AP Timed Essay Structures

No matter which type of structure you use, write an although claim that addresses the prompt and attempt to connect your claim to overall meaning. If you are struggling with overall meaning, just make sure that your claim makes an arguable statement that addresses the prompt and discuss meaning in your conclusion. Alternatives to although: as well as, since, because, after, while, even if

Sample Prompt and Although Claim Read the following passage carefully. Then, in a well-organized essay, discuss how the literary elements of the passage reveal the nature and predicament of both Jude and Sue. In your essay, you may wish to consider such things as diction, choice of detail, symbolism, and tone.

Although Jude and Sue are confidantes, their inability to emotionally connect reveals the despair and loneliness that exists in many human relationships.

1st half has subpoint, 2nd half usually has claim about meaning.

Essay Structures By literary features: - Organize paragraphs by literary feature such as tone, detail, pov, etc. - Make sure that your topic sentence connects/supports your claim. Strength: easy to organize Weakness: formulaic and disjointed

By supporting arguments: - Each body paragraph is one reason in support of your claim. - Make sure that you still discuss literary features: tone/diction, detail, dialogue, symbolism, foreshadowing, syntax, structure, etc. - For example, if your piece of evidence happens to be an image, then in your commentary, state that. Duh. Strength: forces you to build a sophisticated argument Weakness: may be difficult for some to analyze literary features while building argument

By beginning, middle, and end: shifts in tone/speaker - Each body paragraph focuses on a section of the passage. - In each paragraph, one would discuss literary features present and their effect, also noting shifts and changes in the passage. Strength: easy to organize and works well when there are significant changes in the passage Weakness: Formulaic and may revert to plot summary rather than literary analysis

Conclusion - Don’t regurgitate your essay, gross. - Offer insight and reflection. - If you haven’t discussed overall meaning in your body paragraphs, then you must do it here.