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Current Address: Permanent Address s3


Current Address: Permanent Address: School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Warwick Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Aligarh 202001, India Mobile: 0044-7977719942 Fax: 0044-2476522129 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

EDUCATION:  B.Sc Engg. In Mechanical Engg., A.M.U., Aligarh, India, Sept.1984- June 88, First Position in 120 students. (GPA: 9.89/10.0)  M.Eng. in Aeronautical Engg., Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Sept.1988- Aug.1990. (GPA: 3.55/4.0)  Ph.D. In Aeronautics, Southampton University, Southampton, U.K., Jan. 2001- Dec. 2003. Thesis: Regeneration mechanism of organized structures in near-wall turbulence.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:  Research Fellow on EPSRC/Airbus Project in collaboration with Imperial College from Jan. 2010 onwards.  Reader at Mech. Engg. Deptt. , AMU, Aligarh, India, Jan 1998- till current.  T.A./R.A. at A&AE., SES, Southampton Univ., U.K., Jan. 2001- Dec. 2003.  Lecturer at Mech. Engg. Deptt., AMU, Aligarh, India, Nov.1991-Jan 1998  T.A./R.A at A&OE. Dept., VPI&SU, Blacksburg, USA, Sept.1990-April 1991.  T.A/R.A at M&AE Dept., Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1988-90.

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE:  During Ph.D. performed Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of turbulent channel flows on massively parallel machines (Cray, SGI and Linux Clusters).  Supervised eight Master’s thesis (1 year plus research work) on topics ranging from Large- eddy simulation of bluff body flows, CFD of turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection, Forced convection of liquid metals, Magneto-hydrodynamics of rotating turbulent flows, Non-linear dynamics of earthquake faults, CFD of Viscous-Inviscid interaction of stalled airfoils, MHD of 2D convective flows and rotating 2D convective flows .  Supervised undergraduate projects on topics ranging from Neural Networks for pattern recognition, conceptual design of aircrafts, CFD of Hypersonic Wave-riders and re-entry modules, Chaos in wrapped-fin projectiles, Shear driven buoyant convection, simulating atmospheric dynamics, etc.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE:  Taught undergraduate courses related to Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Computational Fluid Dynamics since last 15 years.  Taught Post-graduate courses related to Fluid Dynamics and Mathematical modelling and Simulation since last 12 years.

FUNDED RESEARCH:  Principal investigator of DST, India research project on Controlling near-wall turbulence using buoyancy forces worth INR 1.7 million (2008-2011)  Setting up a 32 processor Supercomputing Lab to run Parallel codes at Mechanical Engg. Dept., AMU, India (2008).  Co-investigator of funded (AR&DB, India) research project on CFD of Generic Hypersonic Vehicles and chaos theory (1998-99) worth INR 0.563 million.  Funded research project by AICTE, India on Computer applications in thermo-fluids (1994- 95) worth INR 1.0 million.

AWARDS:  Awarded Osborne Reynolds medal for being a finalist in the top five Ph.D. thesis in thermo- fluids in UK at Imperial College, London, April 2003.


1. Prof. S. Chernyshenko, Aeronautics dept., Imperial College of Science and Technology, Kensington, London, U.K. E-mail: [email protected]

2. Dr. Duncan Lockerby, Assoc. Prof., School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K. E-mail: [email protected]


 Baig, M.F. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., "Off-design performance prediction of turbofans

using gasdynamics", Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 16-22, 1993.

 Baig, M.F. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., "Off-design performance of single-spool turbojets

using gasdynamics", AIAA J of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 808-810, Dec.


 Baig, M.F. and Sayeed, N., "Model-based reasoning for fault diagnosis of twin-spool

turbofans", Proc. Inst. Mech. Engg. G, J. of Aerospace Engg., Vol. 212, pp. 109-116,


 Asrar, W.,Baig, M.F. and Khan, S.A., "Chaos in wraparound fin projectile motion", AIAA J.

of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 354-356, April 1998.

 Kumar, A., Baig. M.F. and Asrar, W., "Evolution to chaotic natural convection in rectangular

enclosures with mixed boundary conditions", Numer. Heat Transfer, Part -A, Vol.34, No.

4, pp. 447-462, Sept. 1998.

 Hasan, N. and Baig, M.F., "Natural convection in enclosures with periodic spatial heating",

Journal for Mech. Engg. Research and Developments, Vol.22-23, pp.19-35., 2001.

 Masood, A. and Baig, M.F., “Natural convection in two-dimensional differentially heated

square enclosure undergoing rotation”, Numer. Heat Transfer, Part-A, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp.

181-202, Aug. 2001.

 Hasan, N. and Baig, M.F., "Evolution to aperiodic penetrative convection in odd-shaped

rectangular enclosures", Intl. J. of Num. methods in Heat and Fluid flow, Vol. 12, No. 8,

pp. 895-915, 2002.

 Baig, M.F. and Chernyshenko, S.I., "Regeneration mechanism of streaks in near-wall quasi-

2D turbulence", Euro. J. Mech. B/Fluids, Vol. 23, pp.727-736, 2004.

 Chernyshenko, S.I. and Baig, M.F., "Streaks and vortices in near-wall turbulence", Phil.

Trans. of Royal Soc., Vol. 363, No. 1830, pp. 1097-1107, 2005.  Chernyshenko, S.I. and Baig, M.F., "The mechanism of streak formation in near-wall

turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 544, pp. 99-131, Dec.2005.

 Mittal, V., Baig, M.F. and Khan, B.K.," Buoyancy-driven convection in liquid metals

subjected to transverse magnetic field", J. Indian Inst. Science, Vol. 85, pp 119-129, May-

June 2005.

 Baig, M.F. and Zunaid, M., "Natural convection in differentially heated enclosures

undergoing orthogonal rotation", Int. J. of Heat and Mass transfer, Vol. 49, pp. 3500-

3513, Sept. 2006.

 Baig, M.F. and Zunaid, M., "Effect of External body Force on natural convection in square

enclosures", J. of Enhanced heat transfer, Vol. 13(4), pp. 1-21, 2006 .

 Husain, A., Baig, M.F. and Varshney, H., "Investigation of Coherent structures in rotating

Rayleigh-Benard convection", Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, No. 125105, Dec.2006.

 Varshney, H. and Baig, M.F., "Rotating magneto-convection in enclosures: Influence of

vertical magnetic field", Journal of turbulence, Vol. 9, No.33, pp. 1-20, Dec. 2008.

 Varshney, H and Baig, M.F., "Rotating magneto-convection in enclosures under the

influence of transverse magnetic field", Intl. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 51,

pp.4095-4108, 2008.

 Husain, A., Baig, M.F. and Varshney, H., "Turbulent rotating Rayleigh Benard convection:

Spatio-temporal and Statistical study", ASME J of heat transfer, Vol. 131, Dec. 2008.

 Duque, C.A., Baig, M.F., Lockerby, D. and Chernyshenko, S. “Modelling of turbulent drag-

reduction using linearized Navier-Stokes equations”, being submitted to Journal of Fluid

Mechanics, 2011.

 Duque, C.A., Baig, M.F. and Lockerby, D. “Generation of near-wall streaks: Response of

linearized Navier-Stokes equations”, being submitted to Phys. of Fluids, 2011. REFEREED CONFERENCE PAPERS

 Baig, M.F. and Saravanamuttoo,H.I.H., "Off-design performance of turbojets using gas-

dynamics", 26th AIAA/ASME Joint propulsion Conference, Orlando, USA, Aug. 1990.

 Baig, M.F. and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H, "Off-design performance prediction of turbofans

using gas-dynamics", ASME-IGIT Conference, Orlando, USA, June 1991.

 Baig, M.F., Sayeed, N. and Bhakta, S., "Model-based reasoning for fault diagnosis of twin-

spool turbofans", AIAA-95-0325, 33rd Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA,

Jan. 1995.

 Baig, M.F. and Agarwal, P., "Modified Brayton cycle for single-spool turbojets", AIAA-96-

0848, 34th Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA, Jan. 1996.

 Asrar, W., Baig, M.F. and Khan, S.A., "Chaos in wraparound fin projectile motion", AIAA-

96-0066, 34th Aerospace Science Meeting, Reno, Nevada, USA, Jan. 1996.

 Baig, M.F. and Asrar, W., "Rayleigh-Benard convection in enclosures with inclined tops", 9th

Intl. symposium on transport phenomena in thermo-fluids, Singapore, June 1996.

 Rizvi, S.M.A. and Baig, M.F., "Computational studies in recirculation-free prosthetic heart

valves", 9th Intl. symposium on transport phenomena in thermo-fluids, Singapore, June


 Baig, M.F. and Asrar, W., "Chaos in Rayleigh-Benard convection", Proc. of 2nd ISHMT-

ASME Intl. conference, Tata-McGraw Hill Pubs.,1996.

 Baig, M.F. and Hasan, N., "Natural Convection in odd-shaped rectangular enclosures", 3rd

ISHMT/ASME Intl. conference, IITK, India, Dec. 1997.

 Baig, M.F. and Hasan, N., "Chaotic natural convection in enclosures with periodic spatial

heating",AIAA-97-2518, 32nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, Atlanta, USA, June 1997.

 Baig, M.F. and Hasan. N., "Effect of magnetic field on chaotic natural convection in

enclosures", AIAA-97-2362, 28th Plasma-dynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, USA,

June 1997.  Baig, M.F. and Chernyshenko, S.I., "Organized structures in two-dimensional decaying

near-wall turbulence", Proc. of 9th European Turbulence Conference, Eds. Castro, I.P. et. al.,

pp. 759-762. June 2002.

 Baig, M.F. and Chernyshenko, S.I., "Regeneration mechanism of organized structures in

near-wall turbulence", 3rd Intl. Symposium on turbulence and shear-flow phenomena TSFP-

3, Vol.1, pp. 455-460, Sendai, Japan, June 2003.

 Baig. M.F. and Chernyshenko, S.I., "Regeneration mechanism of organized structures in

near-wall turbulence", THMT-03, Intl. Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, pp. 97-104, Oct. 2003.

 Chernyshenko, S.I. and Baig, M.F., "Organised streaks without organized vortices in near-

wall turbulence", ETC-10 Conference, Trondheim, Norway, July 2004.

 Mittal, V. and Baig, M.F., “Buoyancy-driven convection in liquid metals subjected to

transverse magnetic field”, Indo-Chinese workshop on Recent Advances in Solar Physics,

Oct. 2006, Bangalore, India.

 Baig, M.F., "Role of Coriolis and Centrifugal forces in rotating turbulent convection", Fifth

MIT conference on advances in CFD, Boston, USA, June 17-19, 2009.

 Duque, C.A., Baig, M.F. and Lockerby, D., “Response of the linearized Navier-Stokes

equations: Generation of near-wall streaks”, TSFP-7, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.

 Duque, C.A., Baig, M.F., Lockerby, D., Chernyshenko, S and Davies, C., “Modelling of

turbulent drag-reduction using linearized Navier-Stokes equations”, ETC-13, Warsaw,

Poland, September 2011.

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