Saint Thomas More Parish & School

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Saint Thomas More Parish & School

Saint Thomas More Parish & Academy 4275 Fourth Street, Southeast Washington, D.C. 20032 Telephone: 202-562-0431 Fax: 202-563-7347 E-mail: [email protected] Website: School: 202-561-1189 January 22, 2012

Pastoral Staff: Ms. Diana Brown, Finance Council Chair

Rev. Raymond Moore, Pastor, x12 Mass Schedule Rev. John Kinter, In residence, x16 Saturday 5:00 pm (Rectory Chapel) Deacon Richard L. Walker, x30 Sunday 8:45 am Youth Choir Ms. Patricia Hamilton, Pastoral Administrator, x11 11:30 am Gospel Choir Mrs. Mary Waters, Office Assistant & Rectory Cook, Weekdays 8:00 am (Rectory Chapel) x10 Ms. Bridget Coates, Academy Principal Novena: Ms. Wanda Brooks, Coordinator of Religious Monday 7:00 pm (Rectory Chapel) Education, x31 Mr. Henry Herrera, Gospel Choir Director Bulletin Deadline: Items for Sunday’s Bulletin must Mrs. Charnetta Dobbins, Youth Choir Director be received via email by 5:00pm Monday in order to have Mrs. Barbara Elliott, Parish Council Chair them included in Sunday’s publication. Thank you for honoring this important timeline. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to register for classes.

Confession: After Sunday Masses or by appointment, or on Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Church.

Marriage: Diocesan policy requires notification to the priest at least six months in advance. Attendance at pre-Cana classes is also required. Contact the Parish Office for more information.

Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please notify the Parish Office when a member of the parish is in the hospital, nursing home, or is otherwise unable to come to Mass and wishes to receive any of the sacraments. Religious Education: Interested in becoming a Catholic? Please contact Fr. Raymond Moore at the Rectory. CCD Classes: Every Sunday at 10:30 am Adult Education Catholic Inquiry Classes: Every Sunday at 10:30 am Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time KEEP THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Veronica Apiafi, Florence Askew, Monique Bailey, Georgiana Barnes Preparing to Hear God’s Word (mother of Rena Meredith), Viola Barnes, James W. Bell (brother of Suzanne Chandler), Linda Black, Blondinia Brown, Deacon James Brown, Alvin & Shirley Brown, Cynthia Bruce, Felicia V. Bush, John Reading I: Jon 3:1-5, 10 - God appoints Jonah to Bush, Mary Agnes Bush, Jane Butorac, Gwen Cannon, Dixie Clark, preach repentance to Nineveh. Andrea Cole (niece of Sandra Proctor), Susie Curtis, Francess Davies, Barbara Deale, Edith Ellis, Renee Feliu, Mary E. Ford, Eric Fuller, Tasha Responsorial Psalm 25: Teach me your ways, O Gant, Tyrone Garrison, Brenda Green, Natalie Green, Emmanuel Greene Lord. (uncle of Christina Tilghman), Earl Hamilton, Andre Harris, Margaret Harris, Claudine Hawkins, Shant’e Hawkins, Joe Hill, James Hilton, Reading II: 1 Cor 7:29-31 – Paul reminds us that Darryl Jackson, Gail Jackson Jimmie Jackson, Sarah Jones, Andre Lyles, time is running out. Doris Martin, Gloria & William McCaskill, Emma McEntyre, Gloria Morgan, Angela Neal (daughter-in-law of Mrs. Neal), Margarita Perez, Gospel: Mk 1:14-20 - Jesus begins his ministry by Tom Propes, James Roberts, Arthur Robinson, Leroy Robinson, Robert calling others to repentance and belief in the good Robinson, Ciara Shields, Pauline Shorter, Joe Stewart, Edsel Swann, Jane Thomas, Estelle Thompson, Kristine Vivican, Paul Waters, Mary news. He also calls forth others to share in his Webster, Marilyn Denise Whetstone (Richardson’s daughter), Kobe M. mission and ministry. Williams, Sharron Willis (daughter of Lindora Owens), David Wilson, Orlando Witherspoon, Jean Wright (sister of Pat Wright), Marianne Readings for Next Sunday Young, and all who are sick and shut-in. Dt 18:15-20 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: STEWARDSHIP REPORT Sunday 8:45am Health of James Hilton 11:30am Health of Blondinia Brown EFFECTIVE SUPPORT OF YOUR Monday Our Sick, Shut-in & Grieving CHURCH Parishioners Tuesday Family of Juanita Mercer IS WISE STEWARDSHIP Wednesday Family of Bernice Sescoe Thursday Family of Aline Akers Give to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an Friday Don, Flo & Bruce Bertman offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in holy splendor. Saturday Laurel Bertman Larison (1 Chronicles 16:29) CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK: Lord, through this offering, bring others to Christ, Sunday Adult Faith Sharing Group (10:30am-Red lead us to victory over temptation and grant all Rm) CCD Classes (10:30am-Classrooms) believers the grace of your peace. May we commit Second Chance (3:30pm-Old Library) ourselves to Kingdom building, evangelizing and Monday Youth Choir Rehearsal (7:00pm-Church) magnifying your holy name. Tuesday Bible Study (7:30pm-Red Rm) NCW 2nd Community (8:00pm-Cedar Rm) Your offerings at last weekend’s Masses amounted Wednesday NCW 1st Community (8:00pm-Cedar to $7,073.90 or the support of our Church. This Rm) includes $21.00 from Youth Envelopes. Thursday Adult Choir Rehearsal- (7:00pm-Church) Friday AA (8:00pm-Old Library) 5:00 pm 13 Saturday NCW Communities (8:00pm) 8:45 am 169 11:30 am 131 DAILY MASS READING 313

Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10 Mk 3:22- 30 Thank you for continuing to be as generous as Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19 Mk 3:31- 35 possible! Wednesday: Acts 22:3-16 Mk 16:15-18 PASTOR’S BIBLE STUDY: Seek the Lord in His Thursday: 2 Tm 1:1-18 Mk 4:21- Word by joining with other adults under the direction 25 of Father Moore in exploring the scriptures. We meet Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17 Mk 4:26- on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Red Room. 34 Experience not necessary, just bring your Bible and a Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17 Mk 4:35- desire to grow in your faith. All are invited to join 41 us! ADULT DISCUSSION & FAITH SHARING witness and testimony to Jesus Christ and his GROUP: The STM Faith Discussion Group will meet gospel? Let’s be reminded that God wants to do today at 10:30am in the Red Room. All adult Catholics, something new, different and good in us, our ages 19 and up, are welcome to join us to enjoy good families and in our church. Did you ever stop and conversation and fellowship on many faith-based topics. think that God wants our tomorrows to be better For more info, please see Faye Powell. than our yesterdays? He wants to bless us in new All are invited to attend! and wonderful ways? He wants to enhance our lives and invigorate our spirits. But for these things to RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: CCD happen we have got to stay in the place of blessing. classes are underway . You may register for our The place of our blessing is our church family. Religious Education Program for youth in the School Your church family identifies you as a genuine Office following the 8:45am Mass. To register, or for more information, please speak to Ms. Wanda Brooks, believer. I can’t claim to be a follower of Christ if Coordinator of Religious Ed., on 301-395-3442. I’m not committed to a group of disciples. Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove that you “The best thing that we can do for our young people is are my disciples.” Your church family draws you to bless them with a strong relationship with Jesus out of your self-centered isolation. We have seen Christ.” that the church is the classroom where we learn to Please Note: All children are expected to participate get along and grow together as Christ’s family. in the celebration of Mass on Sundays! Rick Warren writes, “Only in regular contact with ordinary, imperfect believers can we learn real *SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST* fellowship and experience the New Testament truth of being connected and dependent on each other.” Please remember Mrs. Brenda Green in your prayers. Mother of the late Roderick Bell, she is still dear to many The great thing about the church is that we are all here at STM. We recently received word that Mrs. Green struggling, striving and at times straining toward the sustained a severe broken leg injury as the result of a fall. same goal. St. Paul wrote (Philippians 3:14) She is now undergoing intensive rehabilitation at an “Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward extended care facility in Houston. Any words of what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the encouragement for Roderick’s mom would be much prize for which God has called me heavenward in appreciated at this time and may be sent to her at this Christ Jesus.” We are heaven-bound pilgrims. Our address: destiny is eternal life and our compass is Jesus and Garden Terrace Nursing Home, 7887 Cambridge our roadmap is the Gospel. Street, Houston, TX 77054. Thank You! As we travel together, remember the words of our song, “We have come this far by faith leaning on

the Lord, trusting in his holy word. He’s never failed me yet.” Let encourage each other as we stir the flame of the Holy Spirit in our lives and pray for PASTOR’S that Holy Boldness that will continue to build the PEN Kingdom and strengthen the Church. In His Love, Father Raymond Moore Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I AM GLAD YOU ASKED! What was the original I want to begin by reflecting what Dr. King title of “We Shall Overcome”? The well-known preached many years ago. He said, “Success, theme song of the civil rights and labor movement was recognition and conformity are the bywords of the written by African Methodist Episcopal pastor Charles modern world.” He went on to warn us that the Albert Tindley. The original title was “I’ll Overcome church must resist the temptation to conform to the Someday.” Which Tindley published along with seven ways of society. He said, “We need to recapture the other songs in a 1901 hymnal. gospel glow of the early Christians…who refused to WELCOME VISITORS! shape their witness according to the mundane patterns of the world. They willingly sacrificed fame, fortune and life itself on behalf of a cause they We warmly welcome our visitors to knew to be right.” St. Thomas More Church and ask that you As we celebrate our sixty years, can we renew please sign our Visitors’ Book on the and revive our determination and dedication as podium at the church entrance. disciples who stand up and stand out in our We invite all who are seeking a church Elizabeth Holmes on 202-574-3754. Proceeds will benefit the Church. Please join us for this fun-filled event!! home to join our church family here at St. Thomas More. STM JANUARY WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: Congratulations to all of our (Members are asked to invite their guests to sign the STM couples celebrating a Wedding Anniversary in the guest book.) month of January!! Our prayers are with you! May you enjoy continued blessings! SODALITY EVENT: Please Save the Date!! On *2012 Cardinal’s Appeal Begins* April 28, 2012, the Sodality will host a Senior Fashion Show at St. Thomas More. Anyone who would like to Seek first the kingdom of God model is asked to contact us right away. (Models must be (Matthew 6:33) at least 55 years of age.) More details to follow! For Many of our members have received a mailing from questions, please contact: Margaret Spencer, Audrey Cardinal Wuerl, asking that you make a pledge to the Caldwell, or Laura Brown. 2012 Cardinal’s Appeal. The appeal not only funds the operations of the archdiocese, but it also provides ~BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS~ services that are of great benefit to various ministries including our school and the Mary Virginia Merrick Center. IMPORTANT REMINDER: ALL ITEMS SUBMITTED for inclusion in the Sunday Bulletin This year, the theme of the Appeal is, “Seek first the need to be received Via Email Only by 5:00pm on kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33) As we seek first MONDAYS. the kingdom of God, we have the capability of helping it to be present in our lives and in the lives of those Please send items to [email protected], and around us. How does this happen? It happens through denote ‘ Bulletin Submission Request’ in the subject our works of love, education and evangelization. line. Submissions are subject to review/approval, and Contributions to the Cardinal’s Appeal offers each of will be edited as needed. us the opportunity to respond to the needs of others. Please be as generous as you can in supporting this Please check in with us if you have any questions great effort of the church. and/or concerns regarding submitting items electronically. We are here to help!! CATHOLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK: Please join our STM Catholic Academy Family as they kick-off this special celebration at the 8:45am Mass on Sunday, January 29th. Activities will be held in the STM FOOD PANTRY school throughout the week of January 29th to February 3rd to mark this Annual Event. For more information, DONATIONS please contact our STM Catholic Academy on 202-561- 1189. STILL APRECIATED!!

BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS We continue to experience a need COMING … for donations and appeal to your generous spirit of giving as we again SO PLEASE SAVE THESE DATES: ask for your support in helping us February 5th ~Calling of the Ancestors Sunday MAINTAIN a sufficient supply of February 26th ~ Soul Food Sunday nutritious foods in Our STM Food Pantry. SHARE REGISTRATION T-O-D-A-Y: Requests for assistance remain on the Registration is from 10:30am-1:30pm in the Cedar Room. SHARE PICK-UP will take place on Saturday, rise!! January 28th, from 12-1:30pm in the Cedar Room. Please be on time. STM has served as a wellspring of relief for VALENTINE’S DAY SOCIAL: The STM many! Ministers of Hospitality will host their Annual Valentine’s Day Social on Saturday, February 11, 2012, THANK YOU for being from 9:00pm to 1:00am, in the St. Thomas More- Cedar Room. Cost: In advance-$20 per person/$30 per even more generous this year!! couple; At the door-$25 per person/$35 per couple. For tickets, please see any Minister of Hospitality, or call We continue to have a particular need ______for: ______STAPLES: Hot and cold cereals, peanut butter, jelly, rice, pasta, instant potatoes, ______beans, tomato paste/sauce; ______AND ______NUTRITIOUS CANNED ITEMS: Stews ______with meat, chicken, hash, spaghetti with meat balls, tuna, salmon, fruits & vegetables. ______We greatly appreciate your assistance! ______Thank You! God Bless! ______VOCATION DISCERNMENT RETREAT: The ______Little Sisters of the Poor is sponsoring a Vocation Discernment Retreat for young women, ages 18-35. _____ The Retreat will be held on Friday-Sunday, February 17 (5:30am) through 19th (3:00pm), at 4200 Harwood Rd. N.E. in D.C. To register or inquire, please call Sr. "CRUISE WITH THE ST. JOHN THE Camille Rose at 202-269-1831or email EVANGELIST (Clinton, MD) SENIOR LUNCH [email protected]. BUNCH”: Board the Carnival Cruise Ship, Glory, on October 22-28, 2012, from Norfolk, VA, to the Bahamas. This trip is not just for seniors. Cost is $675 which includes all taxes, fees and transportation to and NOTES FOR TODAY… from Norfolk. A passport is required and a $250 ______deposit is due by February 29, 2012 (EXTENDED ______DATE). If interested, please contact Kenneth Ford on 301-433-0889 or 202-439-2620, or at [email protected]." ______PARKING LOT COURTESY: Please park in the ______marked parking spaces ONLY, not just for safety ______concerns, but as a gesture of consideration for all ______parishioners sharing the lot. Thank you! ______VISIT OUR STM WEBSITE: Would you like to listen to a recent Homily, read the Sunday Bulletin or ______check for updates to the Parish Calendar on-line? You ______may access these items, and much more, at ** ______** The STM Website is “under construction” at this time. Thank you for bearing with us during this ______“remodeling” process! ______

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