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Hrs/week Evaluation Scheme (Marks) Sl. Course No. Subjects L T P Sessional ESE Credit No. Sub Theory / Total TA CT Total Practical (C) 1 MEEPC 101 Advanced Mathematics 3 1 0 25 25 50 100 150 4 2 Analysis of Power Electronic MEEPC 102 Systems 3 1 0 25 25 50 100 150 4 3 Dynamics of Electrical MEEPC 103 Machines 3 1 0 25 25 50 100 150 4 4 Systems Theory MEEPC 104 3 1 0 25 25 50 100 150 4 5 Elective I MEEPC 105 3 0 0 25 25 50 100 150 3 6 MEEPC 106 Elective II 3 0 0 25 25 50 100 150 3 7 MEEPC 107 Power Electronics Lab 0 0 3 25 25 50 100 150 2 8 MEEPC 108 Seminar I 0 0 2 50 - 50 0 50 1 Total 18 4 5 225 175 400 700 1100 25
Elective – I (MEEPC 105) Elective – II (MEEPC 106) Power Semiconductor Devices & MEEPC 105 - 1 Process Control Instrumentation MEEPC 106 - 1 Modeling Optimization Techniques for Engineering Optimal and Adaptive Control Theories MEEPC 105 - 2 Applications MEEPC 106 - 2
Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy MEEPC 105 - 3 MEEPC 106 - 3 Embedded Controllers System Biomedical Instrumentation MEEPC 105 - 4 Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning MEEPC 106 - 4
L – Lecture, T – Tutorial, P – Practical
TA – Teacher’s Assessment (Assignments, attendance, group discussion, Quiz, tutorials, seminars, etc.)
CT – Class Test (Minimum of two tests to be conducted by the Institute)
ESE – End Semester Examination to be conducted by the University
Electives: New Electives may be added by the department according to the needs of emerging fields of technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the University before the course is offered. MEEPC 101 ADVANCED MATHEMATICS L T P C 3 1 0 4
Module 1: Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations
Cauchy’s integral formula, Poisson's integral formula, Liovilli’s Theorem, Conformal Transformation, Schwarz-Christoffels transformation, Partial differential equation-Laplace equation in two dimension (Cartesian and polar), Boundary Value Problems, Green’s Theorem Module 2: Functional Analysis
Definition of Vector spaces – examples - somorphism of vector spaces - Linear independence and basis. Dimension of vector space - Fundamentals of Normed linear spaces - Basic concept of linear transformations.
Module 3: Random Processes
Probability concepts - Variables and distribution function - PDF, Markov Chains – Stochastic Processes – Characteristics - Markov Processes – Correlation - Auto Correlation – Cross Correlations– Response of linear discrete time systems to white noise
Module 4: Introduction to Mathematical Programming
Non Linear Programming Problems - Unconstrained optimization, optimality criteria, Direct Search Methods: Hooke-Jeeves Pattern Search, Powel’s conjugate direction method. Gradient based methods: steepest descent method - Newton’s method, Constrained optimization: Lagrange multiplier - Kuhn Tucker conditions. References:
1.Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. 2. Papoulis A , Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 3rd edition, Mc- Graw Hill. 3. Kalyanmoy Deb, Optimization for Engineering Design, PHI-2002. 4. Simmons D M, Non Linear Programming for Operations Research, PHI. 5. Elsgoltis, Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations, MIR publication. 6. Ochi M K, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, John Wiley & Sons, 1992. 7. Luenberger D G, Optimization by Vector Space Method, John Wiley. 8. Grewal B S, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers. MEEPC 102 ANALYSIS OF POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS L T P C 3 1 0 4
Module1: Overview of Devices:
Ideal and Real switches, static and dynamic performance, loss calculation and selection of heat sink. Power diodes, Power Transistors, Power MOSFETS, IGBTs, Thyristor, GTO- Static and Dynamic Performance, Driver circuits., Turn on; Turn off and over voltage Snubbers for switching devices. Rectifiers: Uncontrolled rectifiers-Single phase and Three phase- Analysis with R and RL loads, Analysis with capacitive filter- Line current Distortion, THD, DPF, PF, Line voltage distortion - effect of source inductance- Effect of Single Phase Rectifiers on Neutral Currents in a Three Phase Four-Wire System. Controlled Rectifiers-Single phase and Three phase-fully controlled and semi controlled-Analysis with RL, RLE loads-Performance, Voltage conversion ratio, Effect of source inductance- Power factor –Inversion mode of operation - Dual converters- Circulating and Non circulating-Applications.
Module2: DC Choppers Principle of operation, two quadrant and four quadrant choppers, PWM control- Forced commutation- Voltage and Current commutated choppers -effect of source inductance- filter circuits –multiphase chopper.
Module3: AC voltage controllers and Cycloconverters Single Phase and Three phase AC Voltage Controllers-Principle operation-analysis with R and RL loads, Thyristor Controlled Inductor, Circulating and Noncirculating type cycloconverters- Analysis with R and RL loads.
Module4: Inverters Half Bridge and Full Bridge-Six Steps and Two Levels PWM. Analysis with delta and Y connected RL loads- Harmonics and Voltage control in inverters-Sine triangle modulation- Unipolar and Bipolar modulation-Selective harmonic elimination- output filter design-Resonant inverters-series and parallel. Current source inverter-Single phase and Three phase. Multilevel Inverters-Types. References:
1. Joseph Vithayathil, Principles of Power Electronics, McGrawHill-1994 2. William Shepherd, Li Zhang., Power Converter Circuits, Marcell Dekker, 2004 3. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics-3rd edn, John Wiley, 2003 4. Philip T Krein, Elements of Power Electronics- Oxford, 1998 5. Issa Batarseh, Power Electronics Circuits, John Wiley, 2004 6. Cyril W Lander, Power Electronics, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill- 1993 7. Daniel W. Hart, Introduction to Power Electronics, Prentice Hall, 1997 MEEPC 103 DYNAMICS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES L T P C 3 1 0 4
Module 1: Introduction Unified approach to the analysis of electrical machine – basic two-pole machine – Kron’s primitive machine – voltage, power and torque equation –linear transformation from 3-phase to 2-phase - transformation from rotating axes to stationary axes – power invariance – park’s transformation for 3-phase synchronous and induction machines.
Module 2: DC machines Application of generalized theory to separately excited, shunt, series and compound machines – sudden short circuit of separately excited generator - separately excited dc motor - steady state and transient analysis – transfer functions of separately excited dc generator & motor.
Module 3: Polyphase synchronous machines Generalized machine equations – steady state analysis of salient pole and non salient pole machines – phasor diagrams – power angle characteristics – reactive power – short circuit ratio – transient analysis – sudden 3-phase short circuit at generator terminals – reactance – time constants – transient power angle characteristics.
Module 4: Induction machines 3-phase induction machine- generalized model – voltage equation – steady state analysis – equivalent circuit – torque-slip characteristics – effect of voltage and frequency variations – electric transients in induction machines – speed control of induction motor – introduction to vector control – applications in speed control of induction machine – single phase induction motor – generalized model – voltage and torque equations – steady state analysis. References:
Bhimbra P.S., Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines, Khanna Publishers
Krauss, Wasyncsuk and Sudholf, Analysis of Electrical Machines and Drive Systems, John Wiley
Fitzgerald A E , Kingsley, Umans, Electric Machinery, McGraw Hill
Adkins and Harey, General Theory of AC Machines
Bimal K Bose, Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives, Pearson Education MEEPC 104 SYSTEM THEORY L T P C 3 1 0 4
Module 1 State variable representation of system - concept of state - Equilibrium points – Stability - Solution of state equation - eigen values - eigen vectors – modes - modal decomposition - eigen value and stability - State space representation of discrete time systems - Discretization of continuous time state equation
Module 2 Lyapunov stability - definition of stability, asymptotic stability and instability - Lyapunov’s second method - Lyapunov’s stability analysis of LTI continuous time and discrete time systems - stability analysis of non linear system - Krasovski’s theorem - variable gradient method
Module 3 Concepts of controllability and observability - controllability and observability tests for continuous time and discrete time systems - controllability and observability studies based on canonical forms of state model - effect of state feedback on controllability and observability - pole placement by state feedback for continuous and discrete time systems - Design of full order and reduced order observer for continuous time and discrete time systems
Module 4 Optimal control - formulation of optimal control problem - Minimum time control problem -minimum energy problem - minimum fuel problem - state regulator problem - output regulator problem – tracking problem - choice of performance measure - optimal control based on quadratic performance measure – optimal control system design using second method Lyapunov - solution of reduced Riccatti equation..Robust control systems – introduction - sensitivity analysis of robustness - system with uncertain parameters - design of robust PID controlled systems.
References: 1. Thomas Kailath, Linear systems, Prentice Hall Inc 2. Ogata K. , Modern control Engg (Second Edition), Prentice Hall Inc, 1990 3. Ogata K, Discrete time control systems, P.H.I 4. Gopal M. , Digital Control and State Variable methods, TMH, 1997 5. Gopal M., Modern Control System Theory 6. Chen C.T., Linear system theory and design, New York,Holt Rinechart and Winston , 1984 7. Richard.C.Dorf and Bishop R.T, Modern Control System, P.H.I publishers
MEEPC 105-1 PROCESS CONTROL & AUTOMATION L T P C 3 0 0 3 Module 1: Process Modeling Introduction to Process control and process instrumentation-Hierarchies in process control systems-Theoretical models-Transfer function-State space models-Time series models- Development of empirical models from process data-chemical reactor modeling-. Analysis using MATLAB& SIMULINK
Module 2: Feedback & Feed forward Control Feedback controllers-PID design, tuning, trouble shooting-Control system design based on Frequency response Analysis-Direct digital design-Feed forward and ratio control-State feedback control- LQR problem- Pole placement -Simulation using MATLAB & SIMULINK-Control system instrumentation-Control valves- Codes and standards- Preparation of P& I Diagrams.
Module 3: Advanced process control Multi-loop and multivariable control-Process Interactions-Singular value analysis-tuning of multi loop PID control systems-decoupling control-strategies for reducing control loop interactions- Real-time optimization-Simulation using MATLAB & SIMULINK.
Module 4: Model predictive control-Batch Process control-Plant-wide control & monitoring Plant wide control design- Instrumentation for process monitoring-Statistical process control- Introduction to Fuzzy Logic in Process Control-Introduction to OPC-Introduction to environmental issues and sustainable development relating to process industries. Comparison of performance different types of control with examples on MATLAB and SIMULINK
References: 1. Seborg, D.E., T.F. Edgar, and D.A. Mellichamp, Process Dynamics and Control, John Wiley , 2004 2. Johnson D Curtis, Instrumentation Technology, (7th Edition) Prentice Hall India, 2002. 3. Bob Connel, Process Instrumentation Applications Manual, McGrawHill, 1996. 4. Edgar, T.F. & D.M. Himmelblau, Optimization of Chemical Processes, McGrawHill Book Co, 1988. 5. Macari Emir Joe and Michael F Saunders, Environmental Quality Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997. 6. Nisenfeld(Ed) batch Control, Instrument Society of America, 1996. 7. Sherman, R.E.(Ed), Analytical instrumentation, Instrument Society of America, 1996. 8. Shinskey, F.G., Process Control Systems: Applications, Design and Tuning(3rd Edition) McGrawHill Book Co, 1988
MEEPC 105-2 OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR ENGINEERING L T P C APPLICATIONS 3 0 0 3 Module 1: Linear programming Statement and classification of optimization problems- overview of optimization techniques standard form of linear programming problems-Definitions and theorems-Simplex method- Revised simplex method-Duality and Dual simplex method-Sensitivity analysis.
Module 2: Unconstrained dimensional optimization techniques Necessary and sufficient conditions-search methods(unrestricted Fibonacci and golden)- Interpolation methods(Quadratic, Cubic and direct root method).Direct search methods-Random search-pattern search and Rosen Brock’s hill climbing method-Descent methods-Steepest descent, conjugate gradient, Quasi Newton and DFE method.
Module 3: Constrained optimization techniques & dynamic programming Necessary and sufficient conditions-Equality and inequality constraints-Kuhn-Tacker conditions- Gradient projection method-cutting plane method-Penalty function method(Interior and exterior).Principle of optimality-recurrence relation-Computation procedure-continuous dynamic programming.
Module 4: Recent developments in optimization techniques Rosenbrocks Rotating Coordinate Method-Tabu search-Simulated Annealing-Genetic Algorithm-Particle Swarm Optimization –Ant colony Optimization-Bees Algorithm.
References: 1. Rao S.S, Optimisation:Theory and Application, Wiley Eastern Press 2. Pierre, D.A., Optimisation, Theory with Applications, John Wiley & Sons 3. Fox, R.L., Optimisation method for Engineering Design, Addition Wesley 4. Hadely,G., Linear Programming, Addition Wesley 5. Bazaara & Shetty, ‘Non-linear Programming’ 6. Goldberg D.E. , Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesly, 1989. 7. Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Miniezza and Alberto Colorni, “Ant System:Optimization by a colony of Cooperation Agent”, IEEE transaction on system man and Cybernetics-Part B:cybernetics, Volume 26, No 1, pp. 29-41,1996. 8. Shi, Y. Eberhart, R.C., “A Modified Particle Swarm Optimizer”, Proceedings of the IEEE International conference on Evolutionary Computation, Anchorage, AK, pp. 69-73, May 1998 9. Recent literature should also be referred
Module 1 Pattern classification –Learning and generalisation-structure of neural networks – ADA line and Mada line-perceptrons .Linear separability – Back propagation – XOR function-Backpropagation algorithm-Hopfied and Hamming networks- Kohensen’s network-Boltzmenn machine-in and out star network – Art 1 and Art 2 nets-Neuro adaptive control applications-ART architecture – Comparison layer – Recognition layer – ART classification process – ART implementation – Examples
Module 2 Character recognition networks, Neural network control application, connectionist expert systems for medical diagnosis Self organizing maps-Applications of neural algorithms and systems -Character recognition networks, Neural network control application, connectionist expert systems for medical diagnosis -Different faces of imprecision – inexactness, Ambiguity, Undecidability, Fuzziness and certainty, Probability and fuzzy logic, Intelligent systems.
Module 3 Fuzzy sets and crisp sets - Intersections of Fuzzy sets, Union of Fuzzy sets, the complement of Fuzzy sets. Fuzzy reasoning - Linguistic variables, Fuzzy propositions, Fuzzy compositional rules of inference- Methods of decompositions, Defuzzification.
Module 4 Methodology of fuzzy design - Direct & Indirect methods with single and multiple experts, Adaptive fuzzy control, Rule base design using dynamic response. Fuzzy logic applications to engineering, Fuzzy decision making, Neuro-Fuzzy systems, Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms.
References: 1. Martin T. Hogan , Howard B.Demuth, M, ’Neural network design’ 2. Zuroda, J.M.,’Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems’, Jaico publishing house, Bombay, 1994. 3. Zimmermann, H.J., ‘Fuzzy set theory and its applications’, Allied publishers limited, Madras,1966 4. Klir, G.J., and Folge., T., ‘Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information’, PHI, New Delhi,1991. 5. EarlCox,,’The Fuzzy Systems Handbook’, AP professional Cambridge, MA 02139, 1994. MEEPC 105-4 DATA ACQUISITION AND SIGNAL CONDITIONING L T P C 3 0 0 3 Module 1: Transducers & Signal Conditioning Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) - Introduction. Objectives of DAS. Block Diagram Description of DAS- General configurations - Single and multichannel DAS-Transducers for the measurement of motion, force, pressure, flow, level, dc and ac voltages and currents (CTs, PTs for supply frequency as well as high frequency, Hall Effect Current Sensors, High Voltage Sensors , Optosensors, Rogowski Coil, Ampflex Sensors etc.) - Signal Conditioning: Requirements - Instrumentation amplifiers: Basic characteristics . Chopped and Modulated DC Amplifiers-Isolation amplifiers - Opto couplers - Buffer amplifiers .Noise Reduction Techniques in Signal Conditioning- Transmitters .Optical Fiber Based Signal Transmission-Piezoelectric Couplers- Intelligent transmitters.
Module 2: Filtering and Sampling
Review of Nyquist.s Sampling Theorem-Aliasing. Need for Prefiltering-First and second order filters - classification and types of filters - Low -pass, High-pass, Band-pass and Band-rejection and All Pass: Butterworth, Bessel, Chebyshev and Elliptic filters. Opamp RC Circuits for Second Order Sections-Design of Higher Order Filters using second order sections using Butterworth Approximation-Narrow Band pass and Notch Filters and their application in DAS. Sample and Hold Amplifiers
Module 3: Signal Conversion and Transmission Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC)-Multiplexers and demultiplexers - Digital multiplexer . A/D Conversion. Conversion Processes, Speed, Quantization Errors . Successive Approximation ADC . Dual Slope ADC . Flash ADC . Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC) . Techniques, Speed, Conversion Errors, Post Filtering- Weighted Resistor, R-2R, and Weighted Current type of DACs- Multiplying Type DAC-Bipolar DACs-Data transmission systems-Schmitt Trigger- Pulse code formats- Modulation techniques and systems-Telemetry systems.
Module 4: Digital Signal Transmission and Interfacing DAS Boards-Introduction. Study of a representative DAS Board-Interfacing Issues with DAS Boards, I/O vs Memory Addressing, Software Drivers, Virtual Instruments, Modular Programming Techniques for Robust Systems, Bus standard for communication between instruments - GPIB (IEEE-488bus) - RS-232C- USB-4-to-20mA current loop serial communication systems. Communication via parallel port . Interrupt-based Data Acquisition. Software Design Strategies-Hardware Vs Software Interrupts-Foreground/ background Programming Techniques- Limitations of Polling. Circular Queues
1. Ernest O Doeblin., "Measurement Systems: Application and Design", McGraw Hill ( Int. edition) 1990, ISBN 0-07-100697-4 2. George C.Barney, "Intelligent Instrumentation “, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. 3. Ibrahim, K.E., "Instruments and Automatic Test Equipment", Longman Scientific & Technical Group Ltd., UK, 1988. 4. John Uffrenbeck, "The 80x86 Family ,Design, Programming, And Interfacing", Pearson Education, Asia,
5. Bates Paul, "Practical digital and Data Communications with LSI", Prentice Hall of India, 1987.
6. Clayton, G.B. .Operational Amplifiers.,Butterworth &Co,
7. Ray A.K et. Al ,.Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals., Tata McGrawHill, 8. Oliver Cage, .Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation., McGraw-Hill, ( Int. edition) 1975, ISBN 0-07-085544-7
MEEPC 106-1 POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND L T P C MODELLING 3 0 0 3 Module 1: Power switching devices overview Attributes of an ideal switch, application requirements, circuit symbols - Power handling capability – SOA - Device selection strategy – On-state and switching losses – EMI due to switching - Power diodes – Types - forward and reverse characteristics - switching characteristics – rating - Schottky Diode
Module 2: Current Controlled Devices Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) – Construction, Device Physics, static characteristics, switching characteristics; Negative temperature co-efficient and secondary breakdown; Power Darlington - Thyristors – Physical and electrical principle underlying operation - Gate and switching characteristics - converter grade and inverter grade and other types - series and parallel operation - comparison of BJT and Thyristor – steady state and dynamic models of BJT & Thyristor.
Module 3: Voltage Controlled Devices Power MOSFETs and IGBTs – Principle of voltage controlled devices, construction, types, Device physics, Static and Switching Characteristics- Steady state and dynamic models of MOSFET and IGBTs - Basics of GTO, MCT, FCT, RCT and IGCT.
Module 4: Firing and Protection Circuits Necessity of isolation, pulse transformer, optocoupler – Gate drives circuit: SCR, MOSFET, IGBTs and base driving for power BJT - Over voltage, over current and gate protections - Design of snubbers. Thermal Protection - Heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation - Cooling – liquid cooling, vapour – phase cooling - Guidance for hear sink selection – Thermal resistance and impedance -Electrical analogy of thermal components, heat sink types and design – Mounting types.
References: 1. Kassakian J G et al, Principles of Power Electronics, Addison Wesley 2 Williams. B W, Principles and Elements of Power Electronics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 3. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robins, Power Electronics – Concepts, Applications and Design, JohnWiley and Sons, Singapore 4. Singh M D, Khanchandani, K B Power Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill
Module 1: Calculus of variations Introduction. Optimal control problem formulation. - performance measure for optimal control problems -Calculus of variations- Fundamental concepts . Functional of single function. Euler - Language equation . Transversality conditions . Vector case with various boundary conditions . Piecewise, smooth extremals . constrained extremisation of functionals.
Module 2: Variational approach to optimal control problems Variational approach to optimal control problems. Necessary conditions for optimal control with different boundary conditions . Linear regulator problem . Tracking problem . Pontryagin.s minimum principle . state inequality constraints . Minimum time problems . Minimum control Effort problems.
Module 3: Dynamic programming Dynamic programming: Principle of optimality. Application to multi stage decision making . Optimal control example. Recurrence relation of dynamic programming., curse of dimensionality .discrete linear regulator problem . Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman equation. Continuous linear regulator problem.
Module 4: Model Reference Adaptive systems Model Reference Adaptive systems (MRAS) . The need for MRAS . An over view of adaptive control systems. Mathematical description of MRAS. Design hypothesis. Equivalent representation of MRAS . Introduction to design method based on the use of Liapunov function.
1. Donald E. Kirk, Optimal Control Theory, An introduction, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Sage, A.P. Optimum Systems Control, Prentice Hall.
3. HSU and Meyer, Modern Control . Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill.
4. Yoan D. Landu, Adaptive Control (Model Reference Approach), Marcel Dekker.
MEEPC 106-3 EMBEDDED CONTROLLERS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Module 1 C Programming of microcontrollers Review of 8051 assembly language-Introduction to C51 language-keywords-structures-super loop-timer and interrupt programming-single programs for interfacing LED,LCD display, keyboard and stepper motor control
Module 2: PIC processors RISC concepts - PIC processors- overview-18F458 - Architecture – Elementary Assembly Language Programming- Interrupts – Timers – Memory – I/O ports – SPI – I2C bus - A/D converter - USART- PWM – Interfacing. Introduction to FPGA Devices.
Module 3: DSP architecture Introduction to DSP architecture- computational building blocks - Address generation unit- Program control and sequencing- Speed issues- Harvard Architecture, Parallelism, Pipelining.
Module 4: TMS 320F2407 Architecture- Addressing modes- I/O functionality, Interrupts, ADC, PWM, Event managers- Elementary Assembly Language Programming- Typical applications-buck boost converter, stepper motor control- Software and Hardware Development Tools. References: 1. Mazidi and Mazidi. Embedded system design using 8051 Microcontroller, Pearson- 2005 2. Mazidi,PIC Microcontrollers 3. Scott Mckenzie I,8051 Microcontroller programming,Pearson Education 4. Sen M Kuo, Woon .Seng. Gan, Digital signal Processors-Architecture, implementation and applications, Pearson, 2005 5. Toliyat. H.A., Campbell S., DSP based Electro Mechanical Motion Control, CRC Press-2004 6. Avtar Singh and. Srinivasan S, Digital Signal Processing, Thomson- Brooks - 2004 7. Phil Lapsley, Bler, Sholam, E.A.Lee, DSP Processor fundamentals, IEEE Press -1997 8. Wayne Wolf, FPGA based System Design, Pearson - 2004 9. Scott Hauck, The Roles of FPGAs in Reprogrammable Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 86, No. 4, pp. 615-639, April, 1998.
MEEPC 106-4 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION L T P C 3 0 0 3 Module 1: Biopotentials in the Body Bio-Electric phenomena and neurons - origin of biopotentials - transduction of bio-potentials - electrodes - conduction in nervous system - SD curve -Bio electric events - electro cardiography phonocardiography- electro encephalography- electromyography - Electro dermal phenomena- galvanic skin response - Impedance plethysmography - blood flow determination by dye-dilution technique - electromagnetic and ultrasonic blood flow meters.
Module 2: Medical Assist Devices Medical thermography - application of thermography - cardiac pace makers - cardiac defibrillators - Hemodialysis machine - function of the kidney - Artificial kidney - dialysers - membranes for hemodialysis .blood pumps. Ventilators .Infant incubators Module 3: Pulmonary Measurements Pulmonary function analyzers - pulmonary function measurement - spirometry - audiometers.
Pure tone audiometer - Measurement of pH, pCO2 & pO2 - Measurement of blood pressure - Ion sensitive field effect transistors. blood glucose sensors
Module 4: Lasers and Ultrasounds in Medicine Lasers in Medicine-X-ray machines-Physiotherapy and Electrotherapy-Short wave diathermy machine- Microwave diathermy machine - Ultrasonic therapy Unit - Pain relief through Electrical Stimulation .physiological effects of electricity .Electrical safety codes and standards
1. .Khandpur R.S Hand Book of Biomedical Instrumentation, -TMH.
2. Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation Geddes & Baker, Wiley Interscience.
3. Biophysical Measurements - Peter Strong, TEKTRONIX.
4. Joseph D. Bronzino Biomedical Engineering Hand book (IEEE Press book)
5. Leslie Cromwel, Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, Prentice hall.
6. Wells P.N.R Biomedical Ultrasonic. Academic Press,
7. Cobbold R Transducers for BIOMEDICAL Instruments,. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 8. Guyton A.C., 'Saunders W.B Text Book of Medical Physiology,.". MEEPC 107 POWER ELECTRONICS LAB L T P C 0 0 3 2 Objective: To develop practical skills in design of power electronic converters and applications to electric drives To provide an opportunity to experience the theory portions covered in various subjects in the laboratory LIST OF EXPERIMENTS A) HARDWARE 1. Single Phase Semi-converter with R-L load for continuous & discontinuous conduction modes 2. Single Phase Full-converter with R-L load for continuous & discontinuous conduction modes 3. Digital firing circuit 4. Three Phase Full-converter with R-L-E load 5. Controlled and Uncontrolled rectifier with different types of filters - continuous & discontinuous modes of operation 6. Transformer and Inductor design 7. Current & voltage commutated thyristorized chopper 8. MOSFET/ IGBT/Transistor based DC Choppers (Buck & Boost) 9. Half bridge square wave inverter 10. Single-phase Sine triangle PWM inverter 11. Single Phase AC Voltage Controller 12. Transfer function of armature controlled DC Motor 13. Microcontroller and DSP based control of dc-dc converters 14. Study of harmonic pollution by power electronics loads using power quality analyser
B) SIMULATION 1. 3-phase full converter and semi-converter with R, RL and RLE loads 2. 3-phase ac voltage controller 3. Closed loop control of DC-DC converter 4. 3-phase sine PWM inverter 5. Measurement of THD of current & voltage waveforms of controlled & uncontrolled 3- phase rectifiers.
MEEPC 108 SEMINAR – I L T P C 0 0 2 1
Each student shall present a seminar on any topic of interest related to the core / elective courses offered in the first semester of the M. Tech. Programme. He / she shall select the topic based on the references from international journals of repute, preferably IEEE journals. They should get the paper approved by the Programme Co-ordinator / Faculty member in charge of the seminar and shall present it in the class. Every student shall participate in the seminar. The students should undertake a detailed study on the topic and submit a report at the end of the semester. Marks will be awarded based on the topic, presentation, participation in the seminar and the report submitted .