Additional file 6: Status and key design features of ongoing or unpublished randomised controlled trials of putative disease-modifying agents in Parkinson’s disease

Trial Trial Locatio Active agent(s) P Number Pre- Primary Biomarkers or Methods status n ut of defined outcome time-to-event outcomes used used to at participan trial measures as secondary outcome differentiate iv ts length measures symptomatic e randomis (months from disease- m ed ) modifying e effects of the c agent h a ni s m MIREILLE [1] Unpublishe France Bee venom A 50 12 UPDRS (III) [123I]FP-CIT SPECT Long-term d, nt follow-up. completed i- The change in 2013 in the UPDRS (III) fla in the ‘off m state’ will be m compared at between or groups to y ‘evaluate the effect of disease progression’. Imaging biomarker. Exenatide-PD Ongoing, UK Exenatide A 60 14 UPDRS (III) CSF: BDNF Analysis of [2] estimated nt [123I]FP-CIT SPECT primary completion i- outcomes after June 2016 in wash-out (12 fla weeks) period. m CSF and

1 m imaging at biomarkers. or y an d pr o m ot es ne ur og en es is STEADY-PD Ongoing, North Isradipine C Aiming to 36 Total UPDRS Time to dopaminergic treatment Long-term [3] estimated America al recruit 336 Time to dopaminergic motor follow-up. completion ci complications Time-to-event March u outcome. 2019 m ch an ne l bl oc ke r G-CSF [4] Unpublishe Taiwan G-CSF H Aiming to 24 UPDRS (III) - Long-term d, unclear (2 dosages) ae recruit 36 follow-up. if m completed at op oi et ic

2 gr o wt h fa ct or ZONIST [5] Unpublishe Iran Zonisamide N Aiming to 12 Time to - Time-to-event d, unclear eu recruit 60 dopaminergic outcome. if ro treatment completed m od ul at or NICOPARK2 Unpublishe France Transdermal nicotine Ni 40 50* UPDRS (III) - Analysis of [6] d, co [123I]FP-CIT SPECT primary completed ti outcomes after 2013 ni wash-out (5 c weeks) period. ag Imaging on biomarker. ist NIC-PD [7] Ongoing, German Transdermal nicotine Ni Aiming to 14* Total UPDRS Time to dopaminergic treatment Long-term estimated y and co recruit 160 follow-up. completion USA ti Analysis of January ni both primary 2015 c and secondary ag outcomes after on wash-out (8 ist weeks) period. Time-to-event outcome. GPI-1485 Unpublishe USA GPI-1485 Tr Aiming to 24 [123I]β-CIT: striatal [123I]β-CIT: putamen and caudate Imaging (2 year trial) d, op recruit 200 uptake uptake biomarker. [8] completed hi 2006 c fa

3 ct or Key

‘Pre-defined trial length’ refers to the length of the trial not including any washout period unless the pre-defined primary analyses related to the change in an outcome measure from baseline until the end of the washout period (these studies are marked with an asterisk (*). Clinical rating scales Total UPDRS Total score derived from the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale [9] UPDRS (III) Motor component of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale [9]

Biomarker modalities Other CSF Cerebral Spinal Fluid BDNF Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor SPECT Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography G-CSF Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor

SPECT ligands [123I]FP-CIT [123I]-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl)-N-(3-fluoropropyl)-N-tropane [123I]β-CIT [123I]-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl tropane

4 References

1. Bee venom for the treatment of Parkinson disease (MIREILLE). 2014. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 2. Trial of Exenatide for Parkinson's Disease (EXENATIDE-PD). 2015. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 3. Efficacy of Isradipine in Early Parkinson's Disease 2015. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 4. Study of the neuro-protective effect of Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor on early stage Parkinson's disease. 2013. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 5. Study of zonisamide in early Parkinson disease (ZONIST). 2013. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 6. Efficacy of transdermal nicotine, on motor symptoms in advanced Parkinson's disease (NICOPARK2). 2013. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 7. Disease-modifying Potential of Transdermal NICotine in Early Parkinson's Disease (NIC-PD). 2014. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 8. 2 year study to evaluate the effects of GPI 1485 on [123I]b-CIT/SPECT scanning and clinical efficacy in patients with PD. 2008. Accessed 22 Sep 2015. 9. Fahn S, Eton RL, UPDRS Development Committee. The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale. In: Fahn S, Marsden CD, Calne D, et al, editors. Recent Developments in Parkinson's Disease. Florham Park, New Jersey: Macmillan Healthcare Information; 1987. p153-63.