BUNSEN BURNER  COMPREHENSION: Read and answer the questions below.

Lighting the Burner  Check the fittings to make sure they are firmly connected.  Turn the collar around so that the air hole is closed.  Light a match and hold it about 5 centimeters above the top of the barrel.  Turn on the gas. The bright yellow flame that you now see is called the safety flame.  Turn the collar around to open the air hole. This produces a blue flame, which is very hot, and difficult to see, so take care. Rules for Safe Use  The barrel of the Bunsen burner becomes hot when being used. If you have to move the burner or put it away, turn it off and move it by holding the base.  If the Bunsen makes any funny noises (e.g. hisses) turn off the gas immediately and tell the teacher.  Use only the blue flame for heating. When you are not heating anything, turn the collar around to produce a yellow or orange flame.

1. What is the purpose of a “collar” on a Bunsen Burner? ______2. Explain the meaning of “safety flame”. ______3. Describe the “blue flame”. ______4. How would you handle a burner before putting it away? ______5. What should you do if your burner makes funny noises? ______

 QUIZ: Write True or False next to numbers 1 to 5 1. One should light a Bunsen burner using a piece of paper. ______2. Always use blue flame for heating. ______3. The barrel of the Bunsen burner never becomes hot. ______4. Both the goggles and the hairnet should be worn during heating. . ______5. Collar on a Bunsen is used for opening and closing the air hole. . ______

Paste this homework sheet in your science book. YEAR 7 SCIENCE HOMEWORK – 2 / YOU ARE A SCIENTIST

Paste this homework sheet in your science book.