Oliver Goldsmith Primary School
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Oliver Goldsmith Primary School “Inspiring a love of learning”
YearYear 5 5 Curriculum Curriculum Learning Learning Journey Journey @OGPSinspired AutumnAutumn Term Term 2016 2016
Each term we send out information to parents regarding the curriculum learning journey your child will follow. We hope this will help parents to support children at home. This term in Year 5, the main focus for your child’s learning will be as follows.
Learning English Languages Range of texts Classic Texts e.g. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Jungle Book. Play scripts e.g. Beauty and the Beast Journals e.g. The Diary of Anne Frank Poetry e.g. The poetry of Pie Corbett Reading Comprehension Story openings/ Structure of stories and how they differ. Understand the poetic style of an author e.g. sensory poems. How text can be rooted in writers experience e.g. historical events WW2. Features of a play script e.g. stage directions, dramatic conventions. Writing Record their ideas in a journal/diary entry Turn a narrative text into a play script. Write their own poem. Writing Viking myths. Write a newspaper report. Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Spelling Patterns e.g. -acc, -exc and –cial Prefixes and Suffixes e.g. mis- and phobia Word endings e.g. shake and shaking French French is based on 4 skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing including the understanding of French culture. All these skills will be used for each lesson and a great part will be based on grammar too. The topics that children are learning include names of buildings on the high street, directions, asking where places are and times of day. Children learn these topics through role-plays, conversations, interactive activities and games. They also explore sounds in French, through looking at individual words in rhymes and songs and listening to short stories. Maths Number Multiplication and Division using 10, 100, and 1000 Money and real life problems Mental calculations and strategies. There will be a big focus on the times tables and children will need to know all of their multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 and the associated division facts. This knowledge will be needed for a number of different areas in numeracy this year. Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 Revision of the 4 operations Factors and multiples Roman Numerals Fractions Oliver Goldsmith Primary School “Inspiring a love of learning”
Measurement Converting between different measures. Recognising, drawing and measuring angles.
Geometry Classifying and identifying properties of triangles Identifying 3D shapes Identifying 2D shapes Looking at the properties that define a particular shape Statistics Children to understand how to represent data on a variety of graphs. Understand the different axes of graphs – vertical and horizontal Work out scales accurately Be able to interpret data presented on a graph Science & (Science topic) Out of this World! Technology How the planets in our Solar System are organized. To describe the movement of the Earth and Moon relative to the Sun. To identify scientific evidence that has been used to support a system. To describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth. To use simple models to explain scientific ideas. (Science topic) Material World To identify the properties of a range of different materials. To plan, record and carry out a test while making observations. Making and separating mixtures. To classify changes as reversible or irreversible. DT To build an Anderson shelter.
Humanities History: Britain since 1930, WW2 focus. The children will be learning about some of the events of WW2, the people who were involved and how the war effected 1940’s children. R.E Islam The children will be learning about the different aspects of the Islamic faith including the story of Eid-ul-Adha and designing prayer mats.
Creative Arts Art The children will be learning about Kenyan artist Martin Bulinya to coincide with Black History Month. Children will also study Austrian artist Hundertwasser.
Music Explore the classical music heritage of London through studying composers who have lived here in the past and learning to play some of their music. Oliver Goldsmith Primary School “Inspiring a love of learning”
Health & In Reception, Year 1 & Year 2, children should wear plimsoles for PE. From Fitness Year 3 onwards children should wear trainers, of any colour, as this offers greater protection in light of the more demanding skills, games and sports the children take part in.
For health and safety reasons, jewellery such as watches and stud earrings must be removed for PE lessons. If you child finds it difficult to take out and replace earrings, it may helpful if they do not wear them on PE days. Educational Educational visits help us to motivate and inspire our children, creating Visits memorable experiences for them that will last a lifetime. We aim to provide at least one educational visit each term for all classes and we write to parents with details of each trip as they arise.
It is only through the generous voluntary contributions made by parents that educational visits can take pace. We thank you in advance for your support.
Other Important Information:
PE Days: Outdoor- Monday Indoor-Wednesday
Homework Days: Monday to be returned by Friday and Tuesday to be returned by Friday.
Something to look forward to… RAF educational visit No Pens Day Theatre visit Nativity Christmas Fair
If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s learning or other aspect of school life please contact a member of the staff team:
Mrs Ali, Year 5 Class Teacher Mr Crawford, Year 5 Class Teacher Mrs Pathani, Year 5 Learning Support Assistant