Presque Isle City Council s1
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Place: Council Chambers, City Hall Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 Time: 6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order – Roll Call
Walt Elish, Chairman Mel Hovey Edwin Nickerson, Deputy Chair Ronald McPherson Donald Gardner Jennifer Trombley Calvin Hall
Deputy Chair Nickerson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Councilors led the group present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
A moment of silence was dedicated in memory of past City Councilor Frank Hayes who served 1976-1982.
3. Recognition A. Librarian Sonja Plummer-Morgan for outstanding efforts
On behalf of the City Council, Deputy Chairman Nickerson recognized Sonja Plummer-Morgan for her outstanding efforts as Librarian – an exceptional achiever and employee for the City of Presque Isle.
4. Public Hearings A. Consider amending Chapter 12 – Taxicab Ordinance to change Section 6 requiring an indemnity bond or specific levels of insurance to vehicle insurance as required by State law and/or regulation and Section 12, Part J, requiring the City Manager to review rates on an annual basis to a periodic basis. 2 – City Council Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2008 There were no public comments.
This is the first of two public hearings. The second hearing will be held on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.
B. Consider amending Chapter 43 – Planning Board Ordinance; Chapter 38C – Property Maintenance Code Ordinance; and Chapter 31 – National Electrical Code Ordinance to establish consistency and reciprocity with other locally adopted ordinances (2006 National Life Safety Code previously adopted and to make revisions consistent with current State statutes).
There were no public comments.
This is the first of two public hearings. The second hearing will be held on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 6:00 p.m.
5. Citizen Comments
There were no citizen comments.
6. Old Business A. Presentation on results of Citizen Satisfaction Survey conducted by Allen Salo, University of Maine at Presque Isle
Allen Salo of the University of Maine at Presque Isle made a presentation on the Presque Isle Citizen’s Satisfaction Survey Report 2007. Mr. Salo provided a synopsis of the results from the telephone survey conducted by 27 university students from his “Research Methods” class. Approximately 120 Presque Isle citizens were interviewed. As result of the survey, two specific issues were targeted: property taxes and lack of good jobs.
Deputy Chair Nickerson presented Mr. Salo with an appreciation gift basket for his efforts with this project and a job well done.
Chairman Elish excused himself from the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
7. New Business A. Proposed Downtown Revitalization Committee By-Laws
Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to schedule two public hearings on March 17 and April 7, 2008 to consider amending Chapter 3 – City Council Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2008 50 – Advisory Board Ordinance to 1) create a new board by adding a new Section 6 – Downtown Revitalization Committee and 2) to amend the current Section 6 to
add the City Manager as an ex-officio member of the Airport Advisory Board and the Down Revitalization Committee. It is further moved to post the potential openings on the new Downtown Revitalization Committee board of directors to solicit names for City Council consideration per current policy. Vote – 6-0
B. Construction Over-limit Agreement with Maine Department of Transportation
Be it resolved by Councilor McPherson, seconded by Councilor Gardner, to approve an Agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation allowing the contractor to use overweight equipment and loads on municipal ways for projects PIN 15881.00, a portion of Maysville Street from approximately the railroad overpass to Spruce Street and project PIN 15958.00, a portion of Main Street, approximately from Blake Street to Rice Street. Vote – 6-0
C. Appointment of Presque Isle Sewer District Trustee and Building Board of Appeals
Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to re- appoint Craig Green to the Presque Isle Sewer District Board of Trustees for a three-year term (ending February 29, 2011). Vote – 6-0
Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to appoint David Perry to fill an unexpired five-year term ending 12/31/2010 on the Building Board of Appeals. Vote - 6-0
D. Follow-up on Tax Increment Finance District workshop and management study request for proposal
This agenda item was requested by Chairman Elish to ensure a follow-up regarding the Tax Increment Finance District workshop. Mr. Stevens from the Department of Economic and Community Development gave good ideas on how to enhance the City’s TIF Districts.
Chairman Elish also wanted to ensure that the City was on track with the management study request for proposal. 4 – City Council Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2008
E. Report of exit interview with auditors
Councilor Hovey stated that a report will follow at a later date in the form of a Management Letter from the auditors, with a few recommendations. Councilor Hovey also indicated that the City received a clean audit.
F. Approve consent agenda items: Approve City Council meeting minutes of February 4, 11 and 12, 2008; Warrants #5 and #6 totaling $404,869.78; and written departmental reports for January, 2008
Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, approve City Council meeting minutes of February 4, 2008 (with one amendment under Agenda item #5) New Business – B) appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals – the term was to fill Matt Bell’s unexpired term ending 12/31/2009). Vote – 6-0
Be it resolved by Councilor Gardner, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to approve consent agenda items: Approve City Council meeting minutes of February 4, 11 and 12, 2008; Warrants #5 and #6 totaling $404,869.78; written departmental reports for January 2008; and Investment Finance Report submitted by the Finance Director dated February 11, 2008. Vote – 6-0
8. Manager’s Report A. City Manager’s Quarterly Evaluation
The date for the City Manager’s Quarterly Evaluation has been set for Sunday, February 24 at 5:00 p.m. at the Public Safety Building’s meeting room.
B. Leadership Presque Isle
The last Leadership Presque Isle class was held on February 19, 2008 with 23 students participating. The class included a tour of the newly renovated Public Works building conducted by Gerry James, a presentation by County Commissioner Paul Underwood representing Aroostook County, LaNiece Winslow on Resource Management and City Manager Stevens on Solid Waste.
City Manager Stevens indicated that the Leadership Presque Program was well received, the staff enjoyed taking part and would be interested in offering the five week program again next year. 5 – City Council Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2008 Be it resolved by Councilor McPherson, seconded by Councilor Hovey, to approve the Manager’s report as presented. Vote - 6-0
9. Announcements
Councilor McPherson read several announcements.
10. Executive Session A. Discuss an Economic Development Project as allowed under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C)
Be it resolved by Councilor Gardner, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to enter into executive session at 6:58 p.m. to discuss an economic development project as allowed under 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C). Vote – 6-0
Councilors came out of executive session at 7:22 p.m. with no formal action taken.
11. Adjournment
Be it resolved by Councilor McPherson, seconded by Councilor Gardner, to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Vote – 6-0
Attest: Nancy G. Nichols, City Clerk