Sarah Dazley & the Development of Forensic Science

Bedfordshire Mercury and Huntingdon Express, 1 April 1843

“A female Bluebeard” At the village of Wrestlingworth, Bedfordshire, a rustic labourer was charmed by a young widow, Sarah Dazley, aged about 28 years possessing an attractive appearance. He had resolved on making her his wife, and towards which he proceeded so far as to have their banns of marriage published at the village churches once, when he forbade the marriage of his intended with himself….

On an opportunity presenting itself for remonstrating with Waldock against his marrying the suspected woman, his companion said to him, "Surely you are not going to marry that she-devil who has already murdered two husbands and a child." The remark had its effect, and determined the lucky Waldock to break off the match. …

He accordingly waited on the Pastor (vicar) , and acquainted him of his determination (told him about his decision). The circumstances became the gossip of the village, and reached the ears of the policeman, Forester, who on gathering what he could of them, went to the learned Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, Francis Pym Esq., with all the information he had received.

This intelligent magistrate communicated with the clergyman of the parish, the Reverend Mr Twist, on the information the policeman had given.

Mr Pym soon satisfied his mind of the necessity of further inquiry into the circumstances, and personally requested the coroner of the county, Ezra Eagles, Esq. to hold an inquest on the body of the second husband, William Dazley, which the Coroner issued a summons for, to be held on Monday the 20th ult. (last month), and ordered the body to be disinterred (dug up).

In the meantime, the widow, Sarah Dazley, absconded (ran away) from her home on the Wednesday before the inquest was to be held at Wrestlingworth, and was traced on the road towards London, in company with a paramour (lover), Samuel Stepping.

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