Valencia Community College s2

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Valencia Community College s2

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Student Success SLS 1122 – 3 Credit Hours Fall 2007 Instructor: Bridget Murphy

Valencia Community College Course Description: Students learn and apply strategies for success in college and life- long learning. Major topics include setting academic, career and personal goals; effective communication; study strategies; critical thinking; self- discovery; learning styles and mastering Valencia's core competencies. Students develop education and career plans utilizing college resources.

Course CRN Time Location SLS1122 11263 Monday, Wednesday, Friday East Campus 10:00-10:50 am Building 6, Room 206 SLS1122 11367 Monday, Wednesday, Friday East Campus 11:00-11:50 am Building 4, Room 204

Contact Information: The best way to contact me is by email since I do not have office hours. Be sure to include your full name and which class you are in. I will respond within 24 hours or less if possible. If you telephone me, you may get my answering machine. If so, please leave your name, phone number, and best time to call. I will respond to phone messages as quickly as possible. You may call me anytime between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Email: [email protected] Telephone: (407) 522-1672 Mailbox: East 3-119 MC: 3-2 Office Hours: MWF - 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. and 12 – 1p.m. (by arrangement) Office location: East 8-152 Class web:

Required Texts, Supplements, and Materials  Becoming a Master Student 11th edition, Dave Ellis  Student Life Skills Notebook (purchase in bookstore)  A three-ring binder for the Student Life Skills Notebook  Myers Briggs Self-Score Assessment (purchase in bookstore)  True Colors Self Assessment (purchase in bookstore)  Access to email through ATLAS

Suggested materials: a current college catalog, pencil, pens, paper, highlighter, extra notebook paper

Course Prerequisites None

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Major Learning Outcomes

 Students will identify and evaluate their learning style and use that knowledge to practice effective study strategies across disciplines.  Students will demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing ideas, patterns, and principles related to college and life situations.  Students will use critical thinking skills to identify personal, academic and career goals and construct action plans to achieve them  Students will communicate effectively with individuals and in groups through verbal and written methods.

Course topics will include:  Setting academic, career and personal goals  Effective Communication  Study Strategies  Critical Thinking  Self-Discovery  Learning Styles  Mastering Core Competencies Valencia Student Core Competencies Valencia faculty have defined four interrelated competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, Act) that prepare students to success in the world community. These competencies are outlined in the College Catalog. In this course, through lecture and discussion, group work, and other learning activities, you will further develop your mastery of those competencies. For more about these competencies, go to CLAST Competencies The College-Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST) measures reading skills, essay skills, English language skills, and mathematics skills. Certain CLAST competencies are required in this course. Additional information is available in the College Catalog. Grading I encourage you to keep track of all assignments and their assigned grades.* If you keep your notebook up-to-date and organized with all your work included, the portfolio grade at the end of the semester won’t mean extra work. You will be given the opportunity to earn a total of 1230 points as explained in detail on your assignment checklist. If the class does not complete all the assignments (due to changes your instructor announces), your grade will be based on the percentage earned on the assigned points. The letter grades assigned to the points below are based on percentage of points earned. Notebook Assignments 470 points A =1107 - 1230 Exams and Quizzes 300 points B = 984 – 1106 Textbook Assignments 180 points C = 861 – 983 Textbook Review Notes 180 points D = 738 – 860 Group Project 100 points F = 0 – 737 TOTAL 1230 points Extra Credit Maximum 100 points

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*For more details of specific point assignments, see the Assignment Tracking Sheet  Students will complete multiple assignments, i.e. journals, Goals Paper and Exploration Paper  Students will make oral presentations.  Students will complete multiple self-assessments.  Students will participate in group projects.  Students will demonstrate understanding through formal assessments, including a midterm exam and a departmental final exam.  Unannounced pop quizzes may be given over assigned material at any time during the course of the semester.  REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS:  My Education Plan, Exploration Paper (typed), and Goals Paper (typed) are required assignments that must be completed with a passing grade in order to pass this course.  In addition, students must complete the SLS Assessments, the SLS Portfolio (see pp. 380-382 of your textbook), the SLS Group Oral Project, and the SLS Final Exam in order to pass the course. Details about these assignments will be discussed in class and in writing.  Communication: You will receive messages through your Atlas e-mail account, so it is important that you check this daily since our class meets every other day.

Attendance Policy: Part of your responsibility, as a student is to be in class when you are scheduled to be here. Your participation and presence are critical to your success in class, therefore, attendance is mandatory. Students missing more than 3 classes will be candidates for being withdrawn. Each student is given two excused classes at no deduction in points. Additional classes missed will result in a loss of 10 points per class. Students are responsible for all material and assignments covered during their absence. Some assignments will only receive credit when completed in class. Contact a classmate immediately for assignment information. If you are absent on group presentation days, you will lose 50 points. If you are absent on the day YOU are presenting, you will lose all points for this assignment. To be present in body only does not count as class attendance. Students may be marked absent who use class time to sleep or in other ways choose not to participate in the class activities. After two consecutive absences, you will receive an excessive absence notification via your Atlas email. If you fail to respond by the stated date, your withdrawal from the class may be processed and a grade of W, WP, or WF assigned. If you decide to stop attending this or any other class, it is your responsibility to drop or withdraw from the class to avoid receiving a failing grade. A WF will significantly affect your overall GPA. The last date to withdraw is November 2, 2007 to receive a grade of W. Please consult the college catalog for more information on the impact a grade of W, WP, or WF on your grade point average (GPA). Academic Standards of Satisfactory Progress: http :// 00.pdf

College Withdrawal Policy See the current College Catalog ( for more information.

Tardiness: Tardiness is disruptive to your classmates and your instructor. If you come into class after roll has been taken, it is your responsibility to have your attendance recorded in the instructor’s grade book. Repeated tardiness may count as an absence. If you do arrive late, find the nearest

3 Page 4 of 6 seat so as to cause the least amount of disruption. Anyone more than 15 minutes late will be counted as absent. Leaving more than 15 minutes early will also count as an absence. Students who are absent or tardy are responsible for material learned in the missed class section. If you have questions regarding classes you have missed, contact another student who takes notes and pays attention.

Student Conduct Valencia Community College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia College Catalog (pp. 76-77) and online at

Students who are inattentive, chatting during instruction, doing other school work, are tardy to class, or in other ways are being distractive during class are interrupting the lesson and hindering the learning of other students. Since college is a preparation for the world of family, work, and civic responsibility, students are expected to learn how to work with others to accomplish a task, to treat others with respect, even when others have differences of opinion, and to take responsibility for their own actions.

Please make note of the evacuation route from your Valencia classroom in case of an emergency. Interpret all audible alarms as valid and act accordingly.

Cell phones should be turned off during class times. If a cell phone or pager vibrates or is audible, the student may be asked to turn it off or leave for the remainder of the class. Students who repeatedly interrupt class by any means may be asked to withdraw from the course. If there is an emergency situation warranting the use of a cell phone or pager during class time, the student must notify the professor in writing prior to the beginning of class. During a testing situation, if a cell phone or pager vibrates or is audible, the student’s quiz, test, or examination will be collected and the student will be asked to leave without an option for completion. Students will not wear headphones at any time during class.

Additional Policies: PolicyCatID=4&PolicyID=10 The College does not provide child care services. Unsupervised children are not allowed on the Valencia Community College campuses, centers, or instructional sites.

Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism is claiming as your own a paper, report, article, or speech, which in whole or in part was prepared by someone other than you. Plagiarism may result in failing the particular assignment and/or failing the entire course. Allowing others to copy your materials may result

4 Page 5 of 6 in failing the particular assignment and/or failing the entire course. Cheating on an exam or quiz will result in an automatic failure on that quiz or exam. Exams and homework are considered individual effort; any submissions that are too similar for coincidence will receive no credit. During exams or quizzes, students may not leave the room or receive phone calls.

Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities (East Campus, Bldg.5-212, x.2229; West Campus, Bldg. SSB-102, x.1523; Osceola Campus, Bldg.1-152, x.4167; and Winter Park Campus, Room 203, x.6887).

Make-up Policy There are no make-up quizzes in this course. All tests must be taken on or before dates assigned. No makeup tests are available without explicit consent of instructor which will only be granted in case of extreme documented emergency.

Final Exam Policy: All professors are required to give final examinations to all credit students (except those taking course work for audit) during the scheduled final examination period. To receive credit for the course, you must take the final examination. It is your responsibility to know when and where the final examination is scheduled and to be present and on time. Final examination schedules are published in the Credit Class Schedule and campus newsletters and are available in Admissions/Records Offices and Advising Centers. You may be absent from a final examination or deviate from the examination schedule only with approval by the professor and the appropriate provost. If you do not attend the final examination and do not have an approved absence, you will receive a WF for the course.

Homework: Assignments are due on the specified date at the start of class time. NO unexplained late work will be accepted. In emergencies, please contact the instructor immediately to discuss alternatives. Documentation may be required. Do not come into class after missing and ask for makeup work. If you cannot attend a class, email the assignment (in .rtf format) before class or send it with another classmate or other trusted person. It is your responsibility to contact the instructor or check with another student before the next class meeting to get assignments. If you email the instructor and explain your absence AND acknowledge what assignment you know you missed, it may be accepted at the start of the next scheduled class period. The Exploration and Goals assignments are requirements of SLS. If late, the Goals and Exploration papers will be accepted for 50% credit if received within one week of the original due date. You must contact the instructor immediately to be given the opportunity to turn the paper in late for any credit.

Required Student Life Skills Notebook assignments: Submission of My Education Plan, the Goals Paper, the Exploration Paper, and the Group

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Project are mandatory! There will also be a required minimum of 10 journaling assignments throughout the semester. These are minimum requirements to pass the course.

General Course Schedule Weeks 1-5 Personal Assessments and Planning, Memory, Tests Weeks 6-8 Academic Skills (thinking, reading, note taking, research) Week 9 Preparing for Group Project Midterm Exam Weeks 10-13 Life Skills (group work, communicating, diversity, health) Weeks 14-15 Group Presentations Week 16 Final Exam

Disclaimer Since many factors may affect the development and progress of a class, the instructor reserves the right to alter the schedule as may be required to assure attainment of course objectives. If you are not in class you are still held accountable for the announcement. Be sure to check Atlas daily for any announcements, especially if you have to miss a class.

*Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Date: CRN 11263: December 10 CRN 11367: December 12 *(Note the change of time from your regular course schedule!)

Other tips on how to complete the course successfully …

 Be attentive and ask questions if you need clarification.  Complete assignments on time and according to directions. (See Point 1.)  Show respect toward others, even if you don’t agree with their positions.  Keep your notebooks organized and keep everything related to this class, at least until grades are posted.  Check your Atlas email daily.  Keep up with the reading. Tests will cover assigned material in the book, not just material covered in class. Complete reading assignments prior to coming to class so that you can fully participate in class discussions and activities.  Only portions of the chapters will be turned in for credit. You are encouraged to carefully examine all written exercises and do many of them for your own advantage.  Bring both Becoming a Master Student and Student Life Skills (notebook) texts to all classes. We refer to these books often.  Keep your catalog handy. It will answer many of your questions, and we will refer to it from time to time during this course.  Keep an open mind and persevere even when it the task is difficult. Struggle is only a sign of growth in progress.

Finally… Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.


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