Developing Resilience in Victim Services

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Developing Resilience in Victim Services

Developing Resilience in Victim Services

1) A 1999 focus group of victim service providers reported that _____ of their agencies recognized the stress-related symptoms of staff and volunteers. a) 65% b) 75% c) 85% d) 95%

2) Agencies may be legally liable for compensation to victim service providers who claim psychological damage at work. a) True b) False

3) Which term has been used to describe the troubling aspects of traumatic encounters among human services providers? a) secondary stress b) emotional contagion c) compassion fatigue d) all the above

4) A personal history of victimization may or many not be relevant to psychological stress, trauma symptoms, or PTSD in female sexual trauma counselors. a) True b) False

5) "Resiliency" refers to a a) process b) personal trait c) genetic predisposition d) cultural ideal

6) Which is not a trait of resilience identified by Werner? a) a sense of humor b) hope c) faith and prayer d) an external locus of control

7) Which is not among the resilience traits identified by Wolin and Wolin (1993)? a) insight b) independence c) insulation d) morality 8) Which of the degrees of resilience in children suggested by Palmer reflects the pattern of children who live in a constant state of chaos? a) regenerative resilience b) anomic survival c) adaptive resilience d) flourishing resilience

9) Waite and Richardson (2004) suggest that everyone can strengthen their resilience by developing additional resilience skills. a) True b) False

10) Csikszentmihalyi's (1988) concept of _____ may be helpful in creating a resilient working environment. a) vibe b) chillaxin c) balance d) flow

11) According to Linley (2003) gaining strength in self-knowledge and insight includes a) building self-esteem b) becoming more independent c) having a strong peer group d) developing a strong inner locus of control

12) People who think that life just happens and there is very little they can do about it are operating out of a/an a) external locus of control b) defeatist attitude c) predestination paradigm d) idiosyncratic worldview

13) Which is NOT mentioned as a strategy to develop self-knowledge and insight? a) identify themes associated with discomfort b) use a treatment manual for consistency c) know you code of ethics d) recognize limits of control

14) Which trait does Flach (1990) mention that is strongly associated with resilience? a) optimism b) a sense of humor c) a positive outlook d) gratitude 15) What did Freud suggest can be regarded as the highest of the defensive processes? a) sex b) intellect c) humor d) the ability to forget

16) What does Seligman (2002) say has been found to be highly effective in balancing negativity? a) being other-centered b) gratitude c) being independently wealthy d) self-affirmations

17) What does Dutton & Rubenstein (1995) mention to as one of the strategies to develop a sense of hope? a) giving praise b) decorating your office c) seeing a variety of clients d) seeking advanced professional development

18) According to Tebes et al. (2004) what helps create a sense of balance in your work? a) purging b) sharing c) reframing d) embracing

19) Allan Hobson (1994) states that of all the practices known to be associated with good health, _____ is the most fundamental. a) diet b) sleep c) relationships d) self-esteem

20) If a victim service provider is a victim, what does Pearlman and Saakvitne (1995b) suggest might be particularly useful? a) assessing safety in the work environment b) changing the pace c) developing calming and modulating techniques d) case conferences and peer process groups

21) Tom Rath of the Gallup Organization found that those with at least three close friends at work were _____ more likely to be extremely satisfied with their lives as a whole. a) 66% b) 76% c) 86% d) 96% 22) Which of the Strategies to develop strong relationships involves the use of MOU's? a) collaborate b) discuss cases c) seek inclusivity d) learn boundaries of confidentiality

23) What did Traux & Carkuff (1967) say will help clinicians consistently get better outcomes with clients? a) utilizing a team approach b) enhancing communication skills c) addressing conflict resolution proactively d) the ability to develop genuine rapport

24) What implies that you begin with identifying personal values and then engage in behaviors that manifest those values? a) congruency of actions b) coherent life meaning c) parallel processing d) walkin' the talk

25) "Deciding to bring a coworker a cup of coffee every day" is used as an example of a) engaging in social activism b) assessing personal values c) practicing random acts of caffeination d) fostering altruism

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