Colgate University Off-Campus Study

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Colgate University Off-Campus Study


West Indies Study Group to Jamaica global environment. This study group also enables Fall 2010 students to take courses that can count towards a minor or major (Caribbean Studies emphasis) in the Director: Professor Brian Moore new Africana and Latin American Studies curriculum. Location: The University of the West Indies (UWI) at Mona, Jamaica. The UWI Mona campus is located Eligibility: Students are required to have taken at in the suburbs of Jamaica’s capital city, Kingston. least one of the following courses in Caribbean The university is a regional institution with students Studies: ALST 203 Introduction to Caribbean drawn from all over the Caribbean and beyond. The Studies (CORE 163 The Caribbean); ALST 220 campus at Mona is the oldest and largest of four (CORE 161): The Black Diaspora – Africans at located in different Caribbean islands. Ranked very Home and Abroad; ALST/HIST 228 The highly in the Commonwealth, the UWI offers courses Caribbean: Conquest, Colonization and Self- in a wide array of disciplines in the humanities, Determination; or ALST/HIST 327 education, social sciences, pure and applied sciences, Authoritarianism, Dictatorship and Democracy in medicine, law, engineering, journalism, and business the Caribbean. They must also be in good academic studies at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. standing. There is no language re quirement. Applicants’ motivation will be evaluated, The West Indies study group to Jamaica is a semester and preference may be given to those who have taken long program, running from late August to mid- more than one Caribbean course or are concentrators December, and students are eligible to earn four in Africana and Latin American Studies. credits. The classroom experience will be enhanced by field trips, concerts and shows, and by living and Courses: There will be a standard four-course load, studying with Caribbean students in a prestigious with some additional cultural activities and field multi-national university. Students will find this trips. Students will be required to take two courses study group offers a unique educational experience with the Study Group Director, and two UWI through combining excellent courses with a rich courses. The director’s courses will provide students cultural environment. with the academic grounding to assist them to interpret and understand the socio-cultural Purpose: This study group will expose Colgate environment they are living in and their experiences students to life in a developing country with a vibrant in it: culture and dynamic society where virtually ALST 2XX “Jamaica: from colony to everything is different from what they are independence.” Pending Curriculum Committee accustomed to at Colgate and in the United States. It approval. This analyses the history of Jamaica from will most certainly take them out of their comfort 1655 when the British took possession of the island, zones and into an entirely new and unfamiliar world. through political independence in 1962, to the Their lived experience among Jamaican and present. It examines the growth of Jamaica to become Caribbean students of different ethnic backgrounds Britain’s most prosperous colony during the and with widely differing values and interests will eighteenth century based on an export sugar-based, challenge, expand and enrich their understanding of slave driven economy; the social and political the world, how it functions, and their place in it. The consequences of its dependence on slavery; the UWI will place the study group participants in a economic effects of slave abolition and free trade scholarly environment where academic traditions and during the nineteenth century; social and political pedagogical systems are very different from Colgate; developments after emancipation; the rise of an and they will have the opportunity to immerse educated coloured and black middle class, and the themselves in courses in different disciplines that growth of black nationalism among the poor; the emphasize the issues of relevance and importance to move towards popular democracy after the second the Caribbean and the developing world. The overall world war; and post-independence social and experience will require them to grow quickly and to political developments. Taught by the director. rethink their own identity as Americans in a diverse ALST 3XX “Jamaican Culture”. Pending Curriculum Committee approval. This examines the Accommodation: All students will live in campus growth and florescence of Jamaican culture drawn housing, sharing accommodation with UWI and other from diverse sources beginning with indigenous Colgate students. Students will have a choice of Taino/Arawak roots, European cultures, the cultures preparing some meals for themselves in the kitchens of enslaved Africans, and later cultural inputs from provided in the halls of residence or eating at the newer immigrants mainly from India and China, campus cafeterias or in various facilities in the leading to the emergence of a unique Jamaican creole surrounding community. Most students choose a mix culture. Various aspects of this culture as well as the of these eating options. Housing is fully secured with social forces that helped to shape it will be explored. 24-hour security service provided throughout the In particular, efforts especially after the abolition of campus. slavery to anglicise and “civilise” Jamaicans will be examined. The study of Jamaican culture will include Student Group Costs: religion and belief systems (obeah and myal, Revival, Costs above Colgate’s tuition include room and Kumina, Rastafari), marriage and family, art, theatre, board, travel to and from Jamaica, visa fees, and music and dance (from slave forms to modern-day necessary out-of-pocket expenses. On the average reggae and dancehall), literature, folklore, language, students can expect to spend about the same as a material culture (food, dress, architecture, etc.), semester on campus. The costs are used in calculating festivals, and sports (cricket, football, athletics, the aid packages of students who receive financial tennis, etc.). Taught by the director. aid, provided this is their first study group experience. Colgate students will have full access to the library Students who are planning extensive personal travel facilities and academic support programs at the UWI. will need to increase their budget accordingly. A wide range of courses will be available in African and African Diaspora Studies, Anthropology, For details of student expenses on this study group, Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, please see the Off-Campus Study Office web site at Computer Science, Demography, Economics, Education, English, Environmental Biology, French, Gender Studies, Geography, Geology, History and Information Sessions and Application Deadlines: Archaeology, International Relations, Linguistics, Two information sessions will be held: on Tuesday, Mathematics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, November 3 from 11:30-1:00 in 331 Alumni Hall; Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, and on Wednesday, November 11 from 11:30-1:00 Sociology, Spanish, Zoology, and many more. in 432 Alumni Hall.

Course Credits: All four pre-approved credits Applications are available from the Africana and earned will count towards graduation, and grades for Latin American Studies Program office in 327 all the courses will be recorded on the students’ Alumni Hall or the Off-Campus Study Office in transcripts as Colgate grades. Appropriate courses 201 McGregory Hall. will count towards concentrations in Africana and Latin American Studies, and credits for other The deadline for applications is November 20, concentrations should be negotiated directly by the 2009. Applications should be turned in to the ALST student with the Chairs of those departments. Office in 327 Alumni Hall.

Extracurricular Activities: Students will be able to Students will be notified if they have been selected in participate in all sporting, religious, and other cultural January 2010. activities at the University of the West Indies, and a range of other activities is available off-campus. In addition, a variety of activities and field trips will be organized by the Director to places of academic interest such as sugar plantations, runaway slave (maroon) settlements, historic colonial sites, art galleries and museums, e.g., the Bob Marley museum.

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