Pcc Meeting Minutes

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Pcc Meeting Minutes


DATE: April 10, 2013

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Jeromy called meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

MINUTES: March 2013 minutes – approved

TREASURER: Mike reported – - Bank statements are reconciled - Balance $17,575.06 - $5,961.95 available balance - Financials are up-to-date as of 4/8

VICE-CHAIR: Jan – - Nothing to report

USPS CO-CHAIR: Loretta for Cathy – - Presentation on 5 day delivery o Implementation has been delayed o Board of Governors are renegotiating - Greg Miller is sitting in as Manager/BMEU - Cheryl is now MPD Analyst in Columbia - Linda B has 3 mos left on her detail

INDUSTRY CO-CHAIR: Jeromy - - Save the Date for PCC Printers & Mailers Conference - 16 verbal commitments from vendors - 14 tentative commitments from vendors

WEBSITE/NEWSLETTER: Jeromy - - Poor proofing job; lots of errors - Will be re-mailed next week - Need to have proofing committee

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Don – Met last week - Researching other PCCs - Possible form in the works

EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Anna/Peggy - - PCC Customer Crawl 4/18 - Will distribute flyers - Individual cost - $40 per hour for transportation - Seats still available - Backstoppers benefit - Baskets possible - 50/50 drawing - Children’s Home Society - Volunteering possible - Possible zoo outing (2-3 hrs/weekday) - MDP certificates received - USPS will wait for payment until all exams are submitted - Exec Mail Ctr Mgr Cert - $800-$850 - NPF going back to satellite event - Another level added (platinum) - Consecutive gold levels needed - Need to nominate ourselves - We have the requirements for gold - May have certificate this year

GOLF: Don – - 6 weeks from outing - 52 committed/pd - Need 50 more - Need more sponsors & goodies for bags - Printing Industry will sponsor a hole

NEW BUSINESS: Jeromy – Need nominations for USPS employee/year - Calendar @ bottom of agenda - PCC Day & Holiday party are tentative - Closed meeting after general meeting with board members - Full service tech credit still pending - Loretta to check - If not a board member send letter on company letterhead

NEXT MEETING: May 8, 2013

CLOSED MEETING  Low attendance companies  Check list for any changes needed: o Impressions Direct o FiServ o Peak – does want to continue o SLU o Summit Marketing o Aspen – will not continue  Letter usually sent out asking if they would like to continue  Bound by bylaws – gives company opportunity to respond  Rolling time frame (3 times in 12 months)  Monthly meetings?  Anyone from company, not individual, can attend (add to letter)  Exec board needs to vote on this  Even if not exec board, can still be member & help out  Important for future of PCC  Membership committee may look at who needs to sit on exec board & may be eligible for other positions  Letter meant to encourage; not discourage  May need to check on audit time frame  Good way to make room for someone else interested  Jeromy will draft letter & Jan will send out

ADJOURNED: Meeting adjourned @ 12:57 p.m.

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