Introducing You to Some Things That

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Introducing You to Some Things That


Important Words to Know This booklet is to help you understand some of the things we do at Catholic Name given to Christians who are guided by the Pope is a Catholic school. This means that it is part of the Christian religion. Christians are people who Heaven place of God believe in Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection. Christians try to act like Jesus, to be kind and helpful. Holy Communion At Mass Catholics receive Holy Communion, the body and blood of Christ Jesus Christ The Catholic faith is centred on Jesus Christ. Everything Priest A man who serves the Church by looking after Catholics believe has been revealed in him or through him. people, saying Mass and other jobs Catholics believe that Jesus is both fully human and fully God. Scripture term for sacred writing for Christians this is the Bible Christ is not Jesus’ last name. It is a title for Jesus from the Bible and it means anointed, that is to be prepared for Prayer: Praising God, thanking God or asking God a special mission. for something alone or with others Jesus came to save all people from sin. He gathered a group of women and men whom he taught by his word and example. They are called disciples, which mean followers. This resource was prepared by Sr Siân Owen for use in Jesus prepared them to share his task of telling people Catholic Secondary Schools of the Wellington that God loved them and wanted them to be happy by Archdiocese. following God’s word and helping others. Copyright compilation only WCEC 2007. Copyright retained by original owners of all photos Catholics believe that Jesus was killed by the authorities Devotion to Mary: but that he rose from the dead and was seen by some of The Catholic Church has given Mary a place of special the disciples before he was taken up to heaven by God. reverence. Not only is she honoured as Mother of God, she is also called Mother of the Church and therefore Mother of all. Catholics look to her as a model of faith, humility The Sign of the Cross: and courage. The sign of the cross is the most basic prayer in the Catholic Christian religion. We begin our prayers by making Our Father: the shape of the cross on our bodies while speaking the The prayer Jesus taught people. This prayer is common to names of God. all Christians. To symbolise our unity we say this prayer How to do the Sign of the Cross before receiving Communion at Mass. We also say it at touch the forehead as you say other times In the name of the Father Our Father in heaven touch the chest as you say hallowed be your name and of the Son your kingdom come, your will be done, touch the left shoulder, then right shoulder, as you say on earth as in heaven. and of the Holy Spirit Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins Amen as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

Crucifix This is an important Catholic symbol, a cross with an image of Jesus on it. Hail Mary: Genuflection: An old request of the Church asking Mary the Mother of This is a practice of going down on one knee. Genuflection God to pray for people, so that they may be helped in life. is an ancient custom of showing reverence, acknowledging the presence of Jesus. It is done when we go into Church. Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, Sacraments: and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus The community of the Church celebrates together, the major events of our journey through life. Holy Mary, Mother of God, In these celebrations Jesus comes to be with us more pray for us sinners closely and offers his powerful aid to assist us on our now and at the hour of our death. journey. Amen The sacraments contain symbolic gestures that help us to understand the reality of what is actually happening in the Rosary: sacrament. The rosary is a string of beads that Catholics use to count the group of prayers known as the rosary. Its rhythmic repetition helps us focus our thoughts and become aware Ash Wednesday of God’s presence. During this prayer Catholics think about One of the first celebrations in the school year is Ash various aspects of Jesus’ life. Wednesday. It marks the beginning of the time of Lent. During Lent Catholics fast (go without something), pray and help the poor. On Ash Wednesday during the ritual people receive ashes on their forehead, a reminder that without God they are simply dust.

The Ashes Amen This word comes at the end of all prayers. It means “let it be so”. When people say Amen they are agreeing to what is said in the prayer.

Baptism This is the rite by which somebody becomes a member of the Catholic Church

Mass Confirmation The rite by which the Holy Spirit comes into a persons life Mass so that they may be a full, active participant in the Church This important prayer ritual is often called Eucharist. It is the heart of Catholic Church life. Catholics believe that in Trinity this sacred ritual they literally receive the body and blood Catholics believe that there is only one God but in three of Christ in the appearance of bread and wine. persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Christmas The feast day on which Christians celebrate the birth of The Bible Jesus Catholics believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is their Sacred Scripture. It tells the story of how God Diocese created and loved the world since the beginning of time. It The local Church community who gather in their parishes is in two parts. The first The Old Testament is the story under the leadership of the Bishop. Our diocese is of the people of Israel and their relationship with God. the Archdiocese of Wellington and Bishop John Dew The New Testament tells all about Jesus and the early is our Bishop. Christians.

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