Classroom Regulations
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Classroom Regulations
Ms. Gall/ Room 232 English II ‘09-‘10
I. REQUIRED MATERIALS A. Binder B. Folder for handouts C. Writing utensils: blue/black pens hi-liter pencils D. Loose leaf paper or notebook (no spiral paper) E. Book, magazine, or newspaper appropriate for school F. Pocket dictionary G. Thumb-drive or USB drive F. Dividers
II. CLASSROOM RULES A. Be in your assigned seat with ALL of your supplies before the tardy bell rings. B. Be respectful of the people, the equipment, and the furnishings of Room 383. C. Follow directions the first time they are given. D. Observe ALL rules in the student handbook. E. Have a positive attitude. All students are expected to be positive, contributing members of this class.
III. TARDINESS A. Detentions will be issued for unexcused tardies after the 1st warning. Excessive tardies result in a referral to the dean. Your parents/guardians will be contacted. See TTHS Attendance Policy for more details. B. You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat at the beginning of the tardy bell. Read this again. C. Excused tardies are acceptable. You must have a signed pass.
IV. GENERAL INFORMATION A. ABSENCES: You are expected to make up any work missed when you are absent. It is your responsibility to ask me for your missed work before or after school or class - NOT DURING THE INSTRUCTION PERIOD! - Work assigned before the absence must be turned in the day the student returns to school. - Work assigned while a student is absent must be asked for on the day the student returns to class. - The student has two days to complete the work assigned during an excused absence. After the time allowed, if the work has not been completed you will receive a zero. B. LATE WORK: No late work is accepted. Read this again. If you were in class and failed to utilize your time and meet the deadline then you have earned your grade. Homework will be collected at the start of class. Any homework handed in after it was asked for is considered late and not accepted.
C. TESTS: You will have a test after each unit of study. All students should make every effort to be in class. All tests will be announced and posted on the board in advance. Therefore, any student who is present any of those days will be required to take the test. If you are absent on a test day, the test MUST be made up during CP within one week.
D. QUIZZES: Quizzes may be given without prior warning. You have one week to make up the quiz from the day assigned during CP
V. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION A. There will be NO PROFANITY in my classroom. It is rude, disrespectful, and inappropriate. This includes the infamous “N” word. If you cannot respect yourself enough to use appropriate language in my classroom, you will be in detention.
B. There will be no writing on the desks. You will wash all the desks in this classroom after school plus earn a referral to your dean.
C. Students doing work from another teacher’s class will have the work confiscated and destroyed (Unless you have my permission). You are encouraged to utilize CP.
D. Personal grooming is out of place in a classroom. This includes but is not limited to: combing/braiding hair, filing/painting nails, and putting on make-up. Any type of grooming devices (combs, brushes, picks, towels) should be in your locker. If you must do these things, you may do them during detention which you will certainly receive for disregarding this warning.
E. The school dress code is enforced in this classroom.
F. Gum and hard candies are acceptable in this classroom as long as the privilege is not abused. There will be no wrappers on the floor, no smacking or popping bubbles, and no gum can be found under the desks.
H. The District 205 grading scale is as follows: A = 90-100 - 4 points (GPA) B = 80-89 - 3 points C = 70-79 - 2 points D = 60-69 - 1 point F = 0-59 I. This paper should be kept with you at all times.
J. I will dismiss the class at the end of the period. DO NOT EXIT YOUR SEAT, PACK UP, OR LINE UP AT THE DOOR.
K. Eating, drinking (except water), throwing anything, and chewing straws or toothpicks, etc. are prohibited in class.
L. Students may NOT put heads down on the desk, slouch, rest your head in your hands, or close your eyes during class. These are all behaviors that impede your learning. Detentions or referrals will be given without verbal warning. You are required to stay awake and alert. NO SLEEPING.
M. Students will be allowed three passes per each semester. Please take care of your business on your own time. Any student who does not leave my class on a pass will earn five grade points on their final grade.
N. CP is an after school class period. You will be on time and working.
O. Cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, and any type of ear buds are PROHIBITED – this is listed in your student handbook. They will be confiscated.
P. If you choose to break the rules, be prepared to suffer the consequences. Consequences include: verbal warnings, detentions, phone calls to your parents, referrals to dean’s office, or permanent removal from class.
Q. Compliance with the rules will earn you: praise (daily), movies related to learning topic, other positive perks throughout the year, and the joy of learning everyday!
I am looking forward to a great school year with you! Thank you for your cooperation in making this a pleasurable learning environment. Ms. Gall