Additional File 5: Table S4. Identified Taeniosis Cases in Case Reports in Western Europe
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Additional file 5: Table S4. Identified taeniosis cases in case reports in western Europe (1990-2015).
Taenia Country of Age at diagnosis species Possible risk factors Gender Country of origin Reference diagnosis/report (years) reported reported as Taenia Belgium 40 M Not available Not available Van Tiggelen and Danse (1998) spp. Taenia spp. Consumed raw beef Belgium 61 M Belgium (suspecte Vuylsteke et al. (2004) meat d T. saginata) T. France 56 M France Not available Beaujot et al. (2015) saginata T. France 19 M France Not available Duran et al. (1992) saginata T. solium Consumed raw pork France 55 F Not available Halfon et al. (2014) (putative) meat and/or offal T. France 66 M France Consumed raw meat Mercky et al. (2014) saginata T. Germany 90 M Not available Not available Hoffman and Jung (2004) saginata T. Italy 6 F Italy Not available Di Pietro et al. (1996) saginata T. Italy Child M Italy Not available Dutto et al. (2009) saginata T. Italy 75 M Italy Consumed raw meat Martines et al. (2006) saginata Italy 26 M Italy T. solium Farmer Minciullo et al. (2009) T. Italy 48 M Italy Not available Paolantonio et al. (2006) saginata Taenia Italy 81 M Italy Not available Pezzoli et al. (2015) spp. T. Netherlands 29 M Morocco Not available Van Beurden et al. (2008) saginata T. Van Roermund and Klaase Netherlands 39 F Not available Not available saginata (2003) Taenia Portugal 70-79 F Not available Not available Faria et al. (2015) spp. Taenia Came from rural and Spain 17 M Spain Arenas Abad et al. (1992) spp. agricultural area Taenia Spain 44 M Not available Not available Carretero et al. (2010) spp. Taenia Spain 47 F Not available Not available Carretero et al. (2010) spp. Consumed raw pork Spain 19 F Spain T. solium Fernández-Aranda et al. (2001) meat T. Lived temporarily in Spain 33 M Spain Lopez-Caleya et al. (2015) saginata Africa Taenia No clear epidemiological Spain 51 F Spain Villafruela et al. (2009) spp. history of risk Additional file 5: Table S5. Aggregated taeniosis cases reported in authorities’ reports, epidemiological bulletins, and national registries in western Europe (1990-2015).
Total number of cases reported Country of Level of data Year Taenia Details Reference diagnosis/report T. saginata T. collectionsolium spp. Not National inpatient diagnosis register Denmark 2012-2014 78 Not determined National N determined (pers. com., 2015)
Netherlands 1986-1990 16 Not Not determined Not available N Treurniet (1993) determined u m b e r
o f
h o s p i t a l i s a t i o n s w i t h t a e n i o s i s a s p r i m a r y
d i a g n o s i s
( I C D
c o d e s )
Portugal 2000-2013 8 13 8 National C Vilhena (pers. com., 2017) (excluding a Autonomous s regions of Madeira e and Azores) s
w i t h t a e n i o s i s d i a g n o s i s a t h o s p i t a l d i s c h a r g e
( G D H , G r u p o s d i a g n ó s t i c o s
H o m o g é n e o s ) , P o r t u g u e s e
I C D - 9 - C M
r e p o r t i n g
s y s t e m
Slovenia 1996-2014 212 25 5 National N NIJZ (1998-2003); NIJZ (2005a); NIJZ o (2005b); NIJZ (2006-2015) t
a v a i l a b l e Spain 1992-2008 429 429 8 National C SIM, cited in Boletín Salud Pública a Navarra (2002); SIM, cited in: Fos s Claver et al. (2000); e s SIM (NA)
r e p o r t e d
v o l u n t a r i l y b y l a b o r a t o r i e s t h r o u g h t h e m i c r o b i o l o g i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n
s y s t e m
( S I M )
UK 2000-2014 1312 Not 2 National L DEFRA (2002, 2003, 2004a, 2004b, determined a 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, b 2015a, 2015b) o r a t o r y
c o n f i r m e d
Additional file 5: Table S6. Aggregated taeniosis cases reported at hospital/laboratory level in western Europe (1990-2015).
Total number of cases Country of Travel/migration Year Taenia Reference diagnosis/report T. saginata T. soliumhistory spp. Depa rtme nt of Clinic al Micro biolo Aalborg University Hospital 1998-2013 9 5 1 Not available gy, (pers. com., 2016) Aalbo rg Unive Denmark rsity Hospi tal
State ns Seru Not 2005-2015 26 Not determined Not available m Stensvold (pers. com., 2017) determined Instit ut data
France Not 40 Not available Not Bouree (1991) determined availa ble
Labor atoir es de paras itolog ie de French, Cape- Mars Verde, eille Madagascar. All et 1988-1998 2 had been in Rousseau et al. (1999) Nice endemic areas (Regi (Africa, South- on of America) Prove nce- Alpes -Côte d'Azu r)
Italy 2006-2008 4 Not Not determined 3 Italians with no Catho Masucci et al. (2011) determined history of travel, 1 lic (It includes non-Italian Unive cases of rsity T. saginat Hospi a and tal, T. solium) Rome - Retro specti ve study
Labor atory of the Made ira Regio Not Residents of nal Portugal 2000-2004 37 Not determined Afonso (2008) determined Madeira Healt h Servi ce Retro specti ve study
Slovenia 1993-2015 26 Not Not determined Not available Labor Šoba (pers. com., 2015) determined atory for Paras itolog y in Slove nia, Instit ute of Micro biolo gy and Immu nolog y, Facul ty of Medi cine, Unive rsity of Ljublj ana
Spain 1984-1994 18 3 Immigrants Unida Roca et al. (2002) d de Medi cina de la Inmig ració n y Tropi cal, Hospi tal de Mata ró - Retro specti ve study in Africa n immi grant s 1989-1999 2 1 Immigrants Tropi López-Vélez et al. (2003) cal Medi cine Unit (TMU ) of the Ramó n y Cajal Hospi tal in Madr id - Retro specti ve study in immi grant s from tropic al, subtr opica l areas and easte rn Euro pe
Adde nbro oke’s hospi tal in Camb Reported as UK 1998-2002 1 ridge Roberts and Lever (2003) imported case -Revi ew of impo rted infect ions Additional file 5: Table S7. Taeniosis prevalence data reported in epidemiological studies (1990-2015).
Taenia Country of Travel/migration Year P species Level of data collection Reference diagnosis/report history reported as
Federal public health laboratory (FPHL) in Austria 1990-2000 T. saginata NA Tomaso et al. (2001) 0 Innsbruck
Prospective survey of adults called to serve in the Hernandez et al. France 1997 T. saginata NA 0 army catering (1997)
Germany 1970-1986 Taenia spp. NA Halle District Lorenz (1992) 0
Cà Granda IRCCS Foundation, Ospedale Maggiore 2007-2009 Taenia spp. Italians and non-EU Grande et al. (2011) 0 Policlinico of Milan
Italy 2008-2009 Taenia spp. Immigrants Four institutions, Naples Gualdieri et al. (2011) 0
2009 T. saginata Italians Microbiological laboratory, Reggio Emilia Guidetti et al. (2010) 0
Portugal 2005-2006 Taenia spp. Residents of Madeira Hospital, Madeira Afonso (2008) 0 Additional file 5: Table S8. Taeniosis estimates published in western Europe (1990-2015).
Number of cases Taenia species Country Year Prevalence (%) Level of data collection Based on Reference annually reported as
1980- Sales of 0.35-0.46 Taenia spp. National Geerts (1992) 1989 niclosamide Belgium Sales of De Keulenaer 2013 11350 Taenia spp. National niclosamide (2013) 0.02 Sales of Denmark 1986 Taenia spp. National Ilsøe et al. (1990) (17:100000) niclosamide 05/198 Quantification of 7- 1.5-2.7 T. saginata Regional (Caen urban area) Taeniidae eggs Barbier et al. (1990) 01/198 content in sludge France 9 1999- Sales of 64495 T. saginata National InVS (2003) 2000 niclosamide 1976- 0.33-0.67 NA Regional (former East Germany) Anthelmintics sales Möbius (1993) 1989 Germany 1977- 0.31-0.41 Taenia spp. Regional (Halle District) Anthelmintics sales Lorenz (1992) 1986 Sales of specific Battelli (1999), Italy NA 0.02-0.04 NA NA antiparasitic drugs cited in: Health in man SCoVMrtPH (2000) Additional file 5: Table S9. Identified human cysticercosis cases in case reports in western Europe (1990-2015).
Country of origin or nationality E u r o p e Risk factors Europe: : Africa America: Caribbean, Central and South Asia Not available1 Total % eastern w e s t e r n
Immigrant 35 77 39 15 2 168 61.1
Travelled/staye d in endemic 2 region (eastern 332 57 20.7 4 Europe, Africa, America, Asia)
1Country not specified.
2 Most likely natives of the country where diagnosis was made. No history of travels to 1 1 14 5.1 endemic areas 3 or immigration
1 Not available 23 36 13.1 3
5 Total general 35 77 39 15 59 275 100 0 Additional file 5: Table S10. Aggregated human cysticercosis cases identified in registries and reports in western Europe (1990-2015).
N u m be Country of r Year Data source Details Reference diagnosis/report of ca se s National inpatient diagnosis register Denmark 32 2012-2014 National registry Not available (pers. com., 2015)
Iceland 0 2013-2014 Governmental report Not available Embætti landlæknis (2015)
Range of 40 and 53 hospitalisation s per year 276 Italian citizens, 132 Ministero della Salute, Istituto 54 Number of hospitalisations for cysticercosis, Italian ICD-9-CM Latin America Italy 2001-2010 Nazionale di Statistica, cited in 0 reporting system (51 Ecuador, Zammarchi et al. (2013) 35 Peruvians, 17 Bolivians), 40 Africa, 78 Asia (64 India), 14 other from Europe. Number of hospitalisations with cysticercosis as primary Netherlands 24 1986-1990 Not available Treurniet (1993) diagnosis following ICD codes
Larger cities: many were immigrants 11 Number of hospitalised cysticercosis cases from all Portuguese Northern part: 20 1993-2004 hospitals (Ministry of Health’s data base ‘Grupos de Diagnóstico evidence of Vilhena et al. (2007) Homogéneos’) autochthonou s cases. 14.7% were <24 years old Mean of 45 Portugal cases per year. In Northern Region cases tended to be Number of hospitalised NCC cases (national database on 35 older than in 2006-2013 National Health Service hospital episodes; excluding Madeira Vilhena et al. (2015) 7 Lisboa and and Azores Islands), Portuguese ICD-9-CM reporting System. Vale do Tejo Region. NCC most frequent in 25-34 and >75 year-old Range of 45 17 Number of hospitalised patients with diagnosis of cysticercosis 1997-2014 and 169 MSSSI. Instituto de Información Spain 02 at hospital discharge (CMBD-H3), Spanish ICD-9-CM reporting hospitalisation Sanitaria. CMBD-H (2016) system s per year
3 Up to 14 levels of diagnosis included
Additional file 5: Table S11. Aggregated human cysticercosis cases reported at hospital/laboratory level in western Europe (1990-2015).
Travel/migration history Country of Endemic diagnosis/repor Cases Year Hospital/Lab countrie Western Europe Unknown t s 199 6- Overbosch et al. 1 200 ** 1 Not available (2002) 0
4 cases came Department of Austria from Innsbruck, Neurology; Medical 200 all of them Univ. Innsbruck and Schmutzhard 4- immigrants: two 15 Department of 4 11 and Auer (pers. 201 from the Balkan Parasitology, com., 2017) 4 countries, one Medical University Tibetan and one Vienna Brazilian 200 5- Statens Serum Stensvold (pers. Denmark 10 10 Not available 201 Institut data com., 2017) 5 France 199 Dumas et al. 5 5 Not available 74 (1997) 93 197 Main parasitology 64 18 (mainly Iberian peninsula) 11 Reported place Lortholary et al. 8- laboratories of the of infection: 40 (1990) 198 mainland France Madagascar, 18 8 Europe (mainly Iberian peninsula), 9
4 Year of publication Asia, 9 South/Central- America, 6 Africa French, Cape- Verde, Madagascar. All Parasitology patients had laboratories of lived or traveled 198 Marseille and Nice in endemic 8- and hospitals and Rousseau et al. 29 29 areas (mainly 199 clinics of the region (1999) equatorial and 8 (Provence-Alpes- tropical Africa, Côte d'Azur) but also in North Africa, Madagascar and South America) 199 6- Overbosch et al. 8 ** 8 Not available 200 (2002) 0 199 6- Overbosch et al. Germany 6 200 ** 6 Not available (2002) 0
Three had a prolonged stay 199 Laboratorio di in endemic 1- Parassitologie, countries (Latin- Tamburrini et al. Italy 20 3 17 (Italy) 199 Instituto Superiore America). Case (1995) 4 di Sanita, Roma history showed that 17 probably acquired the infection in Italy Immigrant and foreign adopted Center for children: 6 200 Immigrant and Latin-American, 1- Foreign Adopted 3 Ethiopian Zammarchi et 11* 11 201 Children, Meyer children, one al. (2011) 0 Hospital, Florence unspecified Italy African child and one Indian child 200 All had spent 1- Istituto Superiore di years in Gómez-Morales 59 59 201 Sanità endemic et al. (2015) 4 countries 199 National Institute 6- for Public Health Kortbeek (pers. 107 107 Not available 200 and Environment com., 2015) 4 (RIVM) 200 National Institute 4- for Public Health Kortbeek (pers. Netherlands 26 26 Not available 201 and Environment com., 2015) 3 (RIVM) 199 14 6- Overbosch et al. ** 14 Not available 200 (2002) 0 Norway 199 6- Overbosch et al. 1 ** 1 Not available 200 (2002) 0 5 199 4 1 1 case originally Dietrichs et al. 45 from India, 1 (1994) from Chile, and 1 from Vietnam; the 2 other cases were Norwegian, but one had lived in Africa for several years Portugal 198 3- Hospital Geral de Monteiro 348 199 Santo António, 348 Not available (1995b) 2 Oporto
17 were of 198 African origin: 7- natives or Morgado et al. Santa Maria 35 199 17 18 residents of (1994) Hospital, Lisbon 2 former Portuguese colonies 14 199 General Hospital at 13 1 93% of cases Ferreira et al. 6- Lisbon (13) from (2006) 200 Metropolitan Area African origin 3
53 200 Santa Maria 536 Mostly Valadas et al. 3- Hospital, Lisbon imported from (2015) 201 Portuguese- 3 speaking African countries
6 The 53 diagnosed cases were mostly from Portuguese-speaking African countries. As no further details were available the 53 cases were classified here as imported cases. Likely place of infection 198 reported: 10 in Hospital de S. 9- Africa (7 Cape Flores et al. 11 Francisco Xavier, 10 1 (Portugal) 200 Verde, 2 Guiné- (2001) Lisbon 0 Bissau, S. Tomé e Príncipe), 1 in Portugal 201 Centro Hospitalar 0- Most from Cape Januário et al. 15 Lisboa Central, 157 201 Verde (2015) Lisbon 5 According to authors: 199 probably 1- Laboratory for infected while Rakuša (2000) 5 200 Parasitology, 5 visiting relatives 0 Institute of in the countries Slovenia Microbiology and of former Immunology, Yugoslavia Faculty of 201 Medicine, Ljubljana 3- Šoba (pers. 2 2 Not available 201 com., 2015) 5 Spain 16 Spanish (10 196 from rural areas 0- Fundacion Jimenez Bello Martínez 18 18 and they all 199 Diaz, Madrid et al. (1997) were seen 6 before 1988) 13 198 Hospital General 2 11 11 Spanish- Esquivel et al. 0- Universitario born, 2 foreign (2005) 198 Gregorio Marañón, immigrants
7 Most of them were from Cape-Verde. As no further details were available, the 15 cases were classified as imported. 9 Madrid (Latin-America) 3 Spanish (migrated from 199 rural endemic Hospital General 0- areas in the Esquivel et al. Universitario 20 200 17 3 past) and 17 (2005) Gregorio Marañón, 2 immigrants (16 Madrid Latin- Americans, 1 African) 198 Fernández- 6- Hospital Nuestra One was Rodríguez et al. 10 199 Señora del Cristal, 1 9 originally from (1991) 1 Ourense Brazil
Review of 2198 198 Tropical Medicine immigrants: 9- Monge-Maillo Unit of the Ramón Cysticercosis in 31 200 31 et al. (2009) y Cajal Hospital, 3 Sub-Saharan 8 Madrid Africans, 28 Latin-Americans 199 0- University Hospital 13 Latin- Minguito Parra 19 200 Puerta De Hierro 13 6 Americans et al. (2009) 8 Majadahonda
25 199 Tropical Medicine 23 2 2 native non- Roca et al. 2- Unit of the travellers and (2003) 200 University Hospital 23 imported (17 2 Clinic; Parc Taulí immigrants and 6 European travellers) More common 199 among Fernandez- 6- immmigrants La Paz University Dominguez et 38 200 15 23 from Latin Hospital al. (2007) 6 America (15 were from Ecuador) 199 Hospital Vega del 6- Río Segura, Cieza, Ruiz et al. 358 200 Hospital 35 Latin-Americans (2011) 9 Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca 199 7- Más-Sesé, et al. El Hospital Virgen 20 Latin- 23*** 200 20 3 (2008) de la Arrixaca Americans 5
4 were Spanish 200 and 6 were Rodríguez 0- Hospital immigrants (4 Guardado et al. 10 200 Universitario 6 4 from Ecuador (2007) 6 Central de Asturias and 2 from Brasil) 200 Review of 1071 1- Hospital General immigrant Ramos et al. 10 201 Universitario de 10 patients: 10 (2011) 0 Elche cases were Latin-Americans 5 NA Hospital Nuestra 5 Study on Jiménez Jiménez Señora Virgen del aetiology of et al. (1990) Puerto epilepsy in a
8 It is not known if some cases published by Más-Sesé, et al. (2008) and Ruiz et al. (2011) could be duplicates as were diagnosed in the same hospital and some years overlap. rural health care area 199 15 Latin- 8- Lobo et al. 16 NA 15 1 Americans, 1 200 (2003) unknowm 2 199 6- Overbosch et al. 9 ** 9 Not available 200 (2002) 0 Among these there are Swedish people who have been 199 abroad or 9 - Smittskyddsinstitut Sweden originally from Puschmann et 9 200 et Solna 9 South America, al. (2006) 4 Africa or Asia, but background or nationality is not known for all cases 199 6- Overbosch et al. 1 200 ** 1 Not available (2002) 0
Switzerland 2 were Swiss 200 citizends living Cruz and 0- Geneva University in Geneva, while 6 4 2 Burkhard (2010) 201 Hospitals the others were 0 from endemic zones 199 6- Overbosch et al. 2 ** 2 Not available 200 (2002) 0 UK 199 Addenbrooke’s 8- Roberts and 2 hospital in 2 Imported cases 200 Lever (2003) Cambridge 2 ** Overbosch et al. (2002): Information gathered via Public Health Laboratories, Institutes of Tropical Diseases (survey) and doctors (questionnaires). Additional file 5: Table S12. Porcine cysticercosis cases and prevalence reported in western Europe (1990-2015) based on meat inspection.
Country of Prevalence range (%) Cases Year Reported as References diagnosis/report Bundeskanzleramt (1998); Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit 1998-2002 0-40 “C. cellulosae” und Generationen Austria cases/year (1999, 2000, 2001); Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen (2002) 2007 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) EFSA (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, Porcine cysticercosis Belgium 0 2002-2013 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013) Dorny et al. (2010) Denmark 0 2007 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) Finland 0 Porcine cysticercosis EVIRA (2015) 0 2007 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) 16/502897 38 (2009); 14/532082 57 (2010); Germany “ C. cellulosae” or “C. tenuicollis” (no 0-0.0023 1278/5507 2009-2012 Nagel-Kohl (2014) distinction between them) 8995 (2011); 0/5390091 3 (2012) Ireland 0 Not specified “C. cellulosae” FSAI (2008) Italy 0 2007 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) Luxembourg 0 Not available Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) Netherlands 0 2006 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) Correia da Costa 1 2004 T. solium (pers. com., 2016) Freire (2005); Vieira- 0.2326 1/430 2004 T. solium Portugal Pinto (2015) 0 2005 Porcine cysticercosis Dorny et al. (2010) DGAV (pers. com., 0 2008-2015 T. solium 2016)9 0.0002 1/424634 2007 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/384400 2008 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/295491 2009 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) Slovenia 0 0/291120 2010 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/280266 2011 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/252894 2012 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/229066 2013 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) 0 0/241286 2014 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) UVHVVR (2015) Spain 0-0.198 1999-2014 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) Consejería de Sanidad (domestic pig) de la Región de Murcia (pers. com., 2015); AECOSAN (2011); Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales, Junta de Andalucía (pers. com., 2015); Dirección General de Salud Pública, Conselleria de Sanitat
9 Information based on total condemnations only. de la Generalitat Valenciana (pers. com., 2015); D. G. de Salud Pública, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y León (pers. com., 2015); AECOSAN (pers. com., 2015); Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia (pers. com., 2015); ASPCAT (pers. com., 2015); Dirección General de Salud Pública y Consumo del Gobierno de La Rioja (pers. com., 2015) Sánchez Martínez 0 0/ 483735 2002-2011 T. solium (2013) Spain AECOSAN (pers. com., 0.16-0.43 2011-2013 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) (home-slaughtering) 2015) Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales, Spain 0-0.19 2009-2013 Porcine cysticercosis (No species distinction) Junta de Andalucía (wild boar) (pers. Com., 2015); AECOSAN (pers. com., 2015) Spain (extensive 0 0/689 Not specified T. solium García Vallejo (1999) breeding) Sweden 0 2011-2014 T. solium EFSA (2015a); EFSA (2015b) UK 0 NA T. solium DEFRA (2003) Additional file 5: Table S13. Bovine cysticercosis cases reported (when prevalence not available) in western Europe (1990-2015) based on meat inspection.
Country of Level of data collection diagnosis/repor Cases per year Reference t National Bundeskanzleramt (1998); Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen Between (1999, 2000, 2001); Austria 295-545 Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen (2002, 2003) 204 National Dorny et al. (2010) Belgium 3336 National EFSA (2004) 1 National Hallanvuo and Johansson (2010) Finland 1 National Luxembourg 125 National Dorny et al. (2010) 557 National Netherlands 28 Regional (one farm) RIVM (2013) Norway 2 herds Regional (northern Norway) NVI (2012) Regional (North-East Switzerland) Van der Logt and Gottstein Switzerland 43 (2000) UK 565 Regional (Scotland, 65 abattoirs) FSA Scotland (2008) Additional file 5: Table S14. Bovine cysticercosis prevalence detected in western Europe (1990-2015) by more sensitive methods than routine meat inspection.
Country of Prevalence Level of data diagnosis/repor Cases/Sampled Year Diagnostic Reference range (%) collection t National (20 3.09 (0.9-5.0) 36/1164 11/1997-06/1998 export AgELISA Dorny et al. (2000) abattoirs) Belgium Dissection, Ag +Ab 38.4 19194/500000 yearly National Jansen et al. (2015) ELISA + modelling Detailed meat 9.5 Not available National Geerts (1990) inspection Regional (districts of the federal Germany 8.83 (1.61-33.3) 134/1518 03/2007-01/2008 AbELISA Abuseir et al. (2010) state of Lower Saxony)10 Regional ELISA = Bovine (born and Cysticercosis tested in Portugal 12.9 9/70 2013 antibody (CYT Ab) Antunes (2014) Azores ELISA kit® slaughtered (GENTAUR) in Madeira) Regional (one farm found Slovenia 30.2 19/63 2015 Ag ELISA Vergles-Rataj et al. (2015) positive by meat inspection) Spain 1.11 (95% 727/2073 Nov 2009 - Feb 2010 Regional Ag ELISA (B158/B60 Allepuz et al. (2012)
10 Large variation in prevalence among districts (1.96-33.33%) C.I.:0.76–1.75) (Catalonia) antigen ELISA) Regional Detailed meat García-Castro (2003), cited in 0.54 (0.41-0.75) 232/43289 1992-1998 (northern inspection targeting EFSA (2004b) Spain) cysticercosis Regional (3 Meat inspection + 4.5 49/1088 11/2008-10/2009 EU-approved enhanced heart Eichenberger et al. (2011) abattoirs) examination National Switzerland 16.5 (95% (dairy cows Multitesting (meat C.I.:12.50– slaughtered inspection + 4 Eichenberger et al. (2013) 21.20)11 in Swiss serological tests) abattoirs)
11 Based on Bayesian approach estimated prevalence of 16.5% Additional file 5: Table S15. Bovine cysticercosis prevalence data per age reported in western Europe (1990-2015) based on routine meat inspection.
Country of Age Prevalence (%) Cases/sampled Level of data collection Reference diagnosis/report Belgium Calves (<1y.) 0.00096 3/313115 National EFSA (2005) Adults (>2y.) 0.46 2389/523795 Calves 0 0/472 2 abattoirs and 4 cutting plants Steers 1.68 29/1726 Poirè et al. (1994) (Chiavari) Cows 1.5 4/266 Italy Calves 0.555 13/2342 Steers 1.472 446/30302 1 abattoir (Piedmont) Julini et al. (1993) Cows 1.429 22/1540 Netherlands Veal calves 0.002 Not available National NVWA (2013) Adults 0.3 Not available Calves 0.008 15/190493 United Kingdom National Hill et al. (2014) Adults 0.032 2674/8484371 References Aalborg University Hospital, Department of Clinical Microbiology. Denmark. 2016. Personal communication.
Abuseir S, Nagel-Kohl U, Probst D, Kuhne M, Epe C, Doherr MG, et al. Seroprevalence of Taenia saginata cysticercosis in the federal state of Lower Saxony in Germany. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2010;123(9-10):392-6.
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AECOSAN (Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición). Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Spain. 2015. Personal communication.
Afonso MBVdO. Prevalência de Taenia saginata/Cysticercus bovis na Região Autónoma da Madeira. Dissertação de mestrado em saúde pública veterinária. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. 2008.
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Antunes GJ. Parasitismo muscular por Sarcocystis spp. e Cysticercus bovis (Taenia saginata) em bovinos da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Dissertação de mestrado integrado em medicina Veterinária. Universidade de Lisboa. 2014.
Arenas Abad A, Dominguez Gabas JL, Lorente Aznar T, Mateos Omiste J. A case of taeniasis in primary care. Aten Primaria. 1992;10(3):698-9.
ASPCAT (Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya). Spain. 2015. Personal communication.
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Battelli (1999), cited in SCoVMrtPH (Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health). Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health on The control of taeniosis/cysticercosis in man and animals (adopted on 27–28 September 2000). 2000. European Commission. Beaujot J, Leteurtre E, Do Cao C, Beron A, Caiazzo R, Vantyghem MC. Potential role of parasitosis in tumorigenesis: case study of heart metastasis as the only presenting symptom of an ileal neuroendocrine tumor. Presse Med. 2015;44(1):102-6.
Bello Martinez E, de Gorgolas Hernandez-Mora M, Albisua Sanchez J, Ruiz Barnes P, Cuenca Estrella M, Sarasa Corral JL, et al. Neurocysticercosis in a tertiary hospital. New advances in the diagnosis and treatment. Rev Clin Esp. 1997;197(9):604-10.
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Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen. 1999. Veterinärjahresbericht 1999. Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen, Sektion IX, Veterinärverwaltung, A-1031 Wien.
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Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen. 2001. Veterinärjahresbericht 2001. Bundesministerium für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen, Sektion VII, Veterinärverwaltung, A-1031 Wien.
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