Round 1: Food, Drink & Fashion

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Round 1: Food, Drink & Fashion

Marie Curie Quiz 2014

Round 1: Food, Drink & Fashion

What is green horseradish called in Japan? Wasabi 1. Cavendish, Orinoco and Lady Finger are all varieties Banana 2. of which fruit? Which cake was originally made to celebrate the Battenberg (She married 3. marriage of Queen Victoria’s Granddaughter Prince Louis of Battenberg) Princess Victoria? Halloumi cheese originated on which Mediterranean Cyprus 4. island? Which US company bought ASDA in 1999? Wal-Mart 5. What is the proper name for the egg white? Albumen 6. Which company first introduced Tea bags into the Tetley 7. UK? Raki is the national drink of which country? Turkey 8. From which country does Rioja wine come? Spain 9. 10 What gives Mead its flavour? Honey . 11 The Hugo Boss fashion house is based in which Germany . country? 12 Which English couturier designed the wedding and Sir Norman Hartnell . coronation dresses of Queen Elizabeth II. 13 The designer Jimmy Choo specialises in what? Shoes . 14 Mary Phelps Jacob designed which item of clothing The Bra . in 1914? When the Dassler partnership dissolved in 1948, Puma 15 Rudi Dassler abandoned Adidas and created what . rival shoe?

1 of 6 Marie Curie Quiz 2014 Round 2: History & Geography

Which trade union was led by the Pole, Lech Walesa Solidarity 1. in the 1980s? Who was the last King of America? King George III 2. Who was Queen for just nine days in 1553? Lady Jane Grey 3. What nationality was Christopher Columbus? Italian 4. What is significant about the death of Ruth Ellis in Last woman executed 5. 1955? in Britain In which year did the Middle East's "Six Day War" 1967 6. take place? In which century did the Mary Rose sink? 16th Century 7. In which decade was the Voyager spacecraft 1970’s (1977) 8. launched? In which European country would you find the Cyprus 9. Troodos mountain range? 10 What is the world`s most northern capital city? Reykjavik . 11 In which English County would you find both the Kent . towns of Ham and Sandwich? 12 How is the line of zero degrees longitude commonly Greenwich Meridian . known? 13 In which country are company names followed by the Germany - Gesellschaft mit . letters GmbH? beschränkter Haftung 14 What is the world’s most southerly capital city? Wellington, New . Zealand 15 From which European country does Stella Artois Belgium . beer originate?

2 of 6 Marie Curie Quiz 2014 Round 3: Art & Literature

Which natural facial feature does the ‘Mona Lisa’ not Eyebrows 1. have? Who wrote ‘The Day of the Jackal’ about an Frederick Forsyth 2. attempted assassination of Charles de Gaulle? What nationality was Edvard Munch, who produced Norwegian 3. the famous painting ‘The Scream’ in 1893? What is the name of Andy McNab’s 1993 book about Bravo 2 Zero 4. a patrol behind enemy lines in Iraq? How are the sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy Little Women 5. described in the title of an 1868 novel? What is the name of Long John Silver’s parrot? Captain Flint 6. Which British prime minister was awarded the Nobel Winston Churchill 7. Prize for Literature? Which Agatha Christie detective lived in St. Mary Miss Marple 8. Mead? What is the pseudonym of the Bristolian graffiti artist Banksy 9. who branched into film in 2010? 10 Which pottery form takes its name from the Italian for Terracotta . “baked earth”? 11 What name is given to the Japanese art of paper Origami . folding? 12 Who created the famous sculptures ‘The Thinker’ Auguste Rodin . and ‘The Kiss’? 13 Which artistic movement was founded by Georges Cubism . Braque and Pablo Picasso? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer & The Adventures of Mark Twain 14 Huckleberry Finn were written by American author . Samuel Langhorne Clemens. By what name is he better known as? 15 What is the name of the Penguin Books imprint that Puffin Books . specialises in children's literature?

3 of 6 Marie Curie Quiz 2014 Round 4: Politics & Economics

Who is the governor of the Bank of England? Mark Carney 1. What is the current base rate set by the Bank of 0.5% 2. England? Who became the first elected UKIP MP in Clacton? Douglas Carswell 3. How many more years of spending cuts, has the 5 4. outgoing head of the civil service Bob Kerslake predicted by UK governments? Who became the second Tory to defect to UKIP Mark Reckless 5. recently? What percentage of Scottish voters voted to say ‘No’ in 55% 6. the Independence vote? What is the name given to the group of people who Whips 7. make sure MPs attend important votes? Which company’s boss recently apologised for John Lewis (Andy 8. describing France as "hopeless and downbeat"? Street) How much in loans has Wonga announced they are £220 million 9. going to write off? 10 Where did the UKIP hold its party conference this Doncaster . year? Racecourse 11 What name is given to an MP that isn’t an office Back Bencher . holder? 12 In what year was decimalisation introduced in the UK? 1971 15th Feb . 13 For what is APR an abbreviation? Annual Percentage . Rate 14 Which Stock Exchange's activity is reflected by the Tokyo . Nikkei index? 15 Which airline company claimed that their sales soared Easy Jet . by £5 million due to the recent Air France pilot strike?

4 of 6 Marie Curie Quiz 2014

Round 5: Sport & Entertainment

Which county won the English county cricket Yorkshire 1. championship this year? Where will the 2016 Olympics be held? Rio de Janeiro 2. Daniel Ricciardo is the new sensation in Formula 1, Australian 3. what nationality is he? In darts, what is the lowest score that CANNOT be 23 4. scored with a single dart? What is the only sport to have been played on the Golf (1971 Alan Shepherd hit 2 5. surface of the moon? balls to see how far they would go) In which Australian state will the 2018 Queensland (Gold 6. Commonwealth games be held? Coast City) What was the final score in this year’s Ryder cup in 16.5 – 11.5 to Europe 7. Scotland? In Athletics, what is the last event of the Decathlon? 1500 metres 8. What was the first name of Captain Mainwaring in George 9. Dad's Army? 10 In which 1964 film was the word Mary Poppins . "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" used? 11 In Batman, what is the name of the butler in stately Alfred . Wayne Manor who also looked after the basement? 12 Who recently announced that he was leaving the pop Jason Orange . group Take That? 13 In which European city did George Clooney recently Venice . get married? 14 Who wrote the ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’? Rimsky Korsakov . 15 In which city will the 2015 Eurovision song contest be Vienna . held?

5 of 6 Marie Curie Quiz 2014 Round: 6 General Knowledge

Which monarch compiled the Doomsday book? William the Conqueror 1. When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon who, was Michael Collins 2. left in charge of the command module? What was Ethiopia formerly known as? Abyssinia 3. Who starred as The Sundance Kid in Butch Cassidy Robert Redford 4. and The Sundance Kid? What was the name of the volcano that suddenly Mount Ontake 5. erupted in Japan recently? Who is the police & crime commissioner for Devon & Tony Hogg 6. Cornwall? Who is the Greek Goddess of love? Aphrodite 7. On which date in October will Trafalgar day be 21st October 8. celebrated? How many tiles are there in a Mah-Jong set? 144 9. Which female singer recently created history in the Barbara Streisand 10 USA by having number one albums in the charts in . the last 6 decades? 11 How many countries make up the European Union? 28 (Croatia joined 1st July . 2013) 12 Pound, cup and foot are all types of what? Measurement . 13 In which US state is 'Area 51' located? Nevada . 14 Who was the first presenter of the BBC’s ‘Top Gear’? Angela Rippon . 15 If cats are feline and dogs are canine, what are Bovine . cattle?

Tie Break Questions 1. By how many days did Amundsen beat Scott to 35 become the first person to reach the South Pole? 2. To what speed does the car in `Back To The Future` 88 have to reach to travel in time? 3. How many steps are there in the Eiffel Tower? 1,792

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