Woodstock and Area Community Health Centre
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ABCABC Terms of Reference
As agreed between ABCABC And The members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee WORKPLACE AGREEMENT
The Joint Health and Safety committee of ABCABC has been established under the auspices of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario
1. It is our belief that through joint education programs, joint investigations of problems and joint resolution of those problems, the workplace will be made safe and healthy for all staff.
2. The proper functioning of the Joint Health and Safety Committee can only be carried out where the representatives of the employer and the workers are committed to these responsibilities.
3. This agreement and the following terms of reference are adopted in good faith to promote and assist the Joint Health and Safety Committee whenever and wherever possible.
Signed at: ABCABC
This_____ th day of
For the Employer For the Committee
______Executive Director Worker Co-chair
______Management Co-chair TERMS OF REFERENCE
1.0 Structure of the Committee
1.1 The Joint Health and Safety Committee (hereafter referred to as the JHSC) shall consist of four (4) members. Two (2) members shall be selected by the employer; two (2) members shall be selected by the workers. (Refer to section 9 (6) to determine what is required for your worksite)
1.2 The following areas of the organization shall be represented ……………
1.3 The JHSC shall meet on the ______of the month starting at ______hours.
1.4 Any member may call a special meeting if the need arises. This meeting will be scheduled through the Co-chairs.
1.5 JHSC member names and work location will be posted on the Health and Safety Board.
2.0 Selection of Members
2.1 The members of the committee who represent workers shall be selected by the workers they represent.
2.2 Members exercising managerial functions will be appointed to the committee by the Employer.
2.3 Workers from each group whose member has completed his/her term of office will be asked for volunteers to stand for election.
2.4 If there are no volunteers, the committee may ask interested individuals from the group to stand for election.
2.5 Workers from all groups, who do not exercise managerial functions, will be eligible to vote for those standing for election.
2.6 In the event that a worker member is unable to complete his/her term of office, a new member shall be elected in the normal manner.
3.0 Term of Office
3.1 Each worker member shall serve a term of two (2) years.
3.1.1 For the purposes of this newly formed JHSC Worker Co-Chair will serve a term of two (2) years Worker member will serve a term of three (3) years and then two (2) years thereafter. Management Co-Chair will serve a term of two (2) years Management member will serve a term of three (3) years and then two (2 )years thereafter
3.2 A worker committee member may be elected for an additional second term.
3.3 Election of members to the committee will be structured so that no more than two (2) members will complete a term of office in any calendar year.
3.4 At the discretion of the committee the term of office may be extended for such a period as to ensure provisions under 3.3.
4.0 Co-chairs
4.1 There shall be Co-chairs, one (1) representing the employer and one (1) representing the workers.
4.2 Selection of Co-chairs
4.2.1 The worker Co-chair shall be elected by the worker members of the committee.
4.2.2 The worker Co-chair shall serve a term of two (2) years.
4.2.3 The management Co-chair shall be elected by the management members of the committee.
4.2.4 The management Co-chair shall serve a term of two (2) years.
4.2.5 Incumbents are required to serve at least one (1) year on the committee to be eligible to serve as a Co-chair.
4.3 The Co-chairs will alternate chairing meetings. Should the designated chair not be available to attend a meeting, the other Co-chair will organize and preside over the meeting.
4.4 A Co-chair may, with the consent of his/her counterpart, invite any additional person(s) to attend the meeting to provide additional information and comment, but shall not participate in the regular business of the meeting.
5.0 Certified Members
5.1 Certified members will be selected in the same manner as members in the JHSC. (see Selection of Members)
5.2 Once selected the members will undertake the required Certification Training as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
5.3 The Certified Members term on the committee will be the same as that if any other member. 5.4 The Certified Member will function in the capacity as any other member other than in the manners described under Sections 45 and 48.
6.0 Function of the Joint Committee
6.1 To attain the spirit of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the functions of the Joint Committee shall be: To identify, evaluate and recommend a resolution of all matters pertaining to health and safety in the workplace to management. To recommend continuing education and training programs in order that all employees are knowledgeable in their rights, responsibilities and duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the ABCABC Policies. To deal with any health, safety or environmental matters that the JHSC deems appropriate. To work in compliance with Section 9 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Be consulted on and provided with information regarding industrial hygiene testing strategies Obtain information and be consulted about health and safety tests. Be given time to prepare for and attend meetings and attending to duties for JHSC members, as specified by OHSA
6.2 Inspections
6.2.1 The members of the JHSC who represent workers shall designate a member of the committee to inspect the physical condition of the workplace at least once per month. The worker member should be a certified member, if possible or trained in hazard recognition and workplace inspections as a minimum.
6.2.2 All health and safety concerns noted during the inspection will be recorded on the standard workplace inspection form and forwarded to the committee for consideration as soon as possible. As per ABCABC Workplace Inspection Policy & Procedure.
6.2.3 The workplace inspection form will also be forwarded to the Management Team for action. The Management Team will inform the JHSC of the status of outstanding items before the next committee meeting. Unresolved items will be reviewed by the committee at each meeting and forwarded in recommendation form to the Employer. Refer to Appendix C for Written Recommendation Form. 6.2.4 Workplace Inspection Reporting Form will be posted on the Health and Safety Board.
6.3 Recommendations
6.3.1 The JHSC will make written recommendations using the standard recommendation form. Appendix C
6.3.2 Recommendations will be made by consensus of the members of the committee, if the committee has failed to reach consensus either co-chair of the committee has the power to make a written recommendation and forward to the Employer for response. The Employer will respond in writing within 21 days of receiving a written recommendation directly to the JHSC as per Section 9(20) and 9(21) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
6.4 Accident Investigation
6.4.1 The worker members of the JHSC will designate a worker member (preferable the Certified Member) to investigate all critical and fatal workplace accidents. In addition, the worker member may investigate incidents that have the potential to be serious accidents. As per ABCABC Accident/Incident Investigation Policy & Procedures.
6.5 Work Refusal
6.5.1 The worker members of the JHSC shall designate a worker member (preferable the Certified Member) to investigate work refusals as outlined under Section 43 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
6.6 Dangerous Circumstances Investigations
6.6.1 Where a complaint of dangerous circumstances has been reported to the Certified Member of the JHSC he/she may investigate the complaint as outlined under Section 48 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
6.7 Induction of New Members (TRAINING)
6.7.1 New members if the JHSC shall receive the following orientation: A copy of this workplace agreement and terms of reference by the Co- chairs. A copy and review of the last twelve meeting minutes by the Co- chairs. Training in the following courses: JHSC Part 1 & 2, – as applicable for your organization. . A general orientation by the appropriate Co-Chair.
7.0 Attendance at Meetings
7.1 JHSC committee will meet at least once every three months
7.2 If a committee member is unable to attend a meeting, he/she must inform the Co- chairs of the expected absence and provide any required reports or information.
7.3 Each meetings will be evaluated by the JHSC using Appendix D JHSC Meeting Evaluation Survey
7.4 JHSC will be as per schedule (insert schedule)
8.0 Entitlement to Payment
8.1 Be paid for time spent in preparing for meetings and attending to duties for JHSC members, as specified by OHSA
9.0 Minutes of the Meetings
9.1 Each committee member will rotate the duty of recording minutes and be responsible for having the minutes typed within five (5) working days of the meeting. The Co-chairs will review the minutes, edit where necessary, and approve.
9.2 All items resolved or not, will be reported in the minutes. Unresolved items will be forwarded to the Employer and maintained on the minutes until resolved.
9.3 Unresolved items will be recorded on Appendix B “Action List”
9.4 Meeting Minutes will posted on Health and Safety Board.
10.0 Agenda
10.1 The Co-chair of the scheduled meeting will prepare an agenda, at least one week prior to the meeting and distribute to all Committee members.
10.2 Agenda format Appendix A
11.0 Quorum
11.1 A quorum of two (2) members, one of which must be a worker member, is required to conduct regular business.
12.0 Conduct of the Committee
12.1 All business decisions will be made on a consensus basis. Committee members must agree upon all resolution, recommendations, etc. 13.0 General
13.1 All employees will be encouraged to discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor before bringing them to the attention of the JHSC.
13.2 Committee members will thoroughly investigate all concerns to obtain all the facts for use in developing solutions.
13.3 Medical and trade secret information will be kept confidential by all Committee members.
13.4 The JHSC will evaluate its effectiveness at the end of each calendar year using Appendix E “JHSC Effectiveness Survey”
14.0 Amendments
14.1 Any amendments, deletions, or additions to this Agreement must have the consensus of the JHSC; be set out in writing; signed by the co-chairs and employer; and forwarded to each committee member. Appendix A Meeting Agenda JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Purpose of the Meeting:
Review progress on machine guarding program, discuss and approve terms of reference, review training plan, discuss recent air quality test results.
Date: Time: Location:
Agenda: Time Allocated: Presenter:
Item #1
Item #2
Item #3
Item #4
Item #5
Item #6
Item #7
Please bring the following: Other notes: Appendix B Action List
Task Requiring Person Date Status Date Date Follow-up Responsible Required Reports Assigned Completed
Recommendation #: Date:
Identified Problem/Hazard:
Recommended Solution:
Co-chair Signature: Co-chair Signature:
Response by Employer:
Employer Signature & Date:
Appendix D Sample JHSC Meeting Evaluation Survey Rate today's meeting on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being "Needs Work" and 5 being "Just Right"
1. Meeting pace 1 2 3 4 5
2. Participation of all members 1 2 3 4 5
3. Clear purpose for the meeting 1 2 3 4 5
4. We followed our ground rules 1 2 3 4 5
5. We stayed focused on the topic of our discussions 1 2 3 4 5
6. We were courteous/civil in our deliberations 1 2 3 4 5
7. Other: ______1 2 3 4 5
8. Strengths of the meeting
9. Weaknesses of the meeting
10. Ideas to improve our meetings
From: Academic Leadership Support – Effective Meetings http://www.ohrd.wisc.edu/academicleadershipsupport/index.htm Appendix E JHSC Effectiveness Survey
Yes Improvements Suggested
1. Terms of Reference for the committee have been developed and agreed upon. 2. Agenda is prepared and distributed several days in advance with attachments (if required for review). 3. Agenda contains specific objectives and what is required from each committee member and invited guests. 4. Agendas are full of creativity and they identify and prioritize problems. 5. Committee members have the opportunity to contribute to the agenda. 6. Appropriate guests are invited to meetings to share their expertise on a matter. 7. Meetings are based on a clear sense of purpose for the meeting.
8. Minutes are published within a week after meeting, distributed, and posted. 9. A resolution process has been discussed and agreed upon by the committee. 10. Problems are stated in clear terms, investigated for root causes, and recommended actions (short term, long term, and multiple) with attached costs (if available) and consequences. 11. Disagreements are handled openly and respectively and used as an opportunity to reevaluate decisions and group process. 12. People listen to each other and do their best to understand each other. 13. People say what they think and feel in a way that contributes to problem-solving and planning. 14. People provide each other with support and feedback as they try out new knowledge and skills. Yes Improvements Suggested
15. Generating ideas is separated from criticizing ideas. 16. The pros and cons of ideas, and both the short and long-range consequences and risks, are systematically explored.
17. Participation by members is constructive – talk and listen.
18. Chairperson ensures all members have opportunity to express themselves.
19. One person does not monopolize the discussions.
20. The meeting is not used as a forum to air complaints and grievances.
21. Emphasis of meeting is on solving problems, developing ideas, making recommendations.
22. Discussion at meetings is focused on content, not format, editing, style.
23. Chairperson summarizes the items for inclusion in the minutes, along with assigning who is accountable for what, where, when and how.
24. Chairperson keeps committee members focused constructively on the safety issues.
25. Chairperson uses the agenda (sometimes timing items) to keep the committee on track.
26. The committee often asks its members to evaluate meetings in terms of how satisfying and productive the meetings have been.
27. Decisions of committee are made by consensus whenever possible.
28. Committee members able to attend meetings regularly Yes Improvements Suggested
29. Committee members report back to their depts./unions/senior mgt. on issues. 30. Members come prepared to meetings and present recommendations with rationale and supporting information.