Minutes of a Meeting of the Watch & Transport Committee of Keighley Town Council Held In
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2015/001 (PG) PRESENT Councillor Akhtar (Ex-Officio), Councillors Curtis, Dermondy, F Ahmed (until 7.05), S Ahmed (from 6.05), and Corkindale Safia Kauser – Acting Town Clerk/RFO Dianne Duckworth – Minute Secretary
2015/002 (PG) ELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN To elect a committee chair for the ensuing year.
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Curtis, and RESOLVED: That the Policies & Governance Committee elects Councillor Dermondy as Chair for the ensuing year.
2015/003 (PG) ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN To elect a committee vice-chair for the ensuing year.
Proposed by Councillor Akhtar and seconded by Councillor Corkindale, and RESOLVED: That the Policies & Governance Committee elects Councillor F Ahmed as Vice-Chair for the ensuing year.
2015/004 (PG) TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted by Councillors A Ahmed, Fletcher and Khan.
2015/005 (PG) DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None were received.
2015/006 (PG) OFFICERS DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS None were received.
2015/007 (PG) MINUTES 2015/007.1 - To approve the minutes of the Policies & Governance committee meeting held on 30 April 2015
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Akhtar , and RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Policies & Governance Committee held on 30 April 2015 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair.
2015/007.2 - To approve the minutes of the Policies and Governance committee meeting held on 05 May 2015
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Akhtar , and RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the meeting of the Policies & Governance Committee held on 05 May 2015 be confirmed as a true record of the proceedings and signed by the Chair.
2015/007.3 - To note that the meeting of the Policies and Governance committee meeting held on 10 June 2015 was inquorate
Committee members received and noted the meeting of the Policies and Governance committee meeting held on 10 June 2015 was inquorate
1 2015/008 (PG) LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION 2015/008.1 - To receive the White Rose update newsletter for July 2015
The Committee went through the July 2015 Newsletter. The relevant section noted were the following:
Local Council Award Scheme has been replaced by Quality Council Requirements; something for the Council to consider in the future. It was questioned if this would impact on the Keighley Magazine. The Clerk explained that the Quality Council status was to publish quarterly newsletters but there is still nothing to prevent the Council producing a newsletter as part of the community engagement strategy.
To note 2015 Regulations – LTN 87: Procurement. Legal Topic Note 87 focuses on new guidance about the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. These Regulations replace the 206 Regulations and also contain some new requirements for local councils. It is important that the changes are made in Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (NALC Briefing LO5-15 gives advice).
ACTION: RFO to review changes and bring to the attention of the F&A committee and P&G when reviewing the financial regulations.
2015/008.2 - To receive the White Rose update newsletter for September 2015 Newsletters previously circulated
The Committee went through the September 2015 Newsletter page by page but felt the content followed on from the previous newsletter.
2015/009 (PG) KEIGHLEY TOWN COUNCIL NEWSLETTER To consider the Keighley Town Council newsletter publication for 2015/16 and its procurement and delivery process.
The Clerk provided background information explaining that the Council produced four publications per year costing £25-26,000 with built in costs from Royal Mail. Each publication costs £5-6,000. She pointed out that there has not been a magazine for this financial year and suggested the Committee agrees a way forward in terms of the different methods and procurement i.e. to be produced in house, externally, online, via royal mail or door to door delivery, either 1,2,3,4 publications etc. All these options were discussed by Committee members along with advertising, sponsorship and which members to assist the Clerk.
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Curtis, and RESOLVED: The Policies & Governance Committee agrees that two publications of the Keighley Town Council Newsletter be produced. One in December 2015 and one in March 2016.
Proposed by Councillor Curtis and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and RESOLVED: That three quotations be obtained for the production of the newsletter to be designed and produced externally, printing and for the door-to-door distribution for the December publication.
2015/010 (PG) WEBSITE To consider the resolution brought forward from the Finance and Audit committee meeting held on 16 September - RESOLVED - That the website should go live as soon as possible and that the Policy & Governance Committee should review the content once live.
The Clerk recommends that the Committee nominate a member to review the content on the website and to assist the Clerk to bring it up to date which was discussed by 2 members. The Clerk explained that the website is now live and fit for purpose. She informed that there is still a backlog of data still to be uploaded and still needs developing but the site structure is okay and ready for use immediate use.
ACTION: RFO to upload all payments over £500 ACTION: Allotments Officer to provide content for the Woodland Project Scheme
The committee agreed that the website is looking good, its user friendly, and 100% better than it used to be, downloads fast and praised the work that has gone into it. Some members have found certain applications not compatible and the Clerk’s email is not up on outlook due to the compatibility issues but can be accessed via webmail.
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and RESOLVED: That the Policies & Governance Committee nominates Councillor Dermondy to assist the Clerk to review the content on the website and bring it up to date.
2015/011 (PG) REVIEW OF STANDING ORDERS To consider a review of the Standing orders and make any recommendations to full Council. The Clerk will provide guidance to members on any changes to be considered.
The Clerk informed the committee that where committees use the Public bodies admission to meetings act 1960, non-committee members must leave the meeting with the press and public. Some members had queried this and advice had been sought from YLCA who had clarified the issue. YLCA advice stated non-committee members must be treated the same way as a member of the public and this includes public participation. Therefore when the act is applied non-committee members must leave the meeting. However the Council can agree to allow non-committee members to stay during the exclusion part of the meeting when the act is applied however the Council’s standing orders must be altered to reflect that change. Standing order should also be changed to allow non-committee councillors to speak during a meeting with discretion of the Chair.
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor Curtis, and RECOMMENDED: That the Policies & Governance Committee recommends to Full Council that the wording be inserted at the end of Standing Order 3 (e) Members of the public wishing to speak are to have given three working days notice to the Town Clerk; this may be waived at the Clerk’s discretion.
Proposed by Councillor F Ahmed and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and RECOMMENDED: That the Policies & Governance Committee recommends to Full Council that the wording be inserted at the end of Standing Order 3 (d) but before the last sentence – Councillors attending meetings of any committee can speak on any business item on the agenda with the discretion of the Chairman.
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor Akhtar, and RECOMMENDED: That the Policies & Governance Committee recommends to Full Council that the wording be inserted at the end of 3 (c) however, this exclusion does not apply to none committee Councillors.
ACTION: The Clerk to investigate Financial Regulations, Standing Orders 17 and 18 to include provision on requirements over £25,000 (Public Contract Regulation 2015)
2015/012 (PG) GRIT POLICY To consider the recommendation brought forward from the Watch and Transport committee meeting held on 09 October - RECOMMENDED: That the Watch & Transport Committee refers the matter to P&G Committee to draw up a ‘Grit Policy’ 3 with the input from Cllr Corkindale and Cllr Dermondy.
The Chair explained the reason why a ‘Grit’ policy should be formalised as there was no clarification and guidance it terms of where the bins should and should not be sited.
The Clerk suggested contacting BMDC requesting a copy of their ‘Grit Policy’ and tailor it to meet the needs of the Town Council. The Committee agreed for Councillors Corkindale and Dermondy to explore a Grit Policy and to defer the matter until the next available date.
2015/013 (PG) LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY CODE 2015 To receive the enclosed copy of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Members are asked to consider the requirements of publication of part 2 of the Code which sets outs the recommended practice for the publication of information by town and parish councils with a gross annual income or expenditure exceeding £200,000.
The Clerk informed members that the Local Government Transparency Code was first introduced in October 2014 but was never brought to any Council Committee. The document has since been updated in February 2015. The Committee looked over the document section by section, KTC falls into part two category. Providing the information on line is best way forward:
Part 2.1: Information to be published quarterly, on the first occasion and no later than 02 February each year
26. Data covered by this section includes: expenditure exceeding £500
28. Local authorities must publish details of each individual item of expenditure that exceeds £500. This includes items of expenditure, consistent with Local Government Association guidance, such as: individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments, payments for goods and services, grants, grant in aid, rent, credit notes over £500, and transactions with other public bodies.
ACTION: RFO to ensure that financial information is uploaded as required
Procurement information 31. Local authorities must publish details of every invitation to tender for contracts to provide goods and/or services with a value that exceeds £5,000. For each invitation, the following details must be published: reference number, title, description of the goods and/or services sought, start, end and review dates, and, local authority department responsible.
ACTION: Clerk/RFO to add tenders on to the account page of the website and Value added tax that cannot be recovered to be also added.
Local authority land 35.Local authorities must publish details of all land and building assets including: all service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both, freehold and leasehold any properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative contracts, all other properties they own or use, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots garages unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement, surplus, sublet or vacant properties, undeveloped land, serviced or temporary offices where contractual or actual occupation exceeds, three months, and all future commitments, for example under an agreement for lease, from when, the contractual commitment is made. The information on local authority land was available on the asset register. However for good governance, a separate register could be set-up in the future. 4 ACTION: Clerk/RFO to build information on the land register using the information from the Asset Register.
ACTION: Clerk/RFO to upload Acorn, Grants and Sponsorship information to be included on the grants page of the website.
Organisation chart 44. Local authorities must publish an organisation chart covering staff in the top three levels of the organisation. The following information must be included for each member of staff included in the chart: grade, job title, local authority department and team, whether permanent or temporary staff, contact details, salary in £5,000 brackets, consistent with the details published under paragraph, and salary ceiling (the maximum salary for the grade).
To note that the Council does not have to comply as no salary exceeds £50,000.
Part 2.4: Method of publication 55. Public data should be published in a format and under a licence that allows open reuse, including for commercial and research activities, in order to maximise value to the public. The most recent Open Government Licence published by the National Archives should be used as the recommended standard. Where any copyright or data ownership concerns exist with public data these should be made clear. Data covered by Part 2 of this Code must be published in open and machine-readable formats (further information about machine-readable formats can be found in Part 3.2).
ACTION: The Clerk to look into this to make sure the Council complies with the Method of Publication.
2015/014 (PG) TRAINING To receive an update from the Clerk on training for members and staff.
Two training sessions for Councillors have taken place as part of audit recommendations and Councillors Development Plan. One was in July with 15 members attending and the other in September but disappointingly on three members attended that had a cost implication of £1,050; Each Councillor was responsible for attending training sessions and it was in their best interest to attend.
YLCA organised a Planning Training event in October. The places could not be reserved as it was now full. £115 per delegate However they were reserved for their next session tbc. The Clerk suggested that the session could be held at the Council if the trainer was able to offer this.
The Allotments Officer/temporary Assistant Clerk attended the YLCA training session and Facilities Supervisor attended a three day training course last week. The Mayor and Deputy attended a ‘Chairmanship Skills’ training event at Malton. The Mayor thought it was very good and useful. The Facilities Supervisor attended a three day health and safety course in the last week
Larger Councils Conference is scheduled for Wednesday 02 December 2015. Cllr Corkindale attended last year’s conference with another member and felt it was very informative and well worth attending. He informed there are key speakers and good to report back to Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to circulate details of the Larger Councils Conference to all members and to circulate the training programme from YLCA upon receipt of it.
5 2015/015 (PG) FINANCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT & PAYMENTS 2015/015.1 - To approve the Policies & Governance committee payments for July 2015
Proposed by Councillor Corkindale and seconded by Councillor S Ahmed, and RESOLVED: That the Policies & Governance Committee approves the payments for July 2015.
2015/015.2 - To approve the Policies and Governance committee payments for August 2015
Proposed by Councillor Dermondy and seconded by Councillor Corkindale, and, RESOLVED: That the Policies & Governance Committee approves the payments for August 2015
2015/015.3 - To receive the monthly financial committee report The financial committee report was received and noted by members.
£1,050 YLCA training – committed Magazine outstanding debtors -£120.
2015/016 (PG) BUDGET 2016/2017 To draft and submit a detailed committee budget in respect of revenue and capital income and expenditure for the following year to the Finance and Audit committee by 31 October. Month 6 financial committee report was tabled to committee members. Budget 2016/17 4105 – training expenses £4,000
4501 – magazine £10,000 (in light of only two printed publications and financial information to date the committee decided to reduce the budget by £10,000)
Council Requirement To remove Council Requirement budget as the Council no longer qualifies for Quality Council that’s been replaced by Local Council Awards Scheme 1600 – magazine advertising and £0.00 income
2015/017 (PG) ANY ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION FOR A FUTURE AGENDA To notify the Clerk of matters for inclusion on the agenda for the next meeting Update on Grit Policy Update on Keighley Town Council newsletter Website update Larger Councils Conference Update on Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Youth Council and building links with schools Room and Hall Hire Policy Policies review (security for buildings) 2015/018 (PG) TO NOTE THE DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING To note the date of the next committee meeting – Wednesday 13 January, 6.00pm in the Council Chamber, Keighley Town Hall. There being no other issues raised therefore Councillor closed the meeting at 7.45pm.