INFORMATION NOTE SOCIEUX encourages results-based monitoring and evaluation of social protection programmes in Jamaica Kingston, Jamaica.- SOCIEUX, the Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation, built capacities on result-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) processes for social protection programmes of the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) through a four-day workshop, followed by a round table discussion on the M&E framework for the Social Protection Strategy. The mission took place in Kingston from 10th to 14th November 2014 and is the second technical assistance provided by SOCIEUX this year to support the PIOJ. Jamaica’s Social Protection Strategy has as one of its requirements the establishment of appropriate information and data management systems to support Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of social protection programmes. The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), the main planning agency of the Jamaican Government, is now working on an M&E framework for the Social Protection Strategy, so SOCIEUX’s support was very timely. The workshop brought to focus some of the critical requirements in crafting the appropriate evaluation questions, making an effective assessment of resources required, barriers to be anticipated and data and information flows, amongst other issues. “The seminar and round table served to raise awareness of the integral aspects of creating an M&E Framework, particularly in the case of a policy and will assist us at this moment, when we are involved in a New National Poverty Reduction Programme, which will involve various levels of monitoring of social programmes”, declared Collette Robinson, Manager of the Social Protection and Gender Unit at the PIOJ.

Figure 1 Expert Carlos Rodriguez Ariza (1st row) with representatives of the PIOJ and other participants

SOCIEUX – Information Note – M&E of social protection in Jamaica page 1 of 2 The training workshop was attended by officials from several Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Government. Key stakeholders also took part in a one-day round table discussion on the framework policy of M&E for Social Protection, during which issues such as how to apply the concepts previously explored to the monitoring and evaluating of a policy were considered.

In this sense, international expert and former advisor at the Evaluation and Knowledge Management Division of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Carlos Rodriguez Ariza, declared M&E to be “not only a tool to measure programme effectiveness, but a process, a way of planning and a roadmap that helps to communicate with personnel and other stakeholders”. The round table discussion helped to emphasise the certainty that evidence-based decisions lead to improved social protection outcomes.

Social Protection in Jamaica On 16th July 2014, the PIOJ officially launched the comprehensive Social Protection Strategy, an important stride for the provision of effective social protection, as articulated in the country’s National Development Plan – Vision 2030 Jamaica. The Social Protection Strategy adopts a rights-based, social risk management approach to address social protection needs across the life-cycle through various types of interventions. It pays special attention to financing, not only through resource mobilisation and prioritisation at the Government budget level, but also public-private partnerships and personal responsibility. The guiding principles of the Strategy define a system that reflects the Vision 2030 Jamaica Goal of empowerment of Jamaicans, promotes independence rather than dependence, gives fair, equitable treatment to all, and has high standards in service provision.

About SOCIEUX The EuropeAid funded project “SOCIEUX - Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation”, is a technical assistance facility to support the efforts of partner countries to better design and manage social protection systems by means of short-term peer-to- peer inputs to be delivered by experts drawn primarily from the European Union Member States’ public administrations and mandated bodies. SOCIEUX contributes to implementing the Communication on Social Protection in EU Development Cooperation (August 2012) and its subsequent Council Conclusions.

For more information Beatriz Juanes Communications Officer SOCIEUX - Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation Avenue Paul Deschanel 62, 1030 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32 2 5884883 / email: [email protected]

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