Name (Ad): Class (Sınıf): 7 / Surname (Soyad): Number (No):

A) Write the words below the appropriate title. (Kelimeleri uygun başlığın altına yazınız) (1x20=20)

Bat Shark Tiger Spider Eagle Cow Dolphin Fox Donkey Octopus Ant Lion Bee Sheep Mosquito Bear Owl Chicken Whale Parrot


4 4 4 4 4

B) Read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F). (2x5=10) (Aşağıdaki cümleleri okuyunuz doğru ise “T” yanlış ise “F” koyunuz. 1. Birds have got wings. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. Snakes are reptiles. ( ) 3. A bee is very big animal. 4. Dogs live in the sea. 5. Donkeys and horses are herbivores.

C) Match the informations with the animal. (Hayvanları tanımlarıyla eşleştiriniz.) (3x5=15)

1) I live in Africa. I 2) I am very 3) I live in Africa. I 4)I live in the forest. I am a 5) I live in Africa. I am a wild animal. I dangerous. I have got am a wild animal. I wild animal. I have got eat leaves. I have got have got a tail. I can sharp theeth and fin. I have got a tail. I can claws and fur. I have got a a tail. I am the tallest carry heavy things. can swim very well. run fast. small tail and I like honey. animal in the world.

D) Fill in the blanks with “SHOULD – SHOULDN’T” ( Boşlukları SHOULD veya SHOULDN’T ile doldurunuz.) (2x5=10) 1. People ______protect the world. 2. We ______kill extincted animals. 3. You ______keep the forests clean. 4. We ______turn off the electricity when we don’t use it. 5. Human ______overhunt animals for their furs. E) Write the TV programmes under the pictures. (Resimlerin altına Tv programlarının yazınız.) (2x5=10) Cartoons / Documentary / The News / Quiz show / Weather forecast

……………………. ……………….. ……………………. …………………… ……………………

F) Koyu yazılmış kelimelerden doğru olanları yuvarlak içine alın.(3x5=15)

1. Did / Do you go to Paris last year? 2. He drives / drove a car 2 hours ago. 3. She sometimes plays / played the piano. 4. We don’t / didn’t eat pizza yesterday. 5. Cem wasn’t / isn’t happy today.

G) Make comparative form of adjectives (Sıfatların kıyaslama hallerini yazınız.) (2x5=10)

1- Woswos is...... than Ferrari. (cheap) 2- Cem Yılmaz is ...... than Beyaz. (good) 3- English is...... than Turkish.(difficult) 4- Climbing is ...... than swimming. (dangerous) 5- Azad's house is...... than Murat's house. (large)

H) Match the questions with their answer. (Soruları cevaplarıyla eşleştiriniz.) (2x5=10)

1. How many legs has a zebra got? …. A. It’s a mammal.

2. How fast can a cheetah run. …. B. They can sometimes live more than 150 years.

3. How long can caretta carettas live? …. C. It has got 4 legs.

4. Where do domestic animals live? …. D. It can run 110 km / h.

5. What kind of animal is a panda? …. E. They live on a farm,at home or in a pet shop.