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GLC WEBSITE - TEXTBOOK SEQUENC ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & ED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS 11 - Measures using How can you use Time only ; not Chapter 4, Aug.-Dec. Day 98 MA2.04.01-06 appropriate instruments appropriate elapsed time Lessons 1,2,5 March-June MA2.04.09 and appropriate units, length, instruments to Time to quarter MA3.07.02.01-02 capacity, (Continued) measure different hour, minute MA4.03.02.01-03 weight/mass, time, and units? and reading MA4.11.02.01-02 temperature. Length, calendar for Millimeter, Inch, Centimeter, days, weeks, Foot, Meter, Yard, Kilometer, months and Mile, Capacity, Milliliter, year Ounce, Liter, Cup, Pint (Liquid and Dry), Quart, Gallon, Gram, Ounce, Kilogram, Pound, Time, Second, Week, Minute, Month, Hour, Year, Day, Decade, Century, Temperature, Degree Fahrenheit and Celsius 18 - Recognizes different What are the different All Chapter 1, November Days 7, 9 MA3.01.01.01 names for whole numbers ways whole numbers Lessons 3, 7 Feb.-June MA3.01.02.02 through 9,999 including can be written? MA4.01.01.03 names in expanded notation form (9000+900+90+9; 9 thousands, 9 hundreds, 9 tens, 9 ones; nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety-nine).
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 1 GLC WEBSITE - TEXTBOOK SEQUENC ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & ED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS [21] - Identifies place value How does the Through Chapter 1, Aug.-Nov. Day 5 MA2.01.01 through hundred thousands placement of a thousands Lessons 3, 7 January MA3.01.01.01-02 and identifies the number of number change its February MA4.01.01.03-04 hundred thousands, value? thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones in a given number. 24 - Rounds two-, three-, What determines how All Chapter 1 None Day 32 MA2.01.05 and four-digit numbers to a number is rounded Lesson 4 To thousands MA3.01.03.02 the nearest ten, hundred, or to the nearest ten, Ten and MA4.01.03.01 thousand. hundred or thousand? hundred 27 - Compares and orders How can whole All Chapter 1 None Days 2, 5 MA2.01.03 whole numbers through numbers be ordered Lesson 8 Four digit MA2.01.04 9,999. and compared? numbers MA3.01.02.01 31 - Continues or completes How can you show Counts by 1s, 2s, Chapter 1 Aug.-Oct. Day 3 MA1.01.06-07 a given number sequence patterns in numbers? 3s, 4s, or 5s to Lessons 1, 4 2’s, 5’s, 10’s MA2.01.02 counting by ones, twos, complete a 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, MA3.01.02.03-04 threes, fours, fives, tens, sequence 10’s hundreds, and thousands (include skip-counting on a number line). 33, 34 - Identifies What steps are Addition and Chapter 2 Aug.-June Day 25 Compass pg. 40-41 information needed to solve needed to solve a subtraction Lesson 4 M.3.34 a given problem; Selects problem? problems M.3.35 appropriate operation M.3.36 (addition, subtraction, or multiplication) for a given problem situation. [35] - Employs problem- How do you solve Logical Chapter 1, Aug.-June Day 38 MA2.09.01 solving strategies (e.g. draw problems using reasoning, Lesson 9; Make a chart MA3.03.01.03 a picture; make a chart, different strategies? Make a table, Chapter 2, MA3.09.01.02-04 graph, or table; guess and Act it out Lesson 7; MA4.08.01.01-05 check; look for a pattern). Chapter 3, MA4.12.01.01-06
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 2 Lesson 8
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 3 GLC WEBSITE - TEXTBOOK SEQUENC ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & ED ESSENTIAL QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS [46] - Selects appropriate How do you know +, - , <, > Chapter 1 Aug.-June Days 17, 25 MA2.01.03 symbol (+, -, x, ÷, <, >, which symbol to use Lesson 8; MA2.01.04 =) for use in a number in a number Chapter 2 MA4.05.01.01 sentence. sentence? Lesson 1 [47] - Adds and subtracts What are different Add & subtract Chapter 2 Aug., Sept., Days 15, 16 MA1.03.01-04 whole numbers (one-, two- ways to add and one- and two- Lessons 1, 2, 3, Oct., Nov., One- and two- MA2.02.01-03 and three-digits, without or subtract whole digit numbers 5, 6, 8, 9 Jan., Feb. digit numbers MA2.02.05 with regrouping), initially numbers? One-digit MA2.03.01-05 using manipulatives and numbers MA3.01.02.05 then connecting the MA3.02.01.01-06 manipulations to symbolic MA3.05.01.08 procedures (problems MA3.07.01.04-05 presented vertically and horizontally with the horizontal problems rewritten vertically). IMPORTANT 1 - Applies estimation How can we use Front-end, Chapter 1, Aug., Sept., Day 23 MA3.08.03.01-02 strategies beginning front-end estimation Rounding Lesson 5; Dec., Feb., Front-end MA4.06.01.01-03 with front-end to get a reasonable Chapter 3 March estimation MA4.06.03.02 estimation and simple answer? Lessons 2, 3 MA4.06.03.04 compatible numbers to predict appropriate results. 17 - Translates words to How can numbers be All Chapter 1, Nov.-June Day 8 MA3.01.01.01 numerals and numerals written into words? Lessons 3, 7, MA3.01.02.02 to words up to 9,999. 10 19 - Identifies even and odd How can you tell the All Chapter 1, Aug.-Sept. Day 3 MA4.01.05.01 numbers. difference between Lesson 1 even and odd numbers?
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 5 20 - Relates concrete and How can you use All Chapter 1, Aug.-Nov. Day 7 MA3.01.01-02 pictorial models to pictures and objects Lessons 3, 7 Jan.-June MA3.01.04.01 numbers through to represent numbers? MA3.01.04.05 thousands, and relates MA4.01.01.01-02 numbers to models; MA4.02.02.01 names numbers orally. 40 - Determines probability How would you use All Chapter 7, Aug.-June Day 22 MA2.09.02 of a given event probability in your Lesson 8 Through MA3.03.01.02 through exploration everyday life? patterns-next? MA4.10.03.01-02 (equally likely, least likely, and most likely). 45 - Uses properties of How are addition and Addition Chapter 2, None Day 34, 48 MA1.02.09 addition and multiplication properties – Lessons 2, 3 Identify MA2.02.02 multiplication (including related? What are the commutative, Commutative, commutative MA2.02.04 commutative, properties of addition zero zero association MA3.04.01.01-02 associative, and and multiplication MA3.04.01.07 properties of zero and and how do we use MA4.05.01.07 one). them? 25 - Recognizes numerical How can words be All Chapter 1, None Day 4 MA3.01.02.01 relationships through used to show Lessons 4, 8 #s to 9,999 MA3.01.02.03-04 9,999 (such as between, numerical between, before, MA4.01.02.01 before, after, equal to, relationships? after, equal, nearest to, least, and nearest to, least - greatest). to 4 digits COMPACT REVIEW 49 - Applies mental How can you do a Addition and Chapter 2, Aug.-Feb. Day 30 MA3.04.02.01 computation strategies math problem in your subtraction Lessons 1, 2, 5 June Curriculum Guide (such as counting up, head? pg. 43 counting back, simple compatible numbers, doubles, making ten, multiples of ten) to addition and subtraction, and to simple multiplication and division.
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 6 GLC WEBSITE - TEXTBOOK SEQUENC ESSENTIAL STANDARD ESSENTIAL DEPTH for CALENDAR COMPASS CHAPTER & ED COMPACT REVIEW QUESTION MASTERY MATH LEARNING LESSON LESSON PLANS 51 - Develop and use How do you know All Chapter 3 Aug.-Nov. Day 27 None strategies to estimate your answer makes Lessons 2, 9 the results of whole sense? number computation and to judge the reasonableness of such results.
3rd Grade Math, 1st 30 days 7