October 2, 2013, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

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October 2, 2013, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2013, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

Westwood Gun Club

25 Trailside Road, Medfield, MA 02052


The executive Board generally discussed various issues: 1) Mark Gentile was contacted by the Walpole police concerning an a car being struck by a rifle projectile that allegedly came from our Club September 19, 2013 about 2:45 PM and our subsequent discussions with the police department and a special E Board meeting September 25, 2013 with a police detective to discuss the issue. 2) Mark gentile and Mike angieri met with Attorney Edward George to discuss general safety issues; 3) although he felt the Club was actively up-grading safety measures, Attorney George recommended various improvement to better aid in protecting the Club; 4) the Board voted to recommend the membership approve spending $5000 to begin the design of covers over the berms and deflectors over the pistol and 100 yard rifle ranges.


The meeting began at 8 PM, at the clubhouse. Thanks to the 21 members who were at the meeting.

A. SECRETARY’S REPORT. Minutes of the September 30, 2013 meeting was read and accepted.

B. TREASURER’S REPORT. Report for September 2013 was read and accepted.

1. We have 300 active/spousal and 15 life/honorary members.

2. General Income was about $2,196.0.

3. Expenses about $6,833.25.

4. Cash accounts balance $42,183.02.

5. Fidelity account balance $31,098.41.

6. Assets value $23,650.00.

7. Month-end value $96,931.43.


1. No old business was discussed.


1 | P a g e October 2, 2013, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

1. As part of the annual meeting, Club officers were elected. As there were no nominations from the floor and no opposition, the President and Vice President were voted to serve an additional term. The entire slate was voted on and approved. President Mark Gentile, Vice President John Ledbetter, Secretary Mike Angieri, Treasurer Ron Votta, Directors until 2016 Paul Carlson and Rob Lawless.

2. Mark Gentile explained the September 19, 2013 incident to the members and answered questions. We would look to improve safety measures including: surveillance equipment; an “eye brow” over the 50 and 100 yard embankments to stop bullets and fragments leavening the range; deflector shield at the shooting lines. The membership approved spending up to $5,000.00 to initiate this planning work and design.

3. Program Committee. Randy Miller discussed the Walter J. Landry High Power Match held September 15 had 5 participants: First Scott Anzivino 189 9X; 2nd Mike Angieri 179 2X, 3rd Randy Miller 170 2X, 4th Michael Anzivino 137 3X, 5TH George Chapman 124 1X. October 6, Doc Petersen shoot. October 12 work party. October 27 club championship match. See schedule for other events.

4. Club will hold a poker night October 19. Contact John Ledbetter.

5. Work party schedule: October 12. , last one this year. See John Ledbetter for special work assignments, especially working on membership renewals.

6. Renewals go out in November for January response. Due to membership demand, members are asked for a prompt renewal (hopefully by January, as required) to avoid being dropped from active membership.


1. John Payton gave a brief overview report. We purchased new steel ground targets.

2. Need to pay attention to cease fire procedures and rifle/pistol/trap range coordination.

3. Reactive target bolts need to be adjusted whenever people shoot.

4. Do NOT shoot rifles (larger than 22 long rifle) at reactive targets in the pistol range area.

5. Metal targets cannot withstand rifles above 30-06. Do not shoot magnum loads at metal targets, they destroy them.

6. Pay attention to where and what you are shooting and those around you. Be Safe.


2 | P a g e October 2, 2013, WGC Executive Board and Membership Meeting Minutes

1. The club accepted 1 new member. Membership is closed to new members until April 2014.


1. Next E Board meeting will be Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

2. Next general membership will be Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 8:00 PM.

3. Matches and events have been scheduled. Check website and bulletin board for any schedule and changes if necessary.

4. Contact John Ledbetter to complete your work party requirements as we will need help with various projects.

Meeting was adjourned at about 8:45 PM.

Mike Angieri

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