Marysville U.S.D. 364 Board of Education Regular Board Meeting, May 10, 2010 6:00 p.m. Dr. William J. Oborny Media Center (Conference Room Phone Number 562-2946 or Mobile 713-1252)

1.0 Call to Order and Roll Call

2.0 Adoption of Agenda and Approval of the Consent Agenda Action Item 2.1 Additions to the Agenda 2.2 Approval of April Minutes 2.3 Approval of Bills 2.4 Approval of Monthly Transfers 2.5 Clerk’s Financial Report 2.6 Treasurer’s Report 2.7 Investment Securities Report 2.8 Miscellaneous Reports

3.0 Public Presentations – 6:05 P.M. 3.1 Citizen’s Open Forum 3.2 Ag Issues Forum (students) presentation (approximately 10 minutes) 3.3 Presentation from Kim Houtz on her acceptance to the 2010 National Teacher Leadership Academy: Ocean to be held in LaJolla, CA July 10-17, 2010. 3.4 MTSS Presentation on Interventions and a plan for Early Release 3.5 Gifts Action Item 3.5.1 Received $3,104.05 from Marshall County Arts Cooperative for a Kiln for the Art Department. 3.5.2 Received $237.39 from Marshall County Arts Cooperative for the Art field trip on November 12, 2009. 3.5.3 Received $500 from Partners In Education for Camp Invention. 3.5.4 Received $1,000 from R.L. or Elsa Helvering Trust/Guise-Weber Foundation for FBLA National Leadership Conference. 3.5.5 Blue Valley donated $150 to the senior class for counting ballots. 3.5.6 Thompson Lumber donated materials for the Art Show & Commencement.

4.0 Finance Goal 5: Ensure budget integrity by maintaining fiscally sound budget levels 4.1 Budget Spent Report Informational Item 4.2 Kids University Report Discussion/Action Item

5.0 Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment 5.1 Trane Energy Audit Discussion/Action Item 5.2 Declare items from the library as surplus to discard. Action Item 5.2.1 Apex DVD player 5.2.2 Overhead projector 5.2.3 Two Cassette players Board Meeting Agenda May 10, 2010 Page 2

6.0 Curriculum and Instruction Informational Item 6.1 Administrative Reports 6.1.1 High School 6.1.2 Junior High 6.1.3 Activity Director/Associate Principal 6.1.4 Elementary School 6.1.5 Special Services 6.1.6 Superintendent

7.0 Board of Education 7.1 Oehm Scholarship Recipient – Discussed and presented at the Board Meeting. Action Item 7.2 Request for Home School Participation in Sports Action Item 7.3 Parochial School Participation in Sports Action Item The board entered into a one-year cooperative agreement between Good Shepherd Lutheran School and USD #364 to participate in inter-scholastic activities and athletics for the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years. Recommendation is made to continue this agreement for 2010-11 school year. 7.4 Pony Express Learning Center Action Item

8.0 Personnel (Executive Session) 8.1 Resignations Action Item 8.1.1 David Graham – Vocational Agriculture 8.2 Appointment(s) Action Item 8.2.1 Secondary Special Education at Valley Heights 8.2.2 Elementary Special Education at Valley Heights 8.2.3 Vocational Agriculture 8.2.4 Driver’s Ed Aides (2) 8.2.5 Additional Driver’s Ed Driving Instructor 8.3 Extra Duty Appointments Action Item 8.4 Sixth Grade Proposal Personnel 8.5 Extended Contracts Requested Action Item 1. Jeanne Bruna (1 day) Vocational (Prepare for new pathways) 2. Jeanne Bruna (2 days) Vocational (State Department Requirements) 3. Gail Gilkerson (9 days) Nurse 4. Gretchen Golladay (4 days) Elementary Counselor 5. Gretchen Golladay (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) 6. Diana Habig (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) 7. Lynn Kracht (20 days) Librarian 8. Craig Lister (30 days) Vocation Education Supervision and Leadership 9. Deb Miller (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) Board Meeting Agenda May 10, 2010 Page 3 10. Deb Nelson (20 days) Elementary Library Aide 11. Cindy Mattingly (20 days) Secondary Library Aide

Extended Contracts Requested (continued) 12. Nancy Preuss (1 day) Vocational (Prepare for new pathways) 13. Nancy Preuss (2 days) Vocational (State Department Requirements) 14. Pat Seematter (21 days) Spectra, LEAMIS reports, workshops, WebKIDSS, personnel reports and paraprofessional in-service. 15. Jamie Slupianek (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) 16. Deb Stohs (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) 17. Sharon Vogelsberg (20 days) Librarian 18. Sharon Vogelsberg (2 days) School Improvement (MAP Data/State Assessment Data) 19. Tobias Wood (1 day) Parent/Teacher Conferences 8.6 Negotiations

9.0 General Discussion Informational Item 9.1 City of Marysville franchise fee on margin and volumetric gas transportation contracts.

10.0 Items for next month’s agenda Informational Item 10.1 Milk Bids 10.2 Oil Filter Bids 10.3 Fuel Bids 10.4 GAAP Waiver 10.5 Authorize to transfer and encumber funds 10.6 Special Education Contracts 10.7 Food Service agreements with St. Gregory’s & Good Shepherd

11.0 Adjournment Action Item