Eastern Illinois University The Keep History of EIU University Archives 3-1-1994 Buildings and Grounds of EIU (Historical Data) Norma Winkleblack Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_history Recommended Citation Winkleblack, Norma, "Buildings and Grounds of EIU (Historical Data)" (1994). History of EIU. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/eiu_history/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in History of EIU by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 1 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS HISTORICAL DATA EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY COMPILED AND PREPARED BY NORMA WINKLEBLACK MARCH 1 , 1994 AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER Description: A two-story, wood-frame house, acquired in 1971, located at 1525 Seventh Street. Original Name: Black Cultural Center Name Change: Afro-American CUltural Center Acquisition Date: 1971 Acquisition Cost: Purchased From: Date Occupied: 1971 Square Footage: Gross - 2,094; Net - 1,380 Use: Student center for Afro-American students ALUMNI HOUSE - See Linder House ANDREWS HALL Description: A nine-story residence hall, housing 480 students, of concrete and precast facing construction, located at the northwest corner of Seventh and Roosevelt Streets. Original Name: Residence Hall Name Change: Andrews Ha 11 Named in honor of: Franklyn L. Andrews, Associate Professor of English and Eastern News and warbler Advisor at Eastern, 1931-1944. Mr. Andrews died in 1944. Construction Date: Final plans approved on January 21, 1963. Construction Cost: $2,400,000; Bond Revenue Funds Other information indicated $2,019,419 in construction contracts and $114, 770 in architect fees for a total of $2, 134, 189.