Template for BMJ Cases s1

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Template for BMJ Cases s1

Case Report Template

 All case reports MUST be submitted online using this template.  Tables, images and multimedia files must be uploaded separately on submission.  Articles should be no more than 2,000 words in length, and include a maximum of 10 references.  It is essential that you list the learning points of the case; these are the messages that readers should remember when dealing with their own patients.  You must have signed informed consent from patients (or relatives/guardians) prior to publication, using our consent form. If the patient is dead, the consent form is not required.  EDM Case Reports is an open access publication. Expenses such as peer review systems, journal production, online hosting, marketing and archiving are covered by a publishing fee. The publishing fee will only become payable upon acceptance of a manuscript and needs to be paid for an article to proceed to publication.

Publishing fees:  The standard publishing fee for accepted articles is £250.  Individual members of endorsing societies enjoy a special publishing fee of just £200.

Case report template © 2014 Bioscientifica Ltd Title of case report or series Maximum 20 words. Titles should be as short as possible while still informing the reader about the article content and engaging their interest. Please exclude redundant descriptions eg. ‘A case report and literature review’

Authors Provide all author names and affiliations. The corresponding author’s email address must be provided.

Summary Please provide a brief summary of the case report and context, which should be a single paragraph of no more than 250 words.

Learning points 3 to 6 bullet points highlighting the take home messages of the reported case. These should be clear learning points which readers can use to inform medical education or clinical practice.

Background Outline why this case is important and of interest to other clinicians in the field. Does it describe an unusual or novel occurrence, or a common health problem? The types of cases of interest include: . Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or mechanism of therapy . Unique or rare presentations of a disease . Novel diagnostic procedures or treatments . New or unexpected associations between symptoms and diseases . Presentations, diagnoses and/or management of rare or new diseases . Challenging diagnosis . Unusual or unexpected effects of medical treatment

Case presentation Presenting features, symptoms and signs, relevant demographic information, relevant medical history of the patient. If it is a case series, then details must be included for all patients. Provide appropriate images, however patient confidentiality must be maintained wherever possible.

Investigation Results of any relevant tests that were carried out, in particular those influencing decisions on patient management.

Treatment If relevant, provide a description of any treatment or intervention. Explain specific treatment decisions, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Give the generic name, dose and route of administration for drugs.

Outcome and follow-up Provide follow-up data to enable readers to clearly understand the case outcome. Please specify follow-up period.

Case report template © 2014 Bioscientifica Ltd Discussion This should not be a summary of other similar cases. Authors should describe the points of interest of the reported case and discuss in the context of information available in the literature, with reference to relevant publications.

Funding statement Please detail all of the sources of funding relevant to the research reported in the following format: ‘This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (grant numbers xxxx, yyyy); the Wellcome Trust (grant number xxxx); and Tommy’s Baby charity (grant number xxxx).’ Where research has not been funded please state the following: ‘This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.’

Declaration of interest Actual or perceived conflicts of interest for all authors must be declared in full. Please either (a) declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported; or (b) fully declare any financial or other potential conflict of interest.

Patient consent Include a statement confirming that written informed consent has been obtained from the patient (or patient’s guardian) for publication of the submitted article and accompanying images. Authors must also provide a signed copy of our consent form. If the patient is dead, a consent form is not required (though we recommend consent is sought from a relative).

Author contributions and acknowledgements Please include a statement specifying the contribution of each co-author. If the author is not the named physician of the patient please clarify involvement in the oversight of the reported case, or confirm you have permission of the physician who is responsible for the patient.

References All references cited in the text must be included in the reference list and vice versa. Cite references in the text in numerical order. References should be formatted as follows: 1. See RH, Calvo D, Shi Y, Kawa H, Luke MP & Yuan Z. Stimulation of p300-mediated transcription by the kinase MEKK1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001 276 16310– 16317. 2. Royer P. Hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism: biology and pathology. In Pediatric Endocrinology, edn 2, ch. 6. Pp 477-543. Eds J-C Job & M Pierson. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1991.

Legends to tables/figures/videos Insert text of legends to any figures or tables. Tables, images and videos should be uploaded separately during online submission.

Patient’s perspective We welcome comments from your patient; their own description of their experience may help other patients or clinicians who are dealing with a similar problem. If your patient would like to contribute please ensure they include only relevant personal details. Patients may describe their symptoms, how any tests and treatments affected them, and how the problem is now.

Case report template © 2014 Bioscientifica Ltd

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