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Penllergaer Primary School s1

Alma Park Primary School Summer Term 2015 Peace Mala Re- Accreditation Self Evaluation Form

A Peace Mala School is committed to placing the vision and message of Peace Mala at the heart-centre of its values system

The seven key areas for action

Area One Actions Evidence Becoming a Peace Mala  The message of Peace Mala continues to fit beautifully with the ethos at SIP School is part of the Alma Park Primary School. We have families in our school from over 26 Information for new whole School countries and who speak far more languages. We also have children with governors/parents Development Plan hearing impairments and other physical disabilities. At Alma Park we Christmas show (as per disc) approved by staff and promote tolerance and respect and the importance of making positive International Schools File the Governing Body. choices in life. Peace Mala was initially introduced to the school in the Pakistan school link skype photo This is shared with the Autumn of 2010. and visit schedule whole school  Members of Year Three and the school council were offered the Eco Schools File community. opportunity to make Peace Mala bracelets. In addition, the learnt about Centenary assembly photo A chosen year group the Peace Mala initiative during lessons and produced beautiful artwork. Healthy schools award photo will need to study and Our year 6 children continued to deepen their awareness of the message Entrance hall intro to Peace Mala explore Peace Mala by of peace and the need for tolerance and acceptance or our friends locally photo using the kits and (in school) and globally around the world. educational materials  Staff regularly present assemblies to pupils regarding a range of subjects during a particular term including, natural disasters, values, water aid, diversity and global every year. This citizenship. encourages Peace Mala  The school’s involvement in Peace Mala continues to be reported to continuity in the school governors and parents via newsletters. We have a designated Peace curriculum. The school Mala board. Our school website has a link to Peace Mala. Peace Mala will also share good continues to feature importantly in our SDP for 2015/2016. practice with other  Junior pupils study the major religions of the world as part of the school’s schools who are RE curriculum planning. This helps to promote the key message of Peace members of the global Mala. community of Peace  There are many school awards, events and activities that support this e.g. Mala. National Healthy Schools Awards, Eco Schools Award, Forest Schools, International Schools Award. Area Two Actions Evidence By engaging with Peace  School Assemblies focus on our school values. Major religious/faith Mala the school is festivals are celebrated in assemblies. Newsletter committed to education  The school curriculum focuses on global citizenship, world faiths, our Assembly sample for global citizenship environment and community cohesion. e.g. Fairtrade, Child Labour, Sample lesson and planning through the promotion Difference & Discrimination, Water Aid, Recycling & Waste issues. International Links of understanding,  Pupils have a good understanding of their rights and responsibilities Paralympic assembly notebook respect, friendship, through lessons, school activities, presentations and displays. Single Equality action plan tolerance and peace  The school has written policies and practices which support equality and Visit to local mosque between all diversity. ABC assembly, members, planning communities, cultures  The children display good empathetic skills towards those less fortunate. photos and enlightened,  All children at Alma Park understand deaf culture and can all use sign Newspaper article of valentines compassionate faiths. language to some degree. The children are taught to sign all of the songs project Peace Mala promotes that they learn at school. and encourages  We have children at Alma Park School who have physical disabilities. All community cohesion. children work alongside each other in a fully inclusive environment.  We have links with the local Catholic Primary school whose community is predominantly White British. We share ideas about the food, music, culture and lifestyles of the different families at Alma Park.  We have active links with schools in: China, Pakistan, Uganda,. Children learn about the life experiences and cultures of the children in these countries via research and information shared in letters and videoconferences.  During a visit from the head teachers of our linked school in Pakistan, we were able to share the Peace Mala message and enlighten them about all of the work that we have done around Peace Mala. Both visitors were delighted to receive their Peace Mala bracelets and information packs.  As part of our continued international schools work, we continue to send/share all of our Peace Mala work with the staff and children of Elegance School in Pakistan (ie photographs of events and activities).  During the Christmas period we united with Birchfields Primary and St. Richard’s RC Primary schools to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We were able to promote our Peace Mala message as a gift of friendship to be taken away. Area Three Actions Evidence By using Peace Mala in  Alma Park Primary School is a barrier free school therefore no part of the Single Equality Action plan the classroom, the physical environment would create a barrier for any individual. Positive Behaviour Policy school supports human  Bilingual members of staff are available at the start of each day to meet any International schools and global rights and helps needs that parent/carers may have. ’ awareness policy prevent bullying and all  Initiatives which have had a powerful impact upon pupils’ understanding of Safeguarding procedures forms of prejudice. how to keep safe include Healthy Schools, Eco-Schools, PASS survey, ABC Job description and Road Safety campaign, the School Council, PSHCE, Peace Mala, NHS information IMPs programme, Crucial Crew programme, and outside agency visitors’ End of term newsletter talks. Golden award  All staff at Alma Park work hard to promote positive behaviour through our Peace mala award values system, lunchtime behaviour activities, Positive Play and our Alma Park’s got talent general Code of Conduct at break times which was originally devised by Award our SLT in consultation with the School Council and other pupils. The Code is revised regularly and indicates that behaviour is a choice. Sanctions are fair and clear which allows for the consistent approach to managing challenging behaviour and sends a clear message on expected behaviour. Comprehensive behaviour strategies encourage positive behaviour/attitudes by nearly all pupils, who feel safe and respected in school. Most participate positively in learning and feel free from physical and verbal abuse in school. Lunch time supervisors select a Class and pupil of the Week Award. Restorative Practices (Circle Time, P4C, check- ins/checkouts) are used to solve disputes, challenge prejudice and equality and help pupils share their feelings. We also give weekly Golden Certificates to celebrate/recognise achievements and Peace Mala certificates to those children who have demonstrated acts of kindness.  Alma Park playground buddies and ABC members are Y6 pupils who apply for the job and undertake a two day training programme. Serious playground incidents are extremely rare.  The ABC lead anti-bullying whole school assemblies each year.  Incidences of bullying are extremely rare; when reported, they are effectively dealt with and always in partnership with parents/carers. There are procedures for pupils to anonymously report bullying. Pupils report low levels of incidents. The school has close links with local secondary schools to deal with community issues connected with bullying outside the school premises. Good behaviour is an outstanding feature of the school (OFSTED 2013), and frequently receives unsolicited positive comments from members of the public when children are out of school on trips. Classroom observation records frequently comment upon the high standard of good behaviour exhibited by children.  The PSHCE curriculum and Healthy schools agenda both promote safe and healthy lifestyles.  There are a variety of lunchtime and after school activity clubs that promote and encourage physical activity  Some KS2 classes lead an annual assembly to promote Fairtrade and they participate in a series of lessons around the theme ‘Fairtrade chocolate’.  We are currently updating our practice to adhere to the prevent duty law ie visitors, assemblies, lessons. Area Four Actions Evidence Peace Mala encourages  Alma Park holds an annual ‘School Grounds/Eco day’ to promote reusing, Ebola – Action Aid certificate the school to raise reducing and recycling in the school, community and environment in Cake sale letter awareness of issues of general. Valentines Peace Project - Fairtrade global interdependence  The school currently recycles cardboard, paper, textiles, plastic, tins and Roses and encourages active glass. We also compose fruit waste from the KS1 free fruit scheme. Children selling poppies compassion by learners  Alma Park Primary school participates in Red Nose Day and Children in Red nose day planning that will lead to positive Need. Whole school assemblies led by senior managers explain these WW1 Remembrance assembly changes locally and causes and pupils participate in fun activities to raise money for the photo globally. charities. Newsletter  The school promotes fair-trade and activities are built into the KS2 PSHCE Peace mala lesson planning / P4C curriculum. Global awareness curriculum yearly  In conjunction with their learning in PSHCE, Year 6 considered how their overview actions could help the wider world. As a result the school held a talent Macmillan fundraising letter show and proceeds went to the Ebola crisis. A make, bake, bring and buy Letter from international link school sale hosted by the year 6 children raised money for the people of Nepal. with our response Many children independently supported the ‘FREERICE.COM’ programme Photos – poppy appeal, WW1 to further support their global family. assembly, Fair Trade roses,  Different media (i.e. news reports and video) have been used to raise the Valentines peace project children’s awareness. newspaper article.

Area Five Actions Evidence Peace Mala encourages  The school hosted teachers from Pakistan in October 2014. In addition the Alma Park Peace Mala Song the celebration of school has been involved in a British Council Grant bid for teacher’s international Young voices photos cultural, racial and visits. African drumming photo at religious diversity  Pupils at various ages study some of the major world religions and compare community school fair through art, music, faiths and cultures including that of Humanism and consider the Peace Mala Photo of parent reflecting following drama and dance. message in relation to this. Both infant and junior pupils visit the local places of WW1 Remembrance assembly worship and enjoy the many visitors, both faith and non-faith. Poopy display photo from WW1  Many religious and cultural festivals are celebrated via our school assembly assembly programme and curriculum planning. Often individuals from the wider school Visit to local mosque community are invited in to join in with the celebrations relating to their Sample of pupils presentation on faith/culture. Children and staff from other school are invited to take part in these Sikhism celebrations eg Christmas, Peace Mala. Photo of Peace Mala/ Christmas  The Peace Mala rainbow as seen on the Peace Mal website, continues to light up production our school grounds. The children’s poems written in year 3 still have a high profile in school and are shared by the whole school community.  Year 4 children have created have piece of drama/ dance which their showcase in assemblies.  During their music lessons, Year 6 are composing their own piece of music to accompany the school Peace Mala poem.  The children in year 5 learn about certain aspects of African percussion music through African Djembe drumming lessons.

Area Six Actions Evidence With Peace Mala the  Alma Park Primary School has achieved Eco Green Flag status and International Forest school information school actively Schools Award twice, with the thirds ones pending this Summer. Nearly all Healthy schools photos promotes pupils’ attitudes to keeping healthy are very good. Levels of attendance at extra- School council/ peace ambassador environmental curricular activities are high. photos sustainability, healthy  The school has been used by the LA catering department as publicity to promote Eco code eating, and respect for school dinners. Lunchtime organisers give stickers or certificates for pupils with a all animals and wildlife. healthy lunchbox. The LA school meals service and school staff work closely to promote healthy lunch boxes. For International Food Week the pupils are served a range of traditional dishes from different countries of the world. The positive impact upon pupils’ attitudes to keeping healthy can be attributed to the school’s participation in the Healthy Schools programme, the work of the School Council and Eco-Committee, the curriculum including PSCHE and our range of extra- curricular activities. The school has the National Quality Award for Healthy Schools. Lunchtime choices by children are generally healthy and well-balanced.  The school’s planned PSHCE programme is enhanced by external visitors e.g. the local PCSO, NSPCC, School nurse, school dentist, Health Visitor, etc. This ensures that children gain a broad range of experiences designed to promote a healthy, safe lifestyle. Parents often comment that school-based learning has had an impact at home in promoting family health.  Success in sporting activities is very high. Access to sporting facilities is very good – swimming, tennis, athletics, playing fields, adventure trim trail and forest area. The school has a well-planned PSHCE scheme of work, promoting two hours of physical activity a week for KS2 pupils.  Almost all children indicate that they would be happy to talk with an adult at school if they had any concerns.  The school has a dedicated therapy room and has an extensive pastoral team that consists of a trained Counsellor, Play Therapist, Learning Mentors and TAs with specific emotional needs training.  Many parents state that the school’s beliefs and values have a positive impact upon their children.  The outdoor learning environment has been enhanced considerably to provide opportunities for physical activity. We have a forest/wild area, playing courts, outdoor classrooms, outdoor story telling areas, trim-trails, buddy benches. Sustainability is promoted successfully through our involvement in the Eco- Schools, Healthy Schools, waste minimisation and recycling projects and our successful gardening club and has impacted on pupils’ learning.  When children visit the Peace gardens they are expected to do so peacefully in order to show respect for the environment and the wildlife.  We are now a forest school and have had days to promote this to engage the school and wider community. This involves fire making skills, cooking, eating together, tree planting, jewellery making, weaving/basket making etc. All using resources from the environment.  Opportunities to develop an understanding of global citizenship have been extended through P4C, PSHCE and the sustainable schools programme.  Multicultural and global citizenship are well planned in a range of subjects and areas of learning and promoted through every aspect of our school life. The children often take the initiative to develop ideas and fundraise for global issues eg Nepal, Ebola.  Pupils across the school show respect for all animals and wildlife. Children have made bat and bird boxes for around the school grounds. Our wild flower garden was designed to attract minibeasts (rotting wood) and butterflies. Foxes, hedgehogs and squirrels are frequent visitors of our school grounds.  Unfortunately we have lost our lovely hens. However , we regularly invite visitors to school who bring livestock ie birds of prey and farm animals etc Area Seven Actions Evidence With Peace Mala the Alma Park joined the international Valentines Peace project this year. We Assembly log and presentations school encourages delivered fair trade roses (with individual messages of peace, to the local Alma Park peace song Peace Education by elderly people’s home, local businesses, and individuals on our local high School council/peace ambassador forming a School Peace street. during meeting photo Council and engaging As a whole school we celebrated the WW1 centenary with involvement from Peace displays photos in peace activities. every class. The finished projects can be seen to day in our school hall. Peace garden timetable Activities included, music, art, poetry, drama and song. Peace quotes notebook sample Our year 6 children are responsible each year for selling poppies to raise funds and to keep the memories alive of those who lost their lives for peace.

Overall Areas for Development:  Ensure that all children have the opportunity to experience and enjoy our school peace garden.  Continue to develop compassion between children in our school and beyond  Extend the number of year groups that have discreet Peace Mala lessons.

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