time limit for the degree. Approved leaves of absence are available for limited times and are excluded from the total time limit. For more information on the campus’ continuous enrollment requirement and leaves of absence, consult Academic Programs at
A graduate student with a semester grade point average that falls below B (3.0) will be placed on academic probation. Students will be subject to disqualification after two semesters on probation and will be reviewed by the MSE Coordinator in consultation with the MSE Program Council for action by the Director of Graduate Studies. More information on graduate probation and disqualification can be found on the Graduate Studies website:
The regular student appeals process applies to students in the MSE program. More information on the academic appeals process can be found in the student handbook at
Transfer and Prior Learning Credits: Per standing and general university policy, a maximum of nine (9) units of coursework may be transferred into the program from another university, providing the courses have been completed with a grade of “B” or better, are appropriate for the student’s concentration, and comply with the stipulations of the CSUF transfer credit policy. Final determination of the appropriateness of any course for application to this program will rest with the MSE Program Coordinator in consultation with the MSE Program Council and the Dean’s office. More information on the transfer policy can be found at
Students with significant prior learning experiences should produce detailed documentation of their experiences for review and possible substitution by the MSE Program Coordinator in consultation with the MSE Program Council for final approval from the Dean and the Office of Academic Programs.
Disabled Students: Special accommodations for disabled students will be made on an individual, as- needed basis in compliance with ADA and as specified in the CSUF Catalog (hard copy of catalog or online at In addition, the MSE program has been working collaboratively with the campus’ Disabled Student Center staff and one of the MSE program faculty is in the Department of Special Education who also will serve as a valuable resource. 15 Information Provided to Students: The MSE program will provide a variety of materials and information to students both prior to admissions and after enrollment. Much of the information for prospective students can be obtained by visiting the MSE website. For example, this website will have information regarding the degree, the quality of the program, what to expect of a 100% online program, and a host of links to other important student information sites such as Office of Graduate Studies, online catalog and class schedule, bookstore, faculty and student email, student internet access, financial aid, counseling and psychological services, career planning and placement, Disabled Student Center, international students and more. Students may also request information via the website. Once students enroll, the MSE Program Coordinator will send them material and information regularly both electronically and through the mail, as well as communicating by telephone as needed.
Administrative Program Governance: The MSE Master’s Program will have a part-time Program Coordinator who will work with the MSE Program Council and report to the Associate Dean and Director of the CS. A draft of the role, responsibilities and compensation for these positions can be found in Appendix 10. In addition, the MSE Program will convene an external MSE Advisory Board composed of high level professionals from business, industry, education, and related fields who will meet twice a year to review, assess, and provide feedback to the program.
Impact on Institutional Resources: Because of the manageable cohort size (25 students taking 2 courses per semester, over 5 semesters), the MSE program will not pose any significant strain on institutional or physical resources from either a fiscal, faculty workload, or technology support standpoint. The Vice President for Academic Affairs has worked with the CS to provide resources both to the department and to participating faculty for developing and ultimately implementing the program.
The Computer Science Department has approximately 450 full time equivalent students (FTES) and its current computing resources can accommodate a 20% enrolment increase. Since the anticipated size of the initial MSE enrolment is about 10 FTES, the impact on the computing resources will be minimal. The Computer Science Department’s IT systems are run independently from the campus. They are protected by a number of security mechanism including firewalls, and they do not impact or put at risk campus computing resources.
Additionally, the program received a generous software donation from Parasoft Inc. (see Appendix 11)
A. 7. Faculty:
Department of Computer Science Tenure-Track Faculty
The MSE Program is particularly fortunate to have talented faculty who have both strong academic background and professional expertise. Brief biographies with relevant information is listed below; additional details can be found in their vitae attached to the formal program proposal. (For additional detail on publications and presentations, see vitae in Appendix 12.)
16 Dr. Ning Chen : Professor, Computer Science Education: Ph.D., Computer Engineering. Related Experience: Supervised numerous software projects, Expert in the following g technologies: J2EE technology/JBoss, Internet and Enterprise Computing One-time password computer security Object-Oriented Programming (C++/Java) Computer Networking Database Wireless/Mobile Computing Software Architecture and Engineering Microprocessor/Embedded Applications Computer Architecture Sensors and System Engineering. Worked as a consultant in the software engineering area Published research papers related to software engineering.
Dr. Bin Cong: Associate Professor, Computer Science Education: Ph.D., Computer Science Related Experience: Software Engineering Institute Authorized CMM Lead Assessor Chief Technology Officer, Angel Engineers, Sunnyvale, California Expert in the following g technologies : J2EE technology/JBoss, Internet and Enterprise Computing Software Process Object-Oriented Programming (C++/Java) Computer Networking Software Architecture and Engineering Computer Architecture Sensors and System Engineering Supervised a numerous software projects Worked as a consultant in the software engineering area Published research papers in the area of software engineering.
Dr. James Choi: Associate Professor, Computer Science Education: Ph.D., Computer Science Related Experience: Supervised a number of software projects, Expert in the following g technologies : 17 UML And UML Development Methodology SLC Model and SLC Development (Classical and OOM) Developed VLS software in conjunction with Hughes Aircraft, Northrop, Lockheed Martin Taught classes in Software Engineering and Compiler Construction Experience with RDBMS and SQL such as Ingres Extensive knowledge in the Unix/C environment Experience in programming languages such as Ada, Pascal, Fortran,Cobol, RPG, C/C++, Java, Assembly, Basic, etc. Knowledge in Client/Server and LAN/WAN issues(e.g. Internet, WWW etc.) Worked as a consultant Published numerous research papers related to software engineering.
Dr. Dorota Huizinga: Professor, Computer Science Education: Ph.D., Computer Science Related Experience: Expert in the following g technologies : Operating systems Mobile and wireless computing Software Validations and Verification Data structures Extensive knowledge in the Unix/C environment Experience in programming languages such as Ada, Pascal, Fortran, Cobol, C/C++, Java, Assembly, Basic, etc. Knowledge in Client/Server and LAN/WAN issues(e.g. Internet, WWW etc.) Supervised numerous software projects Worked as a consultant Published research papers related to software engineering.
Allen Holliday, Lecturer, Computer Science Education: MS., Computer Science Related Experience: Expert in the following technologies: Software architecture Software engineering process Object oriented programming Operating systems Data Communications Software Validations and Verification Supervised numerous software projects
18 The Impact of the Program on the Faculty Workload: The MSE program requires that two faculty teach in the program during any 1 of the 5 semesters. In designing the curriculum, the paired courses also lend themselves to enhanced collaboration possibilities between faculty. Faculty teaching an MSE course each semester will have the MSE course counted as part of their regular teaching load.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) provided assigned time for faculty to develop the MSE proposal. Once the program is approved, the VPAA will contract with, and support, faculty to develop the online courses (@1 course release). Additionally, such a 1 course release will be available for each of the faculty members teaching an on-line MSE course first time. Once developed, the courses will belong to the MSE program.
Balance of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty: The Department of Computer Science is accredited by ABET and it has 12 tenure track faculty members, four full time lectures and 34 part-time faculty members. Please note however, that while this ratio may appear skewed towards part-time faculty, it is planned that all MSE courses will be taught by full time faculty. The Department of Computer Science has a long-term experience in recruiting and providing orientation to the part-time faculty, should the need for part time faculty to support MSE arise.
Intellectual Property Issues: Currently, the campus has a Senate ad hoc committee on Intellectual Property that has been charged with developing a University Policy Statement on this complex issue. Work is in progress, but no formal policy has been proposed at the present time. MSE faculty are comfortable with contract payment for hire to develop the 10 online courses for the MSE with the understanding that the course content will remain with the MSE program should they elect not to teach in the program. Thus, all works and materials which faculty create or author for the MSE shall be considered works made for hire, and all rights therein in all forms and for all products will vest in the ECS Department of Computer Science including without limitations all patents, trademarks and copyrights therein. Distribution of reading materials will comply with U.S. Copyright Law, Public Law 94-553 permitting access to a single copy of a journal article or book chapter either by or for a teacher for teaching or research purposes.
Faculty Development Support Services: CSUF is fortunate to have excellent faculty development support in the area of instructional technology from a variety of campus units. For example, one of the charges of the Faculty Development Center (FDC) is to support the faculty’s use of the new instructional technologies. To this end, the FDC has site licensed Blackboard and it purchased Tegrity multimedia streaming equipment for the campus. The FDC provides almost 20 free workshops monthly and more intensive summer and intersession training institutes for faculty in learning how to use these new technologies for teaching. All MSE faculty members have participated in numerous FDC training opportunities (e.g., BlackBoard, FrontPage, Tegrity, Dreamweaver) and will continue to seek assistance as needed. Finally, the UEE will also work closely with the MSE Program and provide additional faculty training and support as needed.
A. 8. Student Support Services
19 Registration: Students will be able to enroll and register in the MSE program online through the administrative services of University Extended Education (UEE). Much of the admissions, program, and university information will be made available on the program Website. Upon admission, students will be sent more specific materials about the program, virtual meetings, and other relevant materials.
Student Academic Advising: The MSE program will provide various levels, avenues and forums for academic advising. The MSE Program Coordinator will act as the overall contact person for the program for students and can provide general advisement for most student questions. However, upon enrollment, each MSE student will be assigned to one of the MSE faculty teaching in the program as their initial advisor. At the Virtual Orientation at the beginning of the program, students will receive in- depth academic advising. In addition they will also have individual consultations with program faculty so that they can receive immediate answers to questions and additional support for decisions about the final culminating experiences of the practicum and project. This same process will be repeated during the Virtual Mid-Point Symposium. As students make progress on their culminating project, they may wish to select another faculty advisor depending on their project topic. All students must have their faculty advisor verified by the MSE Program Coordinator by the conclusion of the Mid-Point Symposium and through the completion of an online contract process.
In addition, there will be general academic advising as an ongoing process in the Announcements section of the program site and opportunities for feedback at any time via email and phone contact. Students will also keep a record of their evolving competencies and academic achievement through the development of a cumulative portfolio that they will maintain on a CD and give a separate copy to the
Program Coordinator at the completion of each program segment (2 course cycle). Ongoing analyses of student progress through review of these electronic portfolios will result in additional advising procedures as applicable. Finally, there will be ongoing advising issues as a standing agenda item in the regular meetings of the Program Coordinator and the Program Council.
The program website will contain links to the following offices for additional academic support: *Student Handbook at *Office of Graduate Studies at *Graduate Studies and international students at *International Education and Exchange at *Disabled Student Center at *Counseling and Psychological Services at *Career Planning and Placement Center at *Financial Aid at *Campus homepage at
Financial Aid: A limited number of Graduate Equity Fellowships and Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are available through the Graduate Studies Office. Additional scholarships or grants are described in the university Scholarship and Awards Bulletin that is published every December. The Bulletin is available from the Financial Aid Office and the Graduate Studies Office Information on state grants and federal loan programs is available at Additional information regarding graduate 20 financial aid opportunities and policies can be found at
Faculty-Student Interactions: As stated earlier, the MSE program curriculum requires students to maintain frequent and regular interaction with both the instructor and other classmates. Overall, students should expect to interact with faculty and students online an average of at least 4 hours per week per course and spend at least 12 hours a week off-line. Thus, students in this program can expect to enjoy fairly sustained contact with faculty and classmates both as a function of their online coursework and through the two required on-campus meetings
A.9. Technology The technology infrastructure and various support programs on campus makes CSUF very well-suited to support an online degree program. Please see section III. B.1 “Campus Technology Infrastructure” for more detail.
A. 10. Library and Information Resources The coordinator of library instruction, reference and electronic resources, has been serving as the MSE program’s Library liaison. In addition, the library recently formed the Library Distance Education Committee specifically designed to meet the growing needs of distance students. Some of the resources the library now provides to distance learning students include: electronic periodicals that will support the MSE program (see Appendix 13 ) electronic and mail document delivery service library web page specifically for distance students ( ) newsletter for distance students (and faculty) to inform them of new and existing services telephone reference service option of adding chat reference and other methods for delivering library instruction and research help to distance students Titan Access account to access a rich package of Internet access, email, library online catalog, online reference service, interlibrary loan, and more than 100 online databases. Many of the databases, such as Lexis-Nexis, FirstSearch, Ovid Medline, STAT-USA, CQ Library, J-STOR, offer full text access. Students, faculty members and staff now have the integrated access to a range of resources.
A. 11. Physical Resources With a cohort size of 25 students for this online program, there will be no significant change in physical space on the campus other than the addition of one new faculty position for the MSE program, and reserving appropriate meeting rooms for the on campus meetings.
A. 12. Financial Resources Please see Appendix 14 for an itemized breakdown of costs for the MSE program. Compared to cost estimates of other online programs, the cost of developing and implementing this program is modest. Careful planning and analysis went into developing this comprehensive budget and the program benefits greatly from the fact that the campus already possesses significant services, programs, and
21 offices designed to support instructional technology. In addition, funding for the MS MSE program represents a collaboration from a variety of sources, with primary investments from the Vice President for Academic Affairs, as well as funds from the College of Engineering and Computer Science, University Extended Education. This degree program is not fee-based, with in-state students paying state tuition and out-of-state and international students paying non-residential tuition rates.
A. 13. Plan for Evaluating Educational Effectiveness The MSE plan for evaluating educational effectiveness is both extensive and comprehensive and includes the following: (1) Faculty evaluation of students in individual courses in alignment with the learning goal strands (e.g., see Assessment and Outcome Matrix in Appendix 6); (2) Ongoing and final Program Coordinator evaluation of students’ electronic portfolios; (3) Periodic MSE faculty peer and self-evaluations during MSE retreats and throughout the year; (4) Feedback from the external MSE Advisory Board; (5) MSE Program Coordinator annual evaluation of program data in consultation with the MSE Program Council, the Chair of the CS and the ECS Dean; (6) Regular campus Program Performance Review (PPR) process (see Appendix 17).
A. 14. Plan for Teach-Out Provision In the event of a decision to discontinue the program, CSUF will stop accepting new students, but will continue to honor its commitment to the existing students for completing the remaining coursework.
B. 1. Computer Support Campus Technology Infrastructure: CSUF’s technology infrastructure makes it ideally suited to deliver an online degree program. From 1991-96, the President’s Technology Plan called for fiber optically wiring the entire campus, making Cal State Fullerton the first campus in the CSU to enjoy a fiber optic infrastructure with internet access. Other technology accomplishments and milestones include the following: 1996-97, Information Technology installed an efficient and badly needed private branch access telephone network for the campus and beginning in 1998, launched our first computer rollout to the entire campus. The rollout was unique in that it put state-of-the art machines on every full-time faculty and full-time staff member’s desk and guaranteed a refresh every three years. Conversion to a Microsoft Office campus with one Outlook email system has been nothing short of revolutionary in speeding efficiency and the cross-transfer of university work with upgrade to XP this coming summer. Web accessible student computer labs (over 400 workstations), as well as college-dedicated computer labs. 2001-02 upgrade of all classrooms into smart classrooms with VCR, internet access, and LCD projection capabilities. Faculty Development Center has site licenses BlackBoard and Tegrity streaming media for use by faculty. When the FDC opened its doors in 1998, there were only 3 faculty from 2 departments using WebCt. Today, more than 600 faculty have course websites on the FDC server utilizing either BlackBoard or FrontPage and over two dozen faculty have put their courses fully online. The FDC hosts almost 20 workshops for faculty each month as well as offers more intensive summer technology institutes. All MSE faculty have made good use of these training opportunities and will continue to work actively with the FDC in the future. University Extended Education’s (UEE) Department of Distance Education (DE) also provides technical assistance and occasional funding for faculty interested in online teaching. The half-time Director of Distance Learning is a central member of the MSE team, Dr. Tim Green. Both DE and UEE have provided staff time and funding for the MSE program. The university provides direct Titan Access dial-up to all students (and faculty and staff) that allows direct access to the university computing network (e.g., direct graphic/multimedia access to University technology resources and to Internet/World Wide Web sites outside the domain, libraries, mail/computing services, web pages in the domain, etc.), as well as Internet access. The university has updated its telecommunication and computing structure, and its currently state- of-the-art facilities are being updated on a regular basis. The library allows online access for all students, with many electronic assets available online. The university also provides phone-in HELP Desk support for computer or Titan access related issues with extended hours of service in the evening and weekends. Requests for assistance can be left as messages after hours with a response provided the following day. Students may also call or
23 email the Program Coordinator for assistance with computer or access related questions or problems. The university launched the student portal earlier this semester for increased student customization and includes the following features: o My CSUF- the portal home page, which allows the students to add their own notes and reminders, web links, HTML, and picture o My TITAN Online – provides direct access to class registration, grades, holds, fees, financial aid and other important records information o My E-mail – access to send and receive e-mail from the student’s CSUF email account o My Yahoo E-mail- OR direct access to AOL and Hotmail e-mail accounts o My Library- access to the library circulation records, electronic research sources, interlibrary loans and other key library resources o My Calendar – an online calendar feature to help organize time with the class schedule automatically added to the calendar after registration o My Blackboard - students who are enrolled in any of these classes can assess the academically related services of Blackboard o My Web Cam – view of the campus from one of the several web cams o My Department- access to a favorite academic department o My Links – add own links
The Computer Science Department will utilize its main server to support student accounts and provide access to software development tools. The CS main server is an Enterprise 3500 Unix Server running Solaris 8. The server contains 3gig RAM, 36 gig disk space, 4 CPUs on 2 motherboards and 2 NIC cards. Additionally, the Department has software licenses for: Netscape, FTP, Telnet, X-Win, TerraTerm. Ada (ObjectAda), COBOL, GC Lisp, Fortran, Java (JDK), C/C++ (MS Visual, Borland, DJGPP), Visual Basic, Pascal, and PowerBuilder,Rational Rose, Parasoft, Oracle 8, and MiniTab.
Intellectual Property Issues: Intellectual property issues were discussed in section A7 (page 18).
Campus Policies Governing Online Distance Learning: University Policy Statement UPS 411.104: Policy on Online Instruction (Appendix 15) was passed the Academic Senate and adopted by the campus in April 2003. The content of this UPS defined online distance learning, addressed some basic student and faculty information issues (e.g., concerns about student academic advising, library access, identification of online courses in the class schedule, course syllabi clarification, faculty control of online content), as well as outlining a process for approval of online courses. The MSE program faculty worked closely with the prior UPS document to ensure that all of the proposed courses were in full compliance.
B. 2. Plan for Evaluation and Assessment Assessment of Student Learning: The MSE Program Coordinator will thoroughly assess students at the point of admission with GPA and/or TOEFL scores, personal statement, resume, and a technology 24 skills interview. See section III. A. 6: “Student Learning Objectives” and “Detailed Assessment and Outcomes Matrix” (Appendix 6) for more details on objectives, corresponding assignments and assessments. The MSE Program Coordinator will review and evaluate student learning as part of their electronic portfolios as well as oversee faculty in the program in conjunction with the MSE Program Council. The external MSE Advisory Board shall meet at least twice per year and shall receive annual monitoring and evaluation reports from the Program Coordinator along with the ECS Dean.
MSE Program Evaluation: While the MSE Program Council and Coordinator will be central to ongoing assessment, separate reviews will also be undertaken on a periodic basis by other sources including: The Computer Science Department’s Personnel Committee will review faculty work in the program, as it reviews faculty work in all programs, according to the Faculty Personnel Policy and Procedures (UPS 210.000) standards. The Dean will review faculty allocations and assignments in the context of normal distribution of faculty work. The MSE advisory board will review the program curriculum periodically. Normal Periodic Program Reviews (PPR) as mandated by university policy will include reviews of the success of this program. Current Program Performance Review policy at CSUF requires self- study and review every seven years (Appendix 17). .
25 III. B. 3. Appendices List
Appendix 1 CSUF Institutional Summary Data Sheet
Appendix 2 CSUF Mission and Goals Statement
Appendix 3 Market Survey Data
Appendix 4 Enrollment Growth in On-line Software Engineering Courses
Appendix 5 UPS 430.000: Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the Addition of New Degree Programs to the University’s Master Plan
Appendix 6 Assessment and Outcomes Matrix
Appendix 7 Sample MSE Course Syllabi
Appendix 8 MSE Online Distance Fee Proposal
Appendix 9 MSE Student Admission Interview
Appendix 10 MSE Program Governance
Appendix 11 Parasoft Software Donation
Appendix 12 Vitae for Participating Faculty
Appendix 13 Library Electronic Holdings List
Appendix 14 MSE Budget Spreadsheet
Appendix 15 UPS 411.104: Policy on Online Instruction
Appendix 16 UPS 210.000 University Faculty Personnel Standards
Appendix 17 UPS 410.200 Program Performance Review
Appendix 18 MSE Homepage
CSUF Institutional Data Summary Form
□ Associate √ Masters □ Professional √ Bachelors □ Doctorate 4. CALENDAR PLAN: ______Semester______5. CURRENT ENROLLMENT: F03 Headcount F03 FTE A. Undergraduate 26,896 20,307.5____ B. Graduate 5,696 3,120.3____ C. Non-degree ______TOTAL 32,592 23,427.8_____ 6. CURRENT FACULTY: Headcount: (FALL 03) Full-time 769 Part-time 1,087____ Ratio: (FALL 02) FTE Student/FTE Faculty:______21.1______7. FINANCES: A. Annual Tuition Rate: Undergraduate $2,516 Graduate $2,726___ B. Total Annual Operating Budget: (2001-2002) $140,278,144 ______C. % from tuition and fees: 38.0%______D. Operating deficit(s) for past 3 years: None______E. Current Accumulated Deficit: None______8. GOVERNING BOARD: A. Size 26 persons B. Meetings a year 6______9. OFF-CAMPUS LOCATIONS: A. Number 1 (El Toro) B. Total Enrollment (F03) 2,940*______*1172 of these are El Toro only 10. LIBRARY (Fiscal Year 2002-2003) A. Number of Volumes 1,169,030 B. Number of Periodical Subscriptions 10,827** **Includes paper print, electronic copy & unpaid government documents. 28 APPENDIX 2
CSUF Mission and Goals Document
29 Mission, Goals and Strategies* California State University, Fullerton . . . where learning is preeminent.
Mission Statement
Learning is preeminent at California State University, Fullerton. We aspire to combine the best qualities of teaching and research universities where actively engaged students, faculty, and staff work in close collaboration to expand knowledge.
Our affordable undergraduate and graduate programs provide students the best of current practice, theory, and research and integrate professional studies with preparation in the arts and sciences. Through experiences in and out of the classroom, students develop the habit of intellectual inquiry, prepare for challenging professions, strengthen relationships to their communities and contribute productively to society.
We are a comprehensive, regional university with a global outlook, located in Orange County, a technologically rich and culturally vibrant area of metropolitan Los Angeles. Our expertise and diversity serve as a distinctive resource and catalyst for partnerships with public and private organizations. We strive to be a center of activity essential to the intellectual, cultural, and economic development of our region.
Goals & Strategies
I. To ensure the preeminence of learning, we will: A. Establish an environment where learning and the creation of knowledge are central to everything we do. B. Integrate teaching, scholarly and creative activities, and the exchange of ideas. C. Assess student learning collegially and continually use the evidence to improve programs. D. Affirm the university's commitment to freedom of thought, inquiry, and speech. E. Recruit and retain a highly-qualified and diverse staff and faculty. F. Develop and maintain attractive, accessible, and functional facilities that support learning. G. Integrate advances in information technologies into learning environments. H. Develop a strong library which provides rapid access to global information and serves as a nexus for learning.
II. To provide high quality programs that meet the evolving needs of our students, community, and region, we will A. Support undergraduate and graduate programs in professional and preprofessional studies and in the arts and sciences. B. Integrate knowledge with the development of values, professional ethics, and the teamwork, leadership, and citizenship skills necessary for students to make meaningful contributions to society. 30 C. Develop a coherent and integrated general education program. D. Provide experiences in and out of the classroom that attend to issues of culture, ethnicity, and gender and promote a global perspective. E. Offer continuing education programs that provide retraining and meet professional certification and other community needs. F. Capitalize on the uniqueness of our region, with its economic and cultural strengths, its rich ethnic diversity, and its proximity to Latin America and the Pacific Rim. G. Provide opportunities to learn from external communities through internships, cooperative education, and other field activities. H. Provide opportunities for students to participate in a competitive intercollegiate athletics program. I. Provide opportunities for recreation and enhanced physical well-being.
III. To enhance scholarly and creative activity, we will: A. Support faculty research and grant activity that leads to the generation, integration and dissemination of knowledge. B. Encourage departments to reconsider the nature and kinds of scholarship within the discipline and to create a culture conducive to scholarly and creative activity. C. Encourage departments to implement a plan and personnel document supportive of scholarly and creative activities consistent with collegial governance and the university's mission and goals. D. Cultivate student and staff involvement in faculty scholarly and creative activity. E. Provide students, faculty, and staff access to and training in the use of advanced technologies supportive of research, scholarly, and creative activity.
IV. To make collaboration integral to our activities, we will: A. Create opportunities in and out of the classroom for collaborative activities for students, faculty, and staff. B. Leverage our membership within the largest university system in the United States to advance the University's mission. C. Encourage, recognize, and reward interdisciplinary and cross-unit collaboration. D. Promote collaborative and innovative exchanges with other educational institutions at all levels to maximize the efficient use of resources and enhance opportunities for all learners.
V. To create an environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed, we will: A. Develop an innovative outreach and simplified admissions system that enhances recruitment of qualified students. B. Ensure that students of varying age, ethnicity, culture, academic experience, and economic circumstances are well served. C. Facilitate a timely graduation through class availability and effective retention, advisement, career counseling, and mentoring. D. Provide an affordable education without sacrificing quality. E. Provide an efficient and effective financial aid system. F. Maximize extramural funding and on-campus employment to defray students' educational costs. G. Provide an accessible, attractive and safe environment, and a welcoming campus climate.
VI. To increase external support for university programs and priorities, we will 31 A. Increase the proportion of campus resources generated by private giving. B. Strengthen links with our alumni that optimize an on-going commitment to the success of the University. C. Increase our effectiveness in obtaining grants and contracts, consistent with university mission and goals. D. Convey a clear message to the public that we are essential to the cultural, intellectual, and economic development of the region.
VII. To expand connections and partnerships with our region, we will: A. Develop mutually beneficial working partnerships with public and private sectors within our region. B. Serve as a regional center for intellectual, cultural, athletic and life-long learning activities. C. Develop community-centered programs and activities, consistent with our mission and goals, that serve the needs of our external communities. D. Involve alumni as valued participants in the on-going life of the university.
VIII. To strengthen institutional effectiveness, collegial governance and our sense of community, we will: A. Assess university activities and programs to ensure that they fulfill our mission and to identify areas of needed improvement, change, or elimination. B. Create simplified and responsive decision-making structures that reduce fragmentation and increase efficiency. C. Strengthen shared collegial governance in order to build community and acknowledge our collective responsibility to achieve the University's goals. D. Provide a good work environment with effective development and training programs that assist employees in meeting their job requirements and in preparing for advancement. E. Ensure our reward systems are compatible with our mission and goals by reviewing the multiple roles of faculty and staff through the various stages of their careers. F. Integrate advances in information and communication technologies into work environments. G. Enhance a sense of community to ensure that faculty, students, and staff have as a common purpose the achievement of the overall goals of the University.
*The goals and strategies are not in any priority order. The Roman numerals and letters have been added as reference points.
Market Survey Data
California State University at Fullerton is interested in offering an online Masters of Software Engineering. The curriculum of this process-oriented program prepares individuals for careers in leadership and management positions in software development and maintenance. With this in mind….
Q1. What you do think the market demand is for someone with this type of degree?
a. High Demand b. Moderate Demand c. No or Low Demand
Q2. How interested would you be in hiring someone with this type of degree ?
a. Very b. Somewhat c. Not Interested
Q3. What type or types of positions would you hire them for? (Please provide job titles)
a. software project managers b. software architects c. software quality engineers d. software process engineers e. software configuration engineers f. software developers g. system analysts h. software testers i. system administrators j. web developers or designers k. trainers l. systems/software consultants m. website administrators n. IS-support o. management
Q4. What annual salary range would you expect to pay someone with this type of degree?
a. Less than $30,000 b. $30,000 to $44,999 c. $45,000 to $64,999 d. $65,000 and $84,999 e. $85,000 and above
34 Survey Results
Survey Audience
U E E " P e o p l e w i t h In t e r e s t " C IT A d v i s o r y B o a r d a n d i n IT In s t r u c t o r s 8 4 % 8 % A l u m n i , B S o r M S i n C P S C 8 %
Total number of responses: N=135
35 Question 1
What do you think the market demand is for someone with this type of degree?
High 47% Moderate 48%
No or Low 5%
36 Question 2
How interested would you be in hiring someone with this type of degree?
Very Interested 49%
Somew hat Interested 44%
Not Interested 7%
Question 3
Position Title
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
software project managers 91
software quality engineers 52
58 software configuration engineers 37
system analysts 69
system administrators 27
trainers 14
website administrators 17
management 48
37 Question 4
Annual Salary
60 54
50 s e 40 s 36 n 34 o p s e 30 R f o r e b 20 m u
N 10 10
1 0 less than $30,000 $30,000 to $44,999 $45,000 to $64,999 $65,000 to $84,999 $85,000 and above Annual Salary
Enrollment Growth in On-line Software Engineering Courses
39 5-Year Enrollment Data for 5 Universities offering Distance Learning Software Engineering Courses
d 180 e l l 160 Auburn University o r n 140 E Carnegie Mellon University s
t 120 n e 100 d
u Central Michigan University t 80 S f
o 60
r National Technological e 40 b University m 20 u
N 0 Enr: '96 - Enr: '97 - Enr: '98 - Enr: '99 - Enr: '00 - '97 '98 '99 '00 '01
UPS 430.000:
Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the Addition of New Degree
Programs to the University Master Plan
Assessment and Outcomes Matrix
42 Program Goals and Assessment
Goals/Assessment Team project Team Individual Individual Prototype Software Method presentations project project project demo Process report presentation report Workshop Critical thinking / 542,544,547 542,544,5 541,542,543, 544, 597 541,545 problem solving 47 544,545,547
Collaboration/team 542, 544, 547 541, 542, 541,542, work 544 544,546
Research 544,545,547 541,542,543, 544,597 541,545 541,544,547 544,545,547 Communication 544 541,542,543, 597 542,546 544,545,547
Software Process 544 544, 597 544, 597 544 Implementation
Process 541,544, 547, 541,544, 597 544,547 Assessment/Appraisal 548 547, 548
Software Standard 541,544 541,544, 541,544,546 Comprehension 547
Legal and Ethical Issues 548 548 544, 548 Literacy
43 Goals/Assessment Software Tool Project On-line Research Case Exams Method Evaluation Management Discussions Paper Study Practicum Critical thinking/ 546 541,542,543,5 541,542,5 problem solving 44,545,546,54 43,544,54 7,548 5,546,547, 548 Collaboration/ 546 541,542,544,5 team work 47,548
Research 541,542,543, 546 541,542,5 545 43,544,54 5,546,547, 548 Communication 546 541,542,544,5 541,542,5 47, 548 43,544,54 5,546,547, 548 Software Process 544 544 544 597 544 Implementation
Process Assessment/ 544 544, 547 541, 544 Appraisal
Software Standard 541 541,544,547 541,544, Comprehension 547
Legal and Ethical 548 544, 548 Issues Literacy
Sample MSE Course Syllabi
45 Distance Learning Syllabus Requirements (for all course syllabi) (in order to comply with UPS 411.104)
Distance Learning: This course will be offered via distance learning using CSUF on-line system called “blackboard” available at: The students are required to create blackboard accounts and enroll in the on-line CPSC 541 (Instructor: Bin Cong) course. All course materials including video/audio lectures, lecture notes, Power Point presentations, reading materials, assignments and homework will be posted on-line and available on-line ONLY.
Online Participation: Student online participation will be graded based on the number and content of postings in discussion sessions and chat rooms. Additionally, the frequency of accessing assigned Web pages will be taken into account.
Tracking of Student on-line activities: Student activities will be tracked by utilizing the following “Blackboard” features: virtual classroom archives for chat-room, frequency of accessing assigned online reading materials, maintaining a log of discussion board postings.
On-line Availability of the instructor. The instructor will check course e-mail at least twice a week during specified office hours. Real-time course assignments such as on-line discussion and chats will be answered immediately. The instructor will be on-line during posted course meeting hours. Alternative communication options are by phone (714) 278-2031 (Dr. Cong) or (714) 278-3700 ( Computer Science Department).
46 Appropriate Online Behavior (“Netiquette”) The following Netiquette rules quote has been taken form THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETE The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Click on each rule for elaboration. Introduction
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Student Technical Competencies. Students enrolled in this course have undergone stringent technical competencies requirement for admission to Master of Software Engineering program. No additional technical competencies are required.
Minimum Computer Hardware and Software Specification, and Course Website access requirements. A Windows (98 or above) based system, with an Internet access providing reasonable data transfer rate for real-time on-line chat-room meetings and discussions. Ability to access the course Web site at
Technical Support In case of technical problems contact help desk at (714) 278-7722.
Alternative Options for Submitting Homework In the event of technical problems, a hard-copy of student howmework/assignment should be
47 submitted by faxing it to the Computer Science office at (714) 278-7168. The homework has to have the course number, homework number, and instructor’s name specified at the top of the first page.
On-campus Meeting Requirements. This course does not have any on-campus meeting requirements.
Academic Honesty And Penalty For Academic Dishonesty With an exception of a team project, students are expected to do their course-work individually and be sole authors of their papers. A grade of "F" will be assigned in the course if the academic dishonesty occurs (see the quote below):
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The following is taken from the University Rules (UPS 300.021): "Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citation, plagiarism, and helping someone to commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill, which he/she in fact does not possess. Cheating is defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent, or unauthorized means. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following: using notes or aids or help of other students on tests and examinations in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor, plagiarism as defined below, tampering with grading procedures, and collaborating with other on any assignment where such collaboration is expressly forbidden by an instructor. Violation of this prohibition of collaboration shall be deemed on offense for the person or persons collaborating on the work, in addition to the person submitting the work. Plagiarism is defined as the act of taking the work of another and offering it as one's own without giving credit to that source. When sources are used in a paper, acknowledgment of the original author or source must be made through appropriate references and, if directly quoted, quotation marks or indentations must be used"
48 CPSC 541 Course Syllabus
Systems and Software Standards and Requirements
Instructor: Bin Cong, Ph.D. Office: CS 417 Tel: (714)278-2031 Fax: (714)278-7168 E-mail: [email protected] On-line Office Hours: M,W 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Required Textbook: Implementing the Software Engineering Standards, M. Schmidt, C. Ashbacher, and T. Varma, Sams, 2000. On-Line Materials
Course Objective and Learning Goals: This class serves as the foundation for other process-oriented classes by outlining the benefits of Software Engineering Standards. The students will be introduced to the SESC framework and the IEEE Software Engineering Standards. The course will cover establishing of the following standards: Software Life Cycle Processes, Work Product Standards, Process Standards, Requirement Analysis and Management, and System Integration. Additionally, the framework of CMMI will be introduced, and a number of practical lessons discussed.
Prerequisites: CPSC 461 or equivalent work experience
Course work (Assignments) : There will be reading assignments, programming and non-programming assignments, term-project, and one final exam.
Grading Policy: The student grade will be based on a total of 300 points: Homework: 100 points Term Project: 100 points Final: 100 points
Grading Scale: 90% to 100%guaranteed A 80% to 89% guaranteed at least a B 70% to 79% guaranteed at least a C 60% to 69% guaranteed at least a D < 60% F
49 Calendar of Topics
1. Purpose, Scope and Benefits of Software Engineering Standards (2 weeks) Overview of the course Organization of Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards Software quality Achieving compliance Manageability of software projects
2. Guidelines for Software Process Improvements (3 weeks) Research applicable regulations Compiling data from previous projects Planning the scope of the process improvements Obtaining management commitment Drafting standard operating procedures Conducting a team review Approving and controlling standard operating procedures Evaluating the success of the process improvements
3. An Overview of the IEEE Software Standards (2 weeks) The SECS Framework A simplified organizational model Information flow between documents specified by core standards Applicability of standards Missing standards
4. Software Life Cycle Processes (2 weeks) IEEE/EIA 12207.0, the “Principles” standard IEEE std 1074 Developing the Software Life Cycle Process The black box model The waterfall model Modified waterfall models Spiral model
5. Work Product Standards (2 weeks) User documentation overview – IEEE Std. 1063 Requirements specifications overview – IEEE Std. 830 Test documentation overview – IEEE Std. 829 Design description overview – IEEE Std. 1016 Metrics and measures overview – IEEE Std. 982.1 and Std. 1061
6. Process Standards (2 weeks) Project management Software reviews Quality assurance Verification and validation Configuration management
50 7. Practical Lessons (3 weeks) Standard operating procedures Project management Requirements analysis Design Configuration management, training and outsourcing
51 CPSC 542 Course Syllabus
Software Verification and Validation
Instructor: Allen Holliday Office: CS-534 Tel: 714-287-7305 Fax: (714) 278-7168 Email: [email protected] On-line Office Hours: T, Th 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Required Textbook: Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, Jorgensen, Paul, CRC Press, 1995.
Course Objective and Learning Goals: The students will learn how to ensure that a high quality software product is developed. The course will cover the theory and practice of V&V methods such as walkthroughs, inspections, and CleanRoom. It will show how to create functional test cases, using boundary value analysis and equivalence classes, and how to create structural test cases, determine degrees of coverage, and perform data flow analysis.
Prerequisites: CPSC-461 or equivalent work experience
Course work (Assignments) : There will be one research paper on a topic of your choosing. It should be 20 pages long and is due at the final examination day.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be determined by several of your activities, as follows: Homework 20% Research paper 20% Midterm Examinations 15% for each of two Final Examination 30%
You should remember that A’s are given for “outstanding performance”—see your current catalog. Grades are assigned by considering your performance relative to the class’s performance. This is not a pure statistical distribution (sometimes called the “curve”); an exceptional class may receive a large number of high or low grades (depending on the exact meaning of “exceptional” for a specific class.
52 Calendar of Topics
1. Basic concepts, definitions (1 week) Error versus fault versus failure Test cases—inputs and expected outputs Functional versus structural testing Fault severity Error and fault taxonomies 2. Continuing examples (1 week) Illustration of various testing methods Triangle problem (classic case) NextDate problem (logically complex) Commission problem (commercial representative) 3. Discrete Math (1 week) Sets—operations, relations, partitions, functions (domain, range, composition) Propositional logic Probability theory 4. Graphs (1 week) Definitions Incidence and adjacency matrices Paths and connectedness Directed graphs Degrees—in and out Reachability Program graphs State machines and StateCharts Petri nets 5. Functional testing: (3 weeks) Boundary value analysis Robustness testing Worst-case testing Weak and strong equivalence Decision tables Examples (from part 2 above) 6. Structural testing: (2 weeks) DD (Decision-Decision) paths Coverage metrics Basis paths DU (Define-Use) paths Slice-based testing 7. Comparison of methods (1 week) Gaps and redundancies Metrics Example—Insurance Premium 8. Integration testing: (2 weeks) Decomposition-based testing—top-down, bottom-up, sandwich Call graph based: pairwise, neighborhood Path-based 9. System Testing (1 week) Threads Requirements concepts: data actions, devices, events, threads
53 Structural and functional thread testing strategies Regression testing 10. Object-oriented issues (1 week) Composition Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Data flow testing Class collaboration Method/Message paths 11. Interaction Testing (1 week) Dynamic systems Single/multiple processor issues
54 CPSC543
Software Maintenance Course Outline Fall 2004
Instructor: Song-James Choi, Ph.D. Office: CS512 Tel: 714-2787257 Fax: 714-2787168 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MW 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Textbook: Thomas Pigoski, Practical Software Maintenance, John Wiley &Sons, 1996
Denny Grubb and A. Takang, Software Maintenance Concepts and Practice, International Thompson Computer Press, 1996
Course Objective and Learning Goals: The Student will learn the principles of generating maintainable software. The course will also cover Theory and practice of maintaining large scale software and application of maintenance metrics In this course, we will cover the problems in maintaining software systems, building software in view of the maintenance problems, the activity of maintenance and some management issues in maintenance.
Course work (Assignments) : There will be a project to write a paper, two midterms and a final. The weight distribution is as follows: Project 30 % Midterms 15% each Final Exam 40 %
Term Paper : Each student will prepare a project in a topic of his/her choice. You can either choose a topic from the topic list in the course outline or you can propose a topic in the area of software maintenance. In the latter case, it must be approved by the instructor. The paper must be submitted at the end of the semester. All work submitted must be typed, double spaced and only one side must be used. The total number of pages should not exceed 30 pages The paper should include the following topics: Overview of presentation Introduction including motivation or problem statement Approaches to solve the problems (main points) Strength and weakness (any shortcoming) of the approaches Different approaches or improvements (may include your idea) suggested Conclusions References
Grading Policy: 90% and above A 80% - 89.9% At least B 70% - 79% At least C 60% - 69% At least D
Exams: : Midterm: The midterm will be held on Wednesday of the 8th week of the semester. If you miss the midterm with valid excuse, the final will have increased weight.
Final: The final exam will be comprehensive and will be given at the prescribed time specified in the class schedule. A missing final exam will be dealt with according to the university regulations on the incomplete and withdrawals.
Calendar of Topics
Topic Weeks
1. Introduction ½
2. Alternatives to Conventional Coding 2 Reuse of Existing Code Fourth Generation Languages Compilable Specifications Templates Macros
3. Language Concepts & Constraints 1 Consequences of Language Selection Use of Style to achieve practice Relationship of design paradigm to language
4. Coding Standards and Style 1
5. Maintenance Activities 1 Diagnosing and Correcting Problems (Corrective) Introducing new Functionality (Perfective) Porting to a new Environment (Adaptive) Reducing the Maintenance Cost
6. Maintaining software engineered Artifacts 1 1/2 Life Cycle model for maintenance Top-down strategies for introducing change Preserving design integrity Code Reading
7. Maintaining Old Code 2 Life Cycle model for Maintenance Bottom-up strategies for introducing change
56 - Reverse Engineering - Creating information hiding modules - Reducing coupling Bottom-up and Top-down strategies for design Creation
8. Quality Issues 2 Reviews and Inspections Regression testing Identifying error-prone modules Test Cases for new functionality
9. Management of Software Maintenance 2 Developing and Preserving product data - Specification and design, - Change histories, - Design Rational - User's Guide - Records of Costs Planning release cycles, Configuration Management Making cost tradeoffs - Increasing complexity vs. restructuring - Evaluating user's cost of change vs. producer's cost of change - Investing in tools
10 Productivity Issues (Tools for the Maintenance) 1 Code restructures, Code Analyzers Data Analyzers Constructors
11. Performance issues
57 CPSC544
Software Process Definition Course Syllabus Fall 2004
Instructor: Dr. Bin Cong, Ph.D. Office: CS532 Tel: 714-278-2031 Fax: 714-278-7168 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MW 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Textbook: Managing the Software Process, Watts S. Humphrey, Addison Wesley. On-Line Materials
Course Objective and Learning Goals: This course provides practical guidance for improving the software development and maintenance process. We focus on understanding and managing the software process because this is where software organizations encounter the most serious problems. In the class, students will learn how to establish an effective software process for an organization, and how to make existing process better.
Prerequisites: CPSC 461 or equivalent work experience
Course Work (Assignements): There will be reading assignments, non-programming assignments, term-project, and one final exam.
The student grade will be based on a total of 300 points: Homework: 100 points Term Project: 100 points Final Exam: 100 points
Grading Scale: 90% to 100% guaranteed A 80% to 89% guaranteed at least a B 70% to 79% guaranteed at least a C 60% to 69% guaranteed at least a D < 60% F
58 Topics and Tentative Schedule (subject to change):
1. Software Process Maturity (2 week) A software maturity framework The principles of software process change Software process assessment The initial process
2. The Repeatable Process (3 weeks) Managing software organization The project plan Software configuration management Software quality assurance
3. The defined process (3 weeks) Software standards Software inspections Software testing Software configuration management Defining the software process The Software Engineering Process Group Case studies
4. The managed process (2 weeks) Data gathering and analysis Managing software quality
5.The optimizing process (2 weeks) Defect prevention Automating the software process Contracting for software
6. Recent developments in Software Process (3 weeks)
Final Exam: Final week (Check the Class Schedule)
59 CPSC 545
Software Design and Architecture Course Syllabus Spring 2005
Instructor: Song-James Choi, Ph.D. Office: CS512 Tel: 714-2787257 Fax: 714-2787168 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MW 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Textbook: Shaw, Mary and Garlan, Software Architecture: Perspectives On An Emerging Discipline, Prentice Hall, 1996 Jacobson, Booch, Rumbaugh, Unified Software Development Process, Addison Wesley, 1999
Course Objective and Learning Goals: The students will learn how to analyze and design large scale software and apply different architecture styles to software design. Case studies and projects are assigned as a practical component of the course.
Prerequisites: CPSC 461 or equivalent work experience
Course Work (Assignements): There will be a project to write a paper, one midterm and a final. The weight distribution is as follows: Project 30 % Midterm 30 % Final Exam 40 %
Term Paper : Each student will prepare a project in a topic of his/her choice. You can either choose a topic from the topic list in the course outline or you can propose a topic in the area of software maintenance. In the latter case, it must be approved by the instructor. The paper must be submitted at the end of the semester. All work submitted must be typed, double spaced and only one side must be used. The total number of pages should not exceed 30 pages The paper should include the following topics: Overview of presentation Introduction including motivation or problem statement Approaches to solve the problems (main points) Strength and weakness (any shortcoming) of the approaches Different approaches or improvements (may include your idea) suggested Conclusions References
60 Grading Policy: 90% and above A 80% - 89.9% At least B 70% - 79% At least C 60% - 69% At least D
Exams: Midterm: The midterm will be held on Wednesday of the 8th week of the semester. If you miss the midterm with valid excuse, the final will have increased weight.
Final: The final exam will be comprehensive and will be given at the prescribed time specified in the class schedule. A missing final exam will be dealt with according to the university regulations on the incomplete and withdrawals..
Drop Deadline: Please see the Schedule of Classes for the deadlines to drop the class.
Calendar of Topics:
Topic Weeks
Introduction 1 What is Software Architecture? An Engineering Discipline for Software The Status of Software Architecture Architectural Styles 2 Pipes and Filters Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Organization Event-Based, Implicit Invocation Layered Systems Repositories Interpreters Process Control Other Familiar Architectures Heterogeneous Architectures Case Studies 2 Key Word in Context Instrumentation Software Mobile Robotics Cruise Control Three Vignettes in Mixed Style Shared Information Systems 2 Shared Information Systems Database Integration Integration in Software Development Environments Integration in the Design of Buildings Architectural Structures for Shared Information Systems Midterm 1/2 Architectural Design Guidance 2 Guidance for User-Interface Architectures The Quantified Design Space Formal Models and Specifications 2
61 The Value of Architectural Formalism Formalizing the Architecture of a Specification System Formalizing an Architectural Style Formalizing an Architectural Design Space Toward a Theory of Software Architecture What Next? Z Notation Linguistic Issues 1 Requirements for Architecture-Description Languages First-Class Connectors Adding Implicit Invocation to Traditional Programming Languages Tools for Design 1 ½ UniCon: A Universal Connector Language Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments Beyond Definition/Use: Architectural Interconnection Education of Software Architect 1 Philosophy and Course Overview Course Description Assignments Evaluation
62 CPSC-546 Software Project Management Course Outline
Instructor: Allen Holliday Office: CS-534 Tel: 714-287-7305 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: TBD
Textbook: Royce, Walker, Software Project Management, Addison-Wesley
Course Objective and Learning Goals: The students will learn how to plan and control the development activities of a project. The course will cover schedule and cost (staffing) estimation. It will show how to develop a master program plan, define task interrelationships, identify the critical path, and track the progress of a project using methods such as Earned Value Analysis.
Prerequisites: CPSC-461 or equivalent work experience
Course work (Assignments) : There will be one research paper on a topic of your choosing. It should be 20 pages long and us due at the final examination day.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be determined by several of your activities, as follows: Homework 20% Research paper 20% Midterm Examinations 15% for each of two Final Examination 30% You should remember that A’s are given for “outstanding performance”—see your current catalog. Grades are assigned by considering your performance relative to the class’s performance. This is not a pure statistical distribution ( sometimes called the “curve”); an exceptional class may receive a large number of high or low grades (depending on the exact meaning of “exceptional” for a specific class.
Exams: Midterm: Dates: TBD Makeup-policy: If you are absent from a midterm and have a valid excuse—an illness, a death in your family, or another equally compelling reason—the weight of your final will be increased by the weight of the midterm. Without a valid excuse, you will receive a zero score for the midterm and the final’s weight will remain unchanged.
Final : Date: TBD Makeup-Policy: If you are absent from the final, it will be treated as an Unauthorized Withdrawal, which will become an F unless you take action to request an Incomplete.
63 Required Material/Equipment (if Any) None
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism or cheating, will result in a grade of F in this course. Repeat “Plagiarism is defined as the act of taking work of another and offering it as one's own without giving credit to that source. When sources are used in a paper, acknowledgment of the original author or source must be made through appropriate references and, if directly quoted, quotation marks or indentations must be used.” If you allow your work to be copied by another student, you are just as guilty of cheating as the person who submits your work as their own and will incur the same penalty. Such offenses may have more severe consequences, up to and including expulsion from the University. The following is taken from the University Rules (UPS 300,021): “Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism, and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill which he/she in fact does not possess.” “Cheating is defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent, or unauthorized means. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following: using notes or aids or the help of other students on tests and examinations in ways other than those expressly permitted by the instructor, plagiarism as defined below, tampering with the grading procedures, and collaborating with others on any assignment where such collaboration is expressly forbidden by an instructor. Violation of this prohibition of collaboration shall be deemed an offense for the person or persons collaborating on the work, in addition to the person submitting the work.” There is a fine line between academic dishonesty and collaboration. You may help each other while discussing general approaches to problems. However, each of you must do your own work and submit your answers in your own words. Detailed designs and source code must be your own. If you collaborate with other students, you must list their names in your submission.
Attendance Policy Attendance will be taken; a sign-in sheet will be circulated at every class. There is no explicit contribution to your grade, but it may become an important tie-breaker for borderline cases.
64 Calendar of Topics
1. Conventional waterfall life cycle (1 week) Causes of low performance Basic phases—requirements, design, coding, testing Risks of current approach Improvements to waterfall life cycle
Economics (2 weeks) Balanced improvement strategy using cost-benefit analysis Reducing product size Reducing size of development artifacts (documentation) Improving the development process Improving team effectiveness Automation
Modern principles (1 week) Conventional software engineering principles Architecture-first approach Iterative process Component-based development Change management Model-based notation Objective quality control Evolving levels of detail Scalable processes
Life cycle phases (1 week) Engineering—inception and elaboration Production—construction and deployment
Products of phases (1 week) Planning set—work breakdown, development plan, release specifications Management set—release specifications, status assessments, change orders Requirements set—vision statement, requirements models Design set— architectural model, detailed design model, test model Implementation set—source code, object files, executable files Deployment set—integrated executable files, run-time files, user’s manual
Model-based Architectures (1/2 week) Infrastructure Control and data interfaces Cooperating components Multiple views for complete understanding
Workflows (1/2 week) Artifacts of each phase Connections between phases
65 Checkpoints and assessments (1 week) Visible milestones, major and minor Progress assessment Risk identification Synchronization of related artifacts
Planning (1 week) Work breakdown structures Cost and schedule estimating Iteration planning Being pragmatic and open
Organization (1 week) Business organizations—process policy and guidance, review authority, development environment Project organizations—management, architecture, development, assessment Evolution during project lifetime, adapting to different demands
Automation (1 week) Tools for the different phases Integrated change management
Control, monitoring (1 week) Management indicators—work and progress, budget and expenditures, earned value Quality indicators—change rate and stability, breakage and rework, failure rate and maturity Metrics automation
Tailoring the Process(1 week) Effects of technical and management complexity Scaling the process to fit the project’s size. Stakeholder cohesion or contention Architectural risk Domain experience
Integration, risk management (1 week) Continuous integration Early risk identification and resolution Evolving requirements
Process change (1 week) Modern cost models and economics Culture shifts
Instructor: Dr. Bin Cong
Office: Computer Science 532 Tel: 278-2031 E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours:
Lectures: On-Line
1. Software Metrics, Norman Fenton and Shari Pfleeger, PSW Publishing Company. 2. On-Line Materials
Prerequisites: CPSC 461 or equivalent working experience.
Course Objectives : This course has several different goals. It will provide you with practical approaches in measuring software engineering activities. You will learn how to measure software products, software projects, as well as software process used. Throughout the semester, best practices in the industry will be discussed. The main topics covered include: fundamentals of measurement and experimentation, software-engineering measurement, and measurement and management.
Coursework: There will be reading assignments, non-programming assignments, term- project, and one final exam.
The student grade will be based on a total of 300 points:
Homework: 100 points Term Project: 100 points Final: 100 points
Grading Scale:
90% to 100% guaranteed A 80% to 89% guaranteed at least a B 70% to 79% guaranteed at least a C 60% to 69% guaranteed at least a D < 60% F
67 Academic Dishonesty: The University Regulation on academic dishonesty will be closely followed. Any form of cheating will lead to a grad F for the class.
Topics and Tentative Schedule (subject to change):
d. The basics of measurement (2 week) Overview of the course Measurement in everyday life and in software engineering The scope of software metrics Measurement models Measurement scales and scale types Meaningfulness in measurement
e. A goal-based framework for software measurement and its application (2 weeks) Introduction of the framework Empirical investigation Data collection Data analysis
f. Software Engineering Measurement (9 weeks) Measuring internal product attributes: size/structure Measuring external product attributes Software reliability: measurement and prediction Resource measurement: productivity, team, and tools Making process prediction Measurement in CMM and CMMI
g. Measurement and Management (3 weeks) Planning a measurement program Measurement in practice Empirical research in software engineering Measurement tools
Final: Final week (Check the Class Schedule)
68 CPSC 548 Course Syllabus
Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues For Software Engineers
Instructor: Dorota M. Huizinga, Ph.D. Office: CS 427 Tel: (714)278-7150 Fax: (714)278-7168 Email: [email protected] On-line office hours: M,W 7:00-9:00 PM
Required Textbook: No textbook is required for this course. All course materials will be available on-line via Blackboard course access, Internet, and on-line library resources.
Recommended Textbook: T. Halbert and E. Ingulli, CyberEthics, West, 2002. Sara Baase, "A Gift of Fire," Prentice Hall, Second Ed., 2003. D. Johnson and H. Nissenbaum, Computers, Ethics & Social Values, Prentice Hall, 1995
Course Objective and Learning Goals: The course objective is to provide students with foundations of computer ethics, legal issues of computer privacy and security, and social implications of technology. The list of learning goals follows. 1. The students will be able to understand, interpret and assess professional codes of ethics. 2. The students will be able to describe the current regulatory and legal environment in Information Security, list the major regulations and laws, and briefly describe the major substantive content of each. 3. The students will be able to explain the contemporary issues in computer security regulations and laws, including contract law, intellectual property law, criminal law, constitutional law, liability law, and regulatory law. 4. The students will be able to analyze an information architecture to identify the principal ethical issues and their relationship to legal standards. 5. The students will be able to distinguish the legal issued in an information architecture that can be analyzed by a computer security professional from those that require consultation with an attorney.
Prerequisites: CPSC 461 or equivalent work experience
Course work (Assignments) : Course work will include team project report and presentation, individual term project , on-line discussion and exams.
Team Project and Presentation Students will be assigned to teams to prepare and deliver presentations in the area of computer ethics. Teams can either choose a topic from an instructor provided
69 topic list or they can propose a topic in the area of computer ethics. In the latter case, the topic must be approved by the instructor. The project report must be submitted by the 10th week of instruction. On-line presentation will be scheduled for week 11. The report must be typed, double spaced and only one side must be used. The total number of pages should not exceed 30 pages. The project paper and presentation should consist of at least the following components: Overview of the project Introduction including motivation or problem statement Ethical issues discussed (main points) Analysis and interpretation of relevant codes of ethics. Conclusions References/Bibliography
Individual Term Paper : Each student will prepare a report based on research in the area of computer security or privacy. Each student can either choose a topic from an instructor provided topic list or she/he can propose a topic in the area of computer security or privacy . In the latter case, the topic must be approved by the instructor. The project report must be submitted by the 15th week of instruction. The report must be typed, double spaced and only one side must be used. The total number of pages should not exceed 30 pages. The project paper and presentation should consist of at least the following components: Overview of the project Introduction including motivation or problem statement Legal issues discussed (main points) Analysis and interpretation of relevant legal document. Conclusions References/Bibliography
Grading Policy: Course assessment components will be given the following weights: - team project report and presentation - 20% - individual term project -20 % - on-line discussions -10 % - exams - 50%
Course final grade will be assigned based on the weighted average of the above components in the following manner: 90 % - 100%: A 80 % - 89 %: B 70 % - 79 %: C 60 % - 69% : D 0 %- 59% : F
70 Midterm: The midterm will be held on the second meeting of the 8th week of the instruction.
Final: The final exam will be comprehensive and will be given at the prescribed time specified in the class schedule. A missing final exam will be dealt with accordance to the university regulations on the incompletes and withdrawals. Calendar of Topics
Topics Number of Weeks 1. Course Overview 0.5
2. Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Computer Professionals: Understanding, interpreting and assessing of 1.5 ethical codes of conduct defined by professional computer organizations definitions.
3. Computer Professionals and Ethical Responsibility: Ethical responsibility for engineering and technical professionals; computer risks (safety, weaponry, and "whistleblowing" 1 responsibility; and moral responsibility and legal liability in unreliable computer systems.)
4. Ethical and Social Issues in the Use of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality: Ethical and social issues raised in 1 artificial intelligence, virtual reality, expert systems, and robotics.
5. Computers and Privacy: Personal privacy in the Information Age; privacy legislation and data regulation; databanks (accuracy, access, and the sale of personal information); 2 and encryption, surveillance, record matching, and social control, regulations and laws pertaining to computer privacy.
6. Computers and Security: Type of computer crime and the profile of the computer criminal; hacking and computer security; viruses and computer sabotage; and software 2 piracy and illegal software, regulations and laws pertaining to computer security.
7. Midterm 0.5
8. Intellectual Property Rights and Legal Issues: Intellectual property rights and information ownership; legal issues 2 (court cases, copyright laws and patent protection); and electronic books, publications and scholarly journals.
71 9. Team projects on-line presentations and discussions. 1 10. Cyberspace and Civil Liberties: Cyberspace and proposals for designing information infrastructures; cyber-society (social 2 control and access); rights and ethics in cyberspace; civil liberties and democracy.
11. Computers and the Transformation of Work: Quality of work issues and employee monitoring. 1
12. Cyberspace and Civil Liberties: Cyberspace and proposals for designing information infrastructures; cyber-society 1 (social control and access); rights and ethics in cyberspace; civil liberties and democracy.
13.Computers and the Quality of Life: technological progress, productivity and the quality of human life; human- 0.5 computer interaction and human-computer dependency; computer use in health services and human services.
MSE Online Distance Fee Proposal
73 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON CATEGORY III OR CATEGORY IV STUDENT FEE ACTION REQUEST FORM (Complete and return to the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, LH 805. Make sure to fill out page 1 and 2.)
1. Name of student fee and action proposed: ___Distance fee for online degree programs (for____ example for the M..S. in Software Engineering [MSE] in the College of Engineering and Computer Science)______
2. Date of Request: _2/17/04 ______3. Account number and subcode (if an existing fee): ______
4. Department: __Vice President for Academic Affairs______5. Purpose of fee/Rationale for increase: The MSE degree is unique in that it will be first on- line Software Engineering degree in CSU. This program requires a number of special technology-related expenses in order to facilitate distance learning for enrolled students._We are requesting a distance learning fee of $75 per course for this online degree._We_propose that this fee will be collected only for those students enrolled in an online degree program and that the fees will be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs in a_separate account. The VPAA will administer and oversee the fees in collaboratio_ with relevant academic departments.
6. Individual completing form: Dorota Huizinga on behalf of Academic Affairs______x7161____
Name Extension
7. Individual responsible for managing fee: Ephraim Smith, VPAA______x2615____
Name Extension
8. Department Head approval: ______Name Signature Date 9. Dean approval (if applicable): ______Name Signature Date 10. Division Head approval: ______Name Signature Date
MSE Student Admission Interview
75 MSE Student Admission Interview
Name of Applicant Interview Date
MSE Interviewer
1. What is your undergraduate major?
2. How many years have you been working in IT industry?
3. If your major was not computer-related, how were you trained to perform your job?
4. Describe the types of jobs you had ( for the past 3 years). (E.G. Programmer, Project Manager, Tester, Process Engineer, SQA, SCM, and etc.)
5. Describe the software tools you have used in: design, coding, testing, SQA/SCM work.
6. Describe the programming languages you are familiar with.
7. Have you worked for a company that was certified in ISO, CMM, or CMMI?
8. Describe a couple of projects you were involved. What was your role?
9. Describe the type of Internet access you have.
10. Have you had any on-line learning experience before?
MSE Program Governance
MSE Program Council The MSE Program Council will be comprised of faculty nominated by the Chair of the Department of Computer Science in consultation with the Computer Science Faculty. The Program Council shall establish the process for selection of the MSE Program Coordinator who will then serve as chair of the Program Council.
MSE Program Coordinator
The Program Coordinator would operate under the Dean of ECS and Chair of the Department of Computer Science with the following responsibilities:
1. regular meetings with faculty 2. admissions supervision 3. program promotion/marketing 4. scheduling of classes 5. student counseling/advising 6. working with department chair on faculty selection, classes, etc. 7. working with UEE 8. supervision of support personnel 9. coordination of advisory board meetings in conjunction with program faculty 10. working with Dean of ECS, Associate Dean of ECS, and Chair of the Computer Science 11. planning, pedagogy and assessment for student orientations and faculty retreat in conjunction with program faculty 12. hardware and software supervision and purchase 13. selection of external evaluator in conjunction with program faculty including regular communication and meetings/site visit 14. organization of commencement (real or virtual) 15. general program management 16. data collection, student tracking procedures, and database development with yearly program evaluation by/of students, faculty and employers 17. collection and evaluation of program faculty student evaluation surveys of instruction 18. supervision of the course content with course coordinators to ensure ongoing integrity of curriculum 19. dissemination of university policies – grading, admissions, fees, etc. 20. provide assistance with technical support as necessary work with both internal and external advisory boards and Program Council
Parasoft Software Donation
79 March 18, 2003
Dorota Huizinga, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University – Fullerton Fullerton, CA 92834
Dear Dr. Huizinga:
Parasoft Corporation is a firm believer of providing computer science students with the most comprehensive training on current software, technologies and methodologies. For this purpose, Parasoft intends to donate automated error prevention software to Cal State Fullerton’s new Master’s of Software Engineering program. Parasoft will donate 100 machine licenses, which values at a total of $1.5 million dollars ($1,500,000.00).
The software that will be provided are listed as follows:
Jtest - An automatic static analysis, unit, and module testing tool for Java that increases code stability, prevents software errors, and automates both black-box and white-box unit-testing techniques.
Jcontract - A run-time and system-level monitoring tool using Design by Contract (DbC) that verifies that your class/ component works and is being used correctly at the system level.
C++test - A unit testing tool that automatically tests any C and C++ class, function, or component without requiring developers to write a single test case, harness, or stub.
Codewizard - An advanced C/ C++ source code analysis tool that uses over 300 coding guidelines to automatically identify dangerous coding constructs that compilers do not detect.
Insure++ - An automatic run-time application testing tool that detects elusive errors such as memory corruption, memory leaks, memory allocation errors, variable initialization errors, variable definition conflicts, pointer errors, library errors, logic errors, and algorithmic errors.
WebKing - A flexible automatic error-prevention solution that exercises web applications to prevent and expose both server- side and client-side errors, improving the reliability and robustness of enterprise Web applications.
The logistics of when and where the software will be installed can be discussed at a later time. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jenny Ahn Program Director
MSE Faculty Vitae Revised: February 2003
Chair/Professor Department of Computer Science California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA 92834
Phone: 714-2783556 E-mail: [email protected]
J2EE technology/JBoss, Internet and Enterprise Computing, One-time password computer security, Object-Oriented Programming (c++/Java), Computer Networking, Database, Wireless/Mobile Computing, Software Architect and Engineering, Microprocessor/Embedded Applications, Computer Architecture, Motor Control Systems, Sensors and System Engineering.
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1986.
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1984.
B.S., Hydraulics Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC, 1978.
2000 - Present Chair, Department of Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton, California. 1999 - Present Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton, California. 1995 – 1998 Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton, California. 1992 - 1995 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, California. 1987 - 1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, California. 1986 - 1987 Visiting Lecturer of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Investigated the expert control of spacecraft and robot manipulators.
82 1984 -1986 Research Assistant, Robotics and Motor Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University. Developed numerical simulation package for robotics research. 1982-1984 Research and teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University. Developed and implemented data acquisition interface. Involved in mathematical modeling of robot manipulator research.
Micro Solutions Engineering Provides an embedded after-market controller to Amada Engineering and Service, Inc. for Amada’s NC9EX bending machines. Provides engineering work for Scratch Golf Inc. for its patented embedded controller based golf training glove, United States Patent #5,733,201. Co-Founder of JPASS.ORG (a one-time password technology provider). Co-founder and developer of, an organization that promotes one-time- password technologies.
1. N. Chen, and B. Cong, “Weblogic Application Server,” software donation from Weblogic Inc., San Jose, California, valued at $50,000.
2. N. Chen, “Toshiba MIPS/RISC Processor Single Board Training Computers,” equipment donation from Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., Irvine, California, valued at $43,500.
3. N. Chen, “E-Commerce equipment donation” valued at $135,000, KMA Communications, Inc. 2001
4. N. Chen, Summer Stipend, California State University, Fullerton, $5000.00
5. N. Chen, “Cyber Lab,” 1998-99 University Missions and Goals Initiatives, award size: $10,365.00.
6. "Firmware Programming and Testing of Foreman's DNC," funded by AMADA Engineering and Service Inc., $5000.00, 1992
7. "Microprocessor Based Tape Drive Emulator" funded by AMADA Engineering and Service Inc., $35,000.00; 1991
8. Seed Grant of $1,500.00 from School of Engineering and Computer Science, CSUF, 1991
83 9. "Micro-mouse Competition Program for Junior Colleges" approved by California Lottery Fund, 1990, $14,000.00 10. "A Robotic Transplanter for Greenhouse Plant Proliferation" funded by CSUF Junior/Senior Research Grant, 1989-90, $3,500.00 a. Equipment Grant of $25,000.00 from Tektronix, 1989 b. Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Award, 1989, $2,500.00 11. "Computer-Aided Learning in System Theory: Implementing a Software Tool" funded by CSUF Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development Grant, 1989, $500.00 12. Equipment Grant of $5,000.00 from Delta Tau Systems and Westamp Inc., 1988 13. "A Neural Networks Controller for Switched Reluctance Motors" funded by CSUF Hughes Faculty Research Grant, 1988, $1,000.00 14. "Control of Switched Reluctance Motors by Feedback Linearization with Saturating Inputs" funded by CSUF Junior/Senior Research Grant 1987-88, $2,500.00 15. "Microprocessor Control of Switched Reluctance Motors" funded by CSUF Hughes Faculty Research Grant, 1987, $1,000.00 a. Research Assistant Fellowship (Colorado State University, 1983-86)
17. Patent a. United States Patent #5,733,201, “Golf Training Glove,” by T. W. Calwell and N. Chen. Date of Patent: Mar. 31, 1998.
18. Transaction Level: 19. B. Cong, N. Chen and H.K. Dai, “On Embeddings of Neural Networks into Massively Parallel Computer Systems,” Vol.2, No. 4, pp. 7-13, 1999, Journal of Computer Science and Information Management
a. N. Chen, "A Vision-Guided Autonomous Vehicle: An Alternative Micromouse Competition," IEEE Trans. On Education, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 253-258, Nov. 1997.
20. 4. Ning Chen, Hwang Chung and Young K. Kwon, "Integration of Micromouse Project with Undergraduate Curriculum: A Large-Scale Student Participation Approach." May, 1995, IEEE Transactions on Education.
a. T.A.W. Dwyer,III M.S. Fadali, N. Chen and G.K.F. Lee "Manipulator Maneuvering by Feedback Linearization with Saturating Inputs," ”International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1987.
b. M.S. Fadali, Ning Chen and T.A.W. Dwyer, III "Comments on Suboptimal Control of Industrial Manipulators with a Minimum Time-Minimum Fuel Criterion", ”IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, Vol. AC-32 March, 1987.
21. T.A.W. Dwyer, III, G.K.F. Lee and Ning Chen "A Terminal Controller for A Robot Manipulator Arm with Corrections for Perturbations", ”International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol 1. No. 1. 1986, pp.17-23
84 Conference Papers / Reports
24. N. Chen, “A Case Study of the EJB Security: Combining Declarative, Role-Based Access Control with Application-Specific Security Checks” to appear in The 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2002), Las Vegas, Nevada
22. N. Chen, “Applying the Mobile Agent Technology to the Automated Warehouse System in E-Commerce,” The 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 25-28, 2001
23. G. Wang, B. Cong, N. Chen, M. Lin and H. Yan “An Application Using Role-Based Access Control Model,” PDPTA’2000, held on June 26 through 29, 2000, at Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
24. N. Chen, “A Neural Network Assisted Navigation Tool in Teleoperation of Robot Arm Manipulator,” the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'99 (Monte Carlo Resort Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA; June 28 - July 1,1999)N. Chen, “An Updated Micromouse Competition," Frontiers in Education FIE’96 26th Annual Conference, November 6-9, 1996, Salt Lake City, Utah.)
25. N. Chen and H. Chung, "Robot Path Planner: A Neural Networks Approach," IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, July 7-10, 1992, Raleigh, North Carolina.
26. N. Chen and H. Chung. "A Neural Networks Based Robot Path Planner," ISMM Conference on Engineering and Industrial Applications of Microcomputers, December 16-18, 1991, Long Beach, California
27. N. Chen and H. Chung. "A Neural Network Based Real Time Robot Path Planner in Known Environment," International AMSE Conference on Neural Networks Methodologies and Applications, May 29-31, 1991, San Diego, California.
28. H. Chung, N. Chen and J. Park. "Time Domain Mixed Pulse Signal Recognition and Application," International AMSE Conference on Neural Networks Methodologies and Applications, May 29-31, 1991, San Diego, California.
29. N. Chen, L. Chertov. "A Neural Network Controller Design for Switched Reluctance Motors," International Society for Mini and Microcomputers, Reno, Nevada, Feb. 22-24, 1989.
30. N. Chen and Y. Chen. "Exact Terminal Control of Switched Reluctance Motors by Feedback Linearization with Saturating Inputs," ”International Society for Mini and Microcomputers, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb.., 1-3, 1988.
31. Y. Chen and N. Chen. "Common Sense Control of Manipulators based on Qualitative Physics of Robot Dynamics and Experience Learning," ”International Society for Mini and Microcomputers, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb.., 1-3, 1988.
85 32. N. Chen and T.A.W. Dwyer, III. "Real-Time Collision Avoidance Manipulator Transfer Movements," American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 10- 12, 198 33. N. Chen and T.A.W. Dwyer, III. "Single Step Optimization of Manipulator Maneuvers with Variable Structure Control" American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 10-12, 1987 34. N. Chen and T.A.W. Dwyer, III. "Real Time Implementation of Obstacle Avoidance Manipulator Maneuvers with Bounded Inputs", ”IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ,Philadelphia, PA, May 4-7, 1987. 35. Ning Chen. "One Step Ahead Optimization of Collision-Avoidance Manipulator Maneuvers with Variable Structure Control of Parameter Variations", ”Technical Report AAE 86-9 (UILU ENG 86 0509), Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department, University of Illinois 36. N. Chen and T.A.W. Dwyer, III. "Single Step Optimization of Feedback-Decoupled Collision Avoidance Manipulator Maneuvers", ”American Control Conference (Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 1986), V.3, pp. 1503-1508 37. G.K.F. Lee, N. Chen and N.M. Karim. "Robust Nonlinear Control of Robot Manipulators by the Method of Computed Torques", ”American Control Conference (Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 1986), V.3, pp. 1509-1514 38. T.A.W. Dwyer, III, M.S. Fadali and N. Chen "Single Step Optimization of Feed- back Decoupled Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers", ”24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Dec. 11-13, 1985), V.1, pp. 669-671 39. T.A.W. Dwyer, III, M.S. Fadali, N. Chen and G.K.F. Lee. "Manipulator Maneuvering by Feedback Linearization with Saturating Inputs", ”Proc. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, IEEE Council on Robotics and Automation (St. Louis, MO, March 25-28, 1985), pp. 947-956 40. T.A.W. Dwyer, III. G.K.F. Lee and N. Chen. "Nonlinear Interfaces for Acceleration Commands Control of Spacecraft and Manipulators", ”Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Applied Numerical Modeling, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC. Dec. 28-31, 1984, pp.517-525 41. T.A.W. Dwyer, III. G.K.F. Lee and N. Chen. "A Terminal Controller for a Robot Manipulator Arm with Corrections for Perturbations", ”Proc. of the 4th IASTED Symposium on Robotics and Automation (Amsterdam, Netherlands June 27, 1984), pp.47-51 42. T.A.W. Dwyer, III, N. Chen and G.K.F. Lee. "Time Optimal Control of Manipulators with Bounded Accelerations", ”Proc. of the 18th Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (Princeton University, March 16, 1984), pp. 668- 672 43. T.A.W. Dwyer, III and G.K.F. Lee and N. Chen. "Exact Nonlinear Model Followers for the Control of Industrial Robots", ”Proc. Robotics Intelligence and Productivity Conference (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, Nov. 18-19, 1983), pp. 112-121
86 BIN CONG Dept of Computer Science Cal State Univ., Fullerton Email: [email protected] Phone: 714-278-2031
Education: Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Texas, August, 1991 Advisor: Dr. Hal Sudborough (Founder Professor) Dissertation: "Optimum Simulation Among Computer Networks" B.S. Computer Science, Nanjing University, China, August 1982
Experience: Aug. 2002, SEI (Software Engineering Institute) Authorized CMM Lead Assessor (Only the second one from US Universities outside CMU) ID #: 0200861-A Led several SEI Authorized CBA IPIs between 2002 – 2003. June 2000 – October 2001: CTO, Angel Engineers, Sunnyvale, California August 1998 - present: Associate Professor, Cal State Univ., Fullerton September 1997 – August 1998: Associate Professor, Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo May 1996 – August 1997: Tenured Associate Professor, South Dakota State University August 1991 - May 1996: Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University June 1988 - August 1991: Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Dallas September 1985 – May 1988: Teaching Assistant, Duke University August 1982 - August 1985: Research Fellow, Nanjing University, China Awards: National Scholarship of China 1984 Who is Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges 1988-1989 WHO'S WHO among America's Teachers 1996 International WHO'S WHO of Information Technology 1997 Outstanding Research Award at SDSU (1992-1996) Outstanding Research Award at Cal State Univ., Fullerton (1999, 2000)
Research Interests: Software Process, Software Engineering, Network Security, Parallel Processing, Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network Design and Applications, Heuristic Search), Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Internet Computing Research Projects / Grant at SDSU: - Automatic Transcript Evaluation System Funded by Student Affair Office (Summer, 1994) (PI $5000.00) - A System for Highway Construction (1995) (Co-PI $1000.00) - A Fuzzy Intelligent System for Sitting of Agricultural Facilities Funded by Agricultural Department (1995 - 1996) (Project Consultant, $25,000.00) -Computer Application in Understanding of the Mechanical Properties of Vessel Undergoing Balloon Angioplasty Funded by USD Medical School (1995) (Project Consultant, $7000.00) - Soft Tissue Diagnosis and Rehabilitation (1995) (Project Consultant, $2,000)
87 - Image Classification using Neural Network at EROS Data Center, South Dakota (1996) (PI, $20,000) - South Dakota State University Research Support Fund (1992-1997) (Total about $30,000) - Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Supporting System for Investigation of Atmospheric Point Spread Functions (1996 - 1998) (PI, $150,000, NSF EPSCoR) - Development of an Interstate Virtual Computing CO-Laboratory (Serving as the PI representing South Dakota State University, 1997-1998 ) ($390,612, NSF EPSCoR) Grant at Cal Poly: - California State Mini-Grant ($5,000, 1998)
Research Grants and Project at CSUF: - 4 other Univ and state grants between 2000 – present. - Untenured Faculty Support Grant (Cal State Fullerton, 3 units release time and $1000.00, 1999) - Summer Stipend Award (CSU Program for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, $5040.00, 1999) - Lockheed Martin Grant ($8,000.00, 1999) - Networked Computing Lab Development Project. CSUF Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development Program. (3 WTU and $500.00, 1999) - Internet Teaching Lab (ITL) Development Project (Pending, $75,000.00 equipment, CAIDA) - Faculty and Student Research Grant, Spring 2000 - Internet Intrusion Detection, NSF (Pending, $1,000,000.00) - Raytheon Grant ($50,000, 2002) Supervised over 50 Master thesis and projects at SDSU, Cal Poly, and CSUF. Professional Activities: - Voting Member of ACM - Member of IEEE Computer Society - Member of IEEE National Committee of Student Activities - Member of IRMA - Editorship: 1. Associate Editor: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications 1998, Vol. II. (Editor: H.R. Arabnia) 2. Guest Editor: Journal of Computer Science & Information Management, Special Issue on Applications of Parallel and Distributed Computing. - Referee for the following Journals and Conferences: 1. Journal of Information Science 2. Fibonacci Quarterly 3. Journal of VLSI Design 4. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 5. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices 6. Journal of Computer Science & Information Management 7. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering
88 8. IEEE International Parallel Processing Symposium 9. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing 10. International Conf. of the IRMA 11. International Journal of Computer and Their Applications 12. Journal of Information and Computing 13. International Conference on Networks 14.ISMM International Conference on Intelligent Management Systems 15.ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 16.IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing; 17.IEEE International Conference on Computing and Information 18.International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems - Referee for Grant Programs: NSF Science Program, NSF ITR, NSF EPSCoR, NASA EOSDIS, NDSU’s Grant-in-Aid Program, Australia Research Council - Served as Member of the Following International Program Committees: 1. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) 2. Network (1996) 3. IEEE International Conference on Computing and Information (1996, 1997, 1998) 4. ISMM International Conference on Intelligent Management Systems (1996) 5. IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (1996) 6. Mid-Continent Information and DAtabase Systems Conference (1994, 1996) 7. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) 8. ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (1998) 9. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) 10. I-SPAN (2000) - Served As a Session Chair for the Following Conferences: 1. International Conf. on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis 2. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 3. IEEE International Conference of Computing and Information 4. IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory 5. IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 6. ISCA International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems 7. ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering 8. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
Invited Presentations: 1. Trade-Off Considerations in Designing Efficient VLSI Feasible Interconnection Networks University of North Dakota, May 13, 1994. 2. How to Connect Millions of Computers Together Featured speaker at the 2nd annual Mid-continent information and database systems. May 22-23, 1994 3. Parallel Processing and Information Highway Five day seminar at Zhengzhou University, China, August 21-25, 1995.
89 4. Introduction to Neural Networks and Their Applications in Image Processing EROS Data Center, Oct. 26, 1995. 5. Design of Versatile Interconnection Networks Southern Methodist Univ, Aug. 22, 1996. 6. International Perspectives on Effective Teaching Bush Faculty Development Workshop (South Dakota State University), Aug. 26, 1996 7. Network Mapping and Applications Chungnam National University, Korea, May, 1997 8. Software Process and CMM China IT Conference, May 2001
Publication List: I. Refereed International Journals: [1] B. Cong, L. Cong, and S. Asghar, "Robust Speech Recognition Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models," submitted to IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics and the conference version has been submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC 2000).
[2] B. Cong, Y. Pan, "Scalable Implementation of ANNs on Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System," submitted to IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and the conference version has appeared on International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), July 1999.
[3] B. Cong, S.Q. Zheng, “Optimum Simulations by Fibonacci Cube Networks,” accepted with revision by the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
[4] B. Cong, “On Encoding Neural Networks to Estimate the Atmospheric Point Spread Function in a Parallel Environment,” accepted by Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Practice. The conference version has been accepted by the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems to be held in MIT in Nov. 1999.
[5] B. Cong, N. Chen, H.K. Dai, “On Mapping Neural Networks to Massively Parallel Computing Systems,” accepted by Journal of Computer Science and Information Management.
[6] B. Cong, S.Q. Zheng, “Near-Optimal Simulations of Trees by Fibonacci Cubes,” accepted by International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks.
[7] S. Bettayeb, B. Cong, M. Girou, H. Sudborough "Embedding Star Networks into Hypercube Networks," IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol.45, pp. 186-194, Feb. 1996.
[8] B. Cong, S. Bettayeb, S. Zheng "Trade-off Considerations in Designing Efficient VLSI Feasible Interconnection Networks", Journal of VLSI Design, pp. 366-374, Feb. 1995.
90 [9] B. Cong, S. Joshi, A. Salehnia, S. Shin, G. Bergum "A New Expert System Support for Hybrid Ethernet Configuration Design," International Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Vol. 13, No.1, 1994, pp.42 - 47.
[10] S. Bettayeb, B. Cong, M. Girou, Q. Hu, X. Shen, H. Sudborough "The 4-Star Graph is not a Subgraph of Any Hypercube," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 45(1993) 199-203.
[11] S. Bettayeb, B. Cong, M. Girou, H. Sudborough "Simulating Permutation Networks on Hypercubes," Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 583, pp.61-70.
[12] B. Cong, Z. Miller, H. Sudborough "Optimum Simulation of Meshes by Small Hypercubes," Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 464, pp.30-46.
[13] R. Burke, B. Cong, Y. Li "An Automatic Transcript Evaluation System," International Journal of Microcomputer Applications, vol.14, No3, 1995. pp. 123-128.
[14] B. Cong, A. Salehnia, S. Shin "Expert Systems and Expert System Languages," J. of Computing in Small Colleges. Vol. 7, pp. 1-10.
[15] X. Shen, J. Fang, B. Cong, "On Tolerating Multiple Faults with Extra Stages," To appear IEEE Trans. on Computers.
II. Referred International Conferences
[1] B. Cong "Statistics in Neural Network Design", Proc. of 1994 International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conference (IFSICC 94), March, 1994. Louisville.
[2] B. Cong, A. Salehnia "Fixed CCC Embedding is NP-Complete", Proc. of International Conference of Computer Design and Applications, March, 1994, Long Beach, CA.
[3] B. Cong, S. Pampti "A Dynamic Routing Algorithm for High Traffic Networks", Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Systems in Communications and Power (SISCAP'94)
[4] B. Cong, S. Zheng, S. Shama "On simulations of Linear Arrays, Rings and 2-D Meshes on Fibonacci Cube Networks", Proc. of IEEE 7th International Parallel Processing Symposium (April, 1993), pp.748-752. Newport Beach, CA.
[5] B. Cong, H. Sudborough "Dilation-4 Embedding of 2-D meshes into Star Graphs", Proc of 1st International Conference on Computer Communications and Network (June, 1992), San Diego. pp. 6-10.
[6] B. Cong, G. Bergum, S. Shama "Simulation Tree Structures by Fibonacci-Cubes", Proc. of 1st International Conference on Computer Communications and Network (June, 1992), San Diego. pp. 279-284.
91 [7] B. Cong, A. Salehnia, S. Shin, S. Sharma, S. Joshi "Evaluation of Computer Network Topologies", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis (March, 1993), Washington, D.C.
[8] B. Cong, S. Bettayeb, S. Zheng "The Star-Hypercube Hybrid Interconnection Networks", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis (March, 1993), Washington, D.C.
[9] B. Cong, M. Cao "Intelligent Search Under Uncertain Environments", Proc. of Second Golden West International Conference on Intelligent System. (June, 1992) Reno, NE. pp.141- 147.
[10] B. Cong, S. Zheng "On Lower Bounds of Network Embedding Dilations", Proc. of IEEE 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Aug., 1993, Detroit.
[11] B. Cong "A New Generalized Star Graph Network", Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Oct., 1994. pp.767-771. [12] B. Cong, G. Li, S. Shin "Embedding Complete Binary Trees into X-Cubes", Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Oct., 1994, pp.125-129.
[13] T. Meyerink, B. Cong, A. Salehnia, "Inductive Learning on Massively Parallel Computer Systems", Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems. June, 1995. pp. 138-141
[14] B. Cong, G. Li "Embedding Large 3-D Meshes into Small Hypercubes", Proc. of 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems.
[15] B. Cong, "A New Routing Algorithm", to appear at Proc. of International Conference on Networks.
[16] B. Cong "Design Efficient Interconnection Networks" Proc. of the Association of Management 12th Annual International, Aug. 1994. pp.104-113.
[17] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, T. Meyerink "An Expert System Prototype for Image Processing", Proc. of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems. June 1995. pp. 173-175.
[18] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, M. Poumaghshband, "Packaged Expert Systems Language", Proc. of International Conference on Computer Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis (March, 1993), Washington, D.C.
[19] S. Shin, R. Gantenbein, B. Cong, A. Salehnia, "Evaluation of Software Fault Tolerance Approaches to Distributed Systems", Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing & Systems (Nov., 1992), Washington, D.C.
92 [20] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, Z. Alishiri, "Managerial Applications of Expert System Languages and Tools", Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Information Resources Management (May, 1992), Charleston. pp. 172-181.
[21] S. Shin, B. Cong, A. Salehnia, "Implementation of a Natural Language Query Generator Using Definite Clause Grammars", Proc. of Sixth International Conference on Symbolic and Logical Computing (October, 1992). Madison, SD.
[22] B. Cong, A. Salehnia, "AI Languages, Today and Tomorrow". Proc. of 25th Annual Small College Computing Symposium (April, 1992), University of North Dakota. Grand Forks, ND. pp.8-16.
[23] B. Cong, S. Joshi, A. Salehnia, S. Sharma, S. Shin, "Issues on Network Topologies", Proc. of 77th Annual Meeting of South Dakota Academy of Science, April 1992.
[24] B. Cong, F. Minyard, A. Salehnia, S. Shin, "CASE STUDY: Real Time Expert Systems", Proc. of 77th Annual Meeting of South Dakota Academy of Science, April 1992.
[25] J. Gadd, S. Shin, A. Salehnia, B. Cong, "Software Market Research and Software Implementation Methodology", Proc. of 77th Annual Meeting of South Dakota Academy of Science, April 1992.
[26] S. Shin, A. Salehnia, B. Cong, R. Gantenbein, "Implementation Issues of Software Fault Tolerant Systems with Case Tools", Proc. of Information Systems Education Conference, March, 1992.
[27] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, M. Pournaghshband, "OPS5, CLIPS and Expert Systems: A Comparison", ISECON '92 Information Systems Education Conference, March 1992.
[28] B. Cong, R. Burke, "A Neural System for Transcript Evaluation", Proc. of 27 SCCS, April, Iowa.
[29] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, "Design of LAN for a Library", Proc. of Computer Application in Industry, Mar. 1993, Chicago.
[30] B. Cong, A. Salehnia, S.Shin, "Networks and MIS Applications", Proc. of 4th International Conference of Information Resources Management Association, May, 1993. Salt Lake.
[31] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin, "LANs in Library Applications", Proc. of 4th International Conference of Information Resources Management Association, May, 1993. Salt Lake.
[32] S. Shin, A. Salehnia, B. Cong, "Implementation of Software Fault Tolerant Systems Using Excelerator Case Tool", Proc. of 4th International Conference of Information Resources Management Association, May, 1993. Salt Lake.
[33] B. Cong, S. Zheng "Embeddings of Trees to Fibonacci Cubes," Proc. of 28th IEEE Southeast Symposium on System Theory, Baton Rouge, LA, March, 1996.
93 [34] G. Li, B. Cong "Pointer Jumping on Hypercube Connected Networks", Proc. of the 28th SCCS. pp. 324-332.
[35] T. Meyerink, B. Cong "Parallelizing Inductive Learning", Proc. of the 28th SCCS. pp.341-351.
[36] S. Shin, B. Cong, A. Salehnia, C. Oh "Optimization of Image Processing Via a Parallel Workstation Approach", Prof. the 2nd International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design. March, 1995. pp. 196-200.
[37] A. Salehnia, B. Cong, S. Shin "Artificial Neural Networks and Their Applications", Proc. of the 1995 Information Resources Management Association International Conference. May 1995. pp.163-167.
[38] B. Cong, "A New Distributed Routing Algorithm," Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Chicago, Oct., 1996.
[39] B. Cong, Y. Ning, W. Zhau, "Image Data Classification by Neural Networks and SIMD Machines," Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and systems, Chicago, Oct.1996.
[40] N. Kuriyavar, T. meyerink, B. Cong, A. Salehnia, "ATM Network Rerouting with One Link Failure," Proc. of the 3rd Mid-continent Information and DAtabase Systems Conference, Aug., 1996, Fargo, ND, pp.40-45.
[41] G. Li, B. Cong, "Pointer Jumping Networks and Their Applications," Proc. of International Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems, June, 1996, Washington, D.C., pp.139-143.
[42] B. Cong, "The Com-Star Network: A New Family of Star Graph Networks", Proc. of ACM 1993 Symposium on Applied Computing (Feb.,1993), pp. 854-862, Indianapolis.
[43] B. Cong, "Mapping of ANNs on Linear Array with a Reconfigurable pipelined Bus System,” Proc. Of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’97), June 1997, Las Vegas.
[44] B. Cong, “On Embedding of Neural Networks into Massively Parallel Computer Systems,” Proc. of IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON’97), July 1997, Dayton.
[45] B. Cong, L. Wu, Y. Chen, D. Helder, “Estimation of the Atmospheric Point Spread Function Using a Collection of Neural Networks,” Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Oct. 1997, Washington, D. C.
94 [46] B. Cong, “Estimation of the Atmospheric Point Spread Function Using the Neural Network Approach,” Proc. of ISCA 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Oct. 1997, New Orleans.
[47] B. Cong, “Estimating the APSF Using ANNs”, Presented at the NSF EPSCoR Joint North Dakota/South Dakota State Conference, Sept. 27, 1997.
[48] M. Liu, B. Cong, “Queueing in Client-Server Systems,” Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’98), pp. 551-558, Las Vegas, NV, July 13-16, 1998.
[49] B. Cong, G. Bergum, H. Yan, "An Efficient Algorithm to Solve the Triangle Puzzle Problem," Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE), pp. 1-5, LasVegas, NV, Nov. 11-13, 1998.
[50] B. Cong, "Scalable Implementation of ANNs on Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System," Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'99), pp. 2863-2870, Las Vegas, NV, June 28 - July 1, 1999.
[51] B. Cong, “On Encoding Neural Networks to Estimate the Atmospheric Point Spread Function in a Parallel Environment,” accepted and to appear on the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems to be held in MIT in Nov. 1999.
10 other papers have been accepted for publication in 2000, 2001, and 2002.
95 James Choi Tel:714-2787257 Email: [email protected]
JOB HISTORY 1996 – current Associate Professor California State University: Fullerton, CA
1993 -1996 Visiting Research Scientist University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA
Executive Manager and Technical VP Great Bell Corp /MH Corp: Korea
1990 - 1993 Research Associate University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA
1988 - 1989 Assistant Professor in Computer Science Calif. State University in Los Angeles: Los Angeles, CA
1985 - 1988 Research Assistant in Computer Science University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA
EDUCATION 1989 University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA Ph.D. - Computer Science Major in Software Engineering
1985 University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA M.S. - Computer Science Major in Software Engineering
1980 Technical University of Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe, Germany M.S. - Physics
1978 Technical University of Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe, Germany B.S. - Physics
1974 Salem High School: Salem, Germany
96 • UML And UML Development Methodology
• SLC Model and SLC Development (Classical and OOM)
• Developed VLS software in conjunction with Hughes Aircraft, Northrop, Lockheed Martin
• Taught classes in Software Engineering and Compiler Construction
• Experience with RDBMS and SQL such as Ingres
• Extensive knowledge in the Unix/C environment
• Experience in programming languages such as Ada, Pascal, Fortran. Cobol, RPG, C/C++, Java, Assembly, Basic etc..
• Knowledge in Client/Server and LAN/WAN issues(e.g. Internet, WWW etc.)
• Managed monetary and personal resources in a medium size company
• Extensive involvement with community work and leaders
PUBLICATIONS • Formal Analysis of Structural Correctness Of Software Descriptions, International Journal of Computers and Applications, (to appear in 2002)
• Modeling and Simulating Software Acquisition Process Architecture, Journal of Systems and Software, 2001
• Summative/Capstone Courses: A Three Level Assessment for CS Program, Submitted to Journal of Research in Computing Education, 2001
• E3SD: AN Environment Supporting Structural Correctness of SLC Descriptions, IASTED Software Engineering Conference, Nov. 2000
• An Environment for Research in Software Systems Acquisition, Submitted to Acquisition Review Quarterly, June 2000
• Modeling and Simulating Software Acquisition Process Architecture, ProSim2000, July 2000
97 • Experience with Software Architecture and Configured Software Descriptions, WESAS 2000, May 2000
• Normalization and Tools Supporting the Structural Correctness of SLC Descriptions, Proc. in IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 1998
• Software Maintenance Through Reverse engineering, Proc. in 8th KSEA Technology Conference, 1998
• Softman: An Environment for Forward and Reverse Computer Aided Software Engineering, Information and Software Technology,33(9):664-674, November 1991
• Extracting and Restructuring the Design of Large Systems, IEEE Software (7):66-73, January 1990
• Assuring the Correctness of Configured Software Descriptions, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Software Configuration Management, ACM Software Engineering, 17(7) 67-76, 1989
• Softman: An Environment for Forward and Reverse Engineering, PHD Thesis, 1988
• Modeling System Development Work: A Knowledge Based Approach, USC Technical Report, 1986
• TTLC: A Table to Language Converter, USC-TRW Report, 1986
RESEARCH GRANTS • 2000, Lockheed Martin, for Research in Identification and Qualification of Reuse of Legacy Software Systems
• 1999, Junior/Senior/general Faculty Research Award, for investigation of Reengineering Software Designs Using Restructuring
• 1998 SH Corp, for investigation of Reverse Engineering for
98 maintaining and Improving Software Systems
• 1998 Lockheed Martin, for Research in Reuse of Software Using Orthogonal Threads
• 1990 - 1993 Northrop Corporation, for Research in Problem and Opportunities for very large software engineering and software process engineering
• 1990-1992 Naval Ocean System Center, for Research in the System Factory Approach to Large Scale Software Engineering Environments
• 1989-1992 Pacific Bell, for Research in the USC System Factory Project
• 1988-1990 AT&T Laboratories, for Research into flexible software manufacturing systems
• 1985 TRW Defense Systems Group, for Research in Computer Science and Engineering
99 Name: Dorota M. Huizinga Address: Department of Computer Science California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA 92834 tel. (714) 278-7150 e-mail: [email protected]
Education Ph.D. in Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (1991). Dissertation Title: Analysis of Timing Properties for Distributed Real-Time Programs M.Sc. in Computer Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1988). M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland (1983).
Employment Associate Professor - Department of Computer Science, California State University - Fullerton (August 1997-present) Assistant Professor - Department of Computer Science California State University, Fullerton (1991-1997) Research Assistant - Information Technology Institute (ITI), 2727 Second Ave, Detroit, Michigan (1989-1991) Teaching Assistant - Computer Science Department, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (1988-1989) Teaching Assistant - Computer Science Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1986-1988).
Awards and Honors 1. Recipient of CSUF "Outstanding Scholarly and Creative Activity Recognition Award” CSUF, April 2001. 2. Recipient of CSUF "Outstanding Service Recognition Award” for Service to the University, April 2000. 3. Recipient of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) “Recognition of Service Award in Appreciation for Contribution to ACM”, March 21, 2000. 4. Recipient of an award “CSUF 1998/99 Outstanding Teaching Innovations with Electronic Technology” and the winner in the category of “Use of Technology for Assessment”. 5. Recipient of “Outstanding Service Recognition” in the area of “Service in Mentoring and Advising”, California State University - Fullerton, 1997. 6. Recipient of “Teacher Scholar Recognition” in the areas of “New and Enhanced Technologies” and “Sponsoring Student Research, Writing or Other Creative Activity”, California State University - Fullerton, 1996. 7. Recipient of “Faculty/Scholar Recognition” in the area of “Software and Patents”, California State University - Fullerton, 1995. 8. Recipient of “Scholarship Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student”, Western Michigan University, 1988. 9. Recipient of “President of the University Award for the Outstanding Student”, Technical University of Wroclaw, 1983.
100 Grants External Grants 1. National Science Foundation - Research Planning Grant: “Strategies for Practical Implementations of File System Extensions”, (1997/1998) ($18,000) - sole author and principal investigator. 2. CSU - Office of the Chancellor - Delta Project Initiative : “Reference Library of Educational Software for Computer Science Courses" (1994/1995,1995/1996) one of the three projects sponsored under a collaborative and multi-campus effort (total budget $163, 076). 3. Hughes Aircraft Company for research on "Multi-threading Capabilities of Existing Operating Systems" (1992/1993) ($10,376) - sole author and principal investigator. 4. NSF - Travel Support for “The 12-th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems”, Yokohama, Japan (1992). ($500) - sole recipient.
Intramural Grants 1. University Initiative: "On-line Assessment in Computer Science"; with M. Molodowitch (2001/2002) ($7,800). 2. University Initiative: "Incorporating learning objectives and assessment to the Computer Science curriculum" with S. Barua, B. Laguna and M. Molodowitch, (1999/2000) ($12,000). 3. Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development for “Projects and Experiments the Advanced Operating Systems course” (Spring 1999). 4. Summer Stipend under CSU program for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity for “Functionality Extensions in Modern Operating Systems and Their Impact on Mobile Computing Requirements” (Summer 1997). 5. Untenured Faculty Development Grant for “A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Disconnected Operation in Modern Operating Systems” (Spring 1997). 6. Affirmative Action Faculty Development Grant for research on "Client Caching and Disconnected Operation of Notebook Computers in Distributed System" (Spring 1994). 7. Faculty Enhancement and Instructional Development for "Restructuring of the Operating Systems Concepts Course" (Spring 1993). 8. Summer Stipend under CSU program for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity for "Software Analyzer for Real-Time Programs" (Summer 1992). Publications Invited Editorials 1. D. Huizinga “Location and Storage Management in Mobile Computing Systems” – Track Chair Message “, Proceedings of ACM SAC, Las Vegas, Nevada- March 2001. 2. D.M Huizinga, “Mobile Agents, Adaptation, QoS and Notification Services - Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Track Editorial”, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Como, Italy, March 19-21, 2000. 3. D.M. Huizinga, “Special Issue Editorial: Mobile Computing Applications”, Personal Technologies, Vol 1, No 3, December 1997. Peer Reviewed Articles 1. D. Huizinga and E. Kubicka, “Algorithms for the Analysis and Synthesis of Tree Structured Communication Networks” accepted and to be published in Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. 2. D. Huizinga, “Four Implementations of Disconnected Operation: A Framework for a Capstone Project in Operating Systems”, IEEE Trans on Education, Vol. 45, No 1, February 2002. 3. D. Huizinga, “Identifying Topics for Instructional Improvement Through online Tracking of Programming Projects”, Proceedings of the ACM ITiCSE , June 2001. 4. D.M Huizinga, “Mobile Agents, Adaptation, QoS and Notification Services - Mobile Computing Systems and Applications Track Editorial”, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Como, Italy, March 19-21, 2000.
101 5. D.M. Huizinga and S. Desai, "Informed Prefetching and Caching in Linux" - Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Technology Coding and Computing –ITCC-2000, Las Vegas, March 27-29, 2000. 6. D.M. Huizinga and C. Ames "Mobile File System Support with Virtual Device Drivers", Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 27-March 1, 1999. 7. D.M. Huizinga and H. Sherman “File Hoarding under NFS and LINUX”, Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Atlanta, GE, Feb.27-March 1, 1998. 8. D. M. Huizinga and P. Mann, “Disconnected Operation for Heterogeneous Servers: A Practical Approach”, Personal Technologies, Vol 1, No 3, (December, 1997) 9. D.M. Huizinga and E. Kubicka, “A Tree Generating Algorithm for Designing Optimal Hierarchical Distributed Systems”, Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, San Jose, CA, Feb. 28- March 2, 1997. 10. D. M. Huizinga and P. Mann, “Disconnected Operation for Heterogeneous Servers”; Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 18-20, 1996. 11. D. M. Huizinga and K. Heflinger, “Two-Level Client Caching and Disconnected Operation of Notebook Computers in Distributed Systems”, Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Nashville, TN, Feb 26-28, 1995. 12. D. M. Huizinga and K. Heflinger, “DOC - a File System Cache to Support Disconnected Operation”,Distributed Systems Engineering, Vol 2 No 3, September 1995, pp.152-160. 13. H. F. Wedde, B. Korel and D.M. Huizinga, “Formal Timing Analysis of Distributed Real- Time Programs”, Real-Time Systems - International Journal of Time Critical Computing Systems Vol, 7, No 1, July 1994, pp. 57-90. 14. D. M. Huizinga and K. Heflinger “Experience with Connected and Disconnected Operation of Portable Notebook Computers in Distributed Systems”, Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, Santa Cruz, CA, Dec.8-9, 1994. 15. H. F. Wedde, B. Korel and D.M. Huizinga, “Formal Timing Analysis of Distributed Real- Time Programs”; IFAC Workshop Series, 1992 (1). 16. H.F. Wedde, G.S Alijiani, D. Huizinga, G. Kang and B-K. Kim “MELODY: A Completely Decentralized Adaptive File System for Handing Real-Time Tasks in Unpredictable Environments”, Real-Time Systems - The International Journal of Real-Time Computing Systems;Vol 2 , No 4, November 1990, pp.347-364. 17. H. F. Wedde, B. Korel and D. M. Huizinga, "Static Analysis of Timing Properties for Distributed Real-Time Programs"; in Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, Atlanta, GA, May 1991, pp. 88-95. 18. H. F. Wedde, B. Korel and D. M. Huizinga, "A Critical Path Approach For Testing Distributed Real-Time Systems", in Proc. Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Kauai, January 8-11, 1991. 19. H. F Wedde, G.S Alijani, D. M. Baran (a.k.a. Huizinga), G. Kang, B-K. Kim "DRAGON SLAYER/MELODY: Distributed Operating System Support For Mission Critical Computing"; Operating Systems For Mission Critical Computing, ACM Press 1990. 20. H.F. Wedde,G.S Alijani, D. M. Baran (a.k.a. Huizinga) G.Kang, and B-K.Kim "Real-Time File Performance of a Completely Decentralized Adaptive File System", with H.F. Wedde, 0.5 Alijani, G.Kang, and B-K. Kim; Proc. Real-Time System Symposium, Santa Monica, CA, December 1989.
Invited Presentations and Visits 1. Invited Presentation "Implementation of Informed Prefetching and Caching in Linux" - University of Genova, Italy, March, 25, 2000. 2. Invited visiting researcher at the Department of Computer Science of Carnegie Mellon University, August 1996.
102 3. Invited panelist and speaker at the IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, Dec. 8-9, 1994, Santa Cruz, CA; session on “Exploiting Mobility Commercially”.
Software 1. Provided specification and supervised implementation of the "Computer Science Department Class Scheduling Software". This software dramatically increases productivity of the Departmental personnel responsible for scheduling (currently the Vice-chair) by automating several functions that used to be done manually (1999/2000). 2. Designed and implemented "Electronic Project Submission" software that automates the process of collecting computer projects developed for the CPSC 351 "Operating Systems Concepts" course via Internet. Additionally, the software facilitates the process of assessment both for the students and the instructors.(1996-2000) 3. Wrote specification and supervised implementation of prototype software packages used to perform scientific experiments: "DOC" (Disconnected Operation Cache) for MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, Win 95 and NT, OS/2 and Linux, and "IPrC" (Informed Prefetching and Caching) for Linux. This research resulted in a number of publications and grants (1995-2000)
Teaching Teaching Evaluations Received teaching evaluations consistently above the Departmental average (within the rage 3.2 -3.5) (1991-2000) Use of technology in Computer Science Education Uses electronic presentations (mostly Power Point) for ALL lectures. (1998-present) Posts all syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments on the Web at Designed and implemented online instruction (using WebCT) for Computer Science Internship (CPSC 495) Uses electronic submission programs for projects in Operating Systems classes. Graduate project supervision: Supervised in excess of 30 Master's Projects. Collaborated and published 7 papers with graduate students. List of Courses Taught 1. CPSC 223V - C++ Programming 2. CPSC 231 – File System Concepts. 3. CPSC 241 - Low Level Language Systems. 4. CPSC 351 - Operating Systems Concepts. 5. CPSC 351L - Operating Systems Laboratory 6. CPSC 451 - Advanced Operating Systems. 7. CPSC 457 - Computer Communications. 8. CPSC 495 – Internship in Computer Science 9. CPSC 499 – Undergraduate Independent Research 10. CPSC 542 - Software Verification and Validation. 11. CPSC 551 - Operating Systems Design. 12. CPSC 589 - Seminar in Computer Science. 13. CPSC 597- Graduate Project (supervised 30 projects). 14. CPSC 599 - Graduate Independent Research.
103 Professional Activities Editor Personal Technologies Special Issue on Mobile Computing Applications (to be published by Springer-Verlag in September of 1997) Track Chair and Program Committee Member of “ Mobile Computing Systems and Application Track” of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing; 1996-2001. Reviewer for IEEE Computer Magazine Personal Technologies ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) Member of Association for Computing Machinery. ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Applications IEEE Service Vice chair of the Department of Computer Science (F’98-Summer 2000)
Chair of Graduate Committee, Department of Computer Science (1994-1996) Instructional Resources Committee (1997/1998 and 2001/2002)
Member of Department of Computer Science 1. Executive Committee (1996/1997) 2. Instructional Resources Committee (1996/1997, 1999/2000) 3. Graduate Committee (1991/92,1992/93, 1996/97, 1998/19999) 4. Software Engineering Certificate Subcommittee (1991/92 and 1992/93) 5. Unix Certificate Subcommittee (1991/92, 1992/93,1993/94) 6. Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Architecture Related Courses (1991/92 and 1992/93) 7. Faculty Selection Committee (1998/1999, 1999/2000) 8. Personnel Committee (1998/1999)
College of ECS and University 1. Strategic Planning (Fall 2001) 2. Conversations with Scholars Event (Fall 2001) 3. Webmaster Certificate Advisory Board (Summer 1996) 4. ECS Travel Committee (1995/96, 1996/1997) 5. ECS Outstanding/Distinguished Faculty Award Committee (1993/94) 6. ECS Commencement Committee (1992)
University 1. PRBC Committee (1999/2000, 2000/2001, 2001/2002, and 2002/2003) 2. Academic Standards Committee (1998/1999) 3. Subcommittee on the Information Technology in the Curriculum (1997/1998)
104 Allen D. Holliday 638 Farben Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909)861-2083 Education California State University, Los Angeles Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering)—1963 University of California, Santa Barbara Professional Designation in Computer Technology—1971 West Coast University, Los Angeles Master of Science, Computer Science—1978 Summary of Qualifications Have taught full-time at California State University, Fullerton since 2001, including courses on software engineering, operating systems, communications and networking, data structures, and file systems. Several of these courses have included developing, guiding, and evaluating student projects. Previousl taught part-time at the university level (undergraduate and graduate) since 1979. Experienced software engineer with extensive design experience, both at the system architecture and detailed component levels. Comprehensive knowledge of modern design methodologies such as object-oriented and structured analysis/design techniques. Significant experience with real-time and multiprogramming systems, particularly operating systems, communications networks, and secure systems. Very familiar with several languages (C, C++, FORTRAN, assembler), a variety of computers (PowerPC, POWER, VAX, Macintosh), and several operating systems (Unix, VRTX, VMS, MacOS). Academic Experience California State University, Fullerton (January 1994–present) Lecturer Software Engineering (undergraduate and graduate), Operating Systems (undergraduate), Data Communications courses (undergraduate), Data Structures (undergraduate), File Systems (undergraduate). Extended Education Instructor Object-Oriented Analysis and Development (with C++) courses West Coast University, Orange (January 1985–December 1993) Senior Lecturer Software Engineering and Operating Systems, (undergraduate and graduate); Data Structures and Algorithms courses (undergraduate). California State University, Fullerton (July 1982–December 1985) Lecturer Operating Systems courses (undergraduate and graduate). West Coast University, Fullerton (June 1979–June1982) Instructor Operating Systems and Computer Networks courses (undergraduate and graduate).
105 Industry Experience Raytheon Systems Company (formerly Hughes Aircraft Company) (January 1978– January 2001) Software Architect: The principal software analyst and designer for a Global Positioning System (GPS) augmentation system being developed for the US Federal Aviation Administration. Extensive interaction with customer; major presenter at design reviews. Software Engineering Process Developer: Served on a company-wide team that defined the policies and practices for software engineering throughout Hughes Aircraft Company (a special one-year assignment). These policies and practices were one of the key factors in reaching the Software Engineering Institute’s Maturity Level 5. Software Technical Director: Developed original system architecture and guided the detailed design of a large command and control system. Worked extensively with all of the project’s software engineers— directing and reviewing their efforts. Senior Systems Engineer: Head of a group developing a distributed operating system; technical director for a software tools development section. Manager, Displays Group: Performed the top-level design and supervised detailed design of the graphics display software for an air defense system Transaction Technology (September 1975–January 1978) Manager of Field Support: Received, analyzed, and ensured final resolution of software problems on large electronic banking system. Interfaced with technical and managerial organizations at various levels Manager, Systems Integration: Coordinated the integration testing of several software releases each year, involving multiple project coordination. Xerox Western Technology Center (June 1972–August 1975) Principle Member of the Programming Staff: Lead programmer developing extensions to the Xerox Graphics Library and a timesharing operating system to allow multiple task interface to a microprocessor-controlled graphics display unit. Senior Member of the Programming Staff: Lead programmer in group extending a real-time operating system to interface with a graphics display unit and a numeric processor. Developed hardware diagnostics and supported hardware engineers in development of several parts of a telemetry data processing system. Space and Missile Test Center, Vandenberg Air Force Base (March 1965–June 1972) Systems engineer on several telemetry data processing systems. Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu, CA (June 1963–March 1965) Systems engineer on microwave data transmission system.
Online Library Periodical Holdings List
107 Journals to which the Pollak Library has access in print and electronic format (found in the Online Public Access Catalog):
HF5548 .D21 TITLE Information and software technology IMPRINT [London, England] : Butterworths, c1987- DESCRIPT v. : ill. ; 30 cm DESCRIPT Vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan./Feb. 1987)- LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 29(1987)-33(1991). a,ta,2,5,8 LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
QA76 .C7422 UNIF TITLE Computers & mathematics with applications (Elmsford, N.Y. : 1987) TITLE Computers & mathematics with applications LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 13(1987)-28(1994). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
QA76 .I42 TITLE Information processing letters LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 12(1981)-36(1990). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
QA76 .S555 TITLE SIAM journal on computing LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 5(1976)-TO CURRENT DATE. LIB. HAS IN COMPACT STACKS 1(1972)-4(1975). v.2 incomplete. LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
QA76.6 .J72 TITLE Journal of parallel and distributed computing LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 1(1984)-13(1991). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
QA76.76.H94 X65 TITLE XML magazine LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 1(2000)-3(2002). v.1 incomplete. LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
T385 .C5711 TITLE CVGIP. Graphical models and image processing LIB. HAS IN COMPACT STACKS 53(1991). a,ta,1,5,8 LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS CONTINUES Computer vision, graphics, and image processing
108 T385 .C5712 TITLE CVGIP. Image understanding LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 53(1991)-54(1991). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS CONTINUES Computer vision, graphics, and image processing
TA174 .J692 TITLE Journal of mechanical design LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 120(1998)-TO CURRENT DATE. v.120 incomplete. LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS CONTINUES Journal of mechanisms, transmissions, and automation in design
TK5105.5 .C641 TITLE Computer networks and ISDN systems LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 9(1985)-20(1990). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS ONTINUES Computer networks
Q335 .A785 TITLE Artificial intelligence LIB. HAS IN PERIODICAL STACKS 6(1975)-65(1994). LIB. HAS IN COMPACT STACKS 4(1973)-5(1974). LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
REMOTE ACCESS TITLE Software testing, verification & reliability [electronic resource] LIB. HAS INTERNET ACCESS
***************************************************************** Journals and Magazines To Which The Library Has Only Electronic Access Found by Searching the Pollak Library’s Electronic Journal List
In some cases access is to full-text electronic journals and in others access is to individual articles only
Keyword: Software
1) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE Available from 3/1/97 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 2) ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals
109 3) ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 4) ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 5) EXE - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 6) INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 7) INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE STRATEGIES Available from 11/1/91 to 6/1/92 in Factiva 8) JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 9) LIBRARY SOFTWARE REVIEW Available from 5/1/88 to 12/1/98 in Expanded Academic ASAP 10) PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 11) SOFTWARE FUTURES Available from 1/1/93 to 2/1/98 in Factiva Available from 1996 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 12) SOFTWARE INDUSTRY REPORT Available from 1/10/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 13) SOFTWARE LAW BULLETIN Available from 1/1/01 to present in Factiva Available from 3/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 14) SOFTWARE LIBRARY FROM ZDWIRE Available from 12/19/00 to present in Factiva 15) SOFTWARE MAGAZINE Available from 1/1/88 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 2/1/88 to 6/1/98 in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1988 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 16) SOFTWARE MARKETS Available from 1/17/86 to 1/23/89 in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to 9/1/93 in Factiva 17) SOFTWARE WORLD Available from 2000 to 14 days ago in Business & Company Resource Center 18) SOFTWARE: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Available from 1997 to present in Wiley Interscience Journals 19) VIDEO SOFTWARE MAGAZINE Available from 9/1/95 to 2/1/97 in LexisNexis Academic Universe
Keyword: Programming
110 ) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES & SYSTEMS Available from 1/1/97 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 2) ANNUAL REVIEW IN AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 3) EMBEDDED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING Available from 1/1/01 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 4) JOURNAL OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 5) SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals
Keyword: Computer
1) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS Available from 11/1/96 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 2) ASIA COMPUTER WEEKLY Available from 3/22/99 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 5/6/96 to present in Factiva Available from 1999 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center 3) CAMCORDER & COMPUTER VIDEO Available from 2/1/99 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 4) CANADIAN COMPUTER RESELLER Available from 1/9/92 to 10/20/99 in LexisNexis Academic Universe 5) COMLINE COMPUTERS Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 6) COMPUTER - AIDED ENGINEERING; CAE Available from 5/1/88 to present in ABI/INFORM Global 7) COMPUTER & ONLINE INDUSTRY LITIGATION REPORTER Available from 8/6/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 8) COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN REPORT Available from 2/1/95 to present in Factiva 9) COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 10) COMPUTER AND INTERNET LAWYER Available from 12/1/97 to present in ABI/INFORM Global 11) COMPUTER AND ONLINE INDUSTRY LITIGATION REPORTER Available from 12/1/01 to present in Factiva 12) COMPUTER AUDIT UPDATE Available from 11/1/91 to 1/1/96 in Factiva Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 13) COMPUTER BUSINESS REVIEW Available from 8/1/93 to present in Factiva Available from 1997 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 14) COMPUTER BUSINESS REVIEW (U.K.) Available from 5/18/01 to present in Factiva 15) COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS
111 Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 16) COMPUTER DEALER NEWS Available from 1/13/92 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1992 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 17) COMPUTER ECONOMICS REPORT Available from 1999 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 18) COMPUTER FINANCE Available from 1/1/93 to 6/1/97 in Factiva 19) COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 20) COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY BULLETIN Available from 10/1/91 to 11/1/96 in Factiva 21) COMPUTER GAMING WORLD Available from 1/1/90 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1/1/94 to present in Factiva 22) COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD Available from 1/1/88 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1992 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 23) COMPUTER INDUSTRY REPORT Available from 1991 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 24) COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 25) COMPUTER LANGUAGES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 26) COMPUTER LAW AND SECURITY REPORT Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 27) COMPUTER LAW REVIEW AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL Available from Spring 1998 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 28) COMPUTER LIFE Available from 10/1/94 to 7/1/98 in Expanded Academic ASAP 29) COMPUTER MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION REPORT Available from 1/17/94 to 8/1/94 in Factiva 30) COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 31) COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 32) COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Available from 9/22/99 to 3/22/01 in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 2001 to present in Project Muse 33) COMPUTER NETWORKS Available from 1/14/99 to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 34) COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ISDN SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 35) COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 36) COMPUTER PICTURES Available from 1984 to 1995 in Business & Company Resource Center 37) COMPUTER PRODUCT UPDATE
112 Available from 1/9/86 to 1/27/89 in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 10/1/91 to 10/1/93 in Factiva 38) COMPUTER PROTOCOLS Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 39) COMPUTER PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING REPORT Available from 1/1/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1/24/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1998 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center 40) COMPUTER RESELLER NEWS Available from 1/7/91 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 6/1/88 to present in Factiva Available from 11/28/94 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1994 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 41) COMPUTER RESELLER SOURCES Available from 10/1/91 to 4/1/92 in Factiva 42) COMPUTER RETAIL WEEK Available from 1/8/93 to 7/1/99 in Factiva Available from 11/7/94 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1998 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 43) COMPUTER SECURITY UPDATE Available from 2000 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 44) COMPUTER SHOPPER Available from 7/1/91 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1997 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 45) COMPUTER SHOPPER FROM ZDWIRE Available from 1/1/94 to 3/2/02 in Factiva 46) COMPUTER SPEECH & LANGUAGE Available from 1993 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 47) COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 48) COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY REVIEW Available from 1/1/92 to present in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1999 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 49) COMPUTER TELEPHONY Available from 1997 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center 50) COMPUTER TIMES Available from 4/7/99 to present in Factiva 51) COMPUTER USER Available from 2000 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 52) COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING Available from 1993 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 53) COMPUTER WEEKLY Available from 1/2/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1/4/90 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1991 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 54) COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe
113 Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 55) COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 56) COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING Available from 1989 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 57) COMPUTERGRAM INTERNATIONAL Available from 11/1/91 to 11/1/99 in Factiva Available from 1998 to 1998 in Business & Company Resource Center 58) COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 59) COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 60) COMPUTERS & CHEMISTRY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 61) COMPUTERS & EDUCATION Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 62) COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 63) COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Available from 1983 to 1985 in Business & Company Resource Center 64) COMPUTERS & FLUIDS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 65) COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 66) COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 67) COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 68) COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 69) COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 70) COMPUTERS & SECURITY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 71) COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 72) COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Available from 1993 to 2000 in AP Ideal - Academic Press 73) COMPUTERS AND COMPOSITION Available from 1999 to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 74) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 75) COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 76) COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 77) COMPUTERS IN HEALTHCARE Available from 1992 to 1993 in Business & Company Resource Center
114 78) COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 79) COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 80) COMPUTERS IN LIBRARIES Available from 1/1/92 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 81) COMPUTERS TODAY Available from 1/1/97 to present in Factiva Available from 1/1/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 82) COMPUTERS, ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 83) COMPUTERWIRE Available from 6/28/01 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 84) COMPUTERWIRE NEWS Available from 3/1/01 to present in Factiva 85) COMPUTERWOCHE Available from 1/1/93 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 86) COMPUTERWORLD Available from 1/1/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1/4/82 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 9/9/96 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 11/30/87 to present in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1996 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 87) COMPUTERWORLD (PHILIPPINES) Available from 7/15/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1999 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 88) COMPUTERWORLD CANADA Available from 1/17/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 89) COMPUTERWORLD NEW ZEALAND Available from 3/15/00 to 7/1/00 in Factiva 90) COMPUTERWORLD PHILIPPINES Available from 1/31/96 to present in Factiva Available from 12/31/97 to present in Newsstand (Complete) 91) FEDERAL COMPUTER MARKET REPORT Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 92) FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 93) GOVERNMENT COMPUTER NEWS Available from 1/16/87 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 94) GOVERNMENT COMPUTER NEWS STATE & LOCAL Available from 2/1/99 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 95) HISTORY COMPUTER REVIEW Available from 3/22/00 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 96) IBM COMPUTER TODAY Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 97) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT & COMPUTER SECURITY
115 Available from 1/1/95 to 12/31/00 in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1994 to present in Emerald Fulltext 98) INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 99) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES Available from 1994 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 100) INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW, COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Available from 3/1/97 to 11/1/00 in ABI/INFORM Global
1) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS Available from 11/1/96 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 2) ASIA COMPUTER WEEKLY Available from 3/22/99 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 5/6/96 to present in Factiva Available from 1999 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center 3) CAMCORDER & COMPUTER VIDEO Available from 2/1/99 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 4) CANADIAN COMPUTER RESELLER Available from 1/9/92 to 10/20/99 in LexisNexis Academic Universe 5) COMLINE COMPUTERS Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 6) COMPUTER - AIDED ENGINEERING; CAE Available from 5/1/88 to present in ABI/INFORM Global 7) COMPUTER & ONLINE INDUSTRY LITIGATION REPORTER Available from 8/6/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 8) COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN REPORT Available from 2/1/95 to present in Factiva 9) COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 10) COMPUTER AND INTERNET LAWYER Available from 12/1/97 to present in ABI/INFORM Global 11) COMPUTER AND ONLINE INDUSTRY LITIGATION REPORTER Available from 12/1/01 to present in Factiva 12) COMPUTER AUDIT UPDATE Available from 11/1/91 to 1/1/96 in Factiva Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 13) COMPUTER BUSINESS REVIEW Available from 8/1/93 to present in Factiva Available from 1997 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 14) COMPUTER BUSINESS REVIEW (U.K.) Available from 5/18/01 to present in Factiva 15) COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals
116 16) COMPUTER DEALER NEWS Available from 1/13/92 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1992 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 17) COMPUTER ECONOMICS REPORT Available from 1999 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 18) COMPUTER FINANCE Available from 1/1/93 to 6/1/97 in Factiva 19) COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 20) COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY BULLETIN Available from 10/1/91 to 11/1/96 in Factiva 21) COMPUTER GAMING WORLD Available from 1/1/90 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1/1/94 to present in Factiva 22) COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD Available from 1/1/88 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1992 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 23) COMPUTER INDUSTRY REPORT Available from 1991 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 24) COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 25) COMPUTER LANGUAGES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 26) COMPUTER LAW AND SECURITY REPORT Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 27) COMPUTER LAW REVIEW AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL Available from Spring 1998 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 28) COMPUTER LIFE Available from 10/1/94 to 7/1/98 in Expanded Academic ASAP 29) COMPUTER MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION REPORT Available from 1/17/94 to 8/1/94 in Factiva 30) COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 31) COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 32) COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL Available from 9/22/99 to 3/22/01 in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 2001 to present in Project Muse 33) COMPUTER NETWORKS Available from 1/14/99 to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 34) COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ISDN SYSTEMS
117 Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 35) COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 36) COMPUTER PICTURES Available from 1984 to 1995 in Business & Company Resource Center 37) COMPUTER PRODUCT UPDATE Available from 1/9/86 to 1/27/89 in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 10/1/91 to 10/1/93 in Factiva 38) COMPUTER PROTOCOLS Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 39) COMPUTER PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING REPORT Available from 1/1/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1/24/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1998 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center 40) COMPUTER RESELLER NEWS Available from 1/7/91 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 6/1/88 to present in Factiva Available from 11/28/94 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1994 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 41) COMPUTER RESELLER SOURCES Available from 10/1/91 to 4/1/92 in Factiva 42) COMPUTER RETAIL WEEK Available from 1/8/93 to 7/1/99 in Factiva Available from 11/7/94 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1998 to 1999 in Business & Company Resource Center 43) COMPUTER SECURITY UPDATE Available from 2000 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 44) COMPUTER SHOPPER Available from 7/1/91 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1997 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 45) COMPUTER SHOPPER FROM ZDWIRE Available from 1/1/94 to 3/2/02 in Factiva 46) COMPUTER SPEECH & LANGUAGE Available from 1993 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 47) COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 48) COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY REVIEW Available from 1/1/92 to present in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1999 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 49) COMPUTER TELEPHONY Available from 1997 to 2001 in Business & Company Resource Center
118 50) COMPUTER TIMES Available from 4/7/99 to present in Factiva 51) COMPUTER USER Available from 2000 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 52) COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING Available from 1993 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 53) COMPUTER WEEKLY Available from 1/2/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1/4/90 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1991 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 54) COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 55) COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 56) COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING Available from 1989 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 57) COMPUTERGRAM INTERNATIONAL Available from 11/1/91 to 11/1/99 in Factiva Available from 1998 to 1998 in Business & Company Resource Center 58) COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 59) COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 60) COMPUTERS & CHEMISTRY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 61) COMPUTERS & EDUCATION Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 62) COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 63) COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Available from 1983 to 1985 in Business & Company Resource Center 64) COMPUTERS & FLUIDS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 65) COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 66) COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 67) COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING
119 Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 68) COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 69) COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 70) COMPUTERS & SECURITY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 71) COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 72) COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Available from 1993 to 2000 in AP Ideal - Academic Press 73) COMPUTERS AND COMPOSITION Available from 1999 to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 74) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 75) COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 76) COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 77) COMPUTERS IN HEALTHCARE Available from 1992 to 1993 in Business & Company Resource Center 78) COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 79) COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 80) COMPUTERS IN LIBRARIES Available from 1/1/92 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 81) COMPUTERS TODAY Available from 1/1/97 to present in Factiva Available from 1/1/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 82) COMPUTERS, ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 83) COMPUTERWIRE Available from 6/28/01 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 84) COMPUTERWIRE NEWS Available from 3/1/01 to present in Factiva 85) COMPUTERWOCHE
120 Available from 1/1/93 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 86) COMPUTERWORLD Available from 1/1/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1/4/82 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 9/9/96 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 11/30/87 to present in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1996 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 87) COMPUTERWORLD (PHILIPPINES) Available from 7/15/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 1999 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 88) COMPUTERWORLD CANADA Available from 1/17/97 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 89) COMPUTERWORLD NEW ZEALAND Available from 3/15/00 to 7/1/00 in Factiva 90) COMPUTERWORLD PHILIPPINES Available from 1/31/96 to present in Factiva Available from 12/31/97 to present in Newsstand (Complete) 91) FEDERAL COMPUTER MARKET REPORT Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 92) FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 93) GOVERNMENT COMPUTER NEWS Available from 1/16/87 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 94) GOVERNMENT COMPUTER NEWS STATE & LOCAL Available from 2/1/99 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 95) HISTORY COMPUTER REVIEW Available from 3/22/00 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 96) IBM COMPUTER TODAY Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 97) INFORMATION MANAGEMENT & COMPUTER SECURITY Available from 1/1/95 to 12/31/00 in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1994 to present in Emerald Fulltext 98) INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 99) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES Available from 1994 to present in AP Ideal - Academic Press 100) INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW, COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Available from 3/1/97 to 11/1/00 in ABI/INFORM Global
Keyword: Computing
121 1) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE Available from 3/1/97 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP 2) ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 3) ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 4) ENVIRONMENTAL SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 5) EXE - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Available from 3/15/00 to present in Factiva 6) INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 7) INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE STRATEGIES Available from 11/1/91 to 6/1/92 in Factiva 8) JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE Available from 5 years ago to present in ScienceDirect Elsevier Science Journals 9) LIBRARY SOFTWARE REVIEW Available from 5/1/88 to 12/1/98 in Expanded Academic ASAP 10) PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE Available from 11/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to present in Factiva 11) SOFTWARE FUTURES Available from 1/1/93 to 2/1/98 in Factiva Available from 1996 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 12) SOFTWARE INDUSTRY REPORT Available from 1/10/94 to present in Factiva Available from 1998 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 13) SOFTWARE LAW BULLETIN Available from 1/1/01 to present in Factiva Available from 3/1/96 to present in LexisNexis Academic Universe 14) SOFTWARE LIBRARY FROM ZDWIRE Available from 12/19/00 to present in Factiva 15) SOFTWARE MAGAZINE Available from 1/1/88 to present in Expanded Academic ASAP Available from 2/1/88 to 6/1/98 in ABI/INFORM Global Available from 1988 to present in Business & Company Resource Center 16) SOFTWARE MARKETS Available from 1/17/86 to 1/23/89 in LexisNexis Academic Universe Available from 12/1/91 to 9/1/93 in Factiva 17) SOFTWARE WORLD Available from 2000 to 14 days ago in Business & Company Resource Center 18) SOFTWARE: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Available from 1997 to present in Wiley Interscience Journals 19) VIDEO SOFTWARE MAGAZINE
122 123 124 APPENDIX 14
MSE Budget Spreadsheet
Academic Programs
1. Degree Program Title: Master of Software Engineering.
2. Number of units required for the new program, major or option: 30.
3. Describe the objectives of the proposed program: The objective of this program is to prepare individuals for careers as software engineers and software process managers in industry and government agencies. The program emphasizes a comprehensive and thorough process-oriented approach to software development and its curriculum is fundamentally grounded in software engineering research, theory, principles, and practice. The emphasis on process-oriented methodologies makes this program unique among professional master’s degrees. The program is designed for professionals working in the field of computer science who wish to further their skills and pursue graduate level education in Software Engineering.
4. Estimate how many students you anticipate in the new program, by level. Also estimate the number of units per student anticipated.
UPS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year enrollment enrollment enrollment
Lower Division
Upper Division
Graduate/Postbaccaulaureate 30 25 50 50
5. Estimate the number of these students who will be attracted from off campus and the number who will be drawn from existing programs:
1st year 2nd year 3rd year
New students 25 25 25
Existing programs 6. This new program will be reviewed at a later date in order to determine whether it is meeting the objectives and enrollments proposed above. For each of the above objectives, suggest specific criteria that can be applied in order to determine whether the
126 objectives are being met. Estimate the minimum enrollments, by level, that will be required to justify the continuation of this program beyond the first three years.
The program will be reviewed by the MSE program council annually. Additionally, periodic evaluations will be conducted by an external reviewer selected by the MSE council with conjunction with the MSE program faculty (see Attachment 7 “MSE Program Governance”). The program objectives and assessment criteria are specified in Attachment 2 ”Detailed Assessment and Outcomes Matrix. The minimum enrollment that will be required to justify the continuation of this program beyond the first three years is 25 students.
7. Estimate by percent which existing on-campus programs will supply the students (see question 5, above) who will transfer to this program:
It is not expected that student will transfer from existing programs to the On-line MSE. As indicated in the answer to question 5, it is expected that all students will be new.
8. Indicate other institutions in the CSU system where this, or a comparable degree program is offered. Describe any comparable program offered in Orange County.
Department of Computer Science at Cal State Sacramento is the only CSU campus to offer a program leading to the degree of Master in Software Engineering. The program is not offered in Orange County.
9a. Will the department or school responsible for conducting the proposed program require new faculty with expertise in the discipline of the proposed program?
Yes X No
If yes, estimate the number of additional faculty positions needed for:
First year Second year Third year
9b. Will the department or school responsible for conducting the proposed program require new faculty in order to respond to the anticipated demand for the new program?
First year Second year Third year X
9c. If no additional faculty resources are allocated to the department or school, what impact will the new program have on present offerings? How many sections of present offerings will be dropped in order to make room for proposed program offerings? (Include impact on service courses as well as on program offerings.)
127 Number of sections which would be dropped annually: 0.
It is expected that the undergraduate Computer Science enrollment will decline in the next two years. Thus, no additional faculty positions will be required as the enrollment growth in MSE will partially offset the enrollment decline in Computer Science. The Computer Science Department has currently three full time faculty members with the extensive Software Engineering background.
10. Estimate the cost per FTES by level for the new program. Provide comparative data for similar or related programs.
The estimated cost per FTES for the new program is $4,370. This estimate is calculated based on per FTES expenditures in 2001/2002 for the Computer Science Department. Specifically, data acquired from the Office of Academic Affairs for the AY 2001/2002 show that the Computer Science expenditures for AY 2001/2002 were $2,472,795. The number of FTES for the same academic year was 567. This yields a cost per FTES of $4361.10.
11. If the proposal is for a new degree program substantially different from current programs and their modes of instruction, please estimate the impact on the need for resources of the following kinds during the first year.
a) graduate assistants 1@20 hours per week
b) clerical/technical support 1@20 hours per week
c) *specialized (lab) facilities sq. feet
d) *modification of existing space $
e) *new equipment $ 4,000
f) materials/supplies $8,000
g) library acquisitions
h) media center support
i) computer center
*: if items c, d or e, please add brief description
PROGRAM COST ANALYSIS - MSE Master's of Software Engineering
Academic Year 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
Number of students 25 50 50 50
Number of units taken/semester 6 15 15 15
FTES/semester 10 25 (15+10) 25 25
WTU funding requested 12 (6 in Fall and 6 in Spring) 30 (15+15) 30 30
Administrative assigned time 6 WTUs 6 WTUs 3 WTUs 3 WTUs
1/2 office Secretarial support 1/2 office assistant 1/2 office assistant 1/2 office assistant assistant
1/2 student Technical support 1/2 student assistant 1/2 student assistant 1/2 student assistant assistant
Assigned time for on-line 6 WTU * 8 courses = $8,000 * 8 = $ course implementation : 64,000 Administrative assigned 6 WTU (3 WTUs per semester) = time $8,000 $5000 per semester * 2 semesters Student assistant =$10,000 Hardware/software $4,000 TOTAL $86,000
UPS 411.104: Interim Policy on Online Distance Learning
University Faculty Personnel Standards UPS 210.100
UPS 410.200 Program Performance Review
MSE Homepage
133 Select Software Engineering tab from: http://