Tiddington Village Residents Association
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Full Committee meeting – 13 November 2017 – held at Margaret Court
Present: Martin Grubb, Paul Tomlinson, Bob Bessell, Carol Crabb, Emma Scott
Apologies: Kate Rolfe, Steve Kirk, Trevor Lloyd-Adams, Helen Crook
Time started: 7.30 pm End time: 9. 10 pm
Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2017
These were approved as a correct record.
Matters arising
Knights Lane Triangle – KRo to be asked for an update. It was felt this would be a topic for the Amenities sub-group and needs somebody to lead on this matter. ACTION: KRO
Constitution – This has now been tidied up in line with comments from the previous circulation and approval at the AGM. To be uploaded onto website. ACTION: ES
Transport strategy – The results of this have been delayed again and are still not available.
Flowering tubs/planters along Main Street – HC is to feedback on cost of planters and matter to be put in the newsletter. Proposal to start with planters at each end of the village, so not outside houses. TLA to be asked about the planters sponsored by The Lions that are now in Henley Street. ? are they self-watering? ACTION: HC/TLA
Bench for The Green – BB reported that there is not a spare bench at Margaret Court, although Retirement Securities have already donated 2 benches to the village.
It was felt that we need to draw up a list of what the TVRA would like to provide for the village, with costings and see how we can prioritise/action this.
Website – No further developments. ACTION: SK/ES
Feedback from the Social Committee
CC reported that arrangements for Carols on the Green are progressing well. The event will take place on Tuesday 19 December, with the St James’ choir and with Father Christmas making an appearance. There will be mulled wine and mince pies and a tombola, with MG kindly offered to run. Another meeting will be held this week and CC promised to raise the issues mentioned by members tonight. ACTION: CC
Feedback from Planning Sub Committee ES reported that Becky Sidwell attended the meeting and spoke about the play area at Barford and what a good facility it is for the village as a whole. It was agreed the play area should be discussed at the Amenities sub-group.
Slow down signs by the school – These should be available soon.
Garages – Plans have been submitted for 5 houses on the garages site. They are on the Council website reference 17/03137/FUL . Response from residents has seemed favourable, and as this was a preferred site in the previous consultation and it looks as if Tiddington has still not met its housing allocation (which seems to keep creeping up) then the TVRA would not object.
Damson Cottage, Carters Lane – plans now approved.
SWRR – MG and BB attended the meeting held on 18 September at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust about the SWRR proposals. The meeting was informative and MG gave a brief feedback. No mention was made of the ERR.
Parking outside the Spar - Spaces outside the Spar are now limited to 30 minute parking, although it was not sure how this was being policed.
Tiddington Fields – The sale of the land has not yet gone through. The future proposals for the second half of the fields should be known in January – whether it will be put forward as a ‘reserve site’ or remain in the NP as a protected area. It was thought we could have no input into this decision. MG to arrange a meeting with Glen from Gallagers. ACTION: MG
Riverside caravan park – there is a planning application for a house on an ‘area of restraint’ and talks are ongoing with the park owner re: the large signage.
New HGC – extractor system - the TVRA agreed to object to the proposed extractor system at the new HGC, as it is expelled right by the new Scout Hut. PT has already objected on behalf of the Scouts. Reference: 17/03177/FUL ACTION: ES
Treasurer’s report
MG reported the balance has not altered and he is yet to hand over fully to HC. ACTION: MG/HC
The donation was made to the Spar defibrillator fund.
No emails/letters received. On the Facebook page there is a lot of debate about extra traffic caused by the football club, dog mess around the village and poor play facilities.
Newsletter - Draft newsletter has been circulated for comments. Further suggestions were made and ES to re-draft and circulate for final agreement. To then be printed by BB (with many thanks) and circulated by TVRA members before the end of November. CC to co-ordinate the circulation. ACTION: ES/ CC
Christmas Tree Festival at Alveston Church It was agreed that TVRA would enter a tree in the event, decorated with photos of Tiddington, which could then be considered for a calendar of Tiddington. ES to put details in the newsletter and co- ordinate the photos. A budget of up to £50 was agreed. ACTION: ES
Any Other Business
Ownership of land around Tiddington
CC has been unable to find the sheet detailing who owns which piece of land and MG to see if he has a copy. ACTION: MG
Speeding along Main Street – TLA and KRo to feedback at next meeting. ACTION: KRo/TLA
Monday 8 January 2018 - 7.30 pm
(In no particular order)
Planters/tubs at beginning and end of village, plus along Main Street – HC investigating initial costs and upkeep/maintenance to be considered as cost implications
Noticeboard – SK has provided costings. Dave from the Spar is considering whether the board can go outside the shop, as this has a bigger footfall of residents and would prove cheaper than a free- standing board on the edge of the Green.
Bench/s for the Green
A small amount needs to keep in the TVRA account for ongoing expenses and to fund another social event if there are upfront costs.
Minuted by: Carol Crabb