APEC REI CBNI FTA Preparation Workshop Participants List
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1. Capacity Building to Prepare for FTA Negotiations: research, analysis, consultations, development of negotiating positions and team building (CTI 21/13T)
Workshop Participant List
(* denotes expert/presenter)
Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion 1* Australia Mr Michael DFAT MUGLISTON 2 Australia Mr Fabien DE DFAT VEL-PALUMBO 3* Canada Ms Nadia Director, Trade Foreign Nadia.bourely@i BOURÉLY Policy and Affairs, nternational.gc.c Negotiations Trade and a (Asia) Developm ent 4 Canada Ms Alina KWAN Trade Policy Foreign alina.kwan@inter Officer Affairs, national.gc.ca Trade and Developm ent 5* Chile Mr Sergio Department Head Direcon VALDES of South America and Pacific Division 6 Chile Mr Alejandro Direcon abuvenic@direco BUVENIC n.gob.cl 7 Chile Mr Pablo Advisor Direcon paromero@direcon ROMERO .gob.cl Tel. (+56-2) 2827 5404
8* China Mr CHEN Deputy Director, Ministry of chenzhiyang@mofc Zhiyang Department of Commerc om.gov.cn International e Trade and Economic Affairs 9 Hong Kong, Miss WONG Senior Government Department Email: China Shau-yin, Shirley Counsel (Treaties & of Justice [email protected] Law) ov.hk Telephone: (852) 2867 4974 Fax: (852) 2877 2130
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Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion 10 Hong Kong, Ms SOU Wai Im, Trade Officer Trade and Email: China Sandra Industry [email protected] Department .hk Telephone: (852) 2398 5669 Fax: (852) 2787 7799
11 Hong Kong, Miss KWOK An Assistant Trade Trade and Email: China Kee, Angie Officer Industry [email protected] Department .hk Telephone: (852) 2398 5447 Fax: (852) 2787 7799
12 Indonesia Mr Hiras Ministry of Email: Manulang Trade hiras.manulang@k emendag.go.id Telephone: +6221 3509094 ext 36305 Fax: +6221 3858206 13 Indonesia Ms Dina Hartanti Directorate General Ministry of Dina.hartanti@g of International Industry mail.com Industrial Cooperation 14 Indonesia Ms Irma Rubina Ministry of Irma_sianipar@y Sianipar Trade ahoo.com Telephone: +6221 3840139 Fax: +6221 3847273 15 Indonesia Mr Arif Rahmat Ministry of arifrw@kemendag. WIDIYANTO Trade go.id Telephone: +62 21 3858185 Telephone: Fax: +62 21 345 2621 16 Korea Mr YOON, Yong Adviser Ministry of [email protected] June Foreign .kr Affairs Telephone: +82-2- 2100-7654 Fax: +82-2-2100- 7980 17* Malaysia Ms Wan Wadrina Principal Assistant MITI [email protected]
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Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion Wan Abul Wahab Director of Services v.my Sector Development Division 18 Malaysia Ms Salizan Abdul Investment Policy & Ministry of [email protected] Aziz Facilitation Division Internatio y nal trade Telephone: +603- and 6200 0180 Industry Fax: +603-6201 2339 19 Malaysia Ms Jazmin Abdul FTA Policy and Ministry of Email: Jamil Negotiations Internatio [email protected] Coordination Division nal Trade ov.my and Tel: +603-6200 Industry 0315 Fax: +603-6201 7784 20 Mexico Mr Roberto Deputy Director for Ministry of Email: Corona GUZMÁN Asia and Multilateral Economy roberto.corona@ec Organizations onomia.gob.mx Telephone: (52-55) 57299100 Ext: 15215 21* New Ms Wendy Deputy Senior MFAT Zealand MATTHEWS APEC Official 22* New Zealan Ms Shannon Senior APEC Policy MFAT d WARD Officer 23 New Zealan Mr George APEC Policy Officer MFAT d MINTON 24 New Zealan Ms Charlotte APEC Policy Officer MFAT d KEMPTHORNE 25* New Zealan Mr Barney Trade Law Unit MFAT d RILEY Manager 26* New Zealan Mr Stephen Director New Zeala Stephen@jacobi. d JACOBI nd co.nz Internatio nal Business Forum 27* New Zealan Mr John Principal NZIER John.stephenson d STEPHENSON Economist @nzier.org.nz 28 Papua New Mr Kora Keto SAO Tariff and Customs korad@customs. Guinea DAGI Trade Service gov.pg 29 Papua New Ms Julie WAPA Guinea 30 Papua New Ms Nellie Kunjip Department nkup@transport. Guinea KUP of gov.pg Transport 31 Peru Ms Roxana Min. of rcaballero@mincet
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Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion CABALLERO Foreign ur.gob.pe Trade and Telephone: +511- Tourism 513-6100 ext. 1223 32 Peru Ms Daniela Min. of Email: HUERTAS Foreign dhuertas@mincetur Trade and .gob.pe Tourism Telephone: +511- 513-6100 ext. 1210
33* Philippines Ms Marie Head, APEC Desk Departme sherylynaquia@dti. Sherylyn D. nt of gov.ph AQUIA Trade and Industry 34 Philippines Ms Maureen Supervising Philippine Email: Ane D. Research Institute [email protected] ROSELLON Specialist for s.gov.ph Developm Tel +63 2 ent 8939585 Studies Fax: +63 2 8126141
35 Philippines Ms. Angela Trade Industry Departme alavelasquez@gma Louise A. Development nt of il.com VELASQUEZ Specialist Internatio Tel +632 465 3300 nal Trade xt 425 and Fax: +632 890 Industry – 5149 / +632 659 5740 Bureau of Internatio nal Trade Relations 36 Philippines Mr Jan Kenneth Departme Jkbolante.dfa@gm E. Bolante nt of ail.com Foreign Affairs 37 Russia Ms Yulia Counsellor Ministry of Email: Shestoperova Economic shestoperova@eco Developm nomy.gov.ru ent Telephone: +7 (495) 651 79 84 Fax: +7 495 651 75 81 38 Russia Ms Olga Analyst Ministry of olia.v.ponomareva Ponomareva Economic @gmail.com Developm Telephone: +7 ent 925 201 90 82
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Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion
39 Russia Ms Tatiana Russia tatyanaflegontova Flegontova APEC @gmail.com Study Centre 40 Russia Ms Maria Russia [email protected] PTASHKINA APEC om Study Centre 41 Russia Mr Artyom Eurasian anikyev@eecommi ANIKYEV Economic ssion.org Commissi on 42* Singapore Mr Juan Fook Trade Policy, FTA Ernst and Juan- TAN Lead in Indirect Young [email protected] Tax – Global Trade Solutions m LLP 43 Singapore Mr Tay Lide Assistant Director Ministry of Email: Trade and [email protected]. Industry sg Email: Telephone: +65 6332 1713 Telephone: Fax: +65 6334 5848 44 Chinese Mr Pen-Chung Office of [email protected]. Taipei TUNG Trade tw Negotiatio Tel: +886-2- ns, 23891999 Ministry of Fax: +886-2-2389- Economic 0670 Affairs 45 Chinese Ms Ching-Wen Bureau of [email protected]. Taipei HSIEH Foreign tw Trade, Tel: +886-2-2397- Ministry of 7226 Economic Fax: +886-2-2321- Affairs 6445 46 Thailand Miss Departme ratanaporns@dtn Ratanaporn nt of .go.th Singhasakda Trade Tel. +662 507 Negotiatio 7710 ns Fax: +662 547 5616 47 Thailand Mr Tanapat Office of uncleum@yahoo. Sangaroon Trade com
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Economy Name Designation Organisa Contact tion Policy and Tel. +662 507 Strategy 585 / +6684 769 7887 Fax: +662 507 6941
48 Thailand Ms Kulwadee Ministry of acfs- Wiwatsawasdin Agricultur [email protected] on e and m Cooperati Telephone: +66 2 ve 561 2277 ext 1339 Fax: + 66 2 561 4088 49 Thailand Ms Asamaporn Ministry of acfs- Juttupornpong Agricultur [email protected] e and m Cooperati Telephone: +66 2 ve 561 2277 ext 1346 Fax: + 66 2 561 4088 50 United Ms Melissa San State States Miguel Departme nt 51 United Mr Ray State States Pavlovskis Departme nt 52 Viet Nam Ms Huong Vu General huong9btrungnhi and FTA @yahoo.co.uk Division, +84-989- Ministry of 313.223 Industry and Trade 53 Viet Nam Mr Nguyen Viet ng.minhtri9987@ Minh Tri Nam’s gmail.com Tel. SOM +844 222 054 Office to 18 APEC Fax. +844 222 025 25 54 Mr Eduardo PECC Pedrosa 55 Ms Catherine APEC Wong Secretaria t
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