This Is a List of Verbal Terms That Are Commonly Used in a Karate Dojo, with Their

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This Is a List of Verbal Terms That Are Commonly Used in a Karate Dojo, with Their

This is a list of verbal terms that are commonly used in a Karate Dojo, with their translations.

Japanese English Rei Bow Somen-Ni-Rei Bow to the Front Sen-Sani-Rei Bow to Teacher Sem-Pani-Rei Bow to Senior Oto-Gaini-Rei Bow to Each Other Yoi Ready Hajime Begin Yame Stop Mawate Turn Naote Relax Gidan Bori Kamai Step into ready position Sensei Teacher Sempai Senior Makiwara Punching Board Kime Focus Henmi 45 Degree Angle Chi Inner Strength Oss I acknowledge Kihon Basics Kamai Fighting Guard Up Dojo Place of Training Ippon One Full Point Wazari Half Point Keri-Waza Kicking Techniques Kiai Shout of Spirit Koshi Ball of Foot Ma-A Distancing Nage-Waza Throwing Techniques Seiken Fore Fist Waza Technique Zanshin Perfect Focused Finish Zuki-Waza Punching Techniques Suki Opening Uchi-Waza Striking Techniques Gyaku Reverse Ushiro Behind Jodan Head Height Chudan Mid Section Height Geidan Groin Height

Now some basic counting.....

Japanese English Ichi One Ni Two San Three Shi Four Go Five Roku Six Shichi Seven Hachi Eight Ku Nine Ju Ten

Stances (Dachi) .....

Japanese English Hachiji-Dachi Open Leg Natural Stance Zenkutsu-Dachi Forward Stance Heisoku-Dachi Informal Attention Stance Sanchin-Dachi Hourglass Stance Sochin-Dachi Diagonal Straddle Stance Kokutsu-Dachi Back Stance Kiba-Dachi Straddle Stance Neko-Ashi-Dachi Cat Stance

Strikes (Uchi).....

Japanese English Empi-Uchi Elbow Strike Uraken-Uchi Back Fist Strike Tettsui-Uchi Hammer Fist Strike Haito-Uchi Ridge Hand Strike Teisho-Uchi Palm Heel Strike Nukite Finger Thrust Shuto-Uchi Knife Hand Strike

Punches (Zuki).....

Japanese English Choku-Zuki Straight Punch Gyaku-Zuki Reverse Punch Oi-Zuki Lunge Punch Ura-Zuki Close Punch Yama-Zuki U Punch Kesame-Zuki Jab Punch

Blocks (Uke).....

Japanese English Age-Uke Rising Block Soto-Uke Outside Forearm Block Gidan-Barai Downward Sweep Block Juji-Uke X Block Nagashi-Uke Sweeping Block Uchi-Uke Inside Forearm Block Shuto-Uke Knife Hand Block Marote-Uke Augmented Forearm Block

Kicks (Geri).....

Japanese English Ren-Geri Front double Kick (front foot 1st) Mae-Geri Front Kick Ushiro-Geri Back Kick Yoko-Geri-Keage Side Snap Kick Yoko-Geri-Kekomi Side Thrust Kick Mawashi-Geri Roundhouse Kick Fumakomi Stamp Kick Mikazuki-Geri Crescent Kick Ushiro-Mawashi-Geri Backward Roundhouse Kick Nidan-Geri Front double Kick (back foot 1st)

Sparring (Kumite).....

Japanese English Go-Hon Kumite 5 Step Sparring San-Bon Kumite 3 Step Sparring Kihon-Ippon-Kumite Basic 1 Step Sparring Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite Semi-Free 1 Step Sparring Jiyu-Kumite Free Sparring Ippon-Shobu-Hajime One Point Bout Begin Sambon-Shobu-Hajime Three Point Bout Begin Jikan Take Time Aiuchi Exchange of Blows Jogai Crossing external Boundary Atoshi-Baraku Bout has 30 Seconds Remaining Fukushin-Shugo Calling Judges Together Motono-Ichi Return to Starting Line Tsu-Zu-Kete-Hajime Continue with Bout Tori-Masen No Point Awarded

Misc Techniques.....

Japanese English Ashi-Barai Ankle Sweep

Japanese Language

Learning even a little Japanese is a worthwhile endeavor. At the very least you should make an effort to learn Hiragana and Katakana, the two most commonly used character sets. Katakana is especially useful because it is used exclusively for writing foreign words (usually English). Once you've memorized the Katakana characters reading is just a matter of sounding out the syllables and trying to figure out what English word is being interpreted.

The following won't make you fluent in Japanese, but you'll be able to say "please" & "thank you" with absolute confidence.

Even if your Japanese is less than perfect, you can make up for many deficiencies by using the English versions of the many phrases -- frequently and with sincerity. The Japanese place a great store on politeness, in any language, and will respond to your efforts in kind.

Finally, if some words sound familiar, it's because they are. Many English words have been adopted into the Japanese language.

General Pronunciation Guide A as in father I as in machine E as in yes O as in go U as in put

Long vowels are generally indicated by a rule over the vowel or double vowels (ii).

Consonants are generally pronounced as in English; the differences are subtle, and not easily explained.

Finally, all letters in a word are pronounced. At first, it feel awkward (and you'll notice that native speakers tend to omit final sounds), but soon the words will flow.

Basic Words and Phrases Japanese Word/Phrase English Translation


Good morning o-hayou gozai masu

Good afternoon konnichiwa Good evening konban wa


Thank You domo arigatou

Thank you very much domo arigatou gozai mashita

Thanks (informal) domo

Thank you for your kindness domo go-shinsetsu ni

Reply: It's a pleasure dou itashi mashite


Sorry sumi masen OR go-men nasai

I'm very sorry hontouni sumi masen

Basic Phrases

Anata You

Dozo Please

Eigo English language

Eigo ga wakarimasu ka? Do you understand English?

Gomen Nasai Pardon me

Hai Yes

Hai, wakarimasu Yes, I understand.

Lie No

Lie, wakarimasen No, I don't understand.

Konban Wa Good Evening

Konnichi Wa Good Afternoon

Kudasai Please

Moshi Moshi Hello (greeting on telephone or upon entering a room)

Nanji desu ka? What time is it?

Nihongo Japanese Language

Ohayo gozaimasu Good Morning (until about 10 a.m.)

Sayonara Goodbye

Sumimasen Excuse me

Toire wa doko ni arimasu ka? Where is the toilet?

Watakushi I (most commonly used version) Months/Days of the Week Japanese Word/Phrase English Translation

Ichi-gatsu January

Ni-gatsu February

San-gatsu March

Shi-gatsu April

Go-gatsu May

Roku-gatsu June

Shichi-gatsu July

Hachi-gatsu August

Ku-gatsu September

Juu-gatsu October

Juuichi-gatsu November

Juuni-gatsu December

Nichiyobi Sunday

Getsuyoobi Monday

Kayoobi Tuesday

Suiyoobi Wednesday

Mokuyoobi Thursday

Kin-yoobi Friday

Doyoobi Saturday

Heijitsu Weekday

Shumatsu Weekend

Kita North

Minami South

Higashi East

Nishi West

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