The Voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Members in the PCS

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The Voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Members in the PCS

The voice of Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans members in the PCS Notice of the PCS PROUD Annual General Meeting Saturday 4th March 2017

Venue: New Oxford House, 16 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5UG.

Time: 2pm (Office open from 1pm and the Standing Orders Committee will be available from then)


Calling Notice Mission Statement Minutes of the 2016 AGM (to be submitted at the AGM) National Committee Role Specifications Motion Writing Advice PCS Proud Constitution Annual Report Nomination Form (No Job-share) Nomination Form (Job-share) Candidate Statement Form Motion Form Request for Postal Ballot Form Expenses Form Advance Claim Form Please read the enclosed information regarding elections, motions and other important information. CALLING NOTICE

Dear Colleagues,

It is that time of year when PCS Proud members take part in shaping and influencing the future of Proud. This is an event that is governed by the PCS Proud constitution (a copy of which is enclosed with the AGM documents).

The Annual General Meeting is not only your opportunity to elect the National Com- mittee for the following year but to also set work for the committee to undertake on your behalf. We will also be hearing from guest speaker: TBC.

PCS Proud is a unique network of PCS members in that we are self-organized, which means that the most important work that Proud does is undertaken by you, Proud members.

This is the time of year where we debate motions that set the way forward for the fol- lowing year whether it be campaigning against LGBT+ phobic attitudes in the work- place or whether it be launching an international campaign such as the #IAMGay campaign.

The AGM is held on a Saturday as this gives more members a chance to attend with- out having to take time out of work. Whilst we know that some won't be able to at- tend due to work/personal commitments, we hope that we have opened up the AGM to more members than ever before. If you require an advance of expenses in order to attend, please contact [email protected] for more information.

If you can't attend because of an exceptional circumstance then you can register for a postal vote, providing your reason for not being able to attend – the details of how to do this are enclosed. (It is essential that you provide reasons for not being able to attend)

We hope to see you at the AGM and we look forward to working with you over the course of the next year.


The Proud Constitution says: a. The Officers of PROUD shall be full members of PROUD and shall comprise: Chair Vice Chair* Secretary Organiser (Campaigns & Communications Officer) Organiser (Learning & Regional/Devolved Nations Networks Officer) Organiser (Membership and Administration Officer) Equality Lead* Treasurer. *Vice Chair and Equality Lead are co-opted positions from the elected committee and are not elected at the AGM. b. The Secretary shall call for nominations for each of the Officers posts not later than thirty-five days before the Annual General Meeting. c. Nominations must be received by the Secretary not later than twenty-one days pri- or to the Annual General Meeting. d. Where more than one nomination for any post is received by the due date, there shall be an election. e. Elections for the National Committee shall be conducted on the basis that all full members eligible to vote: • Have an opportunity to vote, which shall not be conditional on attendance at a meeting;


• Are able to vote in secret. So, all members who are entitled to vote who cannot attend the AGM shall: • Be sent a voting paper by post; • Be given a convenient opportunity to vote by post

This means that, if you are a full member of Proud, you are welcome to nominate your colleagues on to the Proud National Committee.

Nominations must: • Be made by a full Proud member • Nominate a full Proud member • Be submitted on the enclosed form • Be submitted no later than the date below Nominations must be completed and emailed to [email protected] no later than NOON ON THE 11TH FEBRUARY 2017. Please see the nomination form for further details. • An election statement must be included with each nomination.

Job-Sharing Opportunities

Some roles can be done by job-sharing with a colleague. Currently only one member of the job-shared role attends the National Committee meeting. This is usually decid- ed between the two people job-sharing the role. Historically, reps have alternated the attendance at National Committee Meetings.

Nominations for job-shared roles must be completed on the appropriate nomination form (enclosed) and submitted in accordance with the conditions as stated on the form.

The roles available for job-sharing are:

• Women's Representative • Transgender Member's Representative • Disabled Member's Representative • Black Member's Representative • Young Member's Representative • Bi-sexual Member's Representative • Regional/Country Representative

PCS Proud Members are invited to nominate for the following National Committee posts:

Officers: Chair Secretary Organiser (Membership & Administration): Organiser (Learning & Regional/Devolved Nations Networks Officer): Organiser (Campaigns & Communications Officer): Treasurer:

Equality Representatives: Regional & Country Representatives: Bisexual Members Scotland Northern Black Members North West Wales Disabled Members Northern Ireland Transgender Members Yorkshire & Humberside Women Members Midlands Young Members Eastern Counties London & South East South West Other Posts: Standing Orders Committee (3) Auditors (2) If you intend to stand for a vacancy, please ensure you have read the job description provided with this calling notice. If you have any questions please contact the Secre- tary, Eddy Nixon, at [email protected] or contact [email protected] Nominations should reach the Secretary no later than 12.00 noon on 11th February 2017 at [email protected]

A listing of the “job specifications” is enclosed within this AGM pack.


Motions for the AGM must be submitted on the relevant form (enclosed) and should reach the Secretary no later than 12.00 noon on 11th Feb 2017 at [email protected].

The Proud Constitution says:

“21. Motions for the AGM shall only proceed from full members of PROUD or the National Committee, but not from associate or affiliate members. Nominations for elections shall proceed from full members of the group only. No candidate shall be eligible for office without first indicating their willingness to stand. 22. Only full members of the group shall be entitled to vote. In the case of equality of votes the Chair shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by show of hands on policy motions but any vote may be taken by a ballot of those present at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of a majority of full members present provided that such a request is made before the topic is debated.

23. A motion shall be carried and an election secured if it is endorsed by a simple majority (except in the case of a constitutional amendment which requires a two- thirds majority as at paragraph (26) of those present and entitled to vote.”

A motion can be about a variety of things that are LGBT+ related within Proud's re- mit. Whether it is about campaigning, Proud policy or the shape of the Proud Nation- al Committee/Proud Constitution. It is you that is responsible for shaping Proud's fu- ture.

A motion doesn't have to be overly complicated. You need to take in to consideration the following:

• What the issue is • How does it affect the LGBT+ members of PCS/the LGBT+ Community • What is Proud instructed to do? For example -

“This AGM believes that the treatment of Trans people in Greece is shocking. We believe that this treatment ought to be condemned by the government and that the LGBT+ community must link together to stop these attacks.

Trans people are being rounded up like cattle in Greece and are being imprisoned, stripped naked and being told to return to “normal” or face imprisonment.

This AGM instructs the incoming National Committee to:

• Instruct the Secretary to write a letter to the Prime Minister, demanding that the UK Government condemns these actions. • Write a paper for the PCS National Executive Committee, asking them for support in launching a campaign for equal rights for all. • Demand that the TUC hold a mass, national demonstration and launch a co- ordinated campaign to oppose the bad treatment of LGBT+ people across the world.”

When you come to speak on the motion, should it be put on the agenda for the AGM, write yourself some bullet points so you can stay on topic, don't read out the motion but tell people why it is important that Proud support the motion.

There is more information about writing motions available on the PCS and the PCS Proud website.

If you would like any help in writing a motion, please contact [email protected]

We hope to see you at the AGM! The AGM is the sovereign body of PCS Proud. As a self-organised group the AGM presents the opportunity for members to shape the future of the group.

AGM documents:

Please check that you have copies of the following included with this AGM pack and please ensure you bring them to the AGM with you. PCS PROUD MISSION STATEMENT

• We will act in a professional manner and in accordance with the rules within the group Constitution at all times.

• We will be accountable to both our membership and PCS for our actions.

• We will provide a safe and confidential environment in which to support our members with LGBT+ related issues

• We will display and expect a positive, proactive, can-do attitude and encourage the same of our membership.

• We will develop and apply an effective and efficient communication strategy to ensure that all interested parties are kept informed and consulted as appropriate.

• We will increase the use of e- communication and provide more regular information and contact with members.

• We will provide fully accessible information as and when required.

• We will publicise the Proud Forum with an intention of increasing use by all members.

• We will provide members with opportunities to develop and be fully involved in the activities of Proud.

• We will develop effective links with Groups, PCS Regional Offices and other PCS Equality Forums.

• We will organise the annual PCS LGBT+ Seminar on behalf of PCS.

• We will ensure that Proud has representation on all relevant sub-groups and committees.

• At our 2013 AGM our membership carried a motion (Motion 10) which called to amend rule 2e of our Constitution to include a more inclusive definition of LGBT+ including members who identify as a- sexual and inter-sex, queer or questioning. The motion was taken to the AGM as Proud recognised that sexuality, gender & the subsequent issues that come from not being heterosexual and/or not identifying with the gender assigned at birth are not limited to those within the traditional grouping titled LGBT+.



• Responsible for the overall running of the group • Draws up agendas for meetings (in conjunction with Asst Sec & Secretary) • Prepares the timetable for the year for the PROUD group • Chairs and facilitates all meetings of PCS PROUD • Checks minutes are agreed and accurate • Responsible for making sure PCS and PROUD rules/ constitution are followed • Updates rules in line with decisions of the national president • Uses casting vote • A contact point for PCS HQ • Consider appropriateness of Proud representation at events and meetings in conjunction with the Secretary/Asst Sec • Raises the profile of PROUD in the PCS, the wider trade union movement and the LGBT+ community • Advises on personal cases and deals with most serious cases • Signatory to group finances • Moderator of the Proud Forum • Represent Proud on the PCS Equality Committee (as deputy in absence of the Secretary) • Provide written reports to the Secretary ahead of National Committee meetings as advised in the timeline • Ensures the Key Indicators from PCS’s Charter For Equality are adhered to VICE CHAIR – Appointed by the National Committee at its first meeting following the AGM

• Deputises in the absence of the Chair or when the Chair requests as such. SECRETARY

• Performs the main administrative functions of the group • Main contact point for members/ Regional reps/ PCS HQ/ PCS groups and outside agencies • Deals with correspondence • Issues invitations to guest speakers to PROUD events • Liaises with Asst: Sec: & Chair on agenda items for meetings • Circulates minutes for National Committee and Officers’ meetings where required • Produces annual report for AGM • Produces the calling notice for the election of TUC LGBT+ Conference delegates • Raises the profile of PROUD in the PCS, the wider trade union movement and the LGBT+ community • Advises on personal cases • Moderator of the Proud Forum • Signatory to group finances • Deputises in the absence of the Chair & Vice Chair • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter for Equality are adhered to


• Issues meeting agendas • Makes venue bookings • Takes and issues minutes of meetings, collates reports in preparation for meetings • Leads on enquiries concerning membership data


• Leads on updating of the website and all social media accounts • Ensures campaigns are maintained and promoted by all National Committee members • Liaises with the PCS Campaigns Department where necessary • Leads a board made up from the elected National Committee to edit the PCS • Proud Magazine and the PCS LGBT+ Matters publication (along with a repre- sentative from the PCS Equality Department


• Leads on seminars and training events • Provides support to the regions with learning on LGBT+ issues • Deals with enquiries from PCS regional offices • Supports the regional/devolved administration representatives and ensure they are undertaking their role fully


• Keeps day-to-day control of funding of the group • Prepares and submits budget bids and any supplementary bids • Pays all expenses incurred by activities made on behalf of the group • Liaises with organiser with regard to the PROUD stall materials • Liaises with PCS HQ to ensure accounts/payments are correct and audited • Prepare end of year accounts and liaise with the appointed auditors • Liaise with and pay external beneficiaries for incurred expenses • Signatory to group finance • Provides National Committee members with advice and support on claiming expenses and advances • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings COUNTRY/REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE (10 posts, aligning with PCS Regions and Inc. Northern Ireland. Northern, North West, Yorkshire & Humber, Midlands, South West, Wales, Eastern, London & South East & Scotland)

• Liaise with PCS Regional Office in your region to establish contact details of Branch, Group and Regional Committees and representatives and establish effective lines of communication to ensure LGBT+ and Proud issues are considered and addressed • Raise the profile of PROUD in your region by contributing to Regional Newsletters and speaking at local Branch meetings • Establish and maintain contact with members in your region through PCS Proud Website and Forum updates, Newsletters, meetings, and social events • Participate in Regional TUC LGBT+ networks • Build contacts with local LGBT+ community groups • Build and update a membership contact distro list for updating members in your area with relevant information. • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings

EQUALITY LEAD *Co-Opted position from the elected committee and not elected at the AGM

• Leads on overarching equality issues • Supports the National Committee on equality and international campaigns(in conjunction with the Campaigns and Communications Officer • Supports the elected Equality representatives and ensure they are undertak- ing their role fully


• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on Trans issues • Advises and supports Trans members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of Trans members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of Trans members within PCS and PROUD • Liaises with Training Officer on Trans issues for training purposes • Assists with training on Trans issues • Provides support and assistance to local union reps on Trans issues • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National • Committee meetings • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to BLACK MEMBERS REPRESENTATIVE

• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on Black member’s issues • Advises and supports Black members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of Black members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of Black members within PCS and PROUD • Establish effective communication with the PCS Black Members’ Forum to provide updates on LGBT+ issues • Lead in promoting Black History Month within Proud • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to DISABLED MEMBERS REPRESENTATIVE

• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on Disabled member’s issues • Advises and supports Disabled members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of Disabled members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of Disabled members within PCS and PROUD • Establish effective communication with the PCS Disability Forum to provide updates on LGBT+ issues • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to YOUNG MEMBERS REPRESENTATIVE

• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on Young member’s issues • Advises and supports Young members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of Young members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of Young members within PCS and PROUD • Establish effective communication with the PCS Young Members Forum to provide updates on LGBT+ issues • Committee meetings • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to WOMEN MEMBERS REPRESENTATIVE

• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on the PROUD Women members issues • Advises and supports Women members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of Women members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of Women members within PCS and PROUD • Establish effective communication with the PCS Women’s Forum to provide updates on LGBT+ issues • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to BISEXUAL MEMBERS REPRESENTATIVE (New from AGM 2012)

• Responsible for raising and updating the National Committee and PROUD membership on bisexual member’s issues • Advises and supports bisexual members within PROUD • Establish and maintain a network of bisexual members within PROUD • Aims to encourage greater participation of bisexual members within PCS and PROUD • Establish effective contact with related external groups of interest • Identify and promote related external events and activities • Provide written reports to the Asst Secretary 2 weeks ahead of National Committee meetings • Ensures the Key Indicators from the PCS Charter For Equality are adhered to MOTION WRITING ADVICE

Writing motions to be debated at Annual General Meetings, Conferences and else- where isn’t necessarily scary and certainly doesn’t have to be difficult or complex.

The guide below may help you to write motions that could be debated at the PCS Proud Annual General Meeting or branch AGMs.

• What is the issue that needs to be debated? • How does it affect members? • What difference will a change in policy/taking action or changing the rule make? • Instructions are essential in a motion “The GEC/National Committee/NEC is instructed to:” • Keep your motion clear and concise.

Example Motion:

This AGM recognises that the world of sport is still rife with homophobia, with very few positive role models for people to look up to. For example, there were only 23 “out” LGBT+ people taking part in the 2012 Olympic Games.

This AGM agrees that this makes it more difficult for LGBT+ people who participate in sports to be out and proud when facing constant homophobic attacks.

This meeting believes that direct action to encourage sports organisations to recog- nise the need for positive role models will encourage more LGBT+ people to partici- pate in sports.

The Proud National Committee is instructed to:

• Write to the Olympic Committee to demand that they speak out against homophobia/bi-phobia and transphobia in sports and encourage more LGBT+ people to take part in sports. • Write to sporting organisations and encourage a joint mass campaign to stamp out prejudice of all forms in the world of sports.

What can I do? Simple – you know what you want PCS or Proud to be/do and as a member it is down to you to ensure it happens. Write a motion to the PCS Annual Dele- gate's Conference or Proud AGM and shape our union's policies!

In relation to the Proud AGM, all motions must be submitted electronically un- less there is an exceptional reason as to why you are unable to do so. PCS PROUD CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION AND RULES OF THE PUBLIC AND COMMERICAL SERVICES UNION (PCS) LGBT+ group. 1. The title of the group shall be The Public and Commercial Services Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender group, known as PROUD, and described as ‘The voice of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and trans members in the PCS’. 2. The Objectives of PROUD shall be to: a. Protect and promote the interests of members b. To campaign for: i. Equal Opportunities within the field of employment for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people within the Civil Service and linked organisations. ii. Equal Opportunities within the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) and within the wider trade union and labour movement. iii. Equal rights for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people within soci- ety in general. c. To oppose any organisation, individual(s) or forces in society, which seek to foster divisions based on sexuality, class, religion, belief, gender, age, disability, race, creed or HIV status. d. To work within the structure and organisations of the PCS. e. To act as a contact and support for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people who are members of the PCS and also seek to develop effective collabora- tion with Branches, Groups and Regions on LGBT+ issues and activities. The term bisexual will be used to define those who do not identify as exclusively heterosexual or homosexual. Trans members are those who do not identify in the gender assigned at birth. f. To offer solidarity and support to other groups in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities as approved by the AGM. g. To act as a social and cultural network for members of PROUD. MEMBERSHIP 3. Full membership shall be open to any person who self identifies lesbian, gay man, bisexual or transgender person who is a fully paid up member of PCS who agrees with the aims and objectives of PROUD. 4. Associate membership shall be open to any PCS member or associate/ retired member who supports the aims and objectives of PROUD or to any lesbian, gay, bi- sexual or transgender member of another Civil Service Union and PCS Employee who agrees with the aims and objectives of PROUD. 5. In recognition to services to PROUD, Distinguished Life Membership may be con- ferred on any person who has ceased to qualify to be a full member. The award of Distinguished Life Membership will be decided by the PROUD AGM by the passing of a motion of nomination by any full member of PROUD. 6. Honorary Associate Membership shall be open to those how are not able to ordi- narily be full or associate members of PROUD, and is given in recognition of their campaigning achievements etc in promoting LGBT+ issues in workplaces, in the wider community nationally and/or internationally. Nomination for an Honorary Asso- ciate Membership can be made by any full member of PROUD submitting an appro- priate motion to the Proud AGM. 7. Branches may make donations to the group. 8. Membership shall run for twelve months from the 1st of May each year but this will only be relevant when the membership fee is set at anything above £0. For years when the fee is set at £0, membership will be deemed as continuing from the date of application until such time as Proud is informed by the member that membership should cease or such time as that member ceases to be a member of PCS. 9. A record of membership will be held on behalf of PCS Proud by PCS membership department. Access to this record will be restricted to the Officers and appropriate members of the National Committee of PCS Proud and the PCS staff supporting the work of the PCS Proud National committee. This membership record will be main- tained with due regard to confidentiality and data protection. OFFICERS AND NATIONAL COMMITTEE ELECTION 10. a. The Officers of PROUD shall be full members of PROUD and shall comprise: Chair Vice Chair* Secretary Organiser (Learning & Regional/Devolved Nations Networks Officer) Organiser (Membership and Administration Officer) Equality Lead* Treasurer. *Vice Chair and Equality Lead are co-opted positions from the elected committee and are not elected at the AGM. b. The Secretary shall call for nominations for each of the Officers posts not later than thirty-five days before the Annual General Meeting. c. Nominations must be received by the Secretary not later than twenty-one days pri- or to the Annual General Meeting. d. Where more than one nomination for any post is received by the due date, there shall be an election. e. Elections for the National Committee shall be conducted on the basis that all full members eligible to vote: • Have an opportunity to vote, which shall not be conditional on attendance at a meeting; AND • Are able to vote in secret. So, all members who are entitled to vote who cannot attend the AGM shall: • Be sent a voting paper by post; • Be given a convenient opportunity to vote by post The administration of any such procedure will be the responsibility of the PROUD Standing Orders Committee. Any application for a postal vote must be received by the advertised cut-off date for receipt of nominations and motions. Completed postal votes must be received at the specified address one day prior to the AGM. f. Where only one nomination is received by the due dates, the nominee shall be deemed elected unopposed. g. Where no nominations are received by the due date, the chair may call for nomi- nations from the floor of the AGM. h. The Officers shall serve from the close of business of the AGM at which they were elected to the close of business of the following AGM. i. The National Committee shall meet as necessary, based on funding received for the groups operation. The chair will decide the number of any other (non National Committee) meetings necessary to ensure the operation of the group. j. The National Committee shall be empowered to take decisions on behalf of PROUD between General Meetings and shall exercise this authority in accordance with the Constitution and with policy. k. No person shall hold more than one PROUD Officer post at one time (with the ex- ception of the Vice Chair and Equality Lead), unless there are no other eligible nomi- nations or candidates. 11. The National Committee shall comprise of the:- • Officers (as in 10a) • Women’s Representative (chair of women’s section) • Trans Representative • Disability Representative • Black Member’s Representative • Young Member’s Representative • Bi Members Representative • Regional Representatives (10) • Two auditors • Standing Orders Committee The National Committee will select from one of its number a person to act as Vice Chair; this position only becomes active in the absence of the Chair. The National Committee shall co-opt one of the elected Equality Representatives to act as Equality lead on the Officer Committee. 12. The National Committee will co-opt to its Committee the National Executive Committee (NECLO) Liaison Officer. They will liaise between the Committees and the NEC. Where possible the co-opted member(s) of the NEC shall be either a full or associate member(s) of PROUD. 13. Any Committee Member absent from a National Committee meeting or Officers meeting shall give an explanation. Any Committee Member absent from three con- secutive meetings without giving reasons which the Officers consider adequate shall be deemed to have resigned. Any Committee Member who does not submit reports as stated on the published timeline shall give an explanation. Any Committee Mem- ber who does not submit 3 consecutive reports by the deadline set by the Officers, without giving reasons which the Officers consider adequate shall be deemed to have resigned. 14. The Regional Representatives shall be elected at the AGM. The number of areas to be represented will be determined by the AGM. WOMEN’S SECTION 15. There shall be a women’s section of which membership will be open to any mem- ber of PROUD, (whether full or associate) who self identifies as a lesbian, bisexual or trans woman and who fully supports the aims and objectives of PROUD. The in- ternal organisation of the section shall be determined by the section. The chair of the women’s section will be elected at the AGM. STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE 16. The Standing Orders Committee will consist of up to 3 members elected at the AGM plus one representative from the Officers. This representative will be identified by the Officers at their first meeting following the AGM. TUC LGBT+ DELEGATION 17. The number of delegates will be defined by the NEC. The delegation should rep- resent a 50/50 male/female gender split, and voting on delegates of either gender will not be necessary unless nominations for that gender exceed 50% of the agreed total delegates. The delegation should also where possible include one disabled member, one black member and one trans member. The Proud Standing Orders Committee will organise a postal ballot of all full mem- bers to elect the delegation. The ballot should be organised using the same notifica- tion and timing criteria as the AGM to finish on the Saturday of the PCS LGBT+ Sem- inar whenever that is organised or the first Saturday in November the year prior to the TUC LGBT+ Conference. Successful delegates will represent PCS at the follow- ing years TUC LGBT+ Conference. If there are still vacancies the Proud Officers will identify a process for filling vacan- cies and/or finding replacements for agreement by the National Committee. TUC LGBT+ COMMITTEE NOMINATION(S) 18. The National Committee will select the Proud recommendation(s) for the TUC LGBT+ Committee at the last committee meeting of the calendar year, where aformal meeting does not take place; the National Committee’s recommendation shall be de- termined by the National Committee in December of the year prior to the conference and notified to PCS HQ. In accordance with TUC rules, only those elected as dele- gates to the TUC LGBT+ conference will be eligible to stand. Recommendation(s) will be notified to the NEC for agreement. The National Committee may also make recommendations to the NEC for any other TUC Equality Committee where there is a reserved seat for LGBT+ representation. Any recommendations will need to be agreed by the National Committee prior to the deadline set by PCS to meet the TUC requirements for the said committee. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 19. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the period February to March at a date and venue to be decided by the National Committee. The AGM shall receive the Annual report, Financial report, determine policy, and elect the following:- • Officers (as in 10a) • Women’s Representative • Trans Representative • Disability Representative • Black Member’s Representative • Young Member’s Representative • Bisexual Member’s Representative • Regional Representatives (10) • Two auditors • Standing Orders Committee All those elected shall serve from the close of business of the AGM at which they were elected to the close of business of the following AGM. 20. The sovereign body of PROUD shall be the Annual General Meeting. 21. Motions for the AGM shall only proceed from full members of PROUD or the Na- tional Committee, but not from associate or affiliate members. Nominations for elec- tions shall proceed from full members of the group only. No candidate shall be eligi- ble for office without first indicating their willingness to stand. 22. Only full members of the group shall be entitled to vote. In the case of equality of votes the Chair shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by show of hands on policy motions but any vote may be taken by a ballot of those present at the discretion of the Chair or at the request of a majority of full members present provided that such a request is made before the topic is debated. 23. A motion shall be carried and an election secured if it is endorsed by a simple majority (except in the case of a constitutional amendment which requires a two- thirds majority as at paragraph (26) of those present and entitled to vote. 24. The annual report and a notice convening the AGM shall be sent to members not less than 35 days before the AGM. The financial report will be made available to the AGM on the day of the AGM. All notices of motions and nominations shall be for- warded to the Secretary not less than 21 days prior to the AGM. Motions submitted after the closing date shall be accepted as motions of urgency at the discretion of the SOC. No quorum shall be necessary at the AGM. Motions shall be sent to the mem- bers no later than 14 days before the AGM. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 25. An Extraordinary General Meeting of PROUD shall be summoned at the request of either a. a majority of the Officers of PROUD; or b. a majority of the members of the National Committee; or c. 50 members of PROUD d. An EGM may only discuss the business indicated in the notice convening the EGM e. A notice shall be sent to members not later than 21 days before the EGM. All mo- tions shall be forwarded in writing to the Secretary not later than 14 days before the EGM. Where an issue is of such extreme urgency these deadlines may be waived, subject to the agreement of at least two-thirds of the members of the National Com- mittee. In such circumstances the Chair shall take motions from the floor. Such agreement need not be obtained at the meeting but may be through more informal methods as necessary, but in either case, must be endorsed by the EGM. FINANCE 26. The financial year for PROUD shall be from 1st January to 31st December. The membership Donation shall be: a. Annual subscription of £0 for full members b. Annual subscription of £0 from associate members c. Donations of £20 from Branches 27. The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of PROUD and shall pay all ap- proved demands. The Treasurer shall submit a report to the National Committee and its meetings and shall give up all books, documents, moneys and property of PROUD in their possession whenever required to do so by the Officers or National Committee. 28. A banking account shall be opened in the name of PROUD and cheques and bank transfer payments thereon signed or authorised, respectively by any two from the following Officers – Treasurer, Chair, Secretary and Organiser. NATIONAL RULES PROUD shall be governed by the Rules and Constitution of PCS. These rules may not be rescinded or amended except by the AGM or EGM convened for that pur- pose. A motion to amend the rules must be supported by not less than two thirds of the votes cast at the meeting. CHAIR’S RULINGS 29. The Chair shall rule upon any matter on which the Constitution is silent, ambigu- ous or otherwise requires interpretation. DISSOLUTION 30. The group shall only be dissolved by a decision of an Extraordinary General Meeting at which the resolution for the dissolution will require approval, on a vote of two-thirds of those members present.

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