United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child s1
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United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
Day of General Discussion on “Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood” 17 September 2004
Updated List of Submissions
1. Bernard van Leer Foundation, Children are our future 2. Canadian Child Care Federation, Keeping our Promises: Right from the Start 3. Centre for Human Evolution Studies (CEU) & Ius Primi Viri International Association (IPV), The Rights of the Child 4. Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII Association, Starting Sound Practices Early 5. End All Corporal Punishment of Children Global Initiative 6. European Association for Children in Hospital (EACH), Steps for Implementing the Child’s Right to Health 7. FORCES India – New Delhi, The Status of the Young Indian Child 8. FORCES – Tamil Nadu, Right to Participation of Young Children in India 9. German League for the Child 10. Groupe Africain, Un acte qui contribue à la protection et à la promotion des droits de l’enfant : la reconnaissance légale 11. Government of Venezuela, Early Childhood in the Venezuelan Education sector: Implementing Child Rights 12. Gustavo Masco – Buenos Aires Archidiocesan Delegate Child and Adolescence Area 13. Human Rights Watch – Children’s rights division 14. India Alliance for Child Rights (IACR), India’s Girl Child: Early Childhood – or Early Disposal? 15. International Baby Food Action Network, Guaranteeing the rights to survival and development of young children, including the rights to health, nutrition and education 16. International Foster Care Organisation 17. IPPA, the Early Childhood Organisation, Republic of Ireland, Implementing child rights in early childhood 18. NGO Coalition for the Implementation of the CRC – Germany 19. NGO Coalition for the Implementation of the CRC – DRC 20. Norberto Liwski, Realización de los derechos del niño en la primera infancia 21. Quaker United Nations Office, Children of Imprisoned Mothers 22. RAPCAN, Realising the rights of the youngest child 23. Ruben Efron – Universidad de Buenos Aires 24. SOS Kinderhof International 25. SRG Welfare Society Bangladesh, The Child of Bangladesh & Poor and destitute children in Bangladesh 26. Subsecretaría de Educación – Provincia de Buenos Aires, El derecho a la niñez 27. UNICEF 28. UNICEF New Zealand and Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa 29. Vera Misurcova, Implementation of children’s traditional games in early childhood 30. Victoria Martinez, La primera infancia desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos 31. Ville de Genève – Délégation à la petite enfance, Petite enfance : des droits pour ouvrir à la citoyenneté ? 32. Women’s Coalition for Peace and Development & India Alliance for Child Rights, What has changed for girls in India in the decade since Beijing and Cairo?
Background papers
1. Caroline Arnold, Positioning ECCD in the 21st Century, Submission written for the Consultative Group for Early Childhood Care and Education, 2004 Co-ordinators’ Notebook 2. Defence for Children International, International Children’s Rights Monitor: Are Youngest Children Being Sidelined in the Child Rights Movement? (Hard copy only) 3. Council of Europe, Children, participation, projects - how to make it work! (Available in English and French) 4. CLAP, Exploring Rights of the Child in Early Childhood: a Report of Interface for Perspective Building on Legal Aspect of Early Childhood Care and Development