Lake View Citizens’ Council Board of Directors Meeting Thursday January 5, 2006 867 West Buckingham Place

Present: Baker, Becvar, Bjorkman, Chan, Dedes, Hagan, Head, Hurder, Iverson, Knight, Kropidlowski, LaPorte, Leracz, Lesko, Ludwig, Lufrano, Marsalek, Martino, McCabe, Monteith, Murphy, Poppy, Smith, Streetman, Toth, Vaid, Way, Warning, Winner

Absent: Castrovillari, Craig, Gray, Klarquist, Morrin, Pine, Schafer, Schmidt, Snyder, Sperling, Tyler

Excused: Davis, Peterson, Zemola

Guests: Bail, Narkiewicz, Rosenburg

Call to Order/Prior Minutes Approval David Winner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. Minutes have been corrected to show Jim Ludwig as excused. Chester Kropidlowski wanted a comment about stop signs at certain intersections noted in John Becvar’s remarks in the Transportation Committee report. Diann Marsalek moved and Ernie Toth seconded acceptance of the minutes as amended. Motion carried.

New Mover Program Bethany Narkiewicz presented information about a program her company sells to welcome new neighbors who have just moved in. A package can be prepared welcoming the person to the neighborhood and including certificates for services from local merchants. The package could include information about the LVCC and the branches and an invitation to “Get Involved.”

T.R.A.C. Barb Head asked for a show of hands of those Branch members who will attend a postcard mailing launch party at her house on Sunday, January 8. Branches are being asked to send five representatives to a rally on January 11. Mayor Daley is supporting a 7% cap. The bill is in Springfield as S. B. 700. Barb left a set of post cards to be mailed starting January 9. David Winner said that T.R.A.C. is a grass roots movement that helps property owners in Lake View.

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Knight presented his report. There are $77,337 of unrestricted funds on hand. Diann Marsalek asked about the Gregg Kiriazes debits. David Winner indicated it is highly unlikely LVCC will be reimbursed for the debt that arose from insurance premiums that LVCC advanced on Gregg’s behalf. Jim Ludwig moved and John Becvar seconded LVCC issue a 1099 to Gregg Kiriazes for the audited amount owed to LVCC. Motion carried.

President’s Report 1. Tom Tunney will have a meeting on Monday, Jan. 9, at 7:00 p. at Ann Sather. David suggested flyering the neighborhood about the meeting. He urged everyone to attend the meeting. 2. John Becvar reported on choosing G-Spot to complete five projects. The first thing that has been done is that the header of the website and the map have been redesigned. John has set up an email address for each branch The next phase will be design of a brochure. 3. David Winner indicates the brochures will have space for Branch specific information. Tonight’s discussion will be a sharing of ideas of how to distribute the new brochures in order to improve membership for the Branches. Distributing the brochures to local coffee shops, realtors, condo boards, and has been discussed previously and would be a good start. West Lake View has divided into blocks so they would use the block captains to distribute. Belmont Harbor is working to name block captains. David Winner indicated many condo boards are listed at the police department; the information may not be available. Heather Way spoke of the high turnover rates of most of our neighborhoods and the need for selling critical, meaningful issues in order to get attendance and members. Lake View Citizens’ Council Board of Directors Minutes January 5, 2006 1 Schools are probably not the best source as many children are bussed in or come from other areas. Libraries might be a good place to leave information. David Winner indicates the goal is to have people know who we are so that when an issue arises they know whom to contact and where to seek help. Chester Kropidlowski indicated we have to begin to focus on what the significant issues are. Branch chairs were asked how they would distribute brochures. Marie Poppy suggested using the alderman’s offices to distribute information especially at the time vehicle stickers are sold. David is still aiming for March to do a complete blitz—posters and brochures. Caribou is willing to permit LVCC to put a promotional sticker on coffee cup lids during the month of March.

Committee Reports

Anti-Crime – Emailed to Board on January 3. Diann Marsalek and Mark Knight reported that several graffiti perpetrators were apprehended.

Branch Reports

Triangle Neighbors – Emailed to Board on January 3.

Old Business None

New Business There will not be a “”Night at Wrigley” fundraiser. There will be a new area in center field that may be available for a fundraiser.

Maureen Martino mentioned concern from residents and merchants about no supermarket at the Dominic’s. David said they would talk about that after the meeting.

Adjournment The next meeting will be on Thursday, February 2, 2006, at 7:00 p. at the LVCC office. Sean Smith moved and Mark Knight seconded adjournment. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.

Respectfully submitted,

B. B. Leracz Secretary

Lake View Citizens’ Council Board of Directors Minutes January 5, 2006 2