MYP Course Outline: Grade

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MYP Course Outline: Grade

MYP Course Outline: Grade 7 Interdisciplinary Essential Question for the Year: Physical Education

Unit Title, Area(s) of Interaction Essential Questions Activities Assessment(s) Length MYP Course Objectives September 1. Approaches to How would you describe a 1.Students will work in small Criterion A Learning healthy person? groupings and create a listing Health Realted and of 5-10 activities that promote Skill Related 2. Health and Social health related fitness. Fitness Analyze activities to Education 2.Students will form teams to Criterion B determine whether they play “Fitness Charades” promote health related fitness, skill related creating mimes that fitness or both demonstrate various health related or skill related fitness activities and be able to explain the characteristics of each.. 3. Students will watch an Criterion A & B episode of PBS show Nova: Marathon Challenge and answer questions about the training regime of novice marathon runners.

October 1. Health and Social Will an apple a day really 1. Students will read the article Criterion A Wellness Education keep the doctor away? “Introduction to the Latin Describe the cause/effect American Diet Pyramid” and of nutrition and exercise in maintaining a healthy 2. Environment discuss the differences between weight. Identify a variety the diets of indigenous people of specific activities designed to reduce and of Latin America and the Criterion A manage stress dietary habits of the citizens of the U. S.. 2. Students will write an one Criterion B page essay responding to the Question “What’s Better After Exercise, Cereal or a Sports Drink?” 3. Students will write a 2-3 Criterion C page paper researching the question “Do other Countries Eat Healthier than Americans?” 4.Students will watch and Criterion D critique film “The Pursuit of Happyness” identifying the impact of stress on the story’s characters and the stress relievers used by the protagonist during the story.

November 1. Health and Social What do you think the 1. Students will design a two Criterion B & C Fitness Education saying “walking a mile in week exercise plan for Principles someone else’s shoes” themselves based on the fitness Identify the FITT 2. Community and mean to someone in Africa, principles and fitness level principle and exercise principles of overload, Service Asia, or Australia? Survey. progression, and specificity and how they are related to exercise 2. Student will design a two week exercise plan for an anonymous classmate based on the fitness principles and fitness level survey.

December 1. Health and Social What happens to the 1. Students will watch the film Criterion A & B Body Systems Education circulatory, respiratory, “Osmois Jones” and identify Explain how participation muscular, and skeletal the functions various systems in specific activities improves the circulatory, systems when a person in the human body perform. respiratory, muscular, and participates in any one of skeletal systems the following activities: 2. Students will work in small Criterion C&D --- bike riding groups preparing to teach a --- swimming lesson on one of the following --- high jumping systems: circulatory, --- playing basketball? respiratory, muscular, and skeletal systems. January 1. Health and Social What are some of the 1. Students will watch and Criterion A Personal/Social Education reasons kids exclaim, “I’m discuss the PBS Kids video responsibilities not going to be your friend “When friends fight” Select appropriate conflict 2. Community and anymore!” identifying the reasons for resolution skills in a physical activity setting Service conflict. 2. Students will analyze a Criterion B, C & D series of ‘case studies’ and create written proposals of resolution for the situational conflicts.

February 1. Health and Social Is this a matter or life and 1. Students will be given Criterion B & C Injury prevention, Education death? different non-life threatening Treatment and scenarios and will be instructed Rehabilitation 2. Community and to identify the necessary steps Identify proper protective equipment used in Service needed in order to properly physical activities. assess the situation Recognize non-life threatening injuries and explain how to provide basic care inside and outside the physical activity setting

1. Health and Social What are the differences in 1. Students will time March Education the games the Americans classmates to calculate the Movement Concepts and Europeans refer to as average speed as they run set Criterion A & B Apply critical elements of 2. Environment football? distances. They then compare movement to various activities (swing, throw, and analyze differences in strike, biomechanics) speed of one runner at different distances. Student then compare and analyze differences in speed of one runner at different distances, and among different runners at the same distances..

April 1. Health and Social What is creativity? Name 1. Students will create a game Criterion B & C Individual, dual, and Education some of the results of identifying the following team sports creative thinking in your elements of sports: Apply terminology, scoring, etiquette, player 2. Homo Faber school life. a) terminology position and equipment, b) scoring safety principles and game rules for individual, c) etiquette dual and team sports d) player positions Apply basic offensive and defensive strategies in a e) equipment required modified game setting. f) safety principles g) game rules 2. Students will work in small Criterion D groups and create a project to answer the challenge: “If you could invent your own sport, what would it be?

May 1. Health and Social What do you really 1.Students work in small Criterion B & C Careers Education ‘wanna’ be when you grow groups to research and present Investigate the health, up? oral reports describing, and fitness and sport industry careers. 2. Community and analyzing careers in the Service health, and sports industries. Visuals must include collages, charts, graphs, and timelines and any other graphics that support information included in report. June 1.Health and Social Can you identify 4 reasons . Students will work in small Criterion B & C Rhythmic Activities Education why “Dancing with the groups and create exercise Design an exercise routine Stars” contestants Marie routines that demonstrate their to accompany music that emphasizes fitness 2. Homo Faber Osmond and Jane Seymour knowledge of fitness components report losing so much components weight while performing on the show? SUMMATIVE ASSESS

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