Paper Template for Icphs 2007

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Paper Template for Icphs 2007


Abstract: This is a layout specification and template definition for the papers of the Chinese Journal of Phonetics. The abstract may consist of more than one paragraph. Keywords: There is space for up to five self-selected keywords (maximally two lines). 1. INTRODUCTION Author names: 2 lines; After-Author names: 2 lines. (3) Before-Headings: 1 line; After-headings: 0.5 lines. (4) The following rules apply to all submitted papers: Before-Sub-headings: 0.5 lines; After-Sub-headings: 0.5 they must be written in English lines. (5) Before-sub-sub-headings: 3 pt.; After-sub-sub- they must contain the name(s) of the author(s) headings: 3 pt. (6) Before-main text paragraph: 3 pt.; After-main text paragraph: 0 lines. (7) Before-reference the maximum is 8 pages (please write to text paragraph: 1 pt.; After-reference text paragraph: 0 [email protected], if you need more space) lines. And you can also find the details under the they should be submitted in both PDF format and ‘Paragraph’ button in the ‘Format’ menu of MS Word. DOC format 2.2 Text font the paper submission must via email to Times or Times New Roman font is used for the main [email protected] text. Recommended font size for the footnotes, figure Please use the Microsoft Word and PDF files when captions, tables, table captions, and references is 9 preparing your submission. If there are special questions, points, for the main text is 10 points, for the sub-sub- correspondence should be addressed to headings is 10 points, for the sub-headings is 11 points, [email protected]. for the headings is 12 points, for the author names is 14 2. PAGE LAYOUT AND STYLE points, and for the title is 16 points. Other font types may be used if needed for special purposes. When making the The page layout should conform to the following rules. final PDF file, remember to include all fonts! By far the easiest way to meet these requirements is to 2.3 Figures use the supplied templates and check details against this All figures should be centered on the page. Figure example file. If for some reason you cannot use Word, captions should be under each figure and have the format please follow these rules as carefully as possible, or given in Fig. 1. contact the editors at [email protected] for further instructions. Figures should preferably be line drawings. If they 2.1 Basic layout features contain grey shades or colours, it should be checked that they print well on a high-quality non-colour laser printer. The Chinese Journal of Phonetics will be printed in 16K (184mm * 260mm) paper format. Two columns are used except for the title part and possibly for large figures that need a full page width. Column width is 67.5 mm. Spacing between columns is 8 mm. Left margin is 20 mm. Right margin is 20 mm too. Top margin is 25 mm. Bottom margin is 25 mm too. Header margin is 15 mm. Footer margin is 15 mm too. Headers and footers should be left empty. Check indentations and spaces by comparing with this example file. Figure 1: The vowel chart used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). 2.1.1 Headings Section headings are start at the left margin in boldface 2.4 Tables with capitalized letters. Sub-headings start at the left An example of a table is shown as Table 1. Somewhat margin with the first letter capitalized and the rest of the different styles are allowed according to the type and heading in lower case. Sub-sub-headings appear like sub- purpose of the table. Color should not be used, but grey headings. See examples in this file. No more than 3 shading is allowed. There should be a margin of 6 points levels of headings should be used. (pt) above and below the table. 2.1.2 Paragraph Paragraph format is as follows. (1) All is single lined. (2) The caption text may be above the table, but this should Before-Title: 3 lines; After-Title: 0 lines. (3) Before- be consistent throughout the submission. Table 1: This is an example of a table showing Decibel 3. MULTIMEDIA FILES (dB) ratios. Multimedia files such as audio files and/or video clips ratio Decibels can accompany the submitted paper. Text references 1/1 0 should follow the form "cf. audio file 1", "video file 1", 2/1 6 or "image file 1", respectively. The files should be named according to the following pattern: 3.16 10 audio_file_1.wav. Where it appears useful, authors are 1/10 -20 encouraged to provide a short text file describing the 10/1 20 contents and the format of these files. 100/1 40 3.1 Audio files 1000/1 60 Audio files may be provided in uncompressed WAV 2.5 Equations format or MP3. To save space, WAV files may be packed into a ZIP archive, but MP3 files should not be Equations should be placed on separate lines and packed. If the reader of your article should be able to numbered. An example of an equation is given below: make an acoustic analysis, please use WAV. For listening examples MP3 is sufficient. (1) 3.2 Video files Numbers of equations can be on the right margin of For maximal compatibility, Videos should be in MPG the text column. (MPEG-1) format. However, if you feel that the quality 2.6 Phonetic fonts of MPEG-1 is not sufficient, you may submit videos in You can use phonetic symbols and special characters in WMV (Windows Media Video), MOV (Apple your paper. To make sure that readers of your article can Quicktime) or AVI (DivX or similar) format. Please be see the phonetic symbols in the PDF document all aware that depending on the specific format, such videos special symbols must be embedded in the PDF. cannot be viewed on every computer. Depending on the software you use to produce the PDF 3.3 Image files (see section 4) the details may vary. In our experience Image files containing color and/or high resolution the fonts are usually embedded, but this can be checked photos, diagrams, and so on can be submitted as JPG e.g. by inspecting the "Document Properties -- Fonts" in (JPEG), PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or TIF Acrobat Reader. (Tagged Image File) formats. It is recommended to use one of the following fonts 3.4 Overall file size to show phonetic symbols: Normally the submission of multimedia files may not IPA-SAMPA phonetic fonts [3] exceed 50 megabytes of storage space. But please get the SIL fonts [4] (Unicode is accepted) editor informed in advance, if you need more space. 2.7 Page numbering 3.5 E- Journal Page numbers will be added electronically to the The e-version Journal will be issued in database or DVD document later. Please do not add page numbers and format together with the hard copy in the near future, in please do not make any footers or headers! this way, the multi-media files will be included as well. 2.8 References 4. PDF DETAILS Please use just the reference number in square brackets. PDF files submitted must comply with the following Formulations with author names like "… as Ladefoged requirements: [5] showed that …" are acceptable but not "as shown in [Ladefoged, 5]" or "as shown in (Ladefoged [5])". (1) all special fonts and symbols must be embedded in the PDF file so that correct rendering References are to be numbered in alphabetical order. of the PDF does not depend on the fonts installed Please double-check the final version of your paper with on the viewer’s computer regard to the correct correspondence of references to their numbers. (2) there must be no password protection on the 2.9 Hyperlinks PDF file, i.e. PDF files must not be protected by PDF security in any way, i.e. content extraction, Links to URLs or email addresses should be formatted as document assembly, high-resolution printing etc. normal text, not as hyperlinks and not blue or underlined must not be forbidden etc. Usually hyperlinks to web pages are listed in the references section. If required, line breaks can be placed (3) PDF files should not contain any colors, within URLs after slashes or dashes (cf. [3, 4]), but hyperlinks, multimedia or 3D content, and no double-check that no hyphens are inserted. JavaScript or forms 2.10 Footnotes and endnotes 5. FORMAT OF REFERENCES If footnotes cannot be avoided they should appear as 1 Monographs such as [2] consist of author(s) last name(s), footnotes. initial of the first name(s), year of publication, the title in

1 This footnote appears here as an example. Acknowledgements (if any) should appear in a footnote as well. italics, location of the publication, publisher. Please use (5) Fant, G. 1960. Acoustic Theory of Speech the punctuation signs for structuring as presented in [2]. Production. The Hague: Mouton. (6) IPA-SAMPA phonetic fonts. The names of multiple authors are separated only by shop/fonts.php commas and they are always listed in the sequence last visited 5-Jan-06. name, comma, initial(s) of the first name(s) (cf. the (7) IPA Transcriptions with SIL Fonts. examples [1] and [6]). "&" and "and" are not needed. IPAhome visited 5-Jan-06. Contributions to volumes, e.g. [7], follow the (8) Ladefoged, P. 2003. Phonetic fieldwork. Proc. convention that the title of the volume is in italics, but 15th ICPhS Barcelona, 203-206. not the title of the contribution. The book editors appear (9) Peterson, G.E., Barney, H.L. 1952. Control before the book title. The page numbers are at the end. methods used in a study of the vowels. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 24, 175-184. Journal articles should be handled in the same way as (10) Stevens, K. 1999. Articulatory-acoustic-auditory contributions to volumes except that the title of the relationships. In: Hardcastle, W., Laver, J. (eds), journal is in italics and that the editors are not listed. The Handbook of Phonetic Science. Oxford: Longer names of well-known journals can be Blackwell, 462-506. abbreviated, e.g. [6]. (11) Anonymous. Submitted. How speech is Articles in conference proceedings such as [5] are organized in homo sapiens. referenced in the same way as journal articles. The word LI Aijun PhD She is a professor of Institute of Linguistics, proceedings can be abbreviated and the location should Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Her research interests be mentioned after the name of the conference. Here, include speech prosody and L1 & L2 language acquisition. abbreviations of well-known conferences are possible. E-mail: [email protected] HU Fang PhD He is a professor of Institute of Linguistics, 6. ACKNOWLEDGES Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research interests This work was supported by the National Science include speech production and laboratory phonology. E-mail: [email protected] Foundation, No. XXX. XIONG Ziyu PhD He currently is a professor of Institute of 7. REFERENCES Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research interest includes corpus based phonetic analysis and modeling. (4) Beattie, G., Cutler, A., Pearson, M. 1982. Why is E-mail: [email protected] Mrs. Thatcher interrupted so often? Nature 300, 744–747.

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