Walton Parish Council s4
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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1 st April 2014
Present: Cllrs: E Fairclough (Chairman), S Birkby, J Mackley, H Massey, D Pickover, E Prince, T Saunders and K Shaw.
In attendance: Cllrs: M Cummings, F Heptinstall and A Manifield (WMDC); PC Tracy Battye, 4 members of the public & the Clerk to the Council.
169. To receive apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Cllrs: G Glenn and N Sullivan.
170. To receive declarations of interest. Cllr Fairclough declared a personal interest in item 10.2, planning application for land at The Grove, because the agent for the applicant is a friend.
171. To approve the minutes of the council meetings held on 4th March 2014. Resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2014 without amendment as a correct record.
172. To be notified of matters accomplished or arisen since the last meeting not included elsewhere on the agenda. There were none.
173. Public forum session – To permit members of the public to make representations, answer questions, and give evidence in respect of any item of business included in the agenda. There were none.
174. To receive a report on the SAFE scheme and Police matters. PC Tracy Battye reported 2 crimes in March involving theft. There were 3 calls relating to anti- social behaviour. 26 hours were worked in March under the SAFE scheme, all 26 by Police Officers. Officers carried out foot patrols, checked for parking offences and speeding and dealt with a report of a traveller's horse left on land without the consent of the landowner which was subsequently categorised as a civil dispute. PC Battye reported on structural changes in the NPT organisation which are taking effect from 7th April. Several of the Neighbourhood Police Areas are merging into a the West Wakefield Operating Area. The previous Neighbourhood Policing Teams areas will become Partnership Working Areas. There will be a new Inspector, Insp. Ian Williams, and there will be new sergeants in charge of the SAFE scheme. Councillors reported quad bikes on School Lane on a weekend in March. PC Battye believed that others around the district had reported the same thing on that weekend. Resolved to note the reports.
175. To receive a report from WMDC Ward 5 Councillors. Cllr Cummings noted that the Give Way markings on the roundabout at the junction of School Lane and Shay Lane have still not been repainted. She also noted that "Keep Clear" road markings have been painted on the road under the bridge on School Lane. Resolved to note the reports.
176. Finance – 1. To approve accounts to be paid, already paid under delegated powers and income received March 2014. The Clerk submitted details (copy attached to minutes) of accounts paid totalling £7,559.32 and income received of £3,397.31 for March. The account balances at the end of March are: Current a/c: £2,304.41 Business Reserve a/c: £35,746 .30 Total £ 38,050.71 Resolved to approve the financial statements and payments.
2. To consider renewal of the waste contract with WMDC: £80.50 rental + £319.50 collection (last year £80.50 rental + £311.25 collection). Resolved to renew the contract.
3. To consider renewal of the subscription to YLCA: £657.00 (last year £643.00). Resolved to renew the subscription.
4. To review the system of Internal Audit and system of Internal Control. The Clerk circulated with the agenda the previously approved systems for Councillors to review. The Clerk reported that the latest Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 require a review of the effectiveness of the Council's system of internal control, but that a specific review of the effectiveness of Internal Audit is no longer a requirement of the Regulations. Resolved: i. to approve the Statement of Internal Control. ii. to accept the Internal Audit Review statements. iii. to update for 2014/15 the review of the effectiveness of the Council's system of internal control in light of changed regulations.
5. To receive a draft Budget Monitor for the year 2013/14. The Clerk presented a Budget Monitor showing the draft figures for the year 2013/14 compared with the budget and the forecast figures (as used in preparing the Budget for 2014/15). The actual figures for 2012/13 and the Budget for 2014/15 were also shown. The draft figures show that receipts exceeded payments by £9,708 and explanations were noted in the monitor. The funds position for the year ending 2013/14 is £38,051. Resolved: i. to receive the budget monitor. ii. to consider at a future meeting whether funds should be ring fenced and reserved for specific purposes.
177. To consider correspondence received. Resolved to note the correspondence.
178. Planning Working Party. 1. To consider planning applications validated and decided in March 2014. 5 planning applications were validated and 3 decided since the last meeting. Resolved: i. not to comment on the planning applications.
ii. to ask to be kept up to date with the decision on the application for pharmaceutical listing.
Cllr Massey arrived at this point in the meeting. 2. Update on application for land at The Grove. The Clerk made available 12 x A1 size plans and 6 x A3 size 3D views of the latest plans for the development of land at The Grove for a Continuing Care Retirement Community which he had been sent by the architect on behalf of Townsend Planning. Resolved: i. to ask the agent to clarify whether all the residences are for retirees and the purpose of the ones that are not classed as "assisted". ii. to ask the agent whether all the units are going to be DDA compliant. iii. to request 3D artists impressions showing what the impact of the height of the four storey facilities hub building will be from Shay Lane and other various vantage points around the area. iv. to display the plans at the forthcoming annual Parish Meeting in order to get further comments with which to feed back to the developers. v. to advertise on the website and alongside the Notices of the Meeting that the plans will be available to view at the meeting.
3. Neighbourhood Planning. Cllr Massey reported on the Steering Group meeting in March. A draft Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to WMDC for comment as a result of which 10 comments have been received back. The only significant comment concerns whether or not the PAS land behind the Manor Estate owned by the Canals and Rivers Trust (formerly British Waterways) can be re-classified as Green belt. Cllr Massey has arranged a meeting with Neville Ford (WMDC Planning Service Manager) and Richard Hollinson (WMDC Spatial Policy Manager) which she and Dave Rolinson will attend on Thursday, 3rd April. Meetings are also being arranged with the Canals and Rivers Trust and the Golf Club. Resolved to note the report.
179. Village Hall and Coronation Cottage Working Party To consider a proposal to ask for a non-refundable deposit for bookings of evening functions at the Village Hall. Resolved to request a non-refundable deposit of £50.00 to secure a hiring of the Village Hall when an evening function is being booked.
180. Recreation & Playgrounds Working Party - to receive reports. To receive a report on the risk assessment of the recreation ground. Cllr Birkby reported that she and Cllr Shaw together with the Clerk carried out a Risk Assessment of the Recreation Ground. Various redundant metal items behind the Tennis Pavilion were thought to present a hazard and the Clerk is arranging to dispose of them. Similarly, redundant equipment on the Tennis Courts could pose a hazard and the Clerk is communicating with the Tennis Club about these items. The Groundsman's work in refurbishing the goals posts was appreciated. Resolved: i. to note the reports. ii. to try and establish the duties for maintenance by the owners of hedges bordering the Recreation Ground.
181. Environmental Improvements Working Party.
1. Theft of village seat at bridge on Oakenshaw Lane. The theft of the seat was reported to the Police by the Clerk. Resolved not to replace the seat for the time being.
2. To receive an update on Dog Fouling issues and consider the re-location of litter bins and the purchase of dog waste bag dispensers. Resolved: i. to purchase 2 dog waste bag dispensers at a cost of £79.00 each plus the cost of fitting, and incorporating Parish Council logo if feasible, to be located at each entrance to the Recreation Ground. ii. that the Clerk arranges for Cllrs Pickover and Shaw to meet with a representative from WMDC to review suitable positions of litter bins in the Village.
3. To consider planting bulbs in the millennium area, in tubs and in any other areas. Resolved: to order 1000 daffodil bulbs, some compost and planting tools for October planting at a total cost of approximately £120.00.
4. Update on floral baskets and sponsorship. The Clerk reported that 43 of the 44 requested lampposts are licensed and he has asked First Impressions for a stock take of the plaques that they hold. Cllr Mackley reported that two new sponsors have shown interest in sponsoring. Resolved that Cllrs Fairclough, Mackley and Shaw allocate the locations of the 25 floral displays ordered.
182. Tree Working Party - to receive reports. The elm tree outside the Village Hall with Dutch Elm disease has been felled. Quotes have been received for doing the work reported at the February meeting. Resolved to note the report.
183. To review the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting April 2013. The draft minutes were circulated with the agenda in preparation for the Annual Parish Meeting on 10th April 2014. Resolved to note the contents of the minutes.
184. To review the Council's Grants Policy. Cllr Birkby proposed several changes to the policy previously adopted in January 2010. Resolved: i. to make grants available in the current financial year up to the total in the budget of £1,000. ii. that the maximum awarded for any one group will be £250. iii. to aim to award grants at the June meeting. iv. to advertise the availability of the grants in the Wakefield Express column and on the website. v. to quote a closing date for the receipt of applications by mid May.
185. To receive an update on the casual vacancy on the Council. Six applications have been received for the vacancy on the Council. Resolved to schedule the selection meeting for 7.00pm on 29th April 2014.
186. To receive draft Standing Orders and a draft Model Code of Conduct for adoption at the Annual Council meeting.
The Clerk circulated copies of draft Standing Orders and a draft Model Code of Conduct at the meeting. Resolved to receive the drafts for consideration at the May meeting.
187. To receive matters reported directly to the Clerk. Cllr Massey declared an interest in item 178.2 above because the agent for the owners is known to her.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm