Frant School Curriculum Map: Years 1 to 6 2014
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Mark Cross CE School Curriculum Map: Years 1 to 6
Years 1 and 2 Years 3 Years 5 and 6 and 4 A B A B A B Changes in Significant national event e.g. Great Fire of London. Stone Age to Iron Age Roman Empire and the impact on Britain. Anglo Saxons & Vikings. British history extended period e.g. living memory Significant historical figure e.g. Neil Armstrong, Florence Britain. Ancient Egypt. Ancient Greece. Spanish Armada or Scientific Inventions. e.g. History Nightingale. Etc. Broader history study: Significant The Home Front in local people Kent and Sussex in and events. WWII. A study of the A UK study – a seaside town. North America. Italy. Life in the freezer (Northern UK study. local area. Europe –Scandinavia). Geography A village in India or Africa. UK region study e.g. Map work / rivers / settlement / Trade – link to South America (Amazon). An island Newhaven or Dover. Nile. Map skills focus (UK). home. Drawing / Painting / Drawing / Textiles / 3D Drawing / Painting / Printing Drawing / Textiles / 3D Drawing / Painting / Printing Drawing / Textiles / 3D Art Printing
Cooking / Making / Cooking / Making / Gardening Cooking / Making / Cooking / Making / Gardening Cooking / Making / Gardening Cooking / Making / Gardening D.T Gardening Gardening
Multi-skills and fitness: Either 30 minute session per week OR Daily Multi-skills Multi-skills and fitness: Either 30 minute session per week OR Daily 3x5 minute sessions 3x5 minute sessions and fitness: Either 30 minute session per week OR Daily 3x5 P.E minute sessions 1 Term - Dance / 2 1 Term - Dance / 2 Terms - Gymnastics 2 Terms – Swimming + Gala 2 Term – Swimming + Gala 2 Term – Swimming + Gala 2 Term – Swimming + Gala Terms - Gymnastics 1 Term - Swimming / 2 Terms - Games 1 Term – Gymnastics / 1 1 Term – Gymnastics / 1 Term Dance 1 Term – Gymnastics / 1 Term Dance 1 Term – Gymnastics / 1 Term Dance 1 Term - Term Dance 2 Terms - Games 2 Terms - Games 2 Terms - Games Swimming / 2 2 Terms - Games Terms - Games EAST SUSSEX AGREED R.E CURRICULUM
PSHEe SEAL (1 term on each) - New beginnings, Getting on and falling out, SEAL (1 term SEAL (1 term on each) - New beginnings, Getting on and falling out, Say no to bullying, Going for goals, Good to be me, Relationships Say no to bullying, Going for goals, Good to be me, Relationships on each) - Health & Well Being (Pupil voice each term + 1 area below) T1 = E- Safety, Keeping safe, Risks, Being Healthy (food, hygiene). T4 = Health & Well Being (Pupil voice each term + 1 area below) New Emotions/Feelings, T5 = SRE (hygiene /puberty) Drugs & Alcohol, T6 = E-safety Relationships T2 = Bullying/Abuse, T4 = Differences and Diversity, T T1 = Keeping safe, Being Healthy (food, hygiene), E-safety. T2 = beginnings, 5 = Emotions Living in the Wider World T1 = Environment, T2 = Careers, T3 = Citizenship/Rules, T4 = Financial Capabilities, T 6 = Changes (Transition) People who look after us, T4 = Emotions/Feelings, T5 = SRE Getting on Inspire a Generation (1 each term) - PE Day, Children in Need, PE Day, Comic Relief/Sports Relief, PE Day, Charity Breakfast – children to decide charity (hygiene /puberty) Drugs & Alcohol, T6 = E-safety Relationships and falling T2 = Bullying, T4 = Differences and Diversity, T 5 = Emotions out, Say no to Living in the Wider World T1 = Environment, T3 = Citizenship/Rules, bullying, T4 = Role of money, T 6 = Changes (Transition) Going for Inspire a Generation (1 each term) - PE Day, Children in Need, PE goals, Good Day, Comic Relief/Sports Relief, PE Day, Charity Breakfast – children to be me, to decide charity Relationships Health & Well Being (Pupil voice each term + 1 area below) T1 = E- Safety, Keeping safe, Risks, Being Healthy (food, hygiene). T4
Frant CE Primary = Emotions/Fe elings, T5 = SRE (hygiene /puberty) Drugs & Alcohol, T6 = E-safety Relationships T2 = Bullying/Abus e, T4 = Differences and Diversity, T 5 = Emotions Living in the Wider World T1 = Environment, T2 = Careers, T3 = Citizenship/R ules, T4 = Financial Capabilities, T 6 = Changes (Transition) Inspire a Generation (1 each term) - PE Day, Children in Need, PE Day, Comic Relief/Sports Relief, PE Day, Charity Breakfast – children to decide charity
Computing IT / Using Software – Across Curriculum- Use technology IT / Using Software- Across Curriculum -Use search technologies effectively -Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information e.g. modelling, databases, animation, multimedia, digital content e.g. animations, multi-media, word processing and word processing, data logging, music technology and CAD CAM. databases -Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. information private; identify where to go for help and support (either adults or within the site) when they have concerns about content. Algorithm Algorithms -how to implement as programs Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals s -how to -programs follow precise instructions. Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and implemen Create simple programs. variables and various forms of input and output. various forms of input and output. t as Predict behaviour of simple programs. Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect programs and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. and correct errors in algorithms and programs. -program s follow Understand computer networks, including the internet Understand computer networks, including the internet precise instructio ns. Create simple programs . Predict Frant CE Primary behaviour of simple programs . Plants. Plants Nutrition, bones and Living things and their habitats. Life cycles and life processes in Classification Animals and Animals and humans. muscles. Animals and humans – teeth and food chains. plants and animals. Circulatory system and impact of humans. Everyday materials and their uses. Plants Solids, liquids and gases. Changes into old age. exercise etc. Everyday Seasonal changes. Rocks Sound Properties and changes of Evolution and inheritance. materials & materials. Living things and their habitats. Light Electricity Light Science their uses. Magnets and forces. Substances and solutions. Electricity Seasonal Solids, liquids and gases – changes. change of state. Earth and space. Forces
Frant CE Primary