FFCC Review Activity When Fully Completed, Email to Mr. Lugo

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FFCC Review Activity When Fully Completed, Email to Mr. Lugo

FFCC Review Activity When fully completed, email to Mr. Lugo. The Last Supper Name of Work

Leonardo da Vinci Artist

Italian Renaissance Style

Image of the Work: Form  Oil and tempera- in horrible condition from materials  Single point linear perspective (creates realistic environment) o Focal point, Orthagonals, Horizon line  Neo-Platonism  Humanism  Atmospheric Perspective  Unified scene- Jesus in the center with 6 figures on each side in groups of 3, Jesus in a stable position

Function  Important Christian scene- The Last Supper  Decoration for the Refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie  While church officials are eating in the refectory, they are eating with the figures in the painting who are also eating  Shows power because it was commissioned by the Duke of Milan

Content  The Last Supper scene (final scene before Jesus’ arrest)- specifically the moment when Jesus says a follower will betray him o Jesus says whoever eats bread with him betrayed him- Judas is reaching for the bread (Judas betrayed Jesus)  Jesus in the center of the table with left arm towards the bread and right arm towards the wine (Creation of Eucharist ritual)  Judas is holding coins- shows he betrayed Jesus (got money for turning him in)  St. John the Evangelist- clean shaven and reclining at the supper  Peter is holding a blade to protect Jesus (Protector of Jesus, Peter is said to have cut off an ear of a Roman solider to protect Jesus)  Thomas is pointing to heaven- asking if this is God’s will to take Jesus to heaven (Foreshadow of resurrection scene)  James reaching out in shock  Philip is pointing inward  Matthew, Thaddeus, and Simon gesture in confusion ( gestures lead our eye to look at Jesus)  The three windows in the background show an alien terrain o Light from windows give a glow/light around Jesus

Context  Made for the Refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie  Took 4 years to paint- Da Vinci was a slow painter  Made of seco fresco because Da Vinci was a slow painter o Used oil and tempera together making the painting in horrible condition soon after he finished  Commissioned by the Duke of Milan because Da Vinci worked for him  Used linear perspective which was perfected in the Renaissance  Shows religious beliefs but with Neo-Platonist characteristics  Da Vinci studied optics which helped him understand how perspective functioned with the human eye

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