Provost Council Meeting

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Provost Council Meeting

Provost Council Meeting October 8, 2015 Martin 128


The following were present: Deborah Curtis, Kim Andrews, Corey Bowman for Shari Bax, Mike Godard, Jim Graham, Gersham Nelson, Roger Best, Mike Wright, David Kreiner for Alice Greife, Tina Church, Gail Staines, Joseph Lewandowski, Katie Jacobs, Janice Putnam and Debbie Combs.

Information Items None were given.

Minutes The minutes were accepted as distributed.

Report Items SLT Update: Dr. Curtis reported there was discussion at the October 5th meeting regarding a one day all campus training during the spring semester. This would be a campus wide event covering all kinds of topics such as work being done by PeopleWorks, Title IX, evaluations, FERPA, and other mandatory training. The day would begin with a keynote address. Breakout sessions would begin immediately following the address. Those sessions would be repeated throughout the remainder of the day so people have the opportunity to attend multiple sessions. Dr. Curtis asked members if they would prefer this training face-to-face or electronically. One person said the face-to-face builds community and that is a slight benefit. Others stated they prefer an online component because it would be more efficient. Dr. Curtis asked members to send any other suggestions they have to her. She said the upcoming General Faculty Meeting was also discussed. President Ambrose suggested engaging the deans of each college to talk four to five minutes on what is happening in their colleges that should be relayed to the university. Dr. Curtis will discuss this further with President Ambrose and then circle back to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Faculty Senate Update: Dr. Jacobs reported the Senate voted on the constitution update. She created an electronic ballot for the vote. She said all the vacant committee spots have been filled. KPIs were introduced at the last Senate meeting. Graduate Council Update: Ms. Church reported they voted on the full graduate faculty status applications. The form has been changed. Work is being done with the grad council to have a graduate symposium during the undergrad symposium. Other topics discussed by the council were training for credit at the grad level, options in areas and how to define those groupings, and 4000 level graduate and undergraduate courses. They also discussed the position of graduate education at UCM and what they want it to look like.

Discussion Items Office of Sponsored Programs: Dr. Andrews said all positions are funded by soft money. The perception of scholarship discourages participation in sponsored research. People need incentives to participate such as a reward of indirects going back to them and being able to use

1 the research for promotion and tenure and post tenure review. A decision needs to be made on what to do with sponsored programs. If it stays with soft money, the message is they are of no value. Dr. Andrews asked members to send her comments via email. There is no incentive here to do research. There needs to be a campus conversation on what is scholarship. Dr. Curtis agreed that OSP needs to go back into the general fund. An institutional description of scholarship is needed and then it needs to be allowed to be tailored for different units. Not all grants are research based. Dr. Jacobs will bring this up at the next Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. Validation of International Credentials: Dr. Andrews distributed a proposal on validated degrees from International institutions. Individuals must provide the hiring area with an official evaluation of their degree from a NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services) member. This must be done before a contract is issued. This proposed policy will apply to any faculty or staff member except those filled by a graduate assistant. Internship Standards: Dr. Andrews distributed information developed for internship standards. This standard puts structure on internships. She asked members to consider this standard. WAFB Online Programs: Dr. Andrews stated UCM received a formal invitation to submit proposals for master’s programs we would provide on base. The classes to be offered are built as hybrids with online faculty meeting with students at the education facility on base on a regular basis. As other programs become a good fit for the base, professors will write a proposal and they will be happy to consider them. Legal Affairs is looking at the current MOU with Whiteman and an addendum will be done. Laurel Hogue will be calling together a meeting with the deans and chairs involved and with Kristi Eckfeld, WAFB Site Coordinator.

Dr. Curtis asked for feedback on the Internship Standards and Validation of International Credentials. Dr. Kreiner suggested sending the Internship Standards information to department chairs because not all departments have internship coordinators. Dr. Curtis suggested sending the information to both. Corey Bowman asked that Title IX information be included in the internship packets of information for both the students and employers. Roger Best suggested that a standard statement be included in the ads for faculty and staff regarding the validation of International credentials. Dr. Curtis will discuss this with Human Resources. Faculty Guide Update: Dr. Putnam stated she will be working on the Faculty Guide this year and establishing good practice guidelines which will be regularly reviewed and written in plain language. The University wants this tied in with the policy review that’s in process. Dr. Putnam said they are developing a policy on policy development in academic affairs, a tracking system for record keeping, and a possible new online format for the Faculty Guide. AP&R Review: Dr. Putnam distributed copies of AP&R 18, Student Technology Fee, which has been updated. She asked the deans to let her know if additional changes need to be made. The faculty classification committee has begun work with their policy and procedures and making revisions to the current Promotion and Tenure Policy. TK20 will work as the repository for departmental promotion and tenure guidelines. Dr. Putnam asked that departments put their guidelines in TK20. Dr. Putnam distributed a checklist for the AP&R review process. Wireless Printing: Dr. Staines reported the library is testing a wireless print solution and they hope to have a soft launch on October 20 in the Harmon Computer Commons. It will allow students to print from any device (i.e. laptop, iPhone, iPad). It is called wēpa. The printing costs ten cents and the library will keep one cent. Students may pay for it with debit or credit cards

2 but will not be able to use their Central card. Students have been asking for a wireless printing option and this is low risk high gain. Commencement: Dr. Bowman reported there will be three ceremonies for the December commencement. The graduate ceremony will be Friday evening and two undergraduate ceremonies on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. All will be in the Multi-Purpose Building. He distributed copies of the hooding options for the graduate ceremony. Hooding will take place on the side(s) rather than in the center of the main stage. They hope this helps with the flow of the ceremony. The intent is to give the students the opportunity to be hooded by their faculty advisor during the ceremony. One person per college will coordinate the hooding process. After lengthy discussion Dr. Bowman stated the Commencement Committee will be talking about the traffic flow at their upcoming meeting.

Other There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Combs, Recording Secretary


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